Arsenal thread

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juventus11 said:
But Arsneal have proven to be a good team but they are starting to lose....

to bad for them CHEALSE WILL WIN THE CUp

no doubts that they are a decent team, they had a one off season last year but thats not enough....

still no back to back titles and as of yet no further than the 1/4 finals in the CL.

so, good team yes, great team NO!
Vannizzlefashizzal said:
and the prawn sarnies, cmon keano said that nearly 5 YEARS AGO, FFS is that the best you can do...

Well you won the treble back in the last century and you still drone on about it now. Hang on, isn't your current signature dedicated to it?? FFS it was 6 years ago!
Butatista said:
Well you won the treble back in the last century and you still drone on about it now. Hang on, isn't your current signature dedicated to it?? FFS it was 6 years ago!

lol are you really that stupid, your trying to compare a comment in a paper to an historic sporting achievment....

in that case fergie causing wenger to lose it tops last seasons title win cos its more recent......

goons ey....
Great article on, sums it up nicely me thinks..

Ferguson the Mad Manc rants again
Story by Brian Dawes 18 January 2005

So the demented Scottish megalomaniac is once again attempting to stir up trouble prior to our next meeting with his team. His unnecessary, provocative and tedious newspaper interview only had one purpose.

It was to deflect journalists, pundits, punters, armchair fans, referees and the Football Association once again away from the basic fact that United are no longer able to outplay Arsenal at pure football and so resort to kicking lumps out of the Gunners every time they meet. I’ve seen every one of Arsenals recent matches with United but the pre-determined, ugly and brutal treatment of Reyes when we last played at Old Trafford was beyond belief even by United’s standards. As of course was the pitiful compliance to the assassination by the inept Riley in that debacle. His was the most inept refereeing I’ve ever seen at an English game of football, and believe me that takes some doing. No wonder Fergusmoan wants a different story in the papers.
Having attended all our recent encounters with the dark forces I’ve seen Van Diver punch Freddie but saw no response from an inept Football Association despite it being seen on TV. I witnessed Van Diver give Lauren a forearm smash that went totally unpunished. I was there when the Neville sisters kicked seven shades of shit out of young Reyes without any protection from Riley. I saw Rooney con Riley for a penalty, not a difficult thing to do to Riley if you’re wearing a Manure shirt. Mine was also an excellent view of Forlan tumbling down in slow motion for a penalty that should never have been. Miraculously I saw Van Diver fail to break Ashley Cole’s leg. Witnessing Van Diver knee Vieira in the back to provoke a response was hardly the shock of my life, neither, given that it was at Old Trollop, was the referee’s reaction. Mine was also a clear view when Van Diver stamped on Keown’s foot. There are many more incidents of course, but what’s the point?

Every one of these crimes was a despicable display of abject nastiness and they were all a reflection on a manager who is a bully. However all Ferguson has to do in order to divert attention away from Thug United is to shout loud enough about anything other than his team’s misdemeanours. The press then fall over them selves in a rush to appease the old scroat by crawling up his arse and repeating like a mantra any tripe he regurgitates. It’s how United, and in particular Ferguson, have been getting away with blue murder, or should that be red murder, for ages. It cost Wenger £15,000 to call a cheat a cheat. It costs Ferguson nothing but a phone call to a Manc journalist to stir things up again and again and again.

After throwing petrol on the fire the press are beginning to call for an end to the constant bickering between top managers. I’m quite sure Arsene would like nothing more than for Ferguson to shut the feck up! But it’s not bickering is it? It’s Ferguson coming out with a load of claptrap and Wenger responding by saying that it is claptrap. This claptrap comes from a man desperate to deflect attention from the fact that despite all his heavy spending he has failed to replace his ageing squad with anything like the quality it used to contain. No one, well apart from Leeds and Ranieri of course, could spend that much cash and fail to have a side challenging at the top. Being third best does not suit your average megalomaniac and it certainly doesn’t go down too well with a supreme megalomaniac like the Gorbals gob.

