Arsenal thread

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Wenger got fined £15,000 for calling van C*ntstelrooy a cheat.

The FA said his video evidence was unfounded... same video panel that pooed their pants with when they said there wasn't enough evidence to ban Beckham.

Oh well.. since Wenger got done, should have called him a F*cking Cheat. Roll on Feb.
This entire incident is completely beyond me...

Last time I checked it is illegal to stamp on a player's shin, in other words its cheating. So how is Van Kissedaboy NOT a 'cheat'? I mean its stating the f*ckin obvious isnt it? He cheated therefore he is a cheat, whats the problem?
Joystick said:
This entire incident is completely beyond me...

Last time I checked it is illegal to stamp on a player's shin, in other words its cheating. So how is Van Kissedaboy NOT a 'cheat'? I mean its stating the f*ckin obvious isnt it? He cheated therefore he is a cheat, whats the problem?
how is that cheating? It didnt gain him any advantage in the game, it was a foul, ashley cole does the same shit so does henry..... paddy is a cheat cause he dives.... thats different...
wenger is a fucking cry baby along with half of his team, if he had been on the other end of henry's free kick, he would have cried cheat... wah wah wah
I find this very hypocritical of Wenger. Especially when Vieira and Pires have both dived in key games through this case. Ruud is certainly not the only "cheat" in football.
csaunders said:
how is that cheating? It didnt gain him any advantage in the game, it was a foul, ashley cole does the same shit so does henry..... paddy is a cheat cause he dives.... thats different...
wenger is a fucking cry baby along with half of his team, if he had been on the other end of henry's free kick, he would have cried cheat... wah wah wah

Gotta love when the plastic mancs whine. What are you 10 years old? Grow up.
Joystick said:
This entire incident is completely beyond me...

Last time I checked it is illegal to stamp on a player's shin, in other words its cheating. So how is Van Kissedaboy NOT a 'cheat'? I mean its stating the f*ckin obvious isnt it? He cheated therefore he is a cheat, whats the problem?

so does that mean that your captain who is the most red carded player in the prem (lol and he's only been here since 98') is the biggest cheat in Prem history, after all amongst his crimes are spitting elbowing AND stamping.

Also the 50+ red cards against the goons since Wenger joined must also put you's up there as the biggest cheats in the prem....

IMHO as fergie told wenger after we beat you's (50 not out LMBO!!) get ya own players in order, lo and behold since then you's had two players sent off against PSV and Viera did the worst DIVE IVE EVER SEEN against LFC.

goons ey dont ya love em'
Wenger should be outsted for his comments of Ruud. Arrogant French prick has no respect for the English game. Him and his brigade of French dickheads can piss off, they will not be missed.
calm down, plenty of players do terrible fouls, the most recent and worst I can remember was Steven Gerrards rash lunge at a player, wasnt even a tackle just went for the player, it was in the CL game they had, he ripped a player then went to rip a second, and actually had ripped him but he thought he had lost possesion and just lunged at the guy.

SO I think Real Madrid are playing games here, first he talks of lauren and now its cole he wants, throwing money at Cole is useless isnt he a Arsenal player thru and thru??? i just couldnt see him leaving not now anyways and not for a few years.

Real madrid are playing games I think, wankers.
So Wenger gets a 15K fine, so what?? Hardly gonna hurt him is it?

Note to all the whining Utd fans who come on here and moan.

Yes we've had 50+ red cards in Wenger's reign. Yes Vieira is the most red carded player in prem history, Yes Pires\Vieira have dived. Whats ya point??

At the end of the day you are not exactly angels are you? Keane on Haaland, Cantona on Moncur, Cantona on a Palace fan (IMO the funniest thing on a pitch ever), VN on Legwinski, VN on Cole, VN on Ljungberg, Rooney diving at OT this season, I could go on.

