FIFA 16 new Camera packs

My friend, have you noticed that the cameras in this pack reverse the side of the pitch?.
When the ball goes out of play, the cameras switched back to the default side.
My friend, have you noticed that the cameras in this pack reverse the side of the pitch?.
When the ball goes out of play, the cameras switched back to the default side.

Yes. The M in the camera name stands for the other side of the pitch. I found it quite cool since you can see teams bench and coach on the side of the pitch. When the ball goes out of the pitch the camera reverse to the default camera you are using in your game settings (which can't be on the opposite side of the pitch). But it returns to the opposite side as soon as the gameplay camera goes back right?

If you don't like that. it is very easy to edit those M camera to make them on the normal side. You just need to remove the M (and the space before it) in the cameraName inside the CameraInstance block of the package_gameplay_camera.xml.

Example, change:
<property name="cameraName" type="string" value="Broadcast Main M" />
<property name="cameraName" type="string" value="Broadcast Main" />

In the future I will edit the out of the ball camera to match the gameplay camera, so we don't get those focus changes and so on. It will look way more fluid.

What about the throw in and CK bug? Did you experience any of that?

Something to keep in mind if you use created stadiums. Broadcast cams I am sharing might not work because of the camera being placed behind the stadium structure. You know it is all those stadiums where you see the back of the crowd in the intro of the game. The camera behaviour will be essentially the same. It doesn't happen with the Iso type of camera because we can force the camera to not display the upper part of the structure (using contextual FX
<property name="PropertyName" type="string" value="renderfxmaterial" />
<property name="VariableName" type="string" value="RenderFXContext" />
) .
It doesn't work with broadcast cam unfortunately. Iso cam types seems way more flexible in general. For example height offset edit do work with them too. I will try to release more of them.
Great news, I like the Iso cam. Only one question: Do you'll release also a HD version of them?

Yes, I can, that's not the difficult part of the camera editing process. You should just keep in mind that 1) HD cam can cause interaction with stadium structure in some created stadiums. 2) You need a high specs PC to run them if you don't want micro stuttering, particularly with moderately to highly zoomed out cameras.
In the future I will edit the out of the ball camera to match the gameplay camera, so we don't get those focus changes and so on. It will look way more fluid.

Is that possible? AWESOME! I really would appreciate that. Since it makes me a little dizzy.
So am I assuming correctly that there is no throw in or CK bug with the last camera I sahred?

No, none at all! ;)

One more question: If I wanted to enable the HQ graphics in other cameras such as the UserInstantReplay one you shared last week, how would I go about it?
No, none at all! ;)

One more question: If I wanted to enable the HQ graphics in other cameras such as the UserInstantReplay one you shared last week, how would I go about it?

Ok great!

You just have to paste the following block inside the camerainstance block of the gameplay.xml just before the zoominitial value line:
<property name="PropertyName" type="string" value="renderfxmaterial" />
<property name="int" type="int" value="-1" />
<property name="enumType" type="string" value="RenderFxMaterial" />
<property name="enumValue" type="string" value="NIS" />

If you get stuttering replace that block with other one I shared in the spolier few posts above. That one will give you contextual HD FX. The NIS one is for permanent HD.
Ok great!

You just have to paste the following block inside the camerainstance block of the gameplay.xml just before the zoominitial value line:
<property name="PropertyName" type="string" value="renderfxmaterial" />
<property name="int" type="int" value="-1" />
<property name="enumType" type="string" value="RenderFxMaterial" />
<property name="enumValue" type="string" value="NIS" />

If you get stuttering replace that block with other one I shared in the spolier few posts above. That one will give you contextual HD FX. The NIS one is for permanent HD.

