Migration happened!

What about the function to select more than one post for quoting?
If you click the "reply" button on more than one post, it should add the content into the reply window (if that's what you call it) - at least, that's how it works for me (though it took me to a separate "reply page" once, not sure why)!

And what Han said - I'm not a "New Member" :CRY: - just kidding, it's no big deal.
As I said to Han, it's because the old user title system has changed, I think. If you want to change it, click on your profile name on the black bar at the top right of the screen, then click "Personal Details", and edit the "custom title" field.
You should be able to change it under "Personal Details"->"Custom Title"->"Save Changes"
I know, I was talking about the default titles like "Sunday League, International, World Cup Winner, etc." - but like I said, it's really no big deal for me. ;)
I enabled the multi-quote thing, it wasn't enabled by default.
And a question - perhaps I'm missing something in the profile settings, but where is the option to change time display format? I'd like to change it back to 24 hours format.
If you switch your language to English (UK) it will go to 24 hour format. (I only just added this so you're probably on English (US))
Nice change, looks pretty clean and modern. It's gonna take a few weeks to get used to it though
Can see yours just fine, zee.
Hmm is it because I am on mobile? Also I miss the "unread post" button. I used to add it as a link to my bookmarks now it takes me to the first page.

BTW I sound like a moany pants but really like the look it's fresh and clean and generally looks phenomenal. Well done all involved.
Don't know if it helps zee, but there's a link in the top menu for New Posts: https://www.evo-web.co.uk/find-new/posts

Found an answer to my question:
And a question - perhaps I'm missing something in the profile settings, but where is the option to change time display format? I'd like to change it back to 24 hours format.

It seems to be a language setting - if anyone wants 24-hr time format, switch from English (US) to English (UK) in the bottom left corner of the forum.
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Ah, I see ... then it should be the link behind the "thick dot" in front of the thread title in New Posts, which leads to the first unread post - just a random example from my New Posts feed: for thread What are you listening to? the link to the first unread post is https://www.evo-web.co.uk/threads/what-are-you-listening-to.40213/unread

Although, the unread functionality seems a bit buggy now - in every thread I've initially checked, every post made after August 2nd was flagged as new. But during subsequent checks, everything worked fine - only the really new posts were marked as new.
Yes, I'm not sure on how the unread stuff transferred over but it does seem to be OK once it's settled down.

I also thought that XenForo by default linked to unread posts in a thread but that doesn't seem to be the case so there is that dot at the start of a thread title for now. I'll check to see what options we have.
Hi, looks great. But is it supposed to remember in a thread the last message I saw when I re-enter?

At the moment it takes me back to the very 1st post in a thread when I enter again.

I just tried it a few times now.

That's a shame - but understandable, obviously. There were quite a few members with the little Tapatalk icon next to their name, and it'll affect them if they only browse using the app out of convenience (given that it wraps up all posts from all their registered forums).

Agreed about the convince of Tapatalk. It's the ease of push notifications that has enabled me to check the site often for new posts and I guess my activity went up because of that
The old forum was easier to read but i like the style of this new one.

Is it possible to have the colours like they were before with a light colour post then the next post would be darker and so on?
Its weird to come to a place you are used to be the same for yearsssssss.

But this change is for better, pretty soon we will all adapt, I like it so far.
Working on the colours now.

I'm doing more research into Tapatalk - just Google Tapatalk security and you'll see where my concerns come from. I do know some people rely on it and didn't exclude it lightly. Would a separate Evo-Web app work (with notifications) or is the fact you can use multiple forums with it the bigger deal?
I only used tapatalk when a forum was hard to read in a phone browser, Evo-web looks fine there now so I got no complaints.
Now quote bar is much better. Now with a quick look i can distinguish quote an answer :)

AAAAND edit button is back, great .
how to change the "heading" in thread. not able to find edit --. Advance button
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