Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Some speculation that this happened as a protest over Clinton's visit to Pristina this week. There are elements in Serbia who are unhappy that Kosovo is semi-independent, and this may have been a protest at and that they targeted Italy because, not only was it played at the time of the Clinton visit, but also it was the main NATO host/base in 1999.

mmmhh, nah i don't buy it. there's got to be more than just a political protest.... here's my 2 cents.
me in another thread said:
the troubles for the gay pride in serbia a few days ago... the integration process in the UE.... the fact that those thugs who came in genova made it very clear that they only wanted to stop the game and cause some havoc....the timing of the whole thing... this just can't be a coincidence. it's pretty obvious there's an agenda behind all this. some big time criminal in serbia probably wants to put pressure on the government by embarassing them in such a delicate moment of their history (the UE integration). at least that's how i see it.

also u make a very good point about the "post war sociological aspects".. years ago i read a very interesting research on this subject. especially after a long civil war, u find yourself with a generation of young ex-soldiers, who are used to violence and absolutely not used to normal jobs (therefore without any workethic).... it's a very dangerous situation as theese young men will most likely not settle for a normal job and go looking for those "emotions" they felt during their combat days..... most of theese people end up to be muscles for criminal organizations..... it's always been like that... from the days of the roman empire till the WWII.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I followed the posts about Zeman and it is very interesting/inspiring. How do you become so great, is it just about what life you live and how it impacts you or is it something you are born with, I have no idea..

About recent events in Italy, I find it tragic that Yugoslavia doesn't exist anymore. I remember in 2000 they still played in the Euro 2000 and now 10 years later its all bunch of different countries, traumatized people and violent excesses.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

He was an ex-military as well! but that guy was mental! I mean look at him in the videos he looks scary just standing there. But what idiot could cause so much trouble and ruin the time for the good Serbian fans and the Italian fans who wanted to watch a good game. I really feel bad for the Serbian players and for the real fans who wanted to support their nation. And who could ever boo their own national anthem? (If i'm correct it was them) that is such a disgusting act towards your own nation.

I also heard that nothing will happen to him in Serbia?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I followed the posts about Zeman and it is very interesting/inspiring. How do you become so great, is it just about what life you live and how it impacts you or is it something you are born with, I have no idea..

About recent events in Italy, I find it tragic that Yugoslavia doesn't exist anymore. I remember in 2000 they still played in the Euro 2000 and now 10 years later its all bunch of different countries, traumatized people and violent excesses.

To be honest it was from 1989 to 1995 that all the break-up happened. Tito died in 1980 and then each of the states in the federation started to get more and more nationalistic (wanting seperation), you had guys like Tudjman, Milosevic, Izetbegovic, Haris Silajdzic as leaders, who were common crooks. They just wanted their own personal power to be increased so they fuelled the war. By 1992 the countries all split up. There was still a "Yugoslavia" as late as 2003, when it was re-named "Serbia and Montenegro" - but the real Yugoslavia was gone in 1991-2.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

And to think that in '80's Yugoslavia was seen as some sort of model multi-ethnic state...since then things have changed a lot: look at what happened in Tschecoslovakia and now in my own country (Belgium). At least what both latter countries did not suffer violence like former Yugoslavia.

I've seen the pictures of the idiot who was the leader of the's very sad that nothing will happen to him in Serbia.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

To be honest it was from 1989 to 1995 that all the break-up happened. Tito died in 1980 and then each of the states in the federation started to get more and more nationalistic (wanting seperation), you had guys like Tudjman, Milosevic, Izetbegovic, Haris Silajdzic as leaders, who were common crooks. They just wanted their own personal power to be increased so they fuelled the war. By 1992 the countries all split up.
divide et impera.
Gerd said:
I've seen the pictures of the idiot who was the leader of the's very sad that nothing will happen to him in Serbia.
matt said:
I also heard that nothing will happen to him in Serbia?
i wouldn't worry about that guys.... he's not going back to serbia for a looong time. right now ivan "smartguy" bogdanovic is in genova's prison.... and believe me, he ain't going anywhere. we're talking about a man who has been caught in the act of the crime (wich means a guilty verdict is pretty much guarranteed). he committed crimes on italian soil... therefore he'll be prosecuted in italy.