I must be doing something wrong though because before kick-off there are some elements, such as certain stadium lighting that don't show up, and as soon as I move the ball, they appear...
Take a look: Pay attention the top of the screenshots. No light. Light.

fifa16 2018-05-20 19-26-28.png

fifa16 2018-05-20 19-26-30.png

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii"?>
    <property name="name" type="string" value="package_gameplay_camera" />
    <property name="DisplayCategory" type="string" value="gameplay" />
    <property name="priority" type="int" value="0" />
    <property name="sequenceflagtype" type="string" value="PERSISTENT" />
    <property name="numinstancesrequired" type="int" value="4" />
      <property name="Behavior" type="int" value="1" />
        <EvalCoordsCollection />
        <CameraSetCollection />
          <property name="PropertyName" type="string" value="cameraViewContext" />
            <property name="int" type="int" value="-1" />
            <property name="enumType" type="string" value="CameraViewContext" />
            <property name="enumValue" type="string" value="Gameplay" />
              <property name="PropertyName" type="string" value="targetType" />
                <property name="int" type="int" value="-1" />
                <property name="enumType" type="string" value="ObjectTypes" />
                <property name="enumValue" type="string" value="ActiveBall" />
              <property name="PropertyName" type="string" value="targetId" />
                <property name="int" type="int" value="0" />
              <property name="PropertyName" type="string" value="targetComponent" />
                <property name="int" type="int" value="0" />
                <property name="enumType" type="string" value="ObjectComponents" />
                <property name="enumValue" type="string" value="BallCenter" />
            <property name="cameraName" type="string" value="UserGameplayCamera" />
            <property name="cameraBehavior" type="string" value="gameplaybehavior" />
            <property name="cameraEvaluators" type="int" value="0" />
            <property name="leadingEnabled" type="bool" value="True" />
            <property name="cameraFramingOption" type="int" value="0" />
            <property name="blendLength" type="float" value="10" />
            <property name="blendCurve" type="int" value="4" />
            <property name="blendPolicy" type="int" value="1" />

        <property name="PropertyName" type="string" value="renderfxmaterial" />
        <property name="int" type="int" value="-1" />
        <property name="enumType" type="string" value="RenderFxMaterial" />
        <property name="enumValue" type="string" value="NIS" />

        <property name="zoomInitialValue" type="float" value="0.85" />
                <property name="zoomFinalValue" type="float" value="1.02" />
            <FocalDistModifierCollection />
        <ChildrenList />
        <property name="name" type="string" value="FIFA Camera Node" />
        <property name="priority" type="int" value="1" />
        <property name="duration" type="float" value="65535" />
      <property name="name" type="string" value="" />
      <property name="duration" type="float" value="65535" />
    <property name="actionvariablesdefname" type="string" value="FIFA_Base" />
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First screen shot is before the kick off? Second is just after the kick off has been taken and stay like this when the ball stays on the pitch?

If yes to both, then it is normal, kick off has its own camera.xml file. You would need to edit the kick off camera the same way to have a light light situation.

How to do it?
1) Make a copy of the musedata-match.big
2) Open the copy musedata-match.big file with cg file explorer,
3) Scroll until you find the package/gameplay/package_gameplay_intro_kickoff_camera.xml
4) Open the original musedata-match.big with Finalbig
5) Scroll until you find the package/gameplay/package_gameplay_intro_kickoff_camera.xml it will be almost empty
6) Copy all the code you see on the right window of cg file explorer.
7) Paste it on the right window of finalbig, be sure you replace every weird character that were in the window before
8) In finalbig go to the package_gameplay_camera.xml and copy the camera instance block, from
to </CameraInstance> (all included)
9) Again with finalbig go back to the kickoff_camera.xml and replace the camera instance block with the one you just copied.
10) Save
11) Repeat from 3 to 10 without 4 for the following xml files:

(I am not sure it is necessary to edit all the 3 xml, I think fidel edited just one of them, but I can't remember which one)

12) Copy your musedata-match.big file at the right place inside your game
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First screen shot is before the kick off? Second is just after the kick off has been taken and stay like this when the ball stays on the pitch?

If yes to both, then it is normal, kick off has its own camera.xml file. You would need to edit the kick off camera the same way to have a light light situation.

How to do it?
1) Make a copy of the musedata-match.big
2) Open the copy musedata-match.big file with cg file explorer,
3) Scroll until you find the package/gameplay/package_gameplay_intro_kickoff_camera.xml
4) Open the original musedata-match.big with Finalbig
5) Scroll until you find the package/gameplay/package_gameplay_intro_kickoff_camera.xml it will be almost empty
6) Copy all the code you see on the right window of cg file explorer.
7) Paste it on the right window of finalbig, be sure you replace every weird character that were in the window before
8) In finalbig go to the package_gameplay_camera.xml and copy the camera instance block, from
to </CameraInstance> (all included)
9) Again with finalbig go back to the kickoff_camera.xml and replace the camera instance block with the one you just copied.
10) Save
11) Repeat from 3 to 10 without 4 for the following xml files:

(I am not sure it is necessary to edit all the 3 xml, I think fidel edited just one of them, but I can't remember which one)

12) Copy your musedata-match.big file at the right place inside your game

Thank you! You rock!

