Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

Didn't Van Bastan leave Ajax? Not sure he's ready for a job as big as Milan yet. Blanc is the next big thing IMO
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

Gasperini also renewed, which means Juve are down to Spaletti and Ferrara.

Waiting to see who will be sacked first, Ancelotti or Spaletti.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

I'm a little sad to see Ranieri get sacked :( and also don't like the news that Milito will most likely be and Inter player next year. :/

As for Captain Fabio, I heard he really wanted to come back to Napoli and help the club and finish his career there and his agent if to be believed said he was prepared to make substantial financial sacrifices for the club he loves to make that happen (Lower wages) but apparently they never even offered him a deal. So he's leaving Real to go back to Juve.

I'm a little gutted. I would've loved to see him go back to where he started as a 'ballboy'! But sometimes, I guess things just aren't meant to be...
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

That's all bad news :(

Where would people like to see some of the "top talent" at the bottom of the tables go(i.e. Rosina, Carmona, etc.)
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

I really don't understand the thinking behind bringing back Cannavaro. He is 35 now and has had a poor season at Real as well. Are they buying him as a starter or a squad player or just for leadership in the dressing room? I would have gone for someone younger like Gamberini or Bocchetti. And won't Criscito be back next season after his loan at Genoa finishes anyway?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

Juventus's squad is tiny anyway so they need the extra player anyway IMO
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

rfu said:
Any team outside of the top 4, still competing in the Uefa cup, will take it seriously.
i'd really like to see that... but i don't think we will. udinese this season was an exception.. as u pointed out, they had no goals to achieve anymore in serie a, so they focused on the uefa cup....

however i think we should really change our mentality concerning the uefa cup. if we will keep snubbing it, then germany is gonna take our place in the uefa rankings.
but i don't think our mid class clubs care about this.

Lo Zio, I have another question for you, do you know what formaiton Lazio play? Beginning of the season I was convinced it was 4-3-3 but with Foggia player further back than both Pandev and Zarate, it's looking more like a 4-4-2. What's your opinion?
yep it was a 4-4-2 indeed. foggia and mauri are the "midfielders" (kinda hard to describe foggia as a midfielder though) who also have offensive duties (mauri has a better tactical sense, while foggia has an fantastic touch and dribbling).

however it's pretty much impossible to tell wich was lazio's shape this season, as rossi changed it on a regular basis. and i'm not talking about the formation here, i mean the whole tactical display: even the same formation (a 4-4-2, for instance) can express a completely different tactical shape, according to the instructions the coach gives to each player.

Anyway... Hooray for Inter today, champions for the 4th straight year, and I'm prediciting another win next season seeing as Juventus and Milan have to rebuild from scratch, and Roma, well, no one can save them from their self-destructing ways.

i'd say milan and juve are even more self-distructing than roma :P
anyhow congrats to inter for another deserved scudetto. i don't really like their football, their coach, their chairman... but they're the best team in italy today and we gotta give them the credit they deserve.

in a few weeks all the others top clubs (namely milan, juve and roma) might have a new manager.
that tells me inter is gonna win another scudetto next season.

juventus decision to fire ranieri was nothing but ridiculous, and it just goes to show the real juventus issue is the board and not the coach.

even if a top class coach would sign, that would be a step backwards. because a new coach means a new project.
during my late university years (it was about 3 years ago) i studied the common law system and the main differences between the continental law experience and the british one.
by that comparison, i came to a conclusion (and i remember my prof. agreed with me):
the british way to any goal is: let's move foward, but let's try not to dismantle everything we created so far. aim foward and respect the tradition. and i believe it's not a coincidence if england is the only country in the world which moved from an autocratic form of government to a democratic one, without going through a revolution.

we italians, on the other side are pretty much the opposite. if a project is not going as well as we expected, we don't even try to see if there was something good in that project, if there was something wich should be preserved.
we just destroy the whole thing and start everything again... from the very beginning.
they say we're passionate... i say passion my arse... this is just plain stupid and shortsighted.