actually i heard a funny story this morning. apparently they had to move the bastard to another prison today... because as soon as the other prisoners in genova's prison heard about the vandalizing acts against palazzo ducale ivan and his fellows committed, they got really angry and the situation was getting too dangerous for him.
now i just heard this on tv, not really sure if that's really the reason why they moved him to another prison.... but i gotta say, the idea of italian criminals caring about our historic artistic masterpieces..... boy that's funny. i guess even criminals have good taste for art in italy. :LOL:
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I also read that they moved him to a women's prison. One of the idiots arrested when trying to get back to Serbia threatened us by saying "Italy will face trouble for the return game and whoever decides to support them."
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

In former Yugoslavia there are some very sick people...i'm sure it's a minority of the population...but like Ben and other mentioned, there is a generation of people grew up during the civil war in a period where there were no laws or rather..."other" laws.

About that Bogdanovic guy, it is really beyond me how adult people can behave like that, but sometimes i'm very naïve...or i choose to be very naïve...

Good luck to the Italian fans who will travel to Serbia...
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I think there will be a ban on fans for Serbia's next few games. Or if not then I think the Italian FA will not accept any ticket allocation from Serbian FA - a similar thing happened when England played Turkey in the Fenerbahce stadium. Because of problems with Galatasaray / Leeds, Galatasaray / Arsenal the English FA didn't accept any tickets.

The thing about Bogdanovic is he was giving the fascists salute yet he was also claiming to be a Serbian nationalist. But the history of Serbia in WWII was that the fascists, Axis and others, destroyed the country and killed around 1 million Serbians, putting them in concentration camps and shooting them. Really he is just a violent thug, who only wants to make as much trouble as possible, nationality and political stuff is a smokescreen.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I have a question, in the 90's Italian league was THE football league per se, I remember watching many hours of VHS footage of Parma with Crespo, Juventus with Zidane, Fiorentina with Batigol and many more but then something happened, and now Italian league is ranked 3rd and might even be surpassed by the German Bundesliga. When did the Downfall happen? Is it all because of the bet scandal?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I have a question, in the 90's Italian league was THE football league per se, I remember watching many hours of VHS footage of Parma with Crespo, Juventus with Zidane, Fiorentina with Batigol and many more but then something happened, and now Italian league is ranked 3rd and might even be surpassed by the German Bundesliga. When did the Downfall happen? Is it all because of the bet scandal?

there is no downfall
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

They spend a lot less on wages and transfer fees now, in those days they spent the most. Doesn't make the league any less interesting though. :)
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I think we tend to overrate classic games because we don't have them anymore and rate Zidane for example by what he did his whole career not only his time at Juve. In the future we would look at how Italian teams had Pastore,Pato,Hamsik,Giovinco,Coutinho,... and feel the same way when they do something big with there career.

The thing that might have changed that presidents used to spend like crazy until they realized this way is the fast way to demolishion and some paid the price but other than that 2 CL wins in between the last 2 WC's is impressive. The 4th ranking to be is because of the Europa league but still Serie A has a lot of problems, especially stadiums but that's a big issue. I heard Fiorentina stopped their new stadium? I looked really nice.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

New saga in town mates. Moratti wants Messi. This is going to be longer than Milan and Ronaldinho. The press have something to talk about for a while now. In the end, he will surely get him. :D
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

ilfenomeno said:
I have a question, in the 90's Italian league was THE football league per se, I remember watching many hours of VHS footage of Parma with Crespo, Juventus with Zidane, Fiorentina with Batigol and many more but then something happened, and now Italian league is ranked 3rd and might even be surpassed by the German Bundesliga. When did the Downfall happen? Is it all because of the bet scandal?
bet scandal? there was no bet scandal in serie a... i guess u mean "calciopoli", the so called "moggi scandal". that, i'm afraid to say, was something worse than a simple bet scandal..... it was about a general manager (moggi, juve's former General manager) , trying to help his team winning matches through his power and influence (some sort of a corruption... but without any money involved)..... the saddest part, in retrospect, is that juve really didn't need any help at all. i mean that juve was a terrific world class team.... and honestly i can't help thinking they would have won even without moggi's dirty tricks..... afterall that juve did great also in champions league..... and moggi only had influence on italy and serie a (he never used any "trick" to help juve in champions league...... simply because he couldn't).... so seeing how that juve team delivered in europe (without moggi's help) makes me realise they would have done a damn good job in serie a aswell, without that cheating bastard.

