Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Not sure if Del Neri is the right man for Juve. I think they are aiming too low with their current signings.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

milanista said:
Not sure if Del Neri is the right man for Juve. I think they are aiming too low with their current signings.
if anything that's a good news ste. juve has been going for "high profile" signings for the last few years, and we all saw the result of this policy. the only thing that matters is to find the right players for the team, regardless how hyped they are.
to be fair i'm very impressed by marotta's moves so far. bonucci would be an amazing signing, as he would be the perfect partner for chiellini. they would complement each others as no other cb couple in italy imo (just consider how well bonucci and ranocchia did in bari this season, and consider how similar ranocchia and chiellini are). bonucci would be "the brain" and chiellini "the muscle"... pretty much like vidic and ferdinand... actually it's even better and more harmonious than that, as chiellini is left-footed and bonucci is right-footed.
then i heard about motta for the right side. now if marotta manages to pull this off, juve's troubles on the right side will be over for good. also the timing of the signing would be perfect as roma will have to deal with udinese to renew the co-ownership in a few weeks... and given how good cassetti has been this season, they might decide to let him leave.
then i heard some rumours about krasic.... can't really talk about this signing though, as i haven't seen the player enough to express a fair opinion.
as for del neri, he's no prandelli, but he's a very good coach.... and a much more appropriate choice than benitez imo.
rfu said:
ABout Prandeli, could be the pressure got to him. Much was expected this past season, he didn't quite deliver, perhaps he's taking time off. I remember when his wife died, not long after, he was back on the job. I am surprised though. I expected he would either move to a bigger club or remain at Fiore. Although I don't think he has the temperament suited for a big side. Like Ben said, he's a team builder. What big team wants to wait 3/4 seasons to win something?
i didn't talk about 3\4 seasons mate. if a coach doesn't build the team he wants in 3 years, then he failed (as that's the average life-cycle of a team nowadays). prandelli never took more than 1 season to build his teams ;))
besides i don't think prandelli didn't deliver this season. he had an amazing run in champions league, going out against bayern (and we all remember how they were eliminated by bayern ;)) ), and he had a good run in the league, considering how good were fiorentina's contenders this season.... also take into account that palermo, samp, napoli and genoa had only the domestic league to care about.

rfu said:
As for Benitez, I wish he would fuck off. Who wants a manager who waits until his team is 3 goals down before making changes?
i do understand your concerns about rafa (given what he's done this season)..... but i think u picked the wrong argument to be pissed off at rafa..... let's be honest, talking about "in-game substitutions" mourinho is much, much worse than benitez :DD (hell, in this department, mourinho is worse than any coach i can think right now). and, being an inter fan, i'm sure u know what i'm talking about.

anyhow concerning moratti's decision to hire rafa (and with this i'm also replying to u, abhi), i still believe pellegrini would have been a more appropriate pick..... but, other than pellegrini, i can't think of many others available coaches better than rafa to be honest... actually i can't think of any available coach who is better than rafa right now, but i might be forgetting someone.
besides, even though benitez has done some terrible mistakes in the last season, i don't think that's enough to change my mind about him as a coach.
sure it's gonna be interesting to watch him in serie a, as it'll give me a chance to know him better. after the "mourinho experience" i realised u can't really say u "know" a coach until u watch him working in your own country (and in your own league).
PLF said:
As for Ranieri, I agree with all that but wouldn't say he has 'huge' charisma.
yeah, actually u're right, "huge charisma" is a bit of a stretch. what i meant to say is "he has much more charisma than one would expect". the thing is charisma usually walks along with ego (just think about lippi, mourinho, ferguson), so when u see a "low-profile", selfless, modest man like ranieri, u don't really expect him to be a charismatic person.... or at least that's how it works for me. and infact, i didn't really consider ranieri as a charismatic coach until his experience in parma.

however the point is, he has enough charisma to "gel" the players and turn them into a team in just a few weeks, and that's what counts for a national team coach. :))
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Trust me guys, Krasic is as good as a done deal. Some very concrete news, Milanista. The player has agreed, clubs as good as. Not a fan of Pepe, but I think he can be useful.

I think we could be looking at a juve something like this next season;

Motta Bonucci Chiellini Criscito
Krasic Melo Marchisio Pepe/Gio/Martinez

Certainly an improvement. I hope we give Giovinco a proper chance, although he may be on his way out.