Le Boss has now determined that he will no longer respond to ‘that man’. I’m not sure however that Wenger should remain silent when Ferguson spouts out yet more pure unadulterated drivel. Mainly because I happen to believe that the rants of a dictator should never go unanswered or more importantly unopposed. I also think that perhaps Arsene has now created a problem for himself because having stated that he won’t be drawn into any further responses by the Mad Manc Monster it is going to be awfully difficult to maintain that admirable posture. Not responding to taunts, provocation, lies, innuendo and verbal diarrhoea must surely leave the field open for old bluenose to rant on all he likes without fear of the inevitable clever put down. Which is pretty well where he stood prior to Wenger’s arrival in England. Not replying and leaving the inept FA to respond to the old goat’s rants is surely either a total waste of time or a massive act of unjustified faith in the Football Association.

Ferguson is acting more and more like the dinosaur he so obviously is and the sooner someone explains to him that he’s extinct the better. My opinion is that the Football Association have never been able to cope with Ferguson and probably never will, so it won’t be them who point out that he is the only creature remaining from the Jurassic period. Far more probable is a P45 from his employers when he fails to produce the goods again this season. So there’s hope yet Arsene, you may only have to tolerate him for another five months.
once again gooner rants have holes bigger than the current title defense.

The great thing about television is we can go through the video. If you look at the overall picture of the game, they had more bookings than us, more fouls than us, and in my opinion the worst fouls in the game. [Jose Antonio] Reyes has complained he was kicked off the pitch. There were four fouls on Reyes, one from Wayne Rooney, one from Phil Neville and two from Gary Neville. Four fouls in the whole match - that hardly constitutes being 'kicked off the pitch'. There were six fouls on [Cristiano] Ronaldo and one of the worst was from Reyes. Patrick Vieira did six fouls before the one he was booked for, a cynical one on Ryan Giggs in the second half. To say the least that is stretching the referee's tolerance. He's the captain. He almost refereed the game that day, or tried to. Wenger's quote on the morning of the game: 'I can't promise my players will behave themselves', was a terrible message in relation to what happened the previous year. In the opening 45 seconds Cole has gone out and done Ronaldo. I'm not complaining. Football is a competitive game. Great forwards like Ronaldo always get tackled. But that set the benchmark. The referee [Mike Riley] could easily have booked Cole after 45 seconds but what would that have done to the game? The referee tried his very best to have control and allow the game to flow, which is great credit to him.

"We tend to forget that the worst disciplinary record of all time was Arsenal's up until last season. Everybody hoped that the watershed for them would be that game at Old Trafford when Van Nistelrooy was attacked by their players. In fairness to them it has improved. They had been up to all sorts, manhandling referees, spitting at players. Yet they are now seen as paragons of virtue. To Wenger it never happens, it is all some dream or nightmare. People forget he was done for manhandling a referee [fourth official Paul Taylor in August 2000]. He got a 12-match suspension [and fine of four weeks' wages] wiped out to a [£10,000] fine [on appeal, the charge having been downgraded].
Erm, couple things. Firstly, I really wish that United fans and Gunners fans could just get over each other, and respect that both teams are pretty evenly matched, and both are very competitive. I fully agree that Ferguson is an idiot for talking about an incident months ago, but also fully agree that Wenger is an idiot for talking about it for 2 weeks following the match. The two coaches need to somehow calm their players, not get them to hate the opposition more. What is this hatred doing to the England squad? How can we expect Cole and Cambell to just play nicely with Neville and Ferdinand if the coaches (and indeed the press) are trying to divide them so much? What purpose does it really serve? This is a far cry from getting the players 'psyched' for the game, this is making them want to hurt the other team.

