24 - Day 4

Placebo said:
LOL love the avatar, no prizes for guessing which diving twat that is ;)

Well ill go as far as to say he has a Christian name :)

Back to 24 there is one thing i think ive missed Whats happened to the stealth fighter that shot Air Force One down?
rockykabir said:
Mixed feelings about this one....Before I rant on, has it finished on Sky yet?

It finishes tonight so please be quiet til 11PM UK time.

I for one cant wait
Does this guy ever sleep? In my opinion a cop should rest if he wants to do his job as good as possible.
Great last two episodes I cant believe Tony is still alive they basically dangled his life in front of us for two episodes, and i cant believe i didnt recongnise the chick from day two!
Who is left to carry the show now? I cant exactly see either Edgar or Chloe in the field

There was no way you could have picked that woman out from Day 2, not unless you have a photographic memory.

Am I the only one who thought that Tony and Bint werent in that car when it exploded? For me that bit was a touch predictable
yeh it was obviuos, thats why it showed her going to their apartment. Good series all in all, but the middle bit were dragged out abit.
I think they made it predicatble on purpose with the car bomb thing, everybody who watches it has a 24 way of thinking we all had Tony down as a dead man so after the bomb i was still thinking he was in for the chop! Even up to the point where him and the guy from secret service were looking for jack in the basment of CTU!
Worst of the 4 series in my opinion. Too over the top, poor time keeping and you could see most of the "surprises" coming from a mile off. It was blatant Jack hadn't died, as there was no real dramatic music or anything. Still thought the plan they had could have backfired and he could've actually snuffed it. The speed in which they managed to crack Mandy annoyed me. It took them fucking ages to crack that cunt from the boat earlier in the series, yet a supervillain from 3 of the 4 series tells them everything within 10 minutes of getting caught.
Also, too many people going missing without much explanation. The boy Behrus especially, Marwan specifically wanted him for something, yet the last we saw of him was getting a chip removed from his head then nothing else.
Still a good watch like, but just nowhere near as gripping as the other 3. I was laughing throughout most of the deaths FFS. The only emotional bit was Jack saying goodbye to Tony and Michelle at the end.
I can't believe they're doing a 5th series. Just leave it where it is.
Oh, Jack shouting "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" at that helicopter was brilliant though.
I reckon 24 should now just be 4 for the next series.... ;) no more wasting weeks of your life waiting on the next bit, a mini series would be much better ;)
just checked in sendit.com 24 season 4 will be released on Aug. 8

for 40 pounds.
u can find it also in e-Bay , i won one yesterday for 24$ + shipping 24$.
Just got mine 24 DVD S-4,

im gonna start watching it tonight, last year Season 3 i finished in 3-4 days...

but ill take my time this time :D
Day 5 will be aired in January 06 in the US...

and i know i just watched first 4 episodes its addictive , ill wait till i get my Creative Vision Media Portable :D
Yeah, it's on episode 4 already!
I only seen till episode 2, but so far it looks great. Reminded my why I love this series. Jack Bauer looks even better now, not being bound by CTU rules and killing in cold blood even.
I've watched the first 5 episodes now and it's really good...and Bauer is even more of a bad ass.....good shit :D
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