You think you could record a video tutorial of how you extract certain camera (like UserInstantReplay or other specific ones like Iso or OffSide, etc) and then how you edit them to fix and improve the results?. Basically, everything you've done with the Iso camera, for example. Which you extracted, to imported it, then you had to fix some bugs, then you found out the HQ Graphics thing, etc. Just so that we can all learn to do it and you don't have to do everything yourself mate.
I can try to do that but I don't have much free time until the end of the month so I can't promise anything before.
I would certainly appreciate a collaborative effort to get a variety of camera available.

Here is a first hint on how I processed:
I used three approaches to find the cameras:

- inside the exe: I have searched for "cam" "camera" and names that could have been camera around any "cam" found, then I have replaced the cameraname inside the gameplay.xml of the default musedata-match.big. I simply replaced the "UserGameplayCamera" by "anycameraname" I would suspect to be a camera.
If the camera existed, it would behave normally or being highly zoomed in. When the camera goes up on the corner stands it means it doesn't exist.
I just had to adjust the zoom with those type of camera, height can't really be adjusted (not sure about that). You can adjust the FX with one of the two blocks I posted above: contextual vs NIS, there is also a default block I didn't share yet.
I think I have extracted all possible camera from the exe outside of the default game ones.

- inside the bcgameplay.dat (bcdata/camera): Every block inside this file is a camera. I have suspicion that this file control everything related to default game gameplay camera but editing it would require craking EA encryption. Many are redundant with the one I extracted from the exe.
I used the same process than above, they all work.

- inside the musedata-match.big:There is plenty of camera here all based on replay cameras. I used CG explorer and I explored various xml in there. Every time I found a new cameraName I copied the full camera instance block and replaced the full block of the gameplay.xml. I then checked it inside the game, and I adjusted the zoom and graphics FX block.
With several I have experienced the throwin and kc bug. I am not sure yet what fixed it. What I have noticed is the camera I have extracted from the package_throwin.xml and those I could test from the package_place_ball.xml (package/cornerkick/) didn't had the bug. I suspected those two files to be causing the bug but now I think it is more height of the gameplay camera that cause it. My second hypothesis is that you need to have a full <ZoomModifierCollection> block with all the details like this one inside the camerainstance block
<property name="PropertyName" type="string" value="zoomEndTime" />
<property name="float" type="float" value="12" />
<property name="zoomFinalValue" type="float" value="0.65" />
<property name="zoomCurveType" type="int" value="4" />
This is pretty much were I am stuck now.

With my post above on how to extract xml with cg file explorer and edit them with final big (we can't edit directly inside cg file explorer, the game crash, it has to be in xml format inside the big to be read by the game) and this post this almost my state of knowledge so far.

I can just add to that that oop.xml are out of the pitch camera and cause the switch of camera when the ball goes out of the pitch. Same with kick off camera and probably the same happen after a goal. Usually the camera that cause that have "sequenceflagtype" with value="FILLER".

Iso cams can be adjusted in terms of <property name="targetHeightOffset" type="float" value="-18" />
but you need to provide big values to get something like 500 or 1000 ect.

I know it is fuzzy but it has been a fuzzy process of try error and learning bit by bit. I am sure there is many more to be discovered inside those files.
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I will read this carefully and explorer it myself when I get home from work.
Can't thank you enough! Big ups!
I didn't have much time to work on the cameras lately. I just had a bit of time to mess a bit yesterday and I have made interesting discoveries. I am now able to attach the cam to any object that have a referenced id in the cameras settings. It can be the ball, the 4th ref, the goal corner, probably the players and locations in the stands (I have to explore and do a recension of the ids.). The good thing with that attaching cam approach is that we can edit without any limit the distance from the object along any of the three dimension axes. The bad thing, I am not sure about it yet, but it seems that that type of edited cams are not dynamic (the distance from the attached object remains fix).
@papinho81 mate i am playing with dynamic camera but i want it to make it more zoom and lower than default. Editing values with camera in game are bad like not working at all.