this logic perfectly applies to juventus imo. they're facing an embarassing downfall in this season ending. so what? they're gonna destroy everything they built this season and start again... a new project with a new coach.... oh dear.

the truth is ranieri was too good. juventus went way above the expectations from september to febbrary. ranieri gave the illusion (to the board, the media, the fans) juventus was almost as good as inter.... that juve could challenge inter for the title.
so when juve faced a bad form period (it's not just a form issue though) all those people got a slap in the face... truth hurts sometimes.

but they're not realising this group wasn't able to keep up with inter (that it wasn't even supposed to challenge inter yet). they're not considering this team wasn't "complete" yet.
no, they're considering this season as a failure and blaming the coach for this failure.

the funniest thing of them all is that according to the board itself (cobolli gigli, blanc, secco) their goal for this season was to reach the a champions league spot (not to win the title).
and yet, even though ranieri actually matched those expectation and achieved that result.... they're firing him.

i've been praising juve all season long for what they achieved, and i really liked that project (except for the poulsen\xabi alonso option). we'll see what they're gonna do next season... sure this is not the best way to begin a new season.

oh and btw everything i said about juve could be said about milan aswell.
actually milan's situation is even more grotesque.
coz at least juventus board can say "hey we're doing this to improve the team... ranieri was a good coach, we're gonna get a top class coach" (even though i can't see that happening, as spalletti might stay in roma or join milan... prandelli is not gonna leave firenze aswell as gasperini isn't gonna leave genova).

but what about milan? who's gonna take ancelotti's place? van basten?? rijkaard?? oh for the love of God! that's like selling a ferrari to buy a mondeo!!
the only good options i can see are spalletti or tassotti.... but why? why changing coach, given that every time carletto was able to display the formation he wanted in the first place he won?

last season we lost baldini (who went to serie b), mancini (who was not top class.... but still a better coach than mourinho)..... now we're gonna loose ancelotti
i tell u THIS is what makes a league poorer! not the big players leaving.... the good coaches departures.

aboutreika said:
I really don't understand the thinking behind bringing back Cannavaro. He is 35 now and has had a poor season at Real as well. Are they buying him as a starter or a squad player or just for leadership in the dressing room? I would have gone for someone younger like Gamberini or Bocchetti. And won't Criscito be back next season after his loan at Genoa finishes anyway?
well he came on a free transfer (while gamberini and bocchetti would have been very expensive), so i can't say it's a bad move for juve.
i don't know it that's a good move for cannavaro. he hopes to convince lippi to bring him in south africa... but napoli would have guarranteed him more playtime than juventus will.
so if he got an offer from napoli and refused it, sure he made a mistake (but i don't think he ever received that offer), otherwise...

sure he's not the same cannavaro of 2 years ago... but i would wait to see what he'll do next season, before labelling him as an "finished player".
first of, because his poor performances at madrid were hugely effected by his teammates. infact we can definitely say he was by far the best element of real madrid's defensive line this season.

i mean, did u see him against barcelona? he kept and kept giving pepe and ramos the call to move the defensive line (to activate the offside)... but they were so damn slow they never did it properly (being an italian defender in a spanish team must be the most frustrating experience in football :P ).

besides it's always dangerous and deceptive to judge a cb from his performances at real madrid...
do u remember samuel? when he left roma for madrid, he was one of the 5 best cbs in europe. after just one season in madrid, everybody considered him as a finished player.... but as soon as he moved back to italy (and to a proper defensive line) he got back to his top class standards.

as for criscito, i believe genoa is gonna buy him ;)

there would be many other things to talk about... but it took 15 minutes to write this post and i'm already late :P

Sina, why are u sad about diego joining inter? :))
sure his bond with genoa and genova is touching... but honestly i'm happy for him. he's been probably the most underrated foward in europe in the last 5 years... i'm glad he'll finally get the scenario he deserves.
there are so many top players in serie a, who will never get a chance to play in champions league... it's refreshing to see one of them will eventually hear the champions league jingle.

and concerning genoa, floccari was a great signing. sure he's not world class as "el principe"... but i'm confident he's gonna fill diego's shoes :))
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

we italians, on the other side are pretty much the opposite. if a project is not going as well as we expected, we don't even try to see if there was something good in that project, if there was something wich should be preserved. we just destroy the whole thing and start everything again... from the very beginning. they say we're passionate... i say passion my arse... this is just plain stupid and shortsighted.
Interesting point lo zio. One only needs to look at Inter to see your point. Can you imagine a Ferguson-like scenario in Italy where a coach reigns for 20+ years :CONFUSE:.