Here's hoping Camo will have his say in this team, but my sense tells me otherwise.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Heard rumors that Diego is on his way out, I really hope not. He didn't have the best season if you look at it with his price tag. But that does not rule out his importance to Juve this season. I think next season he will be a much better play if Del Neri can utilize him well. I also cannot stress how happy I am to see Marchisio become a regular last season despite his knee injury, been a fan of the young Juventino for ages (take him as inspiration; being from Torino and growing up through the ranks), these are the type of players I love who play their hearts out with passion, for example Rooney and Gattuso. And for our forwards next season, who would you like to see upfront? Personally I hope we give Iaquinta the proper chance he deserves instead of rotating him all the time. He needs consistency and hopefully during this world cup he'll shine.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season



Found this on Mediaset's website. Schiavone (Won Roland Garros) and Camoranesi.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

LOL! i can't tell who should feel more humiliated by the comparison.... camoranesi or francesca :P
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Nooooooooooooooooooo they can't compare a new italian legend with Camoranesi!! :P
Off Topic: an applause to Francesca Schiavone who is the first italian woman to win a Gran Slam tournament (only 2 men did it before), and that is in the highest position (6th) of WTA ranking in women italian tennis history :APPLAUSE:

Camoranesi, Trezeguet and Giovinco will probably go. Giovinco said some days ago he wants to play, and he didn't understand why he didn't play in 2010, and he will leave if someone wants him. Camoranesi and Trezeguet said something like his cycle with Juventus is ended, and theu wants to change team.

I don't know if we already said it, but Pastore was called to WC, this means his value is still growing. I hope he will make some appearences, he deserve it.

Last news: Rome signed Adriano. It's just me or it sounds like a betrayal towards Moratti, who released him a year ago because his social problems? To me it's also not right towards Inter supporters (or at least towards me) that he will play with last years' Inter rivals (the rosicons ones), but maybe as always it can be that Moratti agreed with Rosetta Sensi (thay are in talks also about Burdisso, Sensi is asking for a sale)
He was one of my favourite player when fit, but now I can't see him with the pepper shirt, I can't.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Also Palermo seem keen on Gokhan Inler it seems! A player I rate very highly.

They're interested in Behrami as well. And both Swiss players have shown interest in the switch but few things are likely to happen until after World Cup apparently.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

yeah leo, javier's value is already 3 times what we paid for him (6 millions €)and he's gonna stay here for 1, maybe 2 seasons more, so that's good news.

Sina, neither behrami nor inler will come to palermo imo. u see, our starting 11 spots are already covered. what we need are some backups for some roles: we need another right back, another leftback, 2 midfielders to cope with bresciano and simplicio's departures, and 1 cf.
now each of those players is gonna be a backup... wich means none of em is gonna play more than, say, 15 matches this season.
there's really no need to splash big money on a player who will get such little playtime. we got here thanks to smart management, and i don't think we'll change our plans.

just to put things in the right perspective, behrami gets 1.5 millions in west ham..... 1.5 million euros per season!!! and he's not even their most payed player..... and we're not even talking about a "man city kinda club", or an everton or another midtable club... we're talking about a club which barely avoided relegation!
palermo's most payed player is miccoli, and he gets 1 million per year! and we're talking about miccoli. coz if we consider our right back, cassani has a 500.000 euros per year contract.
so, given that behrami would become cassani's backup, how could we pay our rightback backup 3 times more than our starter.
there's a reason if every epl club is into the red. and there's a reason if palermo isn't. that's not how we work. and that's why no italian midclass club is likely to buy a player coming from premiership...... ever. here in italy behrami is a 500.000 euros per year worth player, nothing more than that.... and he would have to settle for a backup role in palermo. and i don't see that happening.

apparently we're very close to sign clerc. now that would be a smart move. he's out of contract (wich means we would get him for free), he said he would be pleased to come here and he would't ask crazy wages. :)) that's more like it!

as for inler.... here in palermo he would have to accept to become pastore's backup (unless rossi wanna try him in bresciano's spot).... and that'd be a waste. inler is just too good to be a backup.... and he's also way too expensive to be a backup....
so, unless, like i said, rossi would like to line him up in migliaccio's spot (wich was bresciano's spot), i can't see him coming either.

2 udinese players i would really love to see here in palermo are asamoah and lodi. asamoah would fit perfectly in our midfield. he could take migliaccio's spot in the starting 11 (and so we would find ourself a great backup in migliaccio). asamoah is a beast, he kinda reminds me of a young bresciano... i can't understand why every club in italy is overlooking such a nice and versatile player.
and lodi would be perfect to take simplicio's place as pastore's backup. he's extremely talented, but also quite cheap. he's been quite unlucky in his carreer so far and would definitely accept to become a backup in palermo (still better than being a backup in udine, as udinese doesn't have to play europa league this season, wich means even less playtime for backups).
however theese (lodi and asamoah) aren't rumours.... theese are just my wet dreams.... but i can't quite see us getting them as Pozzo (udinese's chairman and owner) is a real pain in the ass. having to deal with him is a nightmare for any italian team director, as he's a terrific negotiator.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

I think Behrami could be a good signing for Palermo. Can't see him taking a huge paycut and play as backup though. I don't know if Palermo are taking the Europa League "seriously" but Behrami can provide cover in more than 1 position. He played mostly in midfield last season in the center and on the right. Lacks end product but provides great engine.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Good points Ben. Especially about the salary bit and the backup role.

