Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

What about Lega Nord Ben? They're still around and some people in my school were supporters.
like edmundo said, la lega nord is a completely apolitical party. not only they're not extreme right... they're not even moderate right.
today lega nord is allied with berlusconi's party (moderate right)..... but till a few years ago they were allied to the italian left party... that says it all, i guess.

i wouldn't define the "leghisti" racists.... a racists has a prejudice towards people who belong to a different race.... the leghisti also have prejudice towards every italian who lives south of roma...... and last time i check i belong to the same race of a milanese or a veneziano :PP
they're just a bunch of oafish ignorant clowns :))
ilfenomeno said:
Btw, are trainers allowed to smoke on the bench again? I saw how Catania's allenatore was smoking a cigar against Napoli.
he's probably gonna be fined..... actually, come to think of it, can u imagine zeman not smoking a sigarette for an entire football match?!? LOL! i'm sure he'll get fined each and every week :PP

@abou: :SHOCK: i gotta say that's a huge surprise to me. i based my astonishment on the fact that sardi (sardegna habitants) are the some of the most lovely, caring, wellcoming and open minded person u can imagine....
but then again that's also a bit of a generalization. i naturally assumed their ultras were the same..... i guess that's not the case :))
and yeah, suazo is a legend in cagliari... wich, once again goes to show how unrelated to real racism those racist acts actually are.
not that it matters obviously. if u act as a racist, u should be treated and labelled as a racist.... wheter u actually are a racist or u just to it to piss someone off, that's absolutely irrilevant.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Jugay? :LOL: Jesus christ, that's something a 5 year old would say. Worse than Liverpoo or Manure. I do worry about you sometimes, rfU. ;)

Don't like Jugay, okay how about a joke, Juve fan enters juventus shop...

Juve fan: Hi there, I would like to buy Jugay I mean Juventus jersey

Shop owner: Ok, sure. Which one would you like? We have jerseys for outfield players, jerseys for goalies and one for referees...
:FAIL: Meh, it's funnier in person. But this is funny...


Ooh yeah, that was good :SMUG:

By the way, what's going on with Calciopoli II, seem to have lost interest for some reason, I can only guess why :P

But wasn't Suazo a fan favourite at the Rossublu in the past?
That's why this racism stuff is just dumb. I remember inter fans complaining about Juve fans treatment of Babytelli, and in the same game they gave Sissoko a torrid time. Doesn't make a lick of sense.

in 1 week we had to play 2 away matches and a home match against inter..... u will easily understand why we didn't perform to our usual standards that week.
that's very true. I remember thinking "what a time to play palermo away" :LOL:

i haven't seen a cesena full match yet
Oh what the fuck!!! :CONFUSE: Ah, what am I saying, I haven't watched much of Brescia either :P Bascially Cesena's counter-attacking game is not to be fucked with, with the two wide midfielders supported by Nagatumo are just merciless. They've lost a bit of juice recently, their enthusiasm has died down a bit going a bit which is good news for us because we're playing them soon :))

also i have another question. it's week 7 now. still way too early to express any sort of judgements about the new to club coaches (del neri, benitez and allegri).... but it might be already enough to have a "first impression".... so milanisti, interisti and juventini, how do u feel about your new coaching guides? wich major changes have u noticed ?(if they have already changed anything at all). what are your feelings after theese first 2 months of the season?:))
The craziest thing about it all is that no one has been sacked yet :LOL: I can't phantom why and how Gasperini, Miha and Guidolin are still around seven weeks in. Bisoli also. According to him, Cagliari had an impressive outing vs a sub-par Inter, but they were shockingly poor for the most part. Just shocking. And it seems he's losing control of the players (Conti and Agostini in a recent bust-up).