Regarding Ranieri, well, he's lost the confidence and backing of his own players. Once that happens, there is no turning back, so IMO it was a good decision to let him go. Besides, Juventus need a no-nonsense, tyrant-like coach, like Cappello. Ranieri is simply too amicable and easy going. When he started calling draws at home "good results" I knew it was over. Not only that, they haven't won a game for 2 months :SHOCK: and they're only a point away from Fiorentina. Juve will be starting afresh anyway next season, with the likes of Del Piero and Nedved set to take a back-seat role in things, and I expect 4/5 new signings to come in during the transfer window. It has been argued that Gigli, Blanc and Secco are more to blame than Ranieri, but it so happens Ranieri would be easier to replace. Such is life.

A side note, I think this is the first time Juve have ever fired a coach mid-season. Is that right lo zio. If so, in the words music legend, Bob Dylan, times are a-changing.

mancini (who was not top class.... but still a better coach than mourinho)
In what way? I think Mourinho's man management skills are excpetional, imagine managing a squad with the likes of Toldo, Figo, Ibra, Adriano and Materazzi, and steering the ship in the midst of media bombardment and scrutiny especially after we failed to succeed in Europe. You remember how Mancini famously quit Inter last season after losing to Liverpool, only rescind his decision the next day. I'm not sure how much involvement Mancini had in the signings of Maicon, J. Cesar and Cambiasso, but I know he requested Ze Maria, Cesar, Wome and Mario Gonzalo, some of the worst signings in Inter History (after Mancini and Quaresma :D). Myself, I prefer Mancini over Mourinho, however Mourinho is the better manager, more of a disciplinarian and more astute tactially (in terms of organizing the defence). This is his first season in Italy and he has faired very well. I like how he handled Santon and especially Balotelli who at one point was set to leave. His insistence on the 4-3-3 formation flopped badly but atleast he admitted as much, then going back to Mancini's 4-3-1-2. And recently he has reverted back to 4-3-3 with mixed results (I don't understand why he's trying to turn Ibra into a lone striker when he clearly prefers to play a second striker). He's helping put serie A on the map with his yapping and gloating, but I like to think he employs these mindgames to distract the opposition or take attention away from his own players (who can forget his 7 minute zeru tituli rant :LOL:). But my absolute favorite thing about Mourinho, what he has over Mancini, is his willingness to drop players. Even Ancelotti won't drop Seedorf, but with Mourinho no one's safe :LOL: (look at how he made hung-over Ibra play the whole 90 minutes against Siena)
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

I do wonder what Mourinho wants to do next season. First of all I agree, Milito is world class. Most underrated striker in Europe (along with Forlan IMO).

But how does he fit into it? Think he'd make a pretty good partner for Ibrahimovic. But can't see him fit into a 4-3-3 at all. At least not the type with the tactics Mourinho wants.

Whats going to happen with Quaresma and Mancini as well?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

Interesting point lo zio. One only needs to look at Inter to see your point. Can you imagine a Ferguson-like scenario in Italy where a coach reigns for 20+ years .

exactly. but then again, ferguson's reign lenght is seen as something out of ordinary in england aswell.
so to put things in perspective, i'd use wenger or benitez as examples. 2,3 years managing a top club without winning any silverware would already put u in troubles here in italy.