Any chance to get something like this?

@papinho81 mate i am playing with dynamic camera but i want it to make it more zoom and lower than default. Editing values with camera in game are bad like not working at all.

Any chance to get something like this?


There's long time I haven't edited camera. My guess is that you can probably increase the zoom but not really change the height. With the method I shared (actually originally shared by dr fidel) the height stands for the height of the focus of the camera and not really its position.
May be you could try Offisde camera from my pack 2, it looks a bit similar:


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Hi everyone!

I have decided to create that thread to share new cameras usable for gameplay for FIFA 16 (any version of it including the demo).

Those cam have been discovered using Fidel Gameplay (from soccergaming) shared knowledge and tools, so big thank to him.

Many of those camera have been extracted from the muse.big files and have been originally designed by EA for replay purpose. They can be used for gameplay, but no player selection icon is displayed when using them. The trick is to use modified versions of trainer files, so we can activate the trainer to locate our controlled player on the pitch without having all the move suggestions being displayed (thank to manmachine for sharing those tips and Nisoley for the selection tuning tips!). The shared pack will also include the require file, so that you only have to copy the files in your folders, regenerate, then play.

Others camera have been found by exploring the game exe and some do not require the trainer being activated.

I am also sharing fidel tool to allow you further editing camera to your liking. You should just know that while zoom can be edited with quite some sensitivity, changes in height seems to have no impact with many cams I am sharing (further exploration needed). My suggestion is, find the camera that have the height you like, then edit the zoom inside the file. Instructions are given inside the pack on how to edit.

Initial problem of quick camera movement has been fixed, but I could not find a way to standardise stadium variability in terms of height and zoom with broadcast cams yet.

All these camera have not been tested extensively in every stadium, so weird thing might happen with some stadiums particularly with created ones.
If when you launch the game you see the ball from very close, then go to the game menu settings and change the camera you are using, it will fix it.

Instructions are inside the archive.
Pack1 (required):

Pack2 (additional):

Pack3 (additional):

Feel free to post your feedback and finding if you find new interesting things!

Some screenshots:
Iso medium
View attachment 4163

Broadcast Low v2
View attachment 4164

View attachment 4165

View attachment 4166

Broadcast Main v2View attachment 4167

UserInstantReplayCameraView attachment 4181View attachment 4182
Awesome camera settings! Another reason to replay Fifa 16. Previously I just use the "static" camera settings of Fidel´s cam tool for Fifa 16. There are very good, but I never realized there is a way to tweak them in personal custom style. Great sharing! Thanks

I'm using your Broadcast v2 camera, what do I need to change to avoid this issue? Is it the case of lowering the camera or moving it forward? Which settings need changing in the editor?
You need to add a line with hideslc=some distance into your gameplay camera xml block. I can't remember exactly the exact code but you can find it on close zoom replay camera such as follow striker ect. If you can't find it I will search for it when I will find time which is not before 2, 3 days.
Well I couldn't find anything when looking and anytime I tried making changes, it broke the camera. I've settled on UserInstantReplayCamera for now as it looks very good but the only issue I'm encountering is I don't have any indication on who I'm controlling? I can very much learn to play like this even if it's a little harder, but just wondering if there's something I need to do? Changing settings for HUD doesn't change anything, the indicator is above the head on the brief moments the camera resets to default, like just before kickoff.cursor.jpg
Well I couldn't find anything when looking and anytime I tried making changes, it broke the camera. I've settled on UserInstantReplayCamera for now as it looks very good but the only issue I'm encountering is I don't have any indication on who I'm controlling? I can very much learn to play like this even if it's a little harder, but just wondering if there's something I need to do? Changing settings for HUD doesn't change anything, the indicator is above the head on the brief moments the camera resets to default, like just before kickoff.View attachment 64365

Download the pack1 there is everything you need in it with instructions.
@papinho81 Annoying question time #743 for me🤣 ....You know how you managed to extract the user instant replay it possible to extract that information from a particular stadium's replay camera? Vitality Stadium is obviously lower than other broadcast cameras, and the replay camera itself is really nice (and even lower again), so I wondered if this was possible? I tried using the original replay camera from your pack 3 with a stadium that was already set to Vitality but that didn't do the trick.

Not crucial, just a thought.
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