anyway mate, as u probably already realised, by reading the posts above this one, people doesn't really feel the change serie a went through as a "downfall".
i mean there was certainly a "blow" in serie a, but that shouldn't necessarily be seen as a bad thing. first of all let's analyse the situation....

in the mid 90s there were 7 scudetto contenders in serie a. the so called "7 sisters": milan, juve, inter, roma, lazio, fiorentina and parma. 7 world class teams, filled with top class players; and right behind them there were 2 "almost top class teams (napoli and sampdoria).
so it's a total of 9 great teams. in a league formed by 18 clubs that means half of the league was formed by top tier football clubs. sounds great indeed.
today the situation is quite different. milan and inter can certainly be described as top class teams, but the remaining "5 sisters" can't. so what's happened?
we all know juventus was dismantled by the moggi scandal. the team was torn apart, most of their stars gone, the club dumped in serie b. nowadays juve is in the middle of a very long, very complicated rebuilding process, and it's gonna take a few more years to have a world class juve back again.
so that explains juventus downfall.... but what about the other teams??

well it all began with berlusconi. in the late 80's berlusconi bought milan and in a few years he turned milan into the greatest club in the world. berlusconi had the same impact on football sacchi had on coaching. sacchi changed the approach to the game as it was played on the pitch. berlusconi changed the approach to club management.

berlusconi did exactly what abramovich did in premier league. he simply blew out, destroyed, dismantled the economy of a league, by overpaying each and every player he bought. u see a "market" is like an ecosystem... every change has an impact on the whole system. berlusconi's crazy offers and contracts created an inflation process wich soon became impossible to stop.

very soon the other club owners realised serie a was changed. they couldn't keep up with berlusconi's crazy expenses..... they were rich, but they weren't rich enough to waste millions without even bothering. and they realised it was time for them to walk away. so they walked away. a few years after berlusconi's landing on serie a, there was a revolution.... a huge lot of clubs changed ownership.

Ernesto Pellegrini sold inter to Massimo Moratti
Giuseppe Ciarrapico sold roma to Franco Sensi
Calleri sold lazio to Sergio Cragnotti
Pedraneschi sold parma to Tanzi
Righetti sold fiorentina to Cecchi Gori

5 of the 7 sisters changed ownership. theese new owners are very different from each others. some of them are very nice, spontaneuous people (Sensi).... some are true gentlemen (Moratti)..... some are just unclassy rich people (Cecchi Gori)... and some others are just sleazy, flamboyant, shameless businessmen "a la Gordon Gecko" (Tanzi and Cragnotti).....
but they all had one thing in common; they were all dreamers... passionate dreamers, who wanted their clubs to reach the top.
like i said before, their predecessors couldn't keep up with berlusconi's contracts and offers.... look at it as a if we were talking about a poker game. berlusconi joined the game, and started raising so much that everyone else had to fold.

the thing is theese new owners couldn't keep up with berlusconi either........ but they didn't care. they kept spending as much money as berlusconi, even though their clubs weren't making as many profits as milan.....they kept paying crazy wages and making crazy offers for years, recurring to loans and bonds...... but sooner or later loans and bond expire..... and u'll have to face the consequences of all those years of reckless spending.
theese new owners brought their clubs on the brink of disaster with their exagerate love and passion for their clubs and their reckless spending.

some clubs had to face bankrupt (fiorentina and napoli). those clubs had to start over from scratch. they were dumped in serie c and their new owners (Della Valle in fiorentina and De Laurentis in napoli) had to start over, rebuilding the team and winning their way to serie a back again.