Any Fiore fans here? I would like to discuss what's going on on their side of the fence. Where is Mijha going wrong. Mind, it could just be bad luck the way their injury list keeps growing. Something's up because this isn't normal. Fitness regime maybe? Mutu is due back, I believe next month. Something to look forward to Fiore fans I suppose.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I like Allegri's tactical approach to the game, but man, the guy needs to have some balls sometimes and just drop Seedorf. At the beginning of the season he was great and was ambitious, but now he seems afraid to make changes or to drop some of the old guard. I still trust him, and think that he needs a bit more time, seeing as this is his first big break.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

You guys were absolutely clueless yesterday, really shocking to some extent
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Mourinho did a great job though. Never expected these young players to be this dominant.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

just dropping by with some bad news. last nite some english people (liverpool supporters) were attacked by some violent ultras in napoli. there have been 3 attacks in 3 different locations. 15 ultras went out last night "looking for troubles".

one of the aggressions happened into a restaurant. some english guys were having dinner. just a few english guys enjoying an evening in napoli, having dinner together... maybe while they were talking about the places they wanted to visit the day after...
well, those bastards ultras broke into the restaurant like some fucking terrorists to attack those english supporters who were peacefully eating their dinner!
so the restaurant owner and some other napoletani who were having dinner stood up and tried to defend the english tourists..... as a result of that the ultras attacked the owner and those other napoletani too.
as napoli's mayor said "15 criminals last nite ruined the reputation of an entire city".
apparently those ultras were arrested... as usual, in just a few months they'll be free again.

i'm just thinking out loud here... but what if we'd create some sort of an "ultras fight club". let's invite all those beasts... from all over europe... italian ultras, english hooligans, serbian, french, spanish... all theese violent bastards. we let them into some huge basements or storage units or reinforced lofts... whatever. we provide them with chains, kives, brass knuckles and all those tools they might need to fulfill their beastly needs. then we close the doors and let them fight each others till death.

i mean, seriously, if that's what they want, let's give it to them. i know i sound a bit like hitler right now, but think about it... would that be more atrocious than, say, a corrida? i don't think so. since we don't seem to be able to control this animals, then let them do what they want and unleash their fury... but not against normal, civilized people... if violence is what they look for, let us allow them to kill each others in some place where they can't hurt normal people.

the romans got it right.... what we need is a new Colosseo!!!
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

just dropping by with some bad news. last nite some english people (liverpool supporters) were attacked by some violent ultras in napoli. there have been 3 attacks in 3 different locations. 15 ultras went out last night "looking for troubles".

one of the aggressions happened into a restaurant. some english guys were having dinner.... those bastards broke into the restaurant like some fucking terrorists to attack those english supporters. so the restaurant owner and some other napoletani who were having dinner stood up and tried to defend the english tourists..... as a result of that the ultras attacked the owner and those other napoletani too.
as napoli's mayor said "15 criminals last nite ruined the reputation of an entire city".
apparently those ultras were arrested... as usual, in just a few months they'll be free again.

i'm just thinking out loud here... but what if we'd create some sort of an "ultras fight club". let's invite all those beasts... from all over europe... italian ultras, english hooligans, serbian, french, spanish... all theese violent bastards. we let them into some huge basements or storage units or reinforced lofts... whatever. we provide them with chains, kives, brass knuckles and all those tools they might need to fulfill their beastly needs. then we close the doors and let them fight each others till death.

i mean, seriously, if that's what they want, let's give it to them. i know i sound a bit like hitler right now, but think about it... would that be more atrocious than, say, a corrida? i don't think so. since we don't seem to be able to control this animals, then let them do what they want and unleash their fury... but not against normal, civilized people... if violence is what they look for, let us allow them to kill each others in some place where they can't hurt normal people.

the romans got it right.... what we need is a new Colosseo!!!
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

yeah, that's exactly what i'm talking about. let those scum kill each others.... just not in the middle of the city (where they could actually bother or hurt normal civilised people). let's provide them with some sort of a colosseo. let's have them stuck in a place with no exits, so they can peacefully beat the crap out of each others until there's only one of them left. and then, once the massacre is finished and there's only one guy standing, we charge him with mass murder.