Regarding Ranieri, well, he's lost the confidence and backing of his own players. Once that happens, there is no turning back
yep that's true..... most of the times.
but the thing is, when the coach looses the grip on the dressing room u (i mean the board or the chairman) need to understand why, before taking any decision.

let's consider juventus situation. some of the big players didn't support ranieri anymore (trezeguet, camoranesi, probably del piero too). why did this happen? because of the picks ranieri did. he said it many times through the season "the players are all the same to me. the big guns and the youngsters have the same rights. so i always pick those who are in the better form. that was the problem.

i don't agree with this policy on a full extent. every dressing room has its hierarchies, and u have to respect this.
but (and this is where ranieri is right) if iaquinta is in a better shape than del piero, then u must pick iaquinta.

when the players don't respect the coach's picks, it's up o the coach to solve the situation.but when the players do more than this, when they don't give their 100% just to show they don't support the coach anymore... then it's up to the club to react.

the ownership (cobolli, blanc) must send a message: "we're the ones in charge here. we pay your wages and u can't stop playing for your coach, just coz u don't trust him anymore".

if u don't do that, then u're giving a huge leverage to the players. u're telling them they're more important than the coach and (even worse) they're more important than the board itself.
now this is extremely dangerous, as it puts the players in a dominant position.

this means that if next season juve players will have some issues with the new coach, they will apply this strategy once again. and this is not acceptable.

just look at roma and fiorentina. the fans (and maybe some of the players too) had some complains about spalletti's and prandelli's strategies this season.
well every time this happened the chairmen (rosella sensi and the Della Valle family), sent a clear message to the players: "move your ass and do what u're paid for, coz u're not gonna get a new coach next season. this attitude won't bring u anything good. this is your coach and u must respect him".
and that's how they solved their own "crisis".

so, long story short, yes, hiring a new coach is usually the easiest (and often the best) move...... but sometimes it isn't, so u always have to understand why the players are questioning the coach. :))

A side note, I think this is the first time Juve have ever fired a coach mid-season. Is that right lo zio. If so, in the words music legend, Bob Dylan, times are a-changing.
i'm not sure about that, but i think u're right.

concerning mourinho, i already wrote a lot about him during the season... just do a search on this thread and u'll find 2 or 3 posts by me on this topic. ;)

in terms of men managing and charisma he's awesome, can't argue with that. but when it comes to tactical education, he's nothing but average (and by saying he's average, i'm actually being generous).

i absolutely love jose. i love the character, i enjoy his interviews... but to be a coach in italy u need much more than looks and "image".
the most important thing still is the quality of the football, and, on this topic, mancini's inter was just better looking than jose's inter.

abhi said:
But how does he fit into it? Think he'd make a pretty good partner for Ibrahimovic. But can't see him fit into a 4-3-3 at all. At least not the type with the tactics Mourinho wants.
jose already dropped his 4-3-3 system to move back to mancini's 4-4-2 diamond formation.
with this setup, having a proper cf as milito, ibra could finally play as a second striker.
that could be one of the best offensive partnerships in europe.

Whats going to happen with Quaresma and Mancini as well?
quaresma? who's this quaresma?
jokes apart, i guess abramovich can't wait to send him back to milano :DD

i'm so looking foward his return... i really miss his trivelas :LMAO::LMAO::LMAO:
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

Quaresma will get back and ROCK the Serie A with his trivelas :D

Seriously, Is Maldini not going to play against Fiorentina? Cause I heard his game against Roma will be his final... :(
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

jose already dropped his 4-3-3 system to move back to mancini's 4-4-2 diamond formation.
with this setup, having a proper cf as milito, ibra could finally play as a second striker.
that could be one of the best offensive partnerships in europe.

quaresma? who's this quaresma?
jokes apart, i guess abramovich can't wait to send him back to milano :DD

i'm so looking foward his return... i really miss his trivelas :LMAO::LMAO::LMAO:

That's what I thought, and that's why I asked about Mancini and Quaresma. Say whatever you want about Jose, he's fucking crap in the transfer market :D

I agree Ibra and Milto, could be the most dangerous partnership in Europe. Plus the fact that they suit each other's style. Ibra can find Milito the whole day with his passes, when he goes out wide.

Talking about Juve, I still think they need a few more players. Dossena would be a quiet brilliant addition to their team, and he should be available for a bargain 7M that Liverpool paid.