It'd be crazy if Cassani was getting paid 1/3rd of what Behrami was getting!

As for Inler, I think it's for the best if he doesn't go to Palermo anyway. He's spent quite a few years at a decent midtable side like Udinese and I personally want to now see him at a top club. One that participates in CL football and challenges for titles so even if he's not necessarily 1st team player, he would be rotation player as the club has to participate in many matches per year (close to 50) and will have injuries/suspensions etc.

I'm sure quite a few big clubs are interested in him already as well (Inter I think have been mentioned before) and of course after the World Cup, more people are even likely to know about the Swiss/Turk.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

PLF said:
As for Inler, I think it's for the best if he doesn't go to Palermo anyway. He's spent quite a few years at a decent midtable side like Udinese and I personally want to now see him at a top club. One that participates in CL football and challenges for titles so even if he's not necessarily 1st team player, he would be rotation player as the club has to participate in many matches per year (close to 50) and will have injuries/suspensions etc.
yep, i agree with u. he certainly deserves a shot in a top club. wenger has always been a fan of him, apparently, so i wouldn't be surprised if he would end up in england next season.
zerovector said:
I don't know if Palermo are taking the Europa League "seriously" but Behrami can provide cover in more than 1 position. He played mostly in midfield last season in the center and on the right. Lacks end product but provides great engine.
we're definitely NOT taking the europa league seriously mate (i'd actually be glad if we would get out at the very first stage).
anyway, his wage is really a dealbreaker. even if he would agree to halve his paycheck... he would still be more expensive than maggio, just to make an example.
just to give u an idea of what u can get in italy for less than those 1.5 millions € per year behrami gets at west ham.
vargas - 1.2 millions per year
montolivo - 1.1
jovetic - 0.7
kolarov - 0.3
abate - 0.7
antonini - 0.6
menez - 1.1
palombo - 1.2
pazzini - 1.1
di natale - 1.1
inler - 0.6

with the equivalent of those 1.5 millions behrami gets, palermo currently pays for:
sirigu - 100.000 € per year
hernandez - 250.0000 € per year
pastore - 400.000 € per year
kjaer - 400.000 € per year
bertolo - 400.000€ per year
total - 1.55 millions

even if valon would accept a 1\3 paycut to 1 million per year, that would still make him the most payed player in palermo (along with miccoli)... more payed than liverani, pastore, kjaer, balzaretti, cassani..... u can easily see that's not gonna happen.
hell, we could get montolivo to replace simplicio.... and we would still spend less than we'd have to spend to get behrami.... LOL!
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Kolarov 0.3? :D 10 times that next year.

This is going to be one summer for Palermo. Isn't Kjaer at a high risk of leaving? Also Cavani is being linked with Man City a lot and Inter.

Juve and Roma are looking really promising. Especially Roma, very smart moves.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

This is going to be one summer for Palermo. Isn't Kjaer at a high risk of leaving? Also Cavani is being linked with Man City a lot and Inter.

yeah kjaer might be leaving. fortunately his escape clause (12 million euros) expired, so now we can ask what we want for him (12 millions was way too low). however simon said that he might aswell stay here as he's loving his palermo experience, so if no big club will make a serious offer, chances are we'll hold him for another season :PRAY:

cavani isn't on sale right now, but if man city really offered 25 millions for him, hell i'll walk him to manchester myself.... all wrapped up with a nice ribbon on his forehead :D

yesterday zamparini said he just rejected a 25 millions offer for pastore :SHOCK:
now i love pastore and i'm glad zamparini did that, but i got to admit i don't know if i had the guts to say "no" to so much cash :P
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Kolarov really needs a new contract then! :D Yes $3M (10 times more) is more like it. Lazio are gonna have to throw a lot of money at him or what is most likely is sell him. Lotito said for him, Kolarov is the best in the world. Someone should tell him, well if that's the case, then the guy should be making a little more money than $300k per year lol.

p.s. If I were in Serie A, I would move to EPL instantly! :D

Where are you getting these exact figures from though Ben? For me they seem accurate and sorta what I expected but I also thought this sorta thing wasn't public info and more or less hidden. I mean people would know ranges but to have exact figures for all these players' salaries at different clubs/leagues, do you have a database you're keeping away from us? :P
I'd love to see it for everyone but I thought clubs and players tried to keep it quiet about these matters more or less. Not for it to be common knowledge or publicly available.

p.p.s. Bresciano is leaving? I didn't know about that.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

There are also bonuses that come with these salaries. Plus rights, ads, blah blah blah.

I know Pato renewed with Milan this year for 2.5 mill a year. I was stunned at that but then I found out it could add up to 5 mill with the other things.

