Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

About Dida.
Is it a coïncidence that some Brazilian players are (nearly) the best in the world and then fade away...Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Dida, Denilson ... ?

I think its a little different. Ronaldinho, Ronaldo, Denilson and Adriano made it big while they were still young. They are 'party' goers. Dida was always a professional and hit his peak in his mid-late 20's. I think its more psychological with him.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Ronaldo's peak did last longer though... I think it's normal to fade away with many injuries AND aging... not everyone can play at their forties like a Maldini can :D

btw, I think that, yes, Galliani will surely do like that. But I also do think that he talks like that only to calm down fans (which ALWAYS ask for more... and make the players and manager under pressure. Not talking specifically about milan fans here, but they are the most active atm) while they DO know that they aren't that strong (CL excluded)... It's the Berlusconian method. Do what you want well (for himself usually) while you calm down people with half-thruths :)
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

About Ronaldo: yes he had lots of serious injuries, but he wasn't exactly always behaving like a professional.

Did not know that Dida behaved very professional, that's very sad for him...i hope he can overcome this.

And yes Milanista, i forgot Adriano...

I think it's very unlikely that Kaka will ever be mentioned with Adriano and co...
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

professional or not, he's been one of the very best strikers in history (and i'm not saying the best just coz it's impossible to compare players from different eras).
mentioning him along the likes of dida, ronaldinho and adriano is almost a blasphemy, Gerd ;)

speaking of greatests players in history, stef, may i suggest u to change your avatar? u picked the wrong cb! :D

i can't believe i'm saying this, but we're almost in november now, he played about 12 games... and 8 out of those 12 performances would make it into a "top ten defensive individual displays of the season".... so i'm just gonna say it... out loud.
alessandro nesta is officially back!!!!!!!:WORSHIP::WORSHIP::WORSHIP:

just today, i was watching liverpool-man utd with some friends... i was trying to remark how the gap between "defending schools" got slighter in the last 10 years.... and then ferdinand makes that terrible mistake on torres goal and one of em shuts me up with a sarcastic "yeah, i see" ... damn u ferdinand :P

and appearently tonite in the post match interview he even left an opening for a possible national team comeback.....
that's almost better than valentino winning his 9th championship :BOP:

yuyazan said:
what song is sky sports calcio theme song?
is it one of theese?
YouTube - Spot - Serie A TIM 2009 - 2010
YouTube - Sigla Serie A TIM 2009 - Con te partirò (HQ - AltÃ* qualitÃ*)
i don't know the name of the first one, but the second one is "con te partirò":))
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

The second one is Heavy Cross by the Gossip.

Sandro Nesta anyone? He is THE MAN. Great performance by Borriello too. He's no doubt our best center forward.

Edit - Ben - Nesta won't play for Italy:
Il difensore del Milan sicuro sul suo futuro: "Non torno, e Lippi sa bene come la penso. Non voglio mettere il mio fisico troppo sotto sforzo".
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

oh crap!, then i guess i was misinformed :(
u're right on borriello, he's really stepping up :))
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

It's back injuries that has affected Nesta the last few years, am I right?

Looks like Ferdinand is going down the same route with injuries as Sandro. :(
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Well Ben, Ronaldo had a couple of fantastic years but i've seen better strikers: Tostao, Gerd Muller, Van Basten, now i am comparing players from different's all very subjective i have to admit.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

gerd said:
Well Ben, Ronaldo had a couple of fantastic years but i've seen better strikers: Tostao, Gerd Muller, Van Basten, now i am comparing players from different's all very subjective i have to admit.
indeed it is, Gerd. anyhow, beside our personal preferences, i believe we can agree adriano and ronaldinho don't belong to his category.... even today, with his crystal knees and his overweight, ronaldo can still make the difference.... adriano is just a joke, an average player, there are hundreds of players as good as him all over the world...
today we have a player who is quite similar to van basten (ibra), but there's nobody who plays the game ronaldo used to play.
It's back injuries that has affected Nesta the last few years, am I right?

Looks like Ferdinand is going down the same route with injuries as Sandro. :(

yeah nesta had an hernia.... most of the times is just painful... but in his case it was almost a carreer ender.

didn't know ferdinand had back troubles too :(
anyhow, back problems still can't explain a huge technical mistake like that one (although pain can probably kill your focus).
he better never do something like that with the england jersey anyway, coz capello would eat him!
PLF said:
Yup Nesta is back!!!