some other clubs were saved by a last minute change of ownership.
lotito saved lazio, buying the club (with its debts) from cragnotti. and he's done a great job for lazio ever since then, with his new smart, pennywise strategies.
ghirardi bought parma saving the club from disaster.

roma instead didn't change ownership, but was saved Sensi himself. he realised what a dangerous path he took before it was too late and so he stopped spending crazy money and worked really hard to erase roma's debts. Franco Sensi's daughter, will eventually finish the great job her father began and eventually save roma from bankrupt.

so that's it. that's the reason of the "downfall" of those clubs. those clubs today are an example of brilliant club management. they erased their debts (actually lazio is still paying its debts, but lotito agreed on a brilliant payment plan).
of course today they don't apply those very same policies that almost destroyed them. the never spend more than their profits. that obviously means that they can't afford to sign fancy stars with high wages like say, ibra or drogba or cristiano ronaldo or messi. they have to work on their academies to produce their own talents (de silvestri, de rossi, palombo, chiellini are good examples). or they have to buy young talents early in their carreers, when they're still (relatively) cheap and don't ask for crazy wages (like montolivo, frey, pazzini, menez, vucinic).

but does that mean the league has faced a downfall? i don't think so.
u see, a league is formed by 18\20 clubs. back in the 90's we had 9 great teams, but the rest of the league was formed by poor clubs who used to display the most boring, flat and defensive football (wich is pretty much what happens in premier league today).
today instead every club in serie a has his own "footballling personality" all of them, even the poorest clubs, always try (and succeed) to play football "ball on the ground".
no catenaccio, no long balls.... quality football.
not only we have a huge lot of midclass teams who play some of the most entertaining football in europe (as a matter of fact, teams like fiorentina, napoli, genoa, palermo, sampdoria are much more fun to watch than most of the top clubs.... they're actualyl more entertaining than many foreign top clubs too)......

... but also the poorest clubs, those who fight to avoid relegation, they play some real good football. i mean if u watch brescia, cagliari, catania, bari or chievo... and then compare em to their spanish, german and english counterparts..... the difference is huge. our poor clubs look like midclass clubs compared to other leagues pooor clubs.
so the overall quality of the league hasn't decreased at all. if anything it's improved!

and there's also another factor to consider. let's consider roma for instance. do u remember capello's roma? that was a world class team! an amazing team, filled with world class stars in every role... cafu, emerson, samuel, montella, batistuta... were all in their prime when they used to play in roma.
now let's think of spalletti's roma. it was a completely different team. during spalletti's era, roma was already applying those pennywise strategies i mentioned..... it was a very poor club (from a financial point of view) and also the squad didn't have as many stars as capello's roma.
still, spalletti's roma was so much more fun to watch than capello's roma. spalletti's roma was definitely "poorer" than capello's roma on paper.... but on the pitch spalletti's roma was even better than capello's great roma team.

and even when u consider the current ranieri roma.... roma today is quite poor from a financial point of view. they have a hard time trying to hold their great players, nevermind signing great stars.... they're nowhere near as rich and powerful as inter....... and yet, this "small time" roma managed to fight for the scudetto till the very last match of the season last year. and it's not like inter is a poor contender... we're talking about the current champions league winners.... a team which trashed chelsea in champions league and beated 3-1 barcelona in milano...... and yet roma was unbelievably close to beat inter and win serie a last season.

so, being poor doesn't necessarily mean u can deliver and play some great football.
all in all, i wouldn't say serie a is the 4th league in europe today..... because it's impossible to rank the leagues today, as each of em (liga, premiership, serie a and bundi) is great.... for different reasons.
if we would consider the whole atmosphere of the matches, then premiership and bundesliga are the best......
if we consider the technical quality of the individual players, then la liga is the best, serie a is the second, and then there are bundi and premiership.
if we consider the overall quality of the football played by all teams, then serie a is by far the best league, then there are la liga, premiership and bundi......
and if we consider the competitiveness of the league, then bundesliga and ligue 1 are ahead of any other european league.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

New saga in town mates. Moratti wants Messi. This is going to be longer than Milan and Ronaldinho. The press have something to talk about for a while now. In the end, he will surely get him. :D

