Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: "Serie A" Thread - Calcio Italiano

Well done to any Inter fans here, it's about time you got one over your rivals, the ref was a bit of a joke but you dug in deep and got the result you have been craving for some time now.
Re: "Serie A" Thread - Calcio Italiano

a perfect derby since last 3-2!
inter deserves tonight victory.
No blame on Milan, they had no luck tonight and no healthy defenders neither...anyway, our mid is still the better one.
but just like milan defeated juve, this kind of victory means nothing... no one could play as mad as this in every game.
look what happen in tonight juve against cal, I'd say there will be no chance for other teams, at least in this season...
Re: "Serie A" Thread - Calcio Italiano

timmylv said:
whats so funny?

to have said that inter deserve this evening victory :/ Inter deserve victory more but Milan AC, 50-50

The first penalty does not exist, the free kick of the 2nd goal either. Thank you referee :evil: <_<
Re: "Serie A" Thread - Calcio Italiano

they behaved like they have won the champion. their no.5 even prayed at the first penalty.
milan only have one healthy defender left to against so-called "the best" inter in recent years. what else should we expect?
Re: "Serie A" Thread - Calcio Italiano

Timmy, they have every given right to celebrate the way they did, Inter have suffered many defeats to Milan so I guess it was a monumental sense of acheivment they felt at the final whistle for both the team and the Interisti supporters, let them bask in this glory but we all know Inter will be brought back down to earth sooner enough ;-)
Re: "Serie A" Thread - Calcio Italiano

AS ROMA - PALERMO: 1-2 good result...
Re: "Serie A" Thread - Calcio Italiano

Livorno are known as the communist team, Di Canio is known as being a Fascist.... when he was subbed off they booed him so he did the Fascist salute to the lazio fans. The Livorno fans then held a banner saying PIAZZA LORETO... which is where Mussolini was hanged in Milan.
Re: "Serie A" Thread - Calcio Italiano

Have to agree with you there foxy, his talent footballing talent is marred by his extremist views and beliefs.... please read on

Ousmane Dabo has launched an incredible public attack against Lazio teammate Paolo Di Canio. "I’ve had it with these fascists," he fumed.

It seems that Paolo Di Canio’s controversial gesture to Lazio supporters on Sunday has not only antagonised Livorno fans. The latest development in the affair has brought a withering condemnation from within the club.

While the Biancocelesti President Claudio Lotito and Coach Delio Rossi have moved to defend the 37-year-old, Dabo has decided to break rank and criticise his club captain.

"I will not talk to him any more," he said in an interview with France Soir. "I must say that I’ve broken my b**** playing with the likes of him. I’ve had it with these fascists even if they are only a minority of the supporters."

Lazio are notorious for having one of the most extreme right-wing factions within their fan-base. They are known to sing fascist songs, as well as displaying banners depicting racist slogans and extremist fascist icons such as Serbian warlord Arkan.

Di Canio, who is a born-and-bred die-hard Lazio fan, even sports a tattoo of the late Italian dictator Benito Mussolini.
Re: "Serie A" Thread - Calcio Italiano

Sickening what the people protecting DI canio are saying... "Why isnt Lucarelli being fined for doing the communist salute?"

... simple reason for those dumbfucks... fascism is illegal in italy.
Re: "Serie A" Thread - Calcio Italiano

Di Canio should be fined enormously..he is supposed to be a role model...good thing that his team mate has the courage to condemn him.
One question, how do the Lazio fans react towards balck Lazio players (Winter, Mudingayi,...)???
Re: "Serie A" Thread - Calcio Italiano

Excuses excuses, this is real BS man....

Coach Delio Rossi has defended Paolo Di Canio’s actions on Sunday, claiming that Livorno’s treatment of his Lazio side was far worse than any Roman salute.

Di Canio is under investigation by the Italian FA for acknowledging Biancocelesti fans with a fascist salute during their defeat in Tuscany.

The gesture, which brought a hostile reaction from an already inflamed and notoriously left-wing crowd, has been viewed as antagonistic and likely to result in a fine and possibly even a suspension for the capital captain.

However, Rossi believes that, while Di Canio is taking all the heat for the way in which he chose to relate to his fans, Livorno have got away with their awful treatment of Sunday’s visitors.

"Di Canio’s gesture has been overly stigmatised," he said. "But nobody has even mentioned what happened to us.

"When we pulled up at the stadium in the team coach, one of our player’s almost got hit by a firework," continued Rossi. "Then, during the match, Di Canio received continual abuse.

"There was one instance where Paolo fell in the penalty area and he was trampled on by an opponent," added the furious tactician.

"There has not been a single television transmission that has mentioned any of these episodes. We have made nothing of this and yet the other side has taken aim at a man and his gesture."
Re: "Serie A" Thread - Calcio Italiano

Stan said:
Di Canio should be fined enormously..he is supposed to be a role model...good thing that his team mate has the courage to condemn him.
One question, how do the Lazio fans react towards balck Lazio players (Winter, Mudingayi,...)???