i know that's a horrible thing to say... but honestly, i'd love that.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

so, after the "europa league break" we're back to real football.... boy that was sad.... the most boring (and bored) napoli of the last 3 years faced an even more weak liverpool and drew 0-0. arguably the most pointless match of the season... it was meant to be a 0-0 draw from the very beginning. the only decent thing about that match was that it allowed me to win a few quids (actually a lot more than a few, as bwin seems not to know how italian teams handle themselves in europa league matches :P ).
and the craziest thing is that this actually was the best liverpool performance i've watched this season. that absolutely horrible, plotless, flat, and filled with backups liverpool.... is the best liverpool i've seen this season. and from all the other liverpool matches i've watched so far, i can honestly say liverpool's starters could have never played better than what those reserves did. tough times for the reds.

palermo was pretty much dismantled by cska... it was like watching adults playing against kids. i understand palermo's nr.1 priority is the league, but come on!! not even the goalkeeper was a starter!!! no sirigu, no munoz, no bacinovic, no liverani and miccoli (obviously), no pinilla, no ilicic....
WTF! u're just asking to be spanked by cska this way. oh well at least let's hope the starters will be fresh for the game against udinese.
however it was very enjoyable game. despite being completely toothless in attack and naive in defence, even with this b team we still managed to shape some very nice plays in a few circumstances. anyhow credit goes to cska. really a lovely team. some very nice and terrificly effective football :TU:

and to complete the disaster, sampdoria lost to metalist. i can't even talk about this match as i didn't watch it.... but it couldn't really be worse than the napoli-liverpool one.

however, now that this europain in the ass is finally gone, we got a pretty nice week end coming up!
fiorentina - bari is gonna be a match to watch. bari plays beautifully and fiorentina absolutely has to win. mihajlovic still didn't find the right way to approach the dressing room, and jovetic's injury certainly didn't help him. but i'm sure the viola will bounce back, and hey, now would be the right time!
chievo - cesena sounds really interesting... according to what i saw about chievo... and what i heard about cesena, this should be a good one
lazio - cagliari is gonna be another very exciting match. cagliari is coming from a few bad results and have to get back on track... but lazio seems to be on fire theese days (btw it's nice to have lazio back!).
udinese - palermo isn't gonna be pretty imo. udinese have to win no matter what and guidolin is a sly one. he knows the weaknesses of this palermo team, so he will certainly try to hit us on the break. as for palermo, although we lined up lots of backups this week in europa league.... i still don't think we're gonna play at our usual level.
and finally inter - samp and napoli - milan. those 2 games are gonna be absolutely awesome. napoli and samp are gonna play their real football.... and after those horrible performance against liverpool and metalist, they will be even hungrier. :))
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Hey Ben, slightly off topic but I noticed James Horncastle (journalist for four-four-two magazine and some others) has the same avatar as you on his twitter feed. I'm not familiar with him so don't know if he's decent or not but he seems to like Italian football and especially Zeman. :)
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I heard Darmian played? Guessing he was a disaster? :D CSKA are a really good team and had a great CL last season.

I watched the second half of the Napoli game and it was so boring. The only player that seemed to care for me was Dossena, maybe because he wanted to prove himself for Liverpool.

There was a lot of hype around the game and for me Napoli should have taken the game more seriously seeing the Maradona pictures and all the fans wanting to see Napoli against a big European side again. Maybe all the teams should start paying some attention to the Europa League. It is what is draining Serie A down the UEFA ranking. Strange when you see all the English, Spanish, and German teams reaching the final stages every year.

Other thing, Ranieri seems he will be keeping his job for a while. Leonardo was up for it but if he can't take orders from Berlusconi, he might not be able to take it from Totti. :D
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Serafino Inguardia is an idiot. He wrote an article about Krasic needing to play better after a scoring a hattrick.. One example of many fails..
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Cagliari fined a measly €25,000 for the racist chants directed Eto'o.... Pathetic but better than the few hundred spanish teams were fined over those monkey chants. i hear Eto'o doesn't take his family to games in italy. Sad.