Shame he won't play for Italy.
yep, it's confirmed bro. he said he doesn't think his back can handle too much stress... i can understand him... afterall in each of the last 4 national teams competitions he joined with italy's jersey, he got a major injury.

oh i almost forgot...
inter 22
samp 20
juve 18
palermo 15
fiorentina 15

champions league baby! here we come!!! :LMAO::LMAO::LMAO:
seriously, we're still looking nowhere near as good as last season..... yet we're delivering... even more than last season
anyhow we're gonna face inter thursday... without balzaretti and bovo.... i have the feeling this is gonna be painful :ANX:
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

champions league baby! here we come!!! :LMAO::LMAO::LMAO:
seriously, we're still looking nowhere near as good as last season..... yet we're delivering... even more than last season
anyhow we're gonna face inter thursday... without balzaretti and bovo.... i have the feeling this is gonna be painful :ANX:
as Zenga said, your team want to win the Scudetto :BOP:
Seriously, I'm happy for your comeback, at the start of season I was not happy to see your team (and your coach) in difficulty (rumors said Zamparini was searching a replacement for Zenga...). I really hope Samp, Genoa, Palermo and Fiorentina will fight for 3rd and 4th place. This will become a freshness wind for Italian football in Europe
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Yup Nesta is back!!! :D

Shame he won't play for Italy. :(

Shame indeed, since he's undoubtedly the best defender in the business.

I mean,seriously, against Chievo he was unbelivable, and it wasn't his first good game of the year. Almost every game he gave and incredible performance.

I't really a shame since Italy needs a good defender badly (Legrottaglie, Bocchetti and Gamberini don't seem good enough for azzurra shirt).

Oh, concluding, I'm really starting to fucking hate Galliani. I hope someone shuts his hole up, he can ruin every goddamn victory with blatant bollocks.

P.S. Pretty happy about Livorno clashing AS Roma. I'm in love with labronici for some reason only a good psychiatrist can explain.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Lol @ Hey there. :P

Anyway, for those lazy spoiled ones out there like me :P, feel free to show us more defensive highlights (Nesta would be great!) like we had a page or so back when Lo zio posted a link! That $hit was awesome!! :D

And it was all highlights from ONE match! Maybe someone out there has made similar ones for his other great performances this season. Would be great stuff to watch! :D

p.s. I'm happy for you Ben. :)
And yah Ronaldo was something reallllllllyyyyyyy special. He really was "The Phenom!"

Anyway Pato keeps our hopes alive that maybe we'll see some very special Brazilian forward again maybe not too distant in future. ;)
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Ben, since you did see the Liverpool-United game, would be interesting to see your thoughts. Always great to hear what you feel about a game.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

P.S. Pretty happy about Livorno clashing AS Roma. I'm in love with labronici for some reason only a good psychiatrist can explain.
so u're basically saying Ernestito must be mental.... :P

PLF said:
Anyway, for those lazy spoiled ones out there like me , feel free to show us more defensive highlights (Nesta would be great!) like we had a page or so back when Lo zio posted a link! That $hit was awesome!!

And it was all highlights from ONE match! Maybe someone out there has made similar ones for his other great performances this season.
that's exactly what i thought, reading your post, buddy. the siena game (the one i posted weeeks ago) definitely was a stand out performance... but nesta has been in "nesta-mode" all season long so far.... so i went on utube and looked for nesta related videos uploaded in the last month....
and i found out that the same guy who made the siena game video, uploaded a specific video for each nesta game. exactly as for the video i posted before, theese videos aren't compilations, they don't show plays from multiple different matches.... each video shows what nesta did in that match only. ( :CONFUSE: ).
each vid is about 2 mins lenght, except the first one wich is 5 mins. knock yourself out Sina, u're gonna love this :))

nesta vs chievo (2 days ago)
YouTube - Nesta Vs. Chievo - 25/10/2009
nesta vs real madrid (6 days ago)
YouTube - Nesta Vs. Real Madrid - 21/10/2009
nesta vs. atalanta (2 weeks ago - last game before the national teams week)
YouTube - Nesta Vs. Atalanta - 4/10/2009
nesta vs bari (4 weeks ago)
YouTube - Nesta Vs. Bari - 27/9/2009
nesta vs udinese (5 weeks ago)
YouTube - Nesta Vs. Udinese - 23/9/2009
nesta vs bologna (5 weeks and a half ago - 3 days before the udinese game)
YouTube - Nesta Vs. Bologna - 20/9/2009
and finally nesta vs marseille (6 weeks ago)
YouTube - Nesta Vs. Marseille - 15/9/2009
i guess that'll do it :P

so, if buffon (as Sina established a few weeks ago) is superman and pirlo is michelangelo.... who the hell is nesta?
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Ben, since you did see the Liverpool-United game, would be interesting to see your thoughts. Always great to hear what you feel about a game.