They have several black players right now who start... Dabo and Liverani (well hes half). They dont get treated as racists. Lazio fans do it in order to demoralize other teams, so their team have an advantage.
Re: "Serie A" Thread - Calcio Italiano

Yeah which is very wrong! If Dabo and their other black players were playing against Lazio they'd be on the receiving end of some racial abuse that needs to just flat out STOP! Whether it's to demoralize other team or give your own an advantage or for whatever reason it just pains me to still see pure racism so obvious and out there for everyone to see in year 2005!

It's an unfair advantage anyway. A black player not being able to concenrate on what he's getting paid to do because some rude idiot is either taunting Monkey and insulting him or throwing him a f'n banana. Sure it's his RESPONSIBILITY to block out those comments/rude gestures and play to best of his ability but it is hard to do so especially when there are people doing this to you in numbers. It will give theit team and advantage but it's an unfair one and one I'd like to never see in football! Rivalries and all is cool but racism has no place for me in my heart and If I were Sepp Blatter, I'd take drastic actions. Not sure what I'd do but I'd think of something to seriously make players like Dabo feel safe and loved and back them up so they dont have to put up with this shit.

He's spoken out now but I'm sure there is many other black players with less balls to speak up about this who might take shit in locker room or get disrespecte at times but say nothing cuz they think that's best thing to do in this racist world they currently live in! :(
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Re: "Serie A" Thread - Calcio Italiano

You gotta remember that Italy, just over 60 years ago, was a Fascist country filled with extreme nationalism, especially in the Capital/North. Most of these fans are young people between 17-30, which was the age Fascism appealed to under Mussolini. This is also why some fans wear the blackshirts, its the symbol of the squadristi.... whose jobe back in the 30's was to eliminate the communists- in this case Livorno.
Re: "Serie A" Thread - Calcio Italiano

"Just over 60 years ago"...the way the world is changing now, that is ages ago Milanista.
Most young people have no historic perspective whatsoever...
The fact that Di Canio was abused by the Livorno fans should not be an excuse for what he did...he is a star and part of being professional footabll player/star consists of being treated badly by opposing fans...i could understand this a litle bit (a tiny litle bit) if Di Canio was a young inexperienced player...but he isn't is he???
The way the Lazio coach "defended" Di Canio speaks for itself...they don't care about what he has done...
Re: "Serie A" Thread - Calcio Italiano

In the post game interview he said that he was scared of the day 'Jews take over the country" and then he explained why he has his Tattoos - fascist eagle and mussolini logo - which he shouldnt have done, as he is a role model for lots of kids.

If he kept all his feelings to himself its a different case, but the way hes trying to 'rally' his fans should suspend him.
Re: "Serie A" Thread - Calcio Italiano

gerd said:
"Just over 60 years ago"...the way the world is changing now, that is ages ago Milanista.
Most young people have no historic perspective whatsoever...The fact that Di Canio was abused by the Livorno fans should not be an excuse for what he did...he is a star and part of being professional footabll player/star consists of being treated badly by opposing fans...i could understand this a litle bit (a tiny litle bit) if Di Canio was a young inexperienced player...but he isn't is he???
The way the Lazio coach "defended" Di Canio speaks for itself...they don't care about what he has done...
That's true, for example I don't know any of stuff Milanista just pointed out. Neither am I old enough to remember those days or did I ever have interest to read or learn about it.
Re: "Serie A" Thread - Calcio Italiano

Anyway f*ck Di Canio...let's talk about football.
Can someone who nows Italian football a litle bit better than me point out a some good young promising payers in Serie A??? Who are the hot prospects???
Re: "Serie A" Thread - Calcio Italiano

A couple from the top of my head.

Montolivo (Fiorentina playmaker)
Coda (Empoli Defender)
Pazzini(Fiorentina striker)
Pasqual(Fiorentina leftback)
Chiellini(Juventus leftback..)
Palladino (Livorno striker)
Gasbarroni (Sampdoria midfielder)
Muntari (Udinese midfielder, maybe not just a prospect anymore)
Behrami (Lazio midfielder)
Re: "Serie A" Thread - Calcio Italiano

Agree with those.

Hey Don, I assume you've watched a lot more Serie A this season than me. Is Pelle the Lecce striker that was one of stars of Italy in last year's youth tournament getting any games? or maybe he's on loan even?

tell me more about him if you can and how he's doing this season. He seemed like a good prospect as well.
Re: "Serie A" Thread - Calcio Italiano

As far as I know he's only made a handfull of appearances for Lecce this season, about 5-7. With a minimal amount of minutes played and no goals scored yet. So not looking all that great, though Lecce have a few other usefull attackers.

Though I can't say i've really followed Lecce's progress this season, let alone Pelle.
Re: "Serie A" Thread - Calcio Italiano

Ok that's cool. Thanks for opinion.

I think he does look like a good prospect though I haven't watched him at all this season. He's tall and looks like a Luca Toni type of player and I know Jeff agrees with me on this one but obviously less developed in terms of skills/positionoing/finishing. But I mean he could be THAT type of striker one day.

And also I think it was good of you Stan to finally change subject of this thread lol.. it's best if we put bad things behind us now and concentreate on good things in Serie A and not just racism and likes of Di Canio.

take care guys.
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