And they still need a playmaker. Considering Roma's situation, and Spalletti chances of taking over, I think Pizarro would be a very astute signing. There are few players with better vision in Europe. Think he'd be suited perfectly for them.

Must say I'd be absolutely delighted with Luciano coming to Juve. A coach of his quality, deserves to be in a truly top team, which Juve are. He'll get the money he needs to buy the players he wants, and I bet he's going to create another great footballing system at Juve. Might finally recognized around Europe like he deserves to. Think Juve will go onto big things next few years. All of Ranieri's teams do (Valencia, Chelsea). I think there are few better managers to build a team (dynasty).

Ranieri would be absolutely perfect for Manchester City. He's EXACTLY what they need.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

Milito and Motta are going to Inter (Prezioso confirmed), I think they are 2 very good players but not enough for win a Champions League :( Lo Zio what do you think?

BTW Acquafresca will go to Genoa (and rumors say he will be loaned to Parma to replace Paloschi)
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

in terms of men managing and charisma he's awesome, can't argue with that. but when it comes to tactical education, he's nothing but average (and by saying he's average, i'm actually being generous).

i absolutely love jose. i love the character, i enjoy his interviews... but to be a coach in italy u need much more than looks and "image". the most important thing still is the quality of the football, and, on this topic, mancini's inter was just better looking than jose's inter.
In fairness, Mourinho is still relatively inexperienced in the coaching department (he was sort of thrust into the limelight after success with Porto). And his tactical nous is still quite limited, however, it is much easier to develop this part of the game than man management skills - either you know how to man-manage and organize your team or you don't. This is where Mancini fell short, and I never really felt he had control of the dressing room even with Mihajlovic around to back him. Other than Cagliari game and the Samp game during the Coppa, I can't think of any glaring mistakes Mourinho has made, tactically.

i'd use wenger or benitez as examples. 2,3 years managing a top club without winning any silverware would already put u in troubles here in italy.
speaking of Wenger, I'm surprised Arseanl fans are adamant that he remain as Manager :SHOCK:. I suppose there's no available replacement, however it seems to me Arsenal have taken several steps back since their last premiership title. No way would this happen in Italy. Look at Ancelotti, his last trophy was just 2 years ago (champions league), yet milanista's don't seem satisfied (at least the ones I know and read about).

Another side note, I think Inter has the most players turned coaches out of any team in serie a (perhaps the world) -- Klinsman, Mihajlovic, Ince, Simeone, Brehme, Blanc, Zenga, Passarella, Tardelli, Moriero, Giuseppe Meazza, Baresi (current assistant manager) and I understand both Pagliuca and Di Biagio are getting their coaching qualifications:D

Milito and Motta are going to Inter (Prezioso confirmed), I think they are 2 very good players but not enough for win a Champions League
I'm not too happy about either myself. Motta is a very hardworker but I'm worried he;s too injury prone. Perhaps he's past that, however 15 million for him is way too much, we could have used that to bring in Gokhan Inler who's younger and has much more potential. As for Milito, Inter need a goal scorer, and he's the best that's available. And I guess its good he's in his 30's because this way Super Mario won't feel neglected :APPLAUD:. Inter still need a defender, I imagine we could bring in Ivanovic from Chelsea and stick him in at RB a few games, or play him in the Coppas, until he becomes accustomed to Italian football. Most importantly, we need a creative midfielder :THINK: With HArry Redknap reverting back to a 4-3-3 so to accomadate Defoe and Keane, I don't think there'll be much room Modric, so we could draft him in, and perhaps they could take Muntari in return.:)):APPLAUD:
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

Not much time, but Ben. The "consider juventus situation. some of the big players didn't support ranieri anymore (trezeguet, camoranesi, probably del piero too). why did this happen? because of the picks ranieri did. he said it many times through the season "the players are all the same to me. the big guns and the youngsters have the same rights. so i always pick those who are in the better form. that was the problem."

Isn't quite true..