This is so not going to happen, even when Messi turns 30. The story with Ronaldinho is not comparable to Messi's. People from La Masia with Messi's qualities and history don't get sold. Messi will play his whole career at Barca and it's almost a fact.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

And if we consider only the big clubs, then the Premiership and La Liga are the big leagues.
Fact is that clubs like Cheslea, Man Utd , Liverpool, Real Madrid and Barcelona were or are living above their financial limits.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

There needs to be a "Thank you" button for posts like Ben's. Thank you for the very insightful reading material!
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

And if we consider only the big clubs, then the Premiership and La Liga are the big leagues.
Fact is that clubs like Cheslea, Man Utd , Liverpool, Real Madrid and Barcelona were or are living above their financial limits.

Gerd, United and Liverpool's debt is ONLY the money the owners used to buy the clubs, this is not the same as living above your means. Neither club spends more than they receive in income.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Jumbo is the loss that Man Utd makes due to the money Glazer payed for United ?
I know that Glazer's loan has to be paid by Man Utd but i didn't know the exploitation loss was only this loan...

PS: do you have any idea how many % of United's budget goes to player's salaries...if this percentage is high, then a club is definitely living above it's means.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Jumbo is the loss that Man Utd makes due to the money Glazer payed for United ?
I know that Glazer's loan has to be paid by Man Utd but i didn't know the exploitation loss was only this loan...

PS: do you have any idea how many % of United's budget goes to player's salaries...if this percentage is high, then a club is definitely living above it's means.

Watched ManU vs WestBrom today, the commentator said ManU has debts, and I heard it many time before too so I do think Manu has some budget debts.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

i'm speechless. seriousy, i have no words left to describe this palermo team. :SHOCK:

ilicic scored again! seriously this kid is sick! he's just to good to be true.
pastore scored a beauty again (what a shoker! :P )
bacinovic had an outstanding performance (even without considering the goal)
nocerino is absolutely awesome
cassani is absolutely awesome
balzaretti is absolutely awesome
pinilla is a God!

it's just impossible to single out a player.... they all have stand out performance on a weekly basis.
God bless delio rossi and our general manager walter sabatini... God bless u guys :WORSHIP::WORSHIP::WORSHIP::WORSHIP::WORSHIP:

p.s. @ ilfenomeno: you're wellcome mate :))

oh and btw... i'm actually starting to believe 50 millions for pastore is a fair pricetag. stunning goal apart, his passing game was delightful today.

and the most impressive thing is that such a stunning performance came against a bologna team wich played some real good football.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

The way they are playing Palermo should be aiming for the CL qualification.

The scouts did really well to pick out Ilicic. :WORSHIP:

As for Messi the only club he would leave Barca for is Newell's Old Boys the club he still supports.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

and the craziest thing is that we're playing this football without miccoli and hernandez. WOW :))
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

and the craziest thing is that we're playing this football without miccoli and hernandez. WOW :))

Indeed. Pinilla has really stepped up to the plate. He always had the talent but perhaps lacked focus and application.Was surprised Bielsa did not pick him for the WC after his exploits in serie B last season.

Rossi has done a superb job in getting them to play attractive winning football without fear. :WORSHIP:
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I saw the Palermo goals. Stunning ones from the young boys.

I am really sad for Fiorentina. They were ahead and in one minute conceded two goals. Now they are dead last. I know a long way to go but the players after being in the CL last year now have to live a whole week being in last place. Confidence killing situation.

As for Messi the only club he would leave Barca for is Newell's Old Boys the club he still supports.

