Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Sinisa to Fiorentina is more or less a done deal I think. I think he was hoping Inter would hire him, but I don't think Moratti wants to go with an inexperienced coach, and will be more likely to go after Capello, Hiddink, or someone like that. I do think Pellegrini would be a decent hire, it's not like he did badly at Real.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Felipe Melo to Milan? I'd take him. I think a season with less pressure and many other Brazilians around him will see him perform well. I think we could get a good deal out of him.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

quaresma, i dont know who those two jokers were or what the fuck they were saying, but i thought the whole thing was hilarious.. when quaresma breaks the toy or whatever that is, that was classic.. what was that?

It's this thing called a Tapiro, which is awarded by a satirical TV program to people who have been unlucky/deserve being ridiculed. One time they gave it to Cassano on the basis of him saying that he sleeps with like 3000 girls a year. Another time it was to Trappatoni for winning the Portuguese league... they sneaked up on him in Portugal and he was so surprised to see him.

For Quaresma, they wanted to give it to him because of being a major flop. A few months ago Balotelli got it too, and he was like "How did you find me? I'll beat you up".
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

For Quaresma, they wanted to give it to him because of being a major flop. A few months ago Balotelli got it too, and he was like "How did you find me? I'll beat you up".
No mate, they wanted to give it because he run with his car in 141 km/h where the limit was 50 km/h. They made a chart with all Serie A players who have broken speed limits, and Quaresma is in first position. For this reason he "deserved the trophy".
That's why the hilarious sidecar thing, the F1 flag and the champagne bottle at the start of video ;)
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Ahhhh, ok.. I skipped the whole first part of the video, so I must've missed the whole explanation :P Poor Quaresma.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

I bet Montolivo, Gilardino and Giuseppe Rossi will feature more under his command. I think he is the real deal and can really build a good team. Have they confirmed the assistants? I heard Maldini and Sacchi.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Prandelli, Maldini and Sacchi. That's like some sort of dream team.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Woo, still in recovery mode. what a glorious few months. Makes all the 12 years of pain, hurt, frustration and agony very worth it. I only wish I was there to see Zanetti hoist up the trophy. He was reduced to tears at one point (so was Mou), as brazen as I am, I have to admit I too was mighty close. Ahhh, it's beautiful being an Interista.... GRANDE INTERRRR!!! FORZA RAGAZZI
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Ben, Where are you?!

We miss you man and with the World cup near and selections and injuries and betting (if you're into it) and like every Serie A team changing their coach pretty much. :LOL: there are LOTS to talk about!
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Ben, Where are you?!

We miss you man and with the World cup near and selections and injuries and betting (if you're into it) and like every Serie A team changing their coach pretty much. :LOL: there are LOTS to talk about!
True, only Bari, Lazio, Bologna (?), Genoa, Roma and Napoli didn't change, only 6/17 (I don't know Serie B promoted teams' situation).

And it seems Rafa Benitez is coming to Inter: yesterday he broke his contract with Liverpool and magically yesterday Fiorentina announced Mihajlovic (and D'Agostino, a great move!)...
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Ben, Where are you?!

We miss you man and with the World cup near and selections and injuries and betting (if you're into it) and like every Serie A team changing their coach pretty much. :LOL: there are LOTS to talk about!
hey bro! :BYE: i know, i haven't been posting for a while but i'm crazy busy theese days. i try to come here every now and then to catch up but i don't really have the time to write a post (keep in mind that it usually takes from 10 to 15 minutes to me to write a single post so :P ....).
anyhow i'll try to quickly put my 2 cents on the hottest topics:

inter new coach - i'm really surprised (as most of u guys) pellegrini hasn't been considered as one of the possible choices for the inter job, as i (like many of u) thought he was the most appropriate man to begin a new cycle.... apparently moratti has something different in his mind (maybe benitez?).

mihajlovic to fiorentina - i'm even more surprised by this move. i thought corvino and della valle would have hired allegri. allegri is one of the most promising young coaches in italy and he's a toscano (toscano means he was born in toscana, firenze's region). mihajlovic has done very well in catania this season.... but he still has a lot to prove imo.. i'm not sure he already deserve such an important assignement as fiorentina.
but then again it seems allegri is gonna coach milan next season, so maybe corvino didn't hired allegri for that reason.

