FIFA 21 Discussion (Console Versions)

I've listed it as a bug on the EA forum. No idea if it'll be helpful at all, but a few people have listed it as a problem for them also. If anyone wants to mark it down as they've had the problem too then some extra numbers who agree can't hurt. I wrote the same thing about 5 times on the listing so I'm hoping it sinks in haha.

Good man.

Funny thing is it's not a bug though, it's intentional but if it helps to get it fixed. I'll mention that it affects defenders as well.
He points out quite a few flaws that I agree with, but some of the things he claims to be true are patently false. FIFA 21 is unresponsive on the ball? Is there an alternate reality I'm not privy to? I've been bashing the game for the past few days, but I'll rush to its aid when it comes to blatant misinformation. FIFA is a lot of things, but unresponsive? Not a chance. I'm sorry to say, but to hold that viewpoint you either have to be intentionally deceitful or just plain bad. If anything, it's more responsive because of agile dribbling and the altered RB.

Highlights of Messi vs Real Madrid, Legendary, Normal speed, blah, blah. I threw this together as a counterpoint. Mind you, this is without even utilizing RS skill moves (because I'm not going to spam skill moves with Messi like some sort of heathen).

On the opposite end of the spectrum, here's Lenglet playing out of the back:

thank you for the neat reply! :TU:

i find fifa very responsive myself, to a point where (in combination with the jelly legs and ball physics) this is just to much for me!
the flaws he mentioned are weighting heavier for me than the flaws of the other game. so i know where to go.

for example: those FIFA headers alone are doing my head in more than the "constant" retreat in the other game. best of both worlds would be awesome!

regarding your videos: with the other games latest version i'm getting better and better in dribbling with the LS alone. its important to use the "half way stick movement" for shoulder and body fakes... this alone lets you dribble past the AI with a good dribbler like Messi for example. and i like that this is possible in both games as it seems.
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I absolutely love this logic. When you have the ball, assistance is ok for passing & shooting because aiming is not a skill gap, but when you don't have the ball you should be manually controlling 4 players with 4 gamepads and player switching is a skill gap.

My goodness that's a perfect response. Please comment on the tweet with that.
My goodness that's a perfect response. Please comment on the tweet with that.

Won't convince him. His true argument is not the skill gap. He's just hiding behind that argument.
His true motivation is in one of his own replies: "otherwise the attacking would be dead like FIFA 20 I tell you".

He likes easy goals, simple as. And you can't argue against that. I bet you real money that "It's not fun" will be his next counter-argument if you talk to him about a bigger skill when attacking. The skill gap bandwagon was just too convenient and everyone like him jumped on it.

Arguing with him is pointless anyway, unless he's a developer. Someone at EA must realize that playing CM is not about "skill gap" but about "stats". Stats play out, football should be represented and those who like it hard change difficulty setting, don't control 11 players at the same time as if they are an octopus with 8 hands.
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I absolutely love this logic. When you have the ball, assistance is ok for passing & shooting because aiming is not a skill gap, but when you don't have the ball you should be manually controlling 4 players with 4 gamepads and player switching is a skill gap.

Yup, I've maintained this stance for years. They clamor for a skill gap, yet none of them play on manual. They'll say, "Well, no one else is playing on manual, so why should I handicap myself?" I thought user input/freedom was paramount and supersedes everything? I thought it was one of the most important factors? I guess not when it involves actual skill. Weird. Same shit applies to FIFA pros. How can you claim to be among the best FIFA players in the world if you're playing on assisted? In my eyes, an amazing manual player is far more impressive than a "FIFA pro."
Yup, I've maintained this stance for years. They clamor for a skill gap, yet none of them play on manual. They'll say, "Well, no one else is playing on manual, so why should I handicap myself?" I thought user input/freedom was paramount and supersedes everything? I thought it was one of the most important factors? I guess not when it involves actual skill. Weird. Same shit applies to FIFA pros. How can you claim to be among the best FIFA players in the world if you're playing on assisted? In my eyes, an amazing manual player is far more impressive than a "FIFA pro."