All teams have had their "moments" of indiscipline, some more than most ;). But don't come on here slating us when you have been guilty of the same crimes at various other times. People in glass houses and all that.
csaunders said:
how is that cheating? It didnt gain him any advantage in the game, it was a foul, ashley cole does the same shit so does henry..... paddy is a cheat cause he dives.... thats different...
wenger is a fucking cry baby along with half of his team, if he had been on the other end of henry's free kick, he would have cried cheat... wah wah wah

You honestly expect a manager to call his own players cheats? My point is if Fergie had called Vieria a cheat for diving/getting sent off/spitting/farting or what ever, I wouldnt be crying blue murder and demanding a £15 grand fine. I mean FIFTEEN THOUSAND POUNDS! What's really disgusting is that 15 grand is nothing to Wenger, or anyone else in football, but thats an entirely different debate.

Look im not having a go at Ruud per-se, it might as well have been any player, but if you cheat you deserve to be called a cheat. And yes I am aware of Pires' antics, he's a bit of a cheat too, but I wouldnt demand 15 grand of any of you if you called him such. I just think football reprimands are a bit of a joke, the FA's desparate attempt to look in control and disciplinarian. Think about it from a logical perspective;

Ruud fouls Cole ---->FA = Three match ban for cheating.

Wenger calls Ruud a cheat ---->FA = Fine for calling him a cheat.


Osama Bin Laden is responsible for killing loadsa people, if I call him a terrorist will I get a 15 grand fine?
Bayern Munich then.....hmmm not sure about this. Its gonna be tough, but I fancy us against anyone over 2 legs. We need a strong performance in the first leg, if we are to go through.

Chelsea v Barca. Thats mouthwatering, now we will see how good Chelsea really are!
Joystick said:
You honestly expect a manager to call his own players cheats? My point is if Fergie had called Vieria a cheat for diving/getting sent off/spitting/farting or what ever, I wouldnt be crying blue murder and demanding a £15 grand fine. I mean FIFTEEN THOUSAND POUNDS! What's really disgusting is that 15 grand is nothing to Wenger, or anyone else in football, but thats an entirely different debate.

Look im not having a go at Ruud per-se, it might as well have been any player, but if you cheat you deserve to be called a cheat. And yes I am aware of Pires' antics, he's a bit of a cheat too, but I wouldnt demand 15 grand of any of you if you called him such. I just think football reprimands are a bit of a joke, the FA's desparate attempt to look in control and disciplinarian. Think about it from a logical perspective;

Ruud fouls Cole ---->FA = Three match ban for cheating.

Wenger calls Ruud a cheat ---->FA = Fine for calling him a cheat.


Osama Bin Laden is responsible for killing loadsa people, if I call him a terrorist will I get a 15 grand fine?

Whatever happened to free speech? Was D-Day for nothing?!?!?!
the real slim shady said:
Wenger should be outsted for his comments of Ruud. Arrogant French prick has no respect for the English game. Him and his brigade of French dickheads can piss off, they will not be missed.

Is it me, or do you have anything against France? Racism in football, hey?
From football365's media watch;

"It’s Official: Why We Should Be Able To Officially Call Ruud A Cheat
Mediawatch may doing the Arsenal manager a disservice, but it has the distinct impression that Arsene Wenger isn’t taking his misconduct charge entirely seriously.

Despite requesting a personal hearing, Wenger is not expected to attend his FA hearing in person. What's more, he has apparently refused to help compile his defence, claiming he still has no idea why he has been charged.

The reason, as you may have heard, is because he called Ruud van Nistelrooy "a cheat".

But Wenger’s incredulity is justified. Ruud is a cheat. But then again, so is every footballer who has ever taken to a football field.

After all, what is fouling but cheating? Or diving? Even encroaching at a free-kick is cheating. So too is taking a throw-in a yard from the where ball went out of play.

All Wenger has to do is find one instance of Ruud fouling or diving and his case will be won. And Mediawatch is confident that even the notoriously myopic Arsenal boss will be able to see one such incident…"

He said it a lot better than I did...
Joystick said:
You honestly expect a manager to call his own players cheats? My point is if Fergie had called Vieria a cheat for diving/getting sent off/spitting/farting or what ever, I wouldnt be crying blue murder and demanding a £15 grand fine. I mean FIFTEEN THOUSAND POUNDS! What's really disgusting is that 15 grand is nothing to Wenger, or anyone else in football, but thats an entirely different debate.

