FIFA 21 Discussion (Console Versions)

Really enjoyed reading your replies on this. And I've never realised that these FUT players don't actually like football. I despair.
That's also why I no longer pay any attention to the base speed of the game though. It's just misguided. Older games probably played at twice the speed yet they were better at representing football at the same time in other aspects. PES animations too fast? Just put the speed at -2. FIFA animations too fast? Play at a different speed/accel. value. (Yes I know it can be problematic/not a perfect solution).

But if defending or the actual mechanics suck and do not resemble the sport at all, we are all just arguing about what's the right speed to watch a defender standing still and not marking in fifa or ignoring the ball in PES.

True. The real issue is that "speed" is such a nebulous word in the context of football games. Speed in what sense? How fast players turn, sprint, execute skill moves, close down players, react to loose balls? How fast the ball travels when you shoot, pass, the ball deflects? Speed in terms of match flow? As in, is it constantly end-to-end? Lack of midfield battles (a lot of factors would dictate this)? Is the stamina function too generous to the point that it doesn't penalize high-pressure for 90 minutes, thus increasing the speed of the match? A lot to unpack. Personally, a football game shouldn't be one note in terms of speed. Some teams counter with pace, some push high up the pitch with relentlessness pressure, so on and so forth. It should do its best to replicate and reflect a team's tactics/style and the personnel involved.

EDIT: Forgot to mention fouls which can have a massive impact on the pace of a match.
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These guys drive me fucking insane. They all, without exception, wade in with an insult, whilst at the same time saying something that's *actually* stupid.

He seriously thinks FIFA plays 6x faster than a real game?

They're operating under the assumption that all matches in FIFA have 6-minute halves. Why? Because FUT has 6-minute halves. Also the notion that it should be 6-times quicker in general is just asinine.
That's also why I no longer pay any attention to the base speed of the game though. It's a bit misguided I think. Older games probably played at twice the speed yet they were better at representing football at the same time in other aspects. PES animations too fast? Just put the speed at -2. FIFA animations too fast? Play at a different speed/accel. value. (Yes I know it can be problematic/not a perfect solution).

But if defending or the actual mechanics suck and do not resemble the sport at all, we are all just arguing about what's the right speed to watch a defender standing still and not marking in fifa or ignoring the ball in PES. Ideally of course I also prefer a slower, more realistic speed, don't get me wrong, but at least it's something we have some level of control over. Broken mechanics on the other hand...
I have the same exact view. Rythm hardly ever made or break a football game all alone. We have good recent examples of slow games that completely fail to deliver because the rest is super messed up.

These guys drive me fucking insane. They all, without exception, wade in with an insult, whilst at the same time saying something that's *actually* stupid.

He seriously thinks FIFA plays 6x faster than a real game?

I bit. And I hate myself for it. Goes against my policy of ignoring comments and engaging with strangers. But he's typing with his anus.
I bit. And I hate myself for it. Goes against my policy of ignoring comments and engaging with strangers. But he's typing with his anus.
The older I get, the more easily dragged into this shit I am, because I care about football games and because it's very clear that morons like this guy are the reason why the modern games are dreadful representations - and I really, really resent them for it.

The trouble is, any attempt at discourse comes to the same point, where you realise all Twitter exists for is insults, and for never being wrong.

I walk into every discussion willing to question myself, because I'd like to think I form fair opinions, based on facts and tangible things, and on the thoughts of others. Whereas these guys exist to troll, and even play FIFA to troll. What hope is there?

The guy ended up claiming he was talking about the clock, not the speed, so when I challenged him about why he has a problem with me wanting the game to be slower then, he told me I can't read.

Well EA is fighting all this toxicity this year. By removing 2 celebrations.

But imagine how much less toxicity there would be if their game was better. Or if it played differently with longer than 6 minute halves. Or if CM/Fut had separate gameplay! Imagine not having to argue with fut users and not having to care about garbage mechanics like 1v1s.
Or create own team option and let us edit it between season.
If they can do it in FUT - there is no excuse not to do it in CM. Ah well.. maybe PS5 will be more lucky.. just hope I'll get a chance to play a proper footy game before i get arthritis.. :LOL:

PS5 version will be exactly the same game with the same features. Otherwise they

Fantastic options. Really great idea.

Loads of people who play FIFA don't give a toss about or watch any real football. People who claim to be fans of a certain team end up playing FIFA on the weekend during that team's match, there are probably even loads of FIFA matches going on during the World Cup or CL finals.

This isn't a football game for football fans any more, it's a football themed online casino and the gameplay is there for generic online 'skill-based' PvP that appeals to everyone, like Dota/LoL/Fortnite etc.
Fortnite 21!
I agree with what's being said here,people/FUT players will most likely not enjoy a 3rd division game streamed on Somali cable.
They want,just like us (when on the phone) instant gratification.
I'm pretty sure they will stretch their football interest to highlights,that's were we are right,instant rewards!

Remember when Netflix tried (not sure if they went through with it) to implement faster watching of movies?
You could see the movie/series in double speed.
So you could watch more,because if your hectic life etc.
Ffs people (me included) skip intros to series most times,right?

I'm sure this has to go full circle before people/viewers/players react and start a trend going back to a slower pace again,until then,it's fucking Fortnite PL edition!
Well EA is fighting all this toxicity this year. By removing 2 celebrations.

But imagine how much less toxicity there would be if their game was better. Or if it played differently with longer than 6 minute halves. Or if CM/Fut had separate gameplay! Imagine not having to argue with fut users and not having to care about garbage mechanics like 1v1s.