a single phrase could sum up the game pretty well: great intensity, poor quality.
the thing is we can't expect much more from liverpool theese days. loosing xabi was a huge blow for benitez, and i believe this season rafa will have to face his biggest challenge ever as a coach: find a new tactical formula to cope with the lack of a regista.
a team can definitely play without a regista (man utd played without a proper regista in the last few years and still showed the most sophisticated football in europe, speaking of tactics)...... but when u got used to play with a regista, it gets damn hard to play without him. xabi has been for liverpool what pirlo is for milan, what xavi is for barca.... they're like a morphine dose; once u don't use it anymore, it's hard to detox.

just take fiorentina as example..... it was a hell of a challenge for prandelli to "detox" his players, when liverani left. he went for new a midfield formula with lots of muscles (melo and donadel) and quality (montolivo and kuzmanovic)...... wich is the same path rafa is choosing right now (with kuyt, mascherano, benayoun and gerrard).
it took one year to prandelli to teach his players to cope with liverani's absence.... and even today, fiorentina looks like a work in progress......
so i believe this is gonna be a very tough season for liverpool fans.

anyhow the game vs utd brings a very good news for liverpool fans; the fighting spirit the reds showed sunday proves that the players didn't loose their faith in rafa, they still suppport him, and that's very important imo.

now it's up to benitez to show this faith is well deserved; he must give a new tactical imprint to this team, and he must do it as soon as possible, coz, to be honest, this liverpool is very boring to watch, very predictable, very flat.
and it won't be easy to do it with lucas as a starter. the guy is finally showing some progresses, and his passion and intensity certainly deserve a plause..... but his passing game is so terrribly flat and predictable... and even defensively he still has a long way to go; sure he recovers many balls, but he also loose possession way too often. sunday he was pretty good, but to be fair, i'd say that's up to carrick and scholes bad performance.

liverpool's performance sunday pretty much reflects lucas situation. the team was great during non possession phases, showing a great fighting spirit and a very intense pressing that crashed man utd midfield (right now fletcher is a key assett to man utd)..... but as soon as they got possession, there was a serious lack of ideas at midfield.
lucky them, benayoun can provide all the creativity lucas lacks of..... but benayoun plays higher on the pitch.... while liverpool need a clever player deeper in their own midfield, if they wanna start playing some "logical" football.

right now yossi is liverpool's most important player. tactically speaking, he's even more important than torres (as he's the one who allows el nino to show his magic). the "dialogue" between benayoun and kuyt was great sunday (certainly the most interesting thing of the match), and if only those 2 guys were a bit more selfish, liverpool would be a lot more dangerous upfront.

the game versus man utd arrived with a perfect timing. after such a bad period, the reds had to show some guts, and the big game against their rivals was the perfect scenario to pull out that amazing fighting spirit liverpool is famous for. and if u add to that man utd's poor performance (they were simply awful, not only they couldn't cope with liverpool pressing, not only they didn't put enough pressure on lucas, who is liverpool's weak link, to force his mistakes... they weren't even able to create anything when they got the opportunity)..... this match became the best medicine to heal liverpool's pride.

but the problem is, u don't get to play against top teams every's easy to find the right motivation playing against man utd....... but in the league (in the long run) u don't prove yourself performing against man utd..... a real top team must find the same motivations, must show the same fighting spirit even playing against sunderland, west ham or bolton.
and since the reds lost xabi, they're gonna have to show even more fighting spirit than in the previous seasons, if they wanna cope with his absence.

i know this is not really a deep tactical analysis.... but that's because this match really didn't offer anything interesting from the tactical point of view to discuss about.

anyhow i hope this is a sign of things to come for liverpool. i hope the reds will keep playing with that intensity until rafa will find a new way to have his team playing.
afterall football is played with brain, heart, lungs and legs. if u ain't got enough brain, u can still make up with the other factors. ;)

sorry for the double posting, for the off topic and for the long post :P
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Great post ben, don't be sorry...
I'm glad that Palermo are doing well (not only for you, but i guess you know that i also like Palermo, although i'm un unfaithfull lover, i also love Atalanta and even Genoa).

Concerning Genoa.
What about Milanetto...what sort of player is he...he intrigues me.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Great insight Ben. Agree with most of it, but do disagree with parts of it. I'll try to post a detailed reply later.

I'll add though, Rafa is still waiting for a certain Italian to get fit (and he's doing very well), to implement his new tactical formula.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

As always, ben enlightens me.

Never considered Benayoun so important for liv'pool game, but once I read it I started to realize that's true indeed.