It was a bullshit argument from the start, because the AI defends for both players, the best player will still come out on top. And indeed the same people come out on top whether it's a fifa like 20 or a fifa like 17. When this Kurt guy was raging about AI defending a couple of years ago I tweeted back "What's the matter? The AI is predictable. You're the best and can't factor in and get past the World Class AI of the game?". A few people understand your point about manual, for the rest it's just an incredibly compelling argument because it twists reality and hides their ignorance:

For them a crap defense is not a means to an end, it is the end. They don't understand how the sport works, how to create space or opportunities. They just can't. With the 'defense should be the skill gap' they twist this reality. They have the goalfests they love and can point the finger at you for not having the skill to defend. That's why they love this no AI defending argument so much. It's just about goals = fun.

The best players could care less. They win no matter the meta for the year.
I havent played it but does the 2 man control not help in defence ? In Pes you can hold circle down to bring in an AI defender or two whilst your controlling another person
It's not just about the user, the AI is affected just as much. Makes it incredibly easy to be facing against a defensive line when the midfield can be bypassed. Makes it incredibly easy when you can cross into the box and the forward is behind the defensive line untouched.

It's just very poor programming. Makes me feel like a fool because the beta was so good. I honestly do not know what they did in between those times.

The bigger skill gap is from the player alongside the CPU actually defending and actually being able to break it down.

I have the full game but haven't played it yet, I thought the beta was bad, so can't imagine how it's now somehow worse?
I last played a football game properly about 4 years ago. Fifa 17 been a bad 4 years ago for Fifa. Hopefully pes brings out all the big guns for pes 2022 and brings back the glory days of 16 years ago. :SHOCK: Its amazing how little has improved in the past 15 years.

I wish there were just little improvements. The problem is the regression and the neglecting of fundamentals that we given for granted even as far as 15 years ago..
I think we would be better off if we invested our money in EA stocks and use that to build our own game. There aren't many people who like gaming and have real football passion. No investors will ever be interested in us, probably.

All the gameplay tips from all of the producers are about scoring more goals, with players who have insanely high attributes.

Even when the reviews are in and call defending broken.

From this Eurogamer review:

It's an absolute goal-fest. I'm not sure whether this is the result of defending feeling a lot trickier than it has done in recent years, or that defenders sometimes feel improbably sluggish, or that shooting from pretty much anywhere is reliable (finesse long shots are very much back), or that the goalkeepers don't seem much use at all, but I often score five or six goals per game and concede just as many.

...let's be honest, the defending is atrocious and everyone just needs to calm down a bit. There are so many goals flying in that after a while you start to feel numb to the ball hitting the back of the net.
When on twitter yesterday or the day before I clicked on the hashtag #FIFA21 and it was horrible. I read probably the first 30 top comments and it was all about „how many packs did you open today“, „rate my team“, „look at my legends“ and so on. One guy asked how much money „the community“ will or had already spent for FIFA coins. So people posted photos of their coin cards they bought for hundreds of euros. Some guy said, he bought coins for 500 euros. This is the price for the new xbox or ps5! Five fucking hundred euros for virtual coins to gamble in a lottery of virtual football players! For a game that - except a trial version -isn’t even released yet. I really can’t eat as much as I want to puke.

So never ever the wishes of the offline/sim players will have any priority for any FIFA developer (or Konami or 2k or someone else) as long as the FUT zombies go on like this.

And - slightly off topic, sorry for that - as a father of an 8 year old girl (and girls play videogames too) this whole pay2win crap in videogames really is a serious issue parents carefully have to pay attention for.
It's like arguing with a Furby toy. They come pre-programmed with only a select few English words and phrases from the factory.
With the right stimulus applied they'll use phrases like "No AI defending"/"Get good". Newer, more advanced models can also use the "Skill gap must be in defending" variant because older models broke down easily if you tried arguing with them.
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