@Butatista: That article has about as much credibilty as one written by a bible belt republican supporting the war on iraq. Articles like that are as much of a problem as teh coaches themselves. Are United dirty sometimes? Sure. Are Arsenal dirty sometimes? Sure. Is football inherently a physical, aggressive game? Sure. To claim that either team is any more innocent in recent years is a joke, and I think both deserve serious criticism for their actions.

A rivalry is great, but seriously, it should be about who plays better football on the pitch. I thought that man u's recent match with liverpool, and Arsenal v Chelsea both summed up what rivalry should be. Great football, competive, enthusiastic, but not dirty. In the end, neither team is going to win the premiership this year, so lets make the match a great one, not one ruled by controversy.
Some fair points from Vannizzle and Beachryan there. The atricle was from an Arsenal website, so of course its going to be biased. I posted it in the Arsenal thread to create opinions and discussions and it certainly did that. After all that is what makes football so great, opinions.

I feel that a lot of the issues surrounding the up and coming match are the fault of the "hungry for blood" media who have hyped this one up to the hilt. There was an article on Sky Sports this morning, saying that the touchline battle (sorry discussions!!) between AW and AF will be almost as good as the match itself!! Don't be surprised to see Sky Active put a "touchline cam" on them. I have a feeling the fourth official will have an important job to do on Feb 1st.

Hopefully though we can have a decent, clean game with good football being played, and of course Arsenal winning!!
The last game agianst man u would have been totally different if the ref did his job. The single and most pivotal point of that game was when Rio was the last defender and blatantly fouled the arsenal player from behind to stop him being clear on at goal. I f the ref had of done his job rio would have been off the pitch early and wouldn't have got the man of the match, which man u needed to win the game.

I am in no doubt we would have beaten man u that day if Rio hadnt have got away with that. But oh well thats football, we will just have to beat them on 1st Feb to shut the Man u fans up.
Butatista said:
Hopefully though we can have a decent, clean game with good football being played

couldnt agree with you more mate.

Dont get me wrong I have a laugh at the two managers having digs at each other and I personally love banter with other supporters but IMHO I think it was the arsenal players who took it too far throwing food and all that.

But thats done now, with the quality of players that both teams have got lets hope on Feb 2nd we're talking bout the football!!
Vannizzlefashizzal said:
I think it was the arsenal players who took it too far throwing food and all that.

Do you actually believe that happened? Lets look at the facts:

1. Why would there be soup and pizza in the Arsenal dressing room, is this the diet of super fit athletes?
2. I dunno about you but after playing for 90 mins the last thing I want to do is eat pizza or drink some hot soup. (Granted I might wanna throw it when a 49 game unbeaten run comes to an end!!)
3. There is allegedly CCTV in the Old Trafford tunnel. Surely if a food fight did take place, then this footage would have been leaked by now as it would be complusive viewing. These sort things usually come out. 3 months since the incident and still nothing.

I am convinced, so are a lot of Gooners that SAF made all this up just to deflect the media attention away from the fact that on the day, the referee made 2 howlers that handed Utd the game, Rio should have walked and he gave Rooney a soft a penalty.

So, if a food fight did happen, wheres the evidence????
I agree with point 1 and 3, but its true that after doing alot of sports youre appetite is increased. Ive played football on a team for almost 2/3 years, and after every game most players had a huge appetite. One of the common things were ice cream.

After running around for our 80 minute games, we felt the loss of suger and energy, which caused the hunger. I'd assume its the same for footballers because playing for 90 minutes does use up your energy. So it might be possible.
Butatista said:
Do you actually believe that happened? Lets look at the facts:

1. Why would there be soup and pizza in the Arsenal dressing room, is this the diet of super fit athletes?
2. I dunno about you but after playing for 90 mins the last thing I want to do is eat pizza or drink some hot soup. (Granted I might wanna throw it when a 49 game unbeaten run comes to an end!!)
3. There is allegedly CCTV in the Old Trafford tunnel. Surely if a food fight did take place, then this footage would have been leaked by now as it would be complusive viewing. These sort things usually come out. 3 months since the incident and still nothing.