Of course, now I'm curious what will do Rafa when Aquilani will be back in shape, but is pretty obvious once you think about it (I mean, Lucas is obviously the man that will warm the bench. I don't like him, he reminds me of Antonio Manicone).

P.S. About ernestito being mental, I didn't mean that :D Simply, excluding maybe something that has to do with politics, the reason I started to love Livorno is Igor Protti, but this love-story starts really a lot of time ago, when Igor played for Napoli and in a horrible team was the only one to shine.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

yeah nesta had an hernia.... most of the times is just painful... but in his case it was almost a carreer ender.

didn't know ferdinand had back troubles too :(
anyhow, back problems still can't explain a huge technical mistake like that one (although pain can probably kill your focus).
he better never do something like that with the england jersey anyway, coz capello would eat him!
His back has been the main problem but he's also suffered calf, hip and groin injuries since last season.

Luckily we've got Johnny Evans to cover, one of the best young centrebacks in the world today, I'm sure you remember his performance in keeping Ibra and co quiet in the San Siro last season.

But I'm hoping he can get back to his form in 2008, when he was the best in the world but he might be going down Nesta's route of a few underachieving seasons before he gets back to his best.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

a single phrase could sum up the game pretty well: great intensity, poor quality.
IMO both teams are lacking technically. WHy was Anderson on the bench (he should come to Inter) and where was Scholes? I think its safe to say Chelsea will win the title this season (it's there's to lose). Was an enjoyable game nonetheless.

I'll add though, Rafa is still waiting for a certain Italian to get fit (and he's doing very well), to implement his new tactical formula.
Where the hell is Aquiliani? This is ridiculous. Didn't he play a game with the reserves a few weeks ago?

didn't know ferdinand had back troubles too :(
anyhow, back problems still can't explain a huge technical mistake like that one (although pain can probably kill your focus).
he better never do something like that with the england jersey anyway, coz capello would eat him!
Should've watched him vs Holland a month back. Horrible performance. He's not as good as he should be.

I'm sure you remember his performance in keeping Ibra and co quiet in the San Siro last season.
Rubbish! Ibra had 4 or 6 good chances in both legs, without much creative input from the Inter midfield. Problem is be bottles it at the last minute. In anycase, marking Ibra is manageable for most strong and decently quick CBs (Chellini, Kroldrup, for example) because of his size and he's only decently quick.

seriously, we're still looking nowhere near as good as last season..... yet we're delivering... even more than last season
that's good news if you ask me. Its looking like things are unfolding like I predicted.

anyhow we're gonna face inter thursday... without balzaretti and bovo.... i have the feeling this is gonna be painful :ANX:
Great news :APPLAUD: Your counter attacks are quite dangerous though, thank god for Cavani :LOL:

but there's nobody who plays the game ronaldo used to play.
Closest we have is Benzema and maybe Menez.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

a single phrase could sum up the game pretty well: great intensity, poor quality.
IMO both teams are lacking technically. WHy was Anderson on the bench (he should come to Inter) and where was Scholes? I think its safe to say Chelsea will win the title this season (it's there's to lose). Was an enjoyable game nonetheless.

I'll add though, Rafa is still waiting for a certain Italian to get fit (and he's doing very well), to implement his new tactical formula.
Where the hell is Aquiliani? This is ridiculous. Didn't he play a game with the reserves a few weeks ago?

didn't know ferdinand had back troubles too :(
anyhow, back problems still can't explain a huge technical mistake like that one (although pain can probably kill your focus).
he better never do something like that with the england jersey anyway, coz capello would eat him!
Should've watched him vs Holland a month back. Horrible performance. He's not as good as he should be.

I'm sure you remember his performance in keeping Ibra and co quiet in the San Siro last season.
Rubbish! Ibra had 4 or 6 good chances in both legs, without much creative input from the Inter midfield. Problem is be bottles it at the last minute. In anycase, marking Ibra is manageable for most strong and decently quick CBs (Chellini, Kroldrup, for example) because of his size and he's only decently quick.

seriously, we're still looking nowhere near as good as last season..... yet we're delivering... even more than last season
that's good news if you ask me. Its looking like things are unfolding like I predicted.

anyhow we're gonna face inter thursday... without balzaretti and bovo.... i have the feeling this is gonna be painful :ANX:
Great news :APPLAUD: Your counter attacks are quite dangerous though, thank god for Cavani :LOL:

but there's nobody who plays the game ronaldo used to play.
Closest we have is Benzema and maybe Menez.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

P.S. About ernestito being mental, I didn't mean that :D Simply, excluding maybe something that has to do with politics, the reason I started to love Livorno is Igor Protti, but this love-story starts really a lot of time ago, when Igor played for Napoli and in a horrible team was the only one to shine.

protti is a legend, i love him. IGOR IGOR PROTTI PROTTI!!!