There is nothing like that for life thing. At one point, Puyol was close to leaving. Messi is only human. He might want to change environment at one point or fall out with a new coach or by looking at Barcelona's new financial report(430 mill debt), they might want to sell him in a couple of years. Inter are relying on Lippi's son who is a very close friend of Messi and I read Messi's father said he is open to the idea. I am not saying it will happen in a year but Moratti has planted this idea in his head and will die to get him.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

i mean, come on, we're talking about a kid who just turned 20 (1 year younger than mesut), who is about to become an unquestioned starter for argentina's national team in a few months!
not if Banega can help it :P No but seriously, not sure where you heard that from, I don't see it happening with Cambiasso in the starting 11 (a cuchu-mascherano-pastore midfield trident will be too disjointed IMO, much like our Sneiper-Cuchu-Zanetti midfield) and Banega in such good form. And I would like to hear how Ozil is not on the same level as Pastore. In what way? Certainly he is more talented, better technically, but Ozil has proven his mettle for a bigger side and on the biggest stages (UCL and world cup). Ozil is only inconsistent but even then he's proven to be a better player, passing, decision making, playmaking, he has been a marvel to watch alongside Di Maria so far this season. We talk about Pastore being only 20 but have you seen Toni Kroos the last two season? Pastore is quality, without a doubt, brimming with flair and an exquisite touch, he's in quite incredible form at the moment, and he will undoubtedly be among the top trequartistas of his generation, but all this "golden ball" talk is bollocks. He's not Ronaldo (the fat one, not the flashy ken doll).

Back to the Ozil-Pastore comparison, if you're implying Pastore is more talented, then surely Coutinho is more talented than Pastore. He's required to do a lot more defending than he's used to and he's lacking physically (height, weight, build, pace and stamina) but his intelligence on the ball is first rate.

oh and btw... i'm actually starting to believe 50 millions for pastore is a fair pricetag.
Goodness :DOH: Hope that comes with gold-plated rolls royce :P Save it for when he performs on the big stage. Mean time, just let him play and enjoy :))

There is a stunning documentary about the Yugoslavian football team that won a world title in one of the youth categories just before the cilvil war. This was the team with Prosinecki, Boban (Croatia), Savicevic (Serbia-Montenegro) and Mihaijlovic (Serbia). You see this great team disintegratie because all the nationalistic and ethnic differences...
have to check this out. Can anyone imagine how good a yugoslav team would be today :SHOCK: or even a USSR team :SHOCK::SHOCK:

there is no downfall
haha yeah, what's this guy talking about? Serie A is still number 1, in terms of quality anyway.

This is so not going to happen, even when Messi turns 30. The story with Ronaldinho is not comparable to Messi's. People from La Masia with Messi's qualities and history don't get sold. Messi will play his whole career at Barca and it's almost a fact.

:BOP: Never say never. Besides, Barca have debt problems up the ass, so anything can happen. Messi might even request a transfer :CONFUSE: Stranger things have happened, that's for sure.

Rossi has done a superb job in getting them to play attractive winning football without fear.
what attractive football?Palermo were a much more entertaining side last 2 seasons with Liverani, Simplico and Miccoli. The haven't actually played all that well so far this season which should worry some.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

rfu, it's pretty obvious at this point u just don't like pastore... not really sure why, but hey it's no big deal.
i can see this becoming becoming another endless debate like the many ones we had about de rossi... so let's just say we disagree on this point.

as for palermo not playing welll, i'm sorry but i really don't know how on earth u come to such a crazy conclusion.... we have 4 new starters in our line up (wich means almost half of the starting 11 is brand new), we're facing the european competition (wich, for a short squad like ours is a very serious challenge).....
and yet we're scoring for fun, playing the same 1 touch football we've been playing in the last few seasons (actually we're even more offensive this season than in the last 2 seasons) and we're 5th in the league, just 3 points behind inter and milan, who are leading serie a right now.
and u say we're not playing well??? :SHOCK: are u nuts!!!
i can't very well say if we're more or less attractive than last season. we were attractive last season and we are right now... i don't know how to measure the attractiveness of our football and compare it to last season.

but what i do know for sure is that we're much more offensive-oriented, we play 1 touch football even more often and we score even more than last season. as a matter of fact palermo is right now the 2nd most prolific team in serie a when it comes to goals. 14 goals in 7 matches....
juve 16 goals
palermo 14 goals
napoli 13 goals
milan 11 goals

i mean, if u just watched palermo - bologna and thought that was not one of the most entertaining matches so far this season...... then i really don't know what to say.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Have to say Ben, I thought Palermo 3 years ago were also entertaining to watch. I'm talking about Toni-mania, Santana, Brienza, Grosso etc.
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