I haven't played FUT since years, but is it not already the case, FUT gameplay being different from others modes? The only year I played FUT was with FIFA 13 (or was it on 14) on PS3 and I am sure that FUT gameplay was different (mostly faster, sharper/less errors) than the others modes.
I had one afternoon back then when I played against three of my french mate in the FUT mode (they were all three playing with the same team in the same room and I was alone at home with the other team) and I trashed them badly. They immediately asked to repeat our battle in a exhibition mode because they were so uncomfortable with the FUT gameplay. I also remember needing a bit of time to adapt to the FUT gameplay at first.
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I remember when I played my first 90 mins match in FIFA 2001. It was hilarious! If I tried that in FUT mode now, it would end with 45-43 score or something.
I haven't played FUT since years, but is it not already the case, FUT gameplay being different from others modes? The only year I played FUT was with FIFA 13 (or was it on 14) on PS3 and I am sure that FUT gameplay was different (mostly faster, sharper/less errors) than the others modes.

I suppose that's the effect of different stats / chemistry / options (locked to normal speed, no sliders, etc). But technically it's the same gameplay mechanics.
This will be a #FIFA21 Career Mode thread showcasing the different options of positional development for each position, and the speed at which attributes improve for each:

Central Midfield:
✅Box to Box
✅Ball Winning Midfielder
✅Central Midfield

My favourite ones are

"If you like slow gameplay - you are most likely a shit player"

These guys dont care about tactics, they dont compose their attacks, dont look at their players - all they have are quick fingers and skills and thats their definition of football. Thats how they divide people into good and bad players.
If you can skill dance through half of the pitch - you're a good player.

Simple as that.
We can play beautiful football, on full manual settings, create amazing goal scoring opportunities and to them - we will still be shite and boring.

There is no dialog that we can have coz they are living on a different planet and playing a different sport.

I was hopeful when I heard that Fifa is introducing Volta, coz I thought all the flashy NBA Jam style players will move to play there and leave the actual football for people who love the game, but it doesnt seems to be the case..
That'll be taken down any moment - anyone with a 1080p YouTube downloader, please get capping! (Paging @Placebo!) EDIT: Never mind, too late already...
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Trying to be positive here. Is it me or it looks way less slimy skaty than 20?

Being objective now. It looks like AI players will again be a pain in the arse when it comes to defending. The way the cb gives up on the second goal is concerning. Main problem is the way marking is implemented if it is the same than 20 (and it looks the same). It is pure one man marking. As soon as the attacking players enter the marking perimeter of a new defending player, the player that was marking him before just shut off. Awful.
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"If you like slow gameplay - you are most likely a shit player"

I'm proud to be a shit player then -- and probably understand football a bit better than these "pros"

Sorry, but it just made me laugh (just like the 6x times quicker thing)

But it also makes me sad, people: this is the status of videogaming today. Do you remember 1980s/1990s games, like for example Broken Sword, where you actually had to THINK to progress? Now they just hold your hand for you
Trying to be positive here. Is it me or it looks way less slimy skaty than 20?

Being objective now. It looks like AI players will again be a pain in the arse when it comes to defending. The way the cb gives up on the second goal is concerning. Main problem is the way marking is implemented if it is the same than 20 (and it looks the same). It is pure one man marking. As soon as the attacking players enter the marking perimeter of a new defending player, the player that was marking home before just shut off. Awful.

I definitely notice almost everything mentioned so far.

- Speed seems ok, not sure if slower, maybe they are just used to fut and kick off / cm seems slower to them. In any case it's not fast, it looks fine.
- Yeah, I think animations / movement is more grounded but maybe it depends. That new superfast closed dribbling? Possibly another matter.
- Long range through balls were mentioned. Yeap, they look op. Too many one pass counter attacks.
- Defending? Lol. I'll just say that either Professional level is the new Beginner, or it's fifa 20 garbage all over again. Players constantly switching on/off, jogging then sprinting then stopping. This is not football, EA's "1v1s" need to get the fuck out of the offline game. And I don't think I saw a defender put in a single challenge / tackle?

Oh video is down already. But I think I wasn't too negative, that's 2 positives / 2 negatives. Although the last point could very well be all I need to know. Maybe they'll tweak things or maybe legendary is better?
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In case you missed the video, I made this gif right here. It's almost half the match anyway. (Through ball -> 1v1 with the keeper).
Watch Maguire chasing Costa and then suddenly dropping back (while still in a strange running animation). Same with the fullback at the bottom who just stops at the same point. Defending is completely broken.

He beat the cpu 5-0 on professional in his first game. Once upon a time Professional AI was a proper challenge in fifa, but once upon a time defending was also not broken, so...
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Fighting the good fight still, lads.
In case you missed the video, I made this gif right here. It's almost half the match anyway. (Through ball -> 1v1 with the keeper).
Watch Maguire chasing Costa and then suddenly dropping back (while still in a strange running animation). Same with the fullback at the bottom who just stops at the same point. Defending is completely broken.

He beat the cpu 5-0 on professional in his first game. Once upon a time Professional AI was a proper challenge in fifa, but once upon a time defending was also not broken, so...

View attachment 55710

Haven't seen that once on WC or Legendary. I've been trying to recreate the defender jockey animation that plagued FIFA 20, but it's just not there.
Watching at your gif you can see on the cpu name bar that at the moment the controlled player switch to De Gea (Why???), Maguire gives up. It then switch back to Maguire, but it is too late.

Good catch. Same player switching issues like in 20. They can call it "1v1s" all they want, I will call it "broken defending", even if it's broken on purpose / by design.
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