Ranieri was too stubborn to change his system and selections. Only in desperate times did he do something drastic, which usually made it even worse. Anyway.. Nedved is the best example. He's been extremely mediocre, Giovinco when he played in that position was always more influential (he had some average performances because of the way he never got the chance to play with continuity), but Ranieri always preffered Nedved or even De Ceglie or Marchionni on the left.. Giovinco didn't even make the bench the last games. The issue is much bigger than giovinco, but just to illustrate. Ranieri only started benching Del Piero, when he voiced his displeasure, not because his form dropped. Ranieri never was in control of the group and actually gave too much attention too hierarchies. Only in his frustration the last months did he do drastic changes out of panic.

Anyway, it was time for him to go. The board is poor too, but that does not excuse Ranieri. He had some great performances, and I thank him for last year but i'm glad he's gone to be quite frank.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

So, 22M bid Liverpool bid for Lavezzi rejected? How much more would Napoli want?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

Why does Rafa want a Striker like Lavezzi? Either he's being silly by breaking up the Gerrard/Torres combo or he's looking to get a striker worth 22M to sit on the bench :SS
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

I'm not too happy about either myself. Motta is a very hardworker but I'm worried he;s too injury prone. Perhaps he's past that, however 15 million for him is way too much, we could have used that to bring in Gokhan Inler who's younger and has much more potential.

Inter is paying $15 million for Thiago!!??!!

Yah man if I were an Inter fan, I wouldn't be too happy about that either.

Like you said the problem isn't that the man isn't a good player but far too injury prone and his age wouldn't justify that price tag either.

Inler would surely cost more than Motta though...

Now Marco Motta, I wouldn't mind paying $15M for. ;)
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

I think that 10 million would have been a fairer fee. The guy is 26 and has played 27 out of 35 matches this season. Very consistent and useful player.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

Hahahaaahaha :LMAO: :LMAO: :LMAO:

Super Ricardo! lol ---> :FAIL:

every wednesday evening i play football with some colleagues and some university friends. one of em is an inter fan.
well, one of em did a ridiculously unaccurate cross last week.
his "inter fan" teammate told him "jezz boy, u really need to go to an oculist... what the hell was that!!??!"

and the sublime crosser replied "what are u talking about? that was a remarkable trivela!! didn't u notice the silky outside touch?!"

Rfu said:
In fairness, Mourinho is still relatively inexperienced in the coaching department (he was sort of thrust into the limelight after success with Porto). And his tactical nous is still quite limited..... ....Other than Cagliari game and the Samp game during the Coppa, I can't think of any glaring mistakes Mourinho has made, tactically

well, there was the genoa game..... and the siena game..... and the werder brema game.... and probably many others i don't remember right now :P
and i'm not sure about the experience factor aswell.... he's been coaching fore more than 10 years now.... and even though 1 year coaching in serie a gives u more experience than 5 years in epl (mourinho's words), his apprenticeship with van gaal must have been a very good "school".

anyhow u're definitely right about this
however, it is much easier to develop this part of the game than man management skills - either you know how to man-manage and organize your team or you don't. This is where Mancini fell short, and I never really felt he had control of the dressing room even with Mihajlovic around to back him.
.... and it must be said, jose is probably on his way to find the right formula for inter. this season inter's poor football was definitely effected by the "original sin" (namely trying to display a 4-3-3 system with 2 extremely unreliable wingers and no quality at midfield).... then, when jose gave up and changed system, he couldn't go on the market to pick the most appropriate players for the 4-4-2 he decided to display.

i heard a very long interview last week (he was the guest of a 1 hour show with paolo rossi and vialli), and from what i heard, i can tell u he finally knows what he's doing ;)

Another side note, I think Inter has the most players turned coaches out of any team in serie a (perhaps the world) -- Klinsman, Mihajlovic, Ince, Simeone, Brehme, Blanc, Zenga, Passarella, Tardelli, Moriero, Giuseppe Meazza, Baresi (current assistant manager) and I understand both Pagliuca and Di Biagio are getting their coaching qualifications
wow, i never noticed it before!