di carlo to samp - that's really weird. i don't really rate di carlo that much (he's good but there are many better coaches in italy).... i was sure garrone would have hired giampaolo to guide sampdoria, as giampaolo is another member of that "golden new generation of coaches (along with allegri, ballardini and gasperini).
but apparently catania was able to snatch giampaolo first (great move by catania btw).

prandelli to italy - WTF!!! i really didn't see that coming! i can't understand why prandelli took the job honestly. he's way too young to get a national team job... plus i'm not sure that's the best choice for italy and for prandelli himself.
coaching a national team is a completely different job from coaching a club. here in italy we don't even use the same word: a club coach is called "allenatore" while the national team coach is called "commissario tecnico" wich litterally means "technical superintendent" and might be roughly translated as "selector".
infact the national team coach is more of a selector. he doesn't have to "build" a team. he has to "pick" the best a country has to offer and then find a way to have those players playing, according to their specific features. he doesn't teach schemes, he doesn't shape plays.... coz he doesn't have the time. it's a completely different job, wich implies a different set of challenges and requires different skills.
u don't need a great coach who can build (in the long term) a great team and display great football. u need a man with great comunicating skills (to handle the media and the enourmous pressure the italy job implies). u need a man with huge charisma (who can create in just 1 month a "team spirit" between players who don't play along all season long). and most of all u need a coach with an amazing abilty to read the game, to interpretate the flow of the game as it unfolds and to react continuously with slight tactical adjustments.
and i'm not sure prandelli is the right man.

let me make an example: ancelotti and capello. they are both top class coaches, but they're very different. ancelotti is a team builder. u give him the chance to build a team and buy the players he wants, u give him the chance to work with them on a daily basis and in 1\2 seasons he will build a good team, wich plays beautiful and effective football.
capello is completely different. he's not a team builder. he won't display quality football. he won't shape fancy plays. but has an amazing ability in finding the right balance for any given team. u give him a bunch of players who have never played together in their lives.... and in 2 months he'll have those players playing together as a clockwork. and he has an amazing ability in adapting his tactical plan to the circumstances (wich is the most important feature for a national team coach).
bottom line, ancelotti is a club coach.... while capello can also do a great job for a national team.

i believe prandelli is an "ancelotti-like" coach. he needs to work togeter with his players on a daily basis for at least a season, before u can see his football. his mantra isn't "balance" but "quality". he shapes the playes design and teaches schemes..... he's like wenger or spalletti. he'll give u quality, but u gotta give him time and freedom. a national team coach doesn't have time neither freedom. he doesn't have to create playes and schemes. he has to find the right balance for every single match... the right countermeasures for every single opponent.
a club coach is a "season manager", while a national team coach is a "single game manager" u hire a club coach and give him a season to find the right formula for the team... then u wait, u give him (at least) 1 season and he'll give u quality and result.
when u hire a national team coach instead, u don't ask for quality (the players don't have the time to learn new schemes). u ask for balance.... and u can't wait him to do the job in 1\2 seasons.... u need him to find the right balance right here, right now.... and he's gonna have to change that balance, that tactical formula every week, as a national team has to play a different game every time, according to the opponents (while a club coach has to find the right formula just once, and then stick to that plan, to that "footballing personality" he gave to his team).

i'm afraid prandelli's great skills will be wasted in a national team. ranieri would have been a much more appropriate choice. ranieri would have been perfect for the job. he's not a young coach, he has huge charisma, he doesn't shape plays (his football is pretty basic) but he's very good in finding the right balance to face any sort of opponent. he doesn't need to work with the players on a daily basis and most of all, he has a great ability in creating a team spirit in a very short time (wich is mostly important).

mind u, i'm not saying ranieri is a better coach than prandelli. as a matter of fact, prandelli is much better. but ranieri is more suited for the national team job than prandelli... at least imo.

that's not just a questionable choice for italy. it's also a vey questionable choice for prandelli himself. i thought he said no to juve coz fiorentina didn't wanna let him leave..... but since fiorentina allowed him to leave, why the hell he didn't take the juve job??!!! juve would have been perfect for him. he would have done an outstanding job in torino, working along a great team director such marotta.... he would have gotten a much bigger paycheck and much more freedom to "do his magic".