One thing, do all Serie A teams rent their stadiums?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Whats the tax situation like for footballers in Italy?

In England almost all will pay 50% tax on their wages, whereas in Spain for example a 'non-resident' (ie foreign) pays only 22%. Jermaine Pennant said one of the main reasons he signed for Zaragoza from Liverpool was that he could earn more without the club having to pay him more. Arshavin and Wenger were complaining about the taxband saying it will cause the Premier League to suffer as players will prefer to play in other countries where they can earn more.

So if your figures are correct Ben, Berhami actually only takes home around £750k a year, which is slightly more appropriate for a player like him although it's still high and I think I know why...

just to put things in the right perspective, behrami gets 1.5 millions in west ham..... 1.5 million euros per season!!! and he's not even their most payed player..... and we're not even talking about a "man city kinda club", or an everton or another midtable club... we're talking about a club which barely avoided relegation!

Before West Ham's Icelandic former owners ran into some financial trouble due to the global credit problems, the club were throwing a lot of money around on wages which then made the financial issues even more severe for the club. Valon signed for them around the time they began over-paying players so that's probably why he earns such a high amount. Luis Boa Morte, Keiron Dyer, Freddie Ljungberg, Craig Bellamy and Lucas Neill are/were supposed to have been earning between £70,000 and £85,000 a week (although it may be slightly less), but thats up to £4.5m a year! That's more than players like Carrick, Vidic and Berbatov get! So despite West Ham's low league position, their wages don't really match up.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

football players have privileges, they dont need to work after their careers have finished. so they should keep playing and not complaining about the taxes, they are overpaid anyway (especially in england).
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

jumbo said:
Before West Ham's Icelandic former owners ran into some financial trouble due to the global credit problems, the club were throwing a lot of money around on wages which then made the financial issues even more severe for the club......So despite West Ham's low league position, their wages don't really match up.
that explains a lot. thanks for the info buddy ;)
jumbo said:
So if your figures are correct Ben, Berhami actually only takes home around £750k a year which is slightly more appropriate for a player like him
yep, but it gets crazy again as soon as u do the same exercise for all the other players i mentioned before. for example, cassani gets 500.000, wich after-tax becomes about 250k
jumbo said:
Whats the tax situation like for footballers in Italy?

In England almost all will pay 50% tax on their wages, whereas in Spain for example a 'non-resident' (ie foreign) pays only 22%.
in italy the tax rate of the income tax is 43%, but then u have to add another 7% for various different entries, so the global taxation for high incomes is pretty much the same u get in england.

as for the spanish situation, the so called "beckham law", which is that 2005 law that approved a 25% (not 22% ;) ) rate for the "over 600.000 euros per year" incomes, is no longer a problem for english and italian clubs. this law infact has been repealed this year (jannuary 2010) and now the fiscal rate on high incomes in spain is pretty much the same as the rest of europe..... thank God!
zeem said:
One thing, do all Serie A teams rent their stadiums?
pretty much. that's one of the biggest problems of italian football. for the other clubs in europe stadia make money... while in italy stadia are an additional cost for the clubs.
and that's also the reason why most of the football clubs are trying to build a stadium of their own (palermo's one should be ready in a couple of years).
PLF said:
p.s. If I were in Serie A, I would move to EPL instantly!
hell yeah! which is why i'm a bit worried about that huge offer birmingham made to miccoli :ANX: hopefully he'll choose the sicilian warm soul to british pounds.
as for the figures, usually the clubs try hard to keep the wages secret.... but all their efforts usually fail in a week or two, as soon as a journalist gets a tip from the inside (then the club usually just confirms the figures).
if u're interested this link (from the italian site "generazione di talenti") will show u all the current wages of serie a players. it's updated to last summer, so some player's wages (those who renegotiated their deals this season) are different now.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season


I'm guessing Roulo means 'position' like forward, defense, midfield? And Iaggagio is the actual money but in what? dollars?

Wish I could read all the comments that come after it too...

@Zeem, yeah good point. This is just the BASIC salary anyway. There are all kinds of bonuses involved apparently and of course all the other income they get from publicity, fame, etc.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Originally Posted by lo zio
if u're interested this link (from the italian site "generazione di talenti") will show u all the current wages of serie a players. it's updated to last summer, so some player's wages (those who renegotiated their deals this season) are different now.

Thanks for the link! I guess "scadenza" means expiry?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

I think Miccoli deserves a better team than Birmingham. Birmingham had a fantastic season, but IMO they overachieved. They face a very difficult season.

Oh and i hope for Palermo that Miccoli will stay.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season


I'm guessing Roulo means 'position' like forward, defense, midfield? And Iaggagio is the actual money but in what? dollars?

Yep, ruolo is position, ingaggio is what they actually earn in euros and scadenza is expiry.
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