Leo messi said:
Milito and Motta are going to Inter (Prezioso confirmed), I think they are 2 very good players but not enough for win a Champions League Lo Zio what do you think?
it's always very dangerous to put the big ears cup on top of your priorities list. there are just too many details u have to take care about to aim for the champions league.... and many of theese details are usually out of your control.
u can build the perfect team... then 2 weeks before the champions league match, u loose 3 key players for injuries, and your entire european campaign is screwed up.

look at the chelsea-juve matchup this season. in jannuary it was almost sure juve would have gone through... chelsea was facing a very bad period, while juve was on fire.
then, just 1 month later, the situation was completely overturned. Hddink's arrival gave a big boost to chelsea, while juventus was missing some key players (coz of injuries).

so my opinion is: always aim for the league... and then do your best to go as further as u can in the champions league.... hoping everyhting goes the right way... at the right time.:))

concerning thiago motta's arrival, the guy is class, no doubt about that. and he is top club material, that's for sure.....
but we all know this guy's carreer has been completely destroyed by his continuous injuries.... so who can tell this wasn't just a lucky year? if he's fit, he's definitely worthy 15 millions (he's still 26 years old, afterall), but as a matter of fact, this was the first season in his entire carreer he didn't face any major injuries, so....

and btw, with cambiasso, muntari and zanetti already in the team, i don't really think he was needed. inter doesn't need another defensive midfielder, neither a metodista... as u pointed out, they need a deep-lying playmaker, someone who can give some geometry and structure to inter's football... and also someone who can take stankovic's spot behind the fowards (inler would have been perfect).

but (and here we are again to that mourinho interview i saw on tv last week), mourinho said theese (along with a cb) will be inter next signings. So we just have to wait who they'll sign next (however rfu, i really don't think mordric is the right player to direct inter's midfield).
i have to admit i'm kinda looking foward to see next season inter's shape :))

Dominic said:
Ranieri was too stubborn to change his system and selections. Only in desperate times did he do something drastic, which usually made it even worse. Ranieri only started benching Del Piero, when he voiced his displeasure, not because his form dropped. Ranieri never was in control of the group and actually gave too much attention too hierarchies. Only in his frustration the last months did he do drastic changes out of panic.

got to say i'm a bit surprised by reading this mate, as it doesn't tie in with what people say here in italy.

they say the main problem was the relationship with the dressing room (specifically the leaders, like camoranesi, and del piero)...
while, from what u're saying, it looks like there was a "football issue".
now i can't really talk about juve's football, as i haven't watched the bianconeri very often lately.... but if that's the case (and of course i tend to believe u), then the situation might be different.....

it's a shame u don't post here as often as u used to, as i would really like to here more from u on this concern.
... and where is martin when u need him!?! :))

Abhishek said:
So, 22M bid Liverpool bid for Lavezzi rejected? How much more would Napoli want?

napoli has no hurry.. they don't need money, as they already have the funds to sign the players they want.
moreover de laurentis and marino must show the napoletani they're not gonna let lavezzi leave that easily. and this will make very hard to get ezequiel, i believe.

i guess they won't let him leave, unless a ridicolous offer arrives... and by ridiculous i mean a bid wich is way higher than lavezzi's real value (and lavezzi's value is already pretty high ;) ).

however, even though lavezzi loves napoli, when a club like liverpool calls, u can't just pretend nothing happened. lavezzi and his agent might ask de laurentis to let him leave, and start complaining about it.... and this might help u a lot.

anyhow, i think a 30 millions offer would do the job.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

Would be the another blunder by Rafa, hope it happens :DD

i dunno mate. i mean, from a costs-benefits point of view, it wouldn't be the smartest move, that's for sure...

but if u don't care about money, if u just care about the football, well a torres-lavezzi setup, with gerrard acting just behind el nino and ezequiel spreading his magic wide on the side....
that would definitely be fun to watch.... :))
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

It's all over the Belgian papers: Moussa Dembele will play inthe Serie A next season. Fiorentina, Milan, Juventus and genoa are all interested...

Earlier this year Dembele was also linked with Arsenal.