WOW! Fiorentina have been absolutely brilliant. First game of theirs I've seen this season. Outplayed and outclassed.

It's their first match this season that I've seen the Fiorentina team that I cheer for.

anyhow, quite a performance from fiorentina yesterday. i got to say i really didn't expect such a result. first of, because fiorentina still didn't show his football this season (until yesterday, i mean).

sorry for being late but seeing you all rave about fiorentina's performance against liverpool, I've got to say you should have watched the match against sampdoria prior to that.;)
in that game, fiorentina were so great, they were even better than during the week against 'pool. for stretches they were playing GODLY and samp was just left alone standing in the rain.
being a professional football player has to be great but I wouldn't want to trade with any sampdoria player that day.
I mean samp also played football and created chances (another 1-on-1 for mannini), but the flow of fiorentina's passing and crossing game was just amazing. everyone showed great teamwork, except for vargas, that guy only shoots when he has the ball as a basketball saying goes. his volleyed free kick was a cool idea though.

For me the game is an early contender for game of the season, along with the second half of real vs milan.

On another note, cristiano zanetti is one hell of a midfielder, he should be just the player la viola needed. i think he is everything montolivo is not. his tenacity, coolness (montolivo is only calm), vision and quickness of mind make him the boss in midfield. I hope he can tutor monolivo somewhat, should have a great effect.
by trading melo for zanetti and 20 million fiorentina (corvino, right?) have probably made THE move of the offseason, with contenders being alonso, sneijder and ancelotti.:APPLAUD:
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Rubbish! Ibra had 4 or 6 good chances in both legs, without much creative input from the Inter midfield. Problem is be bottles it at the last minute. In anycase, marking Ibra is manageable for most strong and decently quick CBs (Chellini, Kroldrup, for example) because of his size and he's only decently quick.
Evans only played in the first leg, when we had one of the best performances away in the Champions League in the first half of that game.

He did excellent for a young kid filling in for a regular in such a hostile atmosphere and in dealing with two beasts in Adriano and Ibra.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Just to end up the question about Regista... in PES2010 terms :P

This is a great passer (like Scholes):
P08 - Pinpoint Pass

While this is a regista (like Liverani):
P20 - Talisman

I think this sums up what Lo Zio wanted to say :P

Gifs by Nrby from PesStatsDatabase
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Evans only played in the first leg, when we had one of the best performances away in the Champions League in the first half of that game.

He did excellent for a young kid filling in for a regular in such a hostile atmosphere and in dealing with two beasts in Adriano and Ibra.
i was talking about Rio. I thought you were to. my mistake.

sorry for being late but seeing you all rave about fiorentina's performance against liverpool, I've got to say you should have watched the match against sampdoria prior to that.;)
in that game, fiorentina were so great, they were even better than during the week against 'pool. for stretches they were playing GODLY and samp was just left alone standing in the rain.
Once they got going Fiorentina have been a joy to watch. Even the last weekends game versus Napoli, is must've been quite heartbreaking to lose that one to a single, last minute goal

On another note, cristiano zanetti is one hell of a midfielder, he should be just the player la viola needed. i think he is everything montolivo is not. his tenacity, coolness (montolivo is only calm), vision and quickness of mind make him the boss in midfield. I hope he can tutor monolivo somewhat, should have a great effect.
by trading melo for zanetti and 20 million fiorentina (corvino, right?) have probably made THE move of the offseason, with contenders being alonso, sneijder and ancelotti.:APPLAUD:
Glad someone's noticing. I remember when he returned to Inter from Roma on that loan deal, Cappello was pissed and rightly so. He's one of those midfielders who was born without natural talent but has progressed as a result of his hardwork and determination. He was simply a midfield destroyer until his last season at Roma where he improved technically and started carving out opportunities and providing assists. If he weren't injury prone, he would easily be the first choice midfielder with NT, ahead of Gatusso, Pirlo, Montolivo, Palombo, D'Ago, even De Rossi, no question about it. SHame Inter had to let him go but hew wasn't really compatible with Cambiasso and his injury problems didn't help. Good to see he's doing well.

Just to end up the question about Regista... in PES2010 terms :P

This is a great passer (like Scholes):
P08 - Pinpoint Pass

While this is a regista (like Liverani):
P20 - Talisman

I think this sums up what Lo Zio wanted to say :P

Gifs by Nrby from PesStatsDatabase
thanks, the images make things much clearer.
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