I am convinced, so are a lot of Gooners that SAF made all this up just to deflect the media attention away from the fact that on the day, the referee made 2 howlers that handed Utd the game, Rio should have walked and he gave Rooney a soft a penalty.

So, if a food fight did happen, wheres the evidence????

yes it did happen, people have admitted it, fergie was seen with the thrown food on him.

1. as the exeter people said after being so well looked after, that there was a big buffet waiting for them, including pizza etc.

2.thats you, all the other teams that visit are pleased to tuck into scran.

3. It didnt happen in the tunnel, it happened in the passage leading to the changing rooms, which is alot narrower than the tunnel.

So what you think you are convinced of is bollocks.

arsenal (the dirtiest team in prem history by the way) comitted more fouls, got more bookings.

wenger said reyes was kicked over the pitch, yet ronaldo was fouled more times.

what is it with goons ignoring FACT!

The quicker you accept that your team of invincibles embarrased themselves and the club the quicker you's can move on cos at the mo you's look daft.
Vannizzlefashizzal said:
The quicker you accept that your team of invincibles embarrased themselves and the club the quicker you's can move on cos at the mo you's look daft.

I agree. I think Arsenal's poor form is to do with the unbeaten run. Everytime you lot win a game, everyone talks about "going on another unbeaten run". If Arsenal get back to looking at games one at a time, then they'll hit good form again.
Vannizzlefashizzal said:
yes it did happen, people have admitted it, fergie was seen with the thrown food on him.

1. as the exeter people said after being so well looked after, that there was a big buffet waiting for them, including pizza etc.

2.thats you, all the other teams that visit are pleased to tuck into scran.

3. It didnt happen in the tunnel, it happened in the passage leading to the changing rooms, which is alot narrower than the tunnel.

So what you think you are convinced of is bollocks.

arsenal (the dirtiest team in prem history by the way) comitted more fouls, got more bookings.

wenger said reyes was kicked over the pitch, yet ronaldo was fouled more times.

what is it with goons ignoring FACT!

The quicker you accept that your team of invincibles embarrased themselves and the club the quicker you's can move on cos at the mo you's look daft.

He He you make me laugh pal.

Firstly, what people admitted the food fight happened? Utd people? What a surprise!!

If fergie had food all over him (an absolutely hilarious sight that would be) why haven't we seen an evidence of this? CCTV footage, pictures etc?

Yes we made more fouls, bookings etc. If the ref was doing his job correctly, you would have had a RED card for Rio and a Yellow for Rooney diving which would have evened things up. Yes our disaplinary record over 10 years is poor, but over the last 2 years we have improved immensely. In fact we won the Fair Play award last season!! Thats a fact.
Shorts - white.
Socks - Balck and white.

The kit will grow on me but the initiative to do it is excellent.
Wont we look like Man United with white shorts and black socks?

I love the shirt though anyway... nice change.
jogi said:
Can't believe no one has mentioned it yet, but Sol has signed a new contract. Great news and should be a good boost for the team. Lauren also signed yesterday. (Big image)

This is the old kit from 1913 apparently, the colors were added in afterwards, but those were it. It seems to me that the socks are more maroon than black.

Pascal Cygan looking as snazzy as ever in the bottom left corner.
Arsenal 1-0 Newcastle

Unbelievable. How the fuck wasn't that more than 1-0. Henry hasnt scored in 5 now, his worst run for 2 and a half years. Vieira was brilliant, but Shay Given was amazing. Lets buy him.
Great result and it feels like we're playing like we did last season. Vieira was immense but seriously.. what heppened to Henry. He hasn't been himself all season. Fair enough he was scoring goals at he start but he has been a shadow of what he was last season. There's no uregency about him anymore.. he always looks like he can't be bothered. There was an example tonight where he toe-poked the ball for a tap in instead of a curling side-footer.. that summed him up for me this season.
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