now instead this experience will most likely be a step back in his carreer. coaching italy means having to deal with huge expectations. when u're coaching italy u're expected to win (or at least to get very close to winning) every competition.... anything short than a semifinal is considered as a failure.... wich means that prandelli probably won't be able to meet the expectations and will burn his reputation. no need to say i hope to be proven wrong.
anyhow i really can't understand why he took the italy job and not the juve job. it just doesn't make sense to me.

finally a huge congrats to inter fans for the champions league victory :WORSHIP:
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Nothing about Allegri to Milan? I think you can basically say its 100%.

yeah allegri is a very good call for milan. but the coach isn't the main issue in milan. will allegri be given a chance to build the team he wants? how much transfer funds will they give him? will they let him pick the players he wants or will galliani take the transfer decisions? will berlusconi shut the fuck up or will he interfere and force allegri to display the formation berlusconi wants?

allegri might do a great job for milan, if given a fair chance (wich means funds and freedom).... but i honestly don't think he'll have funds neither freedom to work. :((
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

You kinda get the thing with Milan and coaches when Berlusconi said Milan would have won last year if he himself was the coach, but I think Berlusconi and Allegri already had the long talk to ensure they are on the same page.

Don't know how many coaches this team will fail under for Galliani to stop saying we have great players.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Ben, what do you think about Rafa to Inter? (still can't believe he's gone).

Also, a little off topic, but what coach do you think Liverpool needs at this moment? I certainly won't mind someone like Roy Hodgson.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Nice post Ben.

I don't like the fact that Fiorentina will be without Prandelli next year either. Don't know why they let him go or why Cesare wanted to go. I thought neither party wanted to separate. And like you I don't agree that Mihajlovic should've gotten the La Viola job already. Needless to say then, that come next year, I'm cheering on Fiorentina a little less than usual...

As for Ranieri, I agree with all that but wouldn't say he has 'huge' charisma.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

About Benitez, I'm not totally sure about him: ok, he was the hero of Istanbul, but he's also known for his flops about transfers, I hope he won't waste Moratti's money with spanish players...
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Needless to say then, that come next year, I'm cheering on Fiorentina a little less than usual...
To put it lightly and very subtly - given the sort of scumbag Mihajlovic is...
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

I hated him as a player, but as a manager, I really like his choices and style. I think he will do very well at Fiorentina and will continue this project. I think D'Agostino was a very good signing, especially for 8/9 million.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

I hated him as a player, but as a manager, I really like his choices and style. I think he will do very well at Fiorentina and will continue this project. I think D'Agostino was a very good signing, especially for 8/9 million.
Especially thinking D'Agostino last summer costed at least the double
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

That's also Corvino vs. Secco ;)

Oh, and, I actually thought a lot like what you said, Ben. I always though Prandelli was more the "grow your team" type, so more than worrying of what he could do as a CT, I'm sorry for what he could have done as a coach...
Honestly I would have liked him as the U21 CT.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

So Rafa to Inter is done, it seems.

I know which is going to be my 2nd team in Europe now.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Especially thinking D'Agostino last summer costed at least the double

He wasn't in such sparkling form in the 09/10 season and then he got himself injured but still, his value bascially halved :CONFUSE: He's a great signing for Fiore, but I don't think he's compatible with Montolivo, more so with C. Zanetti. D'Ago can easily slot into the regista role currently occupied by C. Zanetti, but then he needs a more physical presence alongside him, a more gritty and hard-nosed midfielder (he had Inler and Asamoah at Udinese). Montolivo is quite good defensively, intercepting and tackling, but he isn't a physical player, nor is D'Ago.

ABout Prandeli, could be the pressure got to him. Much was expected this past season, he didn't quite deliver, perhaps he's taking time off. I remember when his wife died, not long after, he was back on the job. I am surprised though. I expected he would either move to a bigger club or remain at Fiore. Although I don't think he has the temperament suited for a big side. Like Ben said, he's a team builder. What big team wants to wait 3/4 seasons to win something?

As for Benitez, I wish he would fuck off. Who wants a manager who waits until his team is 3 goals down before making changes? I haven't grown tired of dominating the league or any of our rivals. At this point I would rather Baresi become head coach. And that damn goatee gets on my nerves. Damn this sucks. Not to say Benitez is totally inept. But he's the last thing Inter need. Hopefully Moratti can work something out with Capello or Hiddink. Hell, bring back Mancini.
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