Look im not having a go at Ruud per-se, it might as well have been any player, but if you cheat you deserve to be called a cheat. And yes I am aware of Pires' antics, he's a bit of a cheat too, but I wouldnt demand 15 grand of any of you if you called him such. I just think football reprimands are a bit of a joke, the FA's desparate attempt to look in control and disciplinarian. Think about it from a logical perspective;

Ruud fouls Cole ---->FA = Three match ban for cheating.

Wenger calls Ruud a cheat ---->FA = Fine for calling him a cheat.


Osama Bin Laden is responsible for killing loadsa people, if I call him a terrorist will I get a 15 grand fine?
i just think wegner is a hypocrite thats my point, if your gonna call ruud a cheat then call out your own team, no i dont expect him to do that, thus he is a hypocrite, the point on paddy is astounding, here we have the biggest cheater in the history of the prem on HIS OWN TEAM, wenger should have just shut up and accepted defeat, if sir alex or any other manager did this i would be saying the same thing, this is about wenger not manu....
Wenger will never publicly slag off his own players, thats the way he is.

What you have to remember that what he said was in the heat of the moment, his first defeat in 49 league games. It was also a controversial defeat. Now I don't know how perfect a human being you are CSaunders, but Wenger is only human and not perfect. He was obviously pissed off with the manner of the defeat.

He's got his punishment so lets move on and forget about it.
What a goal by Sol Campbell who was a rock throughout.
Hard fought victory needed luck at times. But thats what champions are made of. ;)
Good win for the lads. We are back and now closing in on Chelski.
OBBB said:
Is it me, or do you have anything against France? Racism in football, hey?

I was a pioneer of kicking racism out of football ya seppo! and NO I don't hate all french people only those such as Wegner who are arrogant enough to show such disrespect neary all the time. The FA should throw the book at him, i've had a gutful of the way he carried on.
OBBB said:
Is it me, or do you have anything against France? Racism in football, hey?

I was a pioneer of kicking racism out of football ya seppo! and NO I don't hate all french people only those such as Wegner who are arrogant enough to show such disrespect neary all the time. The FA should throw the book at him, i've had a gutful of the way he carried on.
hah was that shot about 70mph or something, a rocket, still I thought the keeper would get it.

I think we missed on fire freddy today.

Flamini did very well today, impressed with his work rate and simple passing he shows.
By watching Arsenal these days seems like they always lose control in their midfield or is it because Vieira is over the hill? Henry's form simply needs to be improved, his shoot power is like a baby's.
A Roy Race "Rocket" from Sol yesterday - thought it would never stop it was hit so hard (and he kept it down)! Forgot that Sol used to be a striker when he started at Spurs. Anyway, good goal, fortunate win (I felt Portsmouth dominated). Wenger was looking tense and the midfield looks like it needs some work. BTW what do you think of your CL draw?
Alumnia played very well yesterday don't you think? Is it Bye Bye Jens?

crayon - Not sure about Portsmouth dominating, I mean they sat back and sucked us in for the entire 1st half at least. However they worked really hard and stuck to a very well mapped out game plan, they deserved a point at least.

Bayern Munich - I'll tell you after the first leg!
Great result for us, we were pretty lucky. Feel sorry for Newcastle, they have a great team, worked really hard, have a great ground and especially great fans, they really deserved something out of the game. Must be frustrating for a diehard geordie fan to go to see 7 home games without a win with the kind of players they have. Come on goons, don't worry about Chelsea and their billionaire daddy Roman, keep playing your football. 5 games unbeaten and why isn't anyone talking about us now?
gunnerglory said:
Great result for us, we were pretty lucky. Feel sorry for Newcastle, they have a great team, worked really hard, have a great ground and especially great fans, they really deserved something out of the game. Must be frustrating for a diehard geordie fan to go to see 7 home games without a win with the kind of players they have. Come on goons, don't worry about Chelsea and their billionaire daddy Roman, keep playing your football. 5 games unbeaten and why isn't anyone talking about us now?
its probably been expected that you would do this well, but also you barely scored on the worse defense in the prem.... You really didnt have too many chances, it seemend henry was no where in the second half, and van perise... well, not too sure about that lad... where is berkamp? Honestly i think you were lucky to get those three points, i think if kluivert and shearer had been healthy newcastle cold have put away some chances
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