He's very good, but things are going too quick at the moment...
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

napoli has no hurry.. they don't need money, as they already have the funds to sign the players they want.
moreover de laurentis and marino must show the napoletani they're not gonna let lavezzi leave that easily. and this will make very hard to get ezequiel, i believe.

i guess they won't let him leave, unless a ridicolous offer arrives... and by ridiculous i mean a bid wich is way higher than lavezzi's real value (and lavezzi's value is already pretty high ;) ).

however, even though lavezzi loves napoli, when a club like liverpool calls, u can't just pretend nothing happened. lavezzi and his agent might ask de laurentis to let him leave, and start complaining about it.... and this might help u a lot.

anyhow, i think a 30 millions offer would do the job.

Hmm, have read somewhere that Napoli are hard negotiators. Think Lavezzi would be great. We need a tricky player, and he's the best around. Plus, he plays with his heart out, and quality Rafa admires.

Don't think he's worth more than 20M though. There's set to be another meeting between the two clubs. You think Napoli would be interested in Doss? I know the play with wingbacks, but I guess they're ok there. Maggio is a great player, and Manini has looked good whenever I've seen him play.

Still the idea, of Torres-Gerrard-Lavezzi seems interesting :P
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

Btw, how do Napoli manage to get such quality players. Have heard that their scouting system, is just as good as Monchi. Who's the guy? Can't remember him?

Edit: Last thing. Has Lavezzi played up front, as a striker? We lack cover for striker, and would be interesting, if Lavezzi can play up front, with Gerrard behind?
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

Don't think he's worth more than 20M though

that's why i said "a ridiculously high bid" ;)

You think Napoli would be interested in Doss? I know the play with wingbacks, but I guess they're ok there. Maggio is a great player, and Manini has looked good whenever I've seen him play.

i don't think they would be interested in him. they already have mannini and datolo on the left (maggio plays on the right side ;) ). as u said, manini is really good, and concerning datolo, they just bought him a couple of months ago, so getting dossena wouldn't make much sense.

if donadoni will change system and drop the 3 men setup in defence, a pure left sideback will be needed, as both mannini and datolo are wingers rather than sidebacks....
but then again, dossena isn't a pure sideback aswell.

Still the idea, of Torres-Gerrard-Lavezzi seems interesting
yep, it would be quite weird as torres isn't a pure tipycal cf, and ezequiel is a supporting striker who almost act as a winger...
but still i think it could be really a nice partnership.:))

Btw, how do Napoli manage to get such quality players. Have heard that their scouting system, is just as good as Monchi. Who's the guy? Can't remember him?
it's not "the guy"... it's THE guy!
there are just 3 sport directors in europe who are better than ramon rodriguez (aka "monchi")...2 of them are italians..... one of those 2 legends (that's really the only word that fits in) is Pierpaolo Marino.
Pierpaolo Marino and Pantaleo Corvino are for sports directors, what maradona and pelè were for football players: GODS.

it would take one entire day to tell u about all the stars Marino signed in his carreer (when they weren't stars yet, of course)....
just to give u an idea....
the napoli team that won 2 scudetti was one of his creatures (i'm talking about maradona's napoli). careca, alemao, bagni, giordano..... were all his signings

before napoli there was Pescara (allegri, esposito, and a young brazilian kid called dunga!)
then there was the great experience with dino viola's roma.

oh and shall we talk about his experience at udinese? bierhoff, amoroso, di natale, pizarro, iaquinta......

i tell u, if zamparini asked me "ok ben who would u rather me to get? kakà, messi, pirlo, fabregas or pierpaolo marino?
i would pick marino with no hesitations..... and i'm serious. with that God on your side, your future is fu**ing guarranteed! :))

p.s. it would be nice to see dembele here in italy, Gerd :))

Last thing. Has Lavezzi played up front, as a striker? We lack cover for striker, and would be interesting, if Lavezzi can play up front, with Gerrard behind?
u mean playing a la torres? no, he can't do that. he's a supporting striker who likes to start his action from the flanks.
he has an amazing ability in holding the ball and resisting to tackles (especially considering his build), but i don't think he could be the lone benchmark foward with steve behind him...

in that role he couldn't exploit his abilities.
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