Looking forward to Samp-Inter tonight. Gazetto has dubbed it "Rest of the World against Italy" :LOL: No Motta (who's fine but left out just in case) and Santon. Pandev on the bench. Looks like Cou and Bibiany will start. Neither is good vs physical, compact teams so it will be a tough game. 3 goals conceded thus far, I expect Samy and Lucio to handle Fantonio and Pazzini quite easily. Forza Inter!!
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

rfu said:
i hear Eto'o doesn't take his family to games in italy. Sad.
whoa! let's not get carried away now. i don't know why eto'ò doesn't take his family to his matches but it's definitely not for racism related issues.
like abou said, those very same ultras that were booeing eto'ò last sunday used to hail and cheer suazo a few seasons ago.

allow me to repeat what i already wrote a few days ago.... the extreme right italian party never got more than 0.6 at the elections in the last 10 years.... and that was their best result over the last 10 years. their average result is a 0.3 and the party itseld pretty much died for lack of consensus.

i do understand that italian stadia don't give a good image of italy, but we got to distinguish reality from that image.
for instance, countries like sweden, france, holland... they all have a very nice image, of multicultural, multiethnical countries, with a very shallow ultranationalist presence....
well, in france u have Le pen's nationalist party, wich got a 8% result in march 2010.
in sweden, the extreme right party (xenophobic) party just got a 5.7% result in the last elections.
in holland there is wilder's party (pvv) wich just got a 17% at the last elections.

do u know what percent the italian xenophobic\ultranatiolanist party (forza nuova) got in the last elections? 0.2%. that makes it the weakest extreme right party in europe today... and also one of the weakest in the world.

like i said before, the images u get to see on tv about italian stadia might give u the idea that racism is an issue in italy.... but as a matter of fact (and those electoral results i posted prove it beyond any doubt) italy is the least xenophobic\racist country in europe today.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Well Ben, you know i respect you highly but election results doens't say everything.
In Belgium there was a racist party who had almost 30% (In Flanders that is) of the the city of Antwerp even 33% of the votes.

Where all these people racist? No lots of people made a (very wrong) statement by voting for that party...they are disgusted by immobility in our politic parties and so they voted for that party (the same reason many Italian vote for Berlusconi i think...). Did all the racist people voted for that racist party? No they didn't...

If you say that Italy is the least fascist country in Italy, i believe you...but i don't agree with the argument you use to prove that...

Sorry for the off-topic....oh and: Forza Palermo.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

In Belgium there was a racist party who had almost 30% (In Flanders that is) of the the city of Antwerp even 33% of the votes.

Where all these people racist? No lots of people made a (very wrong) statement by voting for that party...they are disgusted by immobility in our politic parties and so they voted for that party (the same reason many Italian vote for Berlusconi i think...). Did all the racist people voted for that racist party? No they didn't...

that would be a good point... but it doesn't apply to extreme right ultranationalist\racist parties. when u're against racism, nothing (and i mean nothing) can persuade u to vote for a xenophobic political party.
like u say, very often people's electoral choices express a disappointment towards other parties.... for instance, millions of liberal italian people don't go voting, to express their disappointment in the lazy italian left\liberal party.....but they would never vote for an extreme right party just to prove the liberal party politicians that they lost concensus. NEVER. because when u're not racist, u despise racist politic parties to such a degree that it would be impossible for them to get your vote, no matter what.

when u''re not pleased with "your" party, u either don't vote at all or u vote for another moderate party.

just think of that: u're a liberal french disappointed by the french left coalition...... would u ever vote for a fascist like le pen??? of course not... u might decide to vote for sarkozy or not to vote at all.... but u would never vote for that fascist bastard unless u agree with his ideals.

the leader of the dutch Pvv compared the Koran to Hitler's mein Kampf!!!!! do u think a non racist man would ever get to the point to give his vote to that bastard? that's absolutely impossible.

when we talk about moderate parties, then your logic makes perfect sense. infact, like u said the disappointment of millions of italian people allowed berlusconi (and his italian moderate right party) to become our prime minister....... but no disappointed liberal would ever vote for an extreme right party just to show his disappointment towards his party. those "disappointed liberals" voted for berlusconi or didn't vote at all.... they would never vote for an extreme right party.

it's just impossible to vote for people like le pen or wilders, unless u agree with them. that's pretty much undenyable :))
so, yes mate, those who vote for those parties, are definitely racists. otherwise they could never support those bastards, no matter how disappointed they are in their politicians.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Ha Ben, i guess i made a mistake. I understand where i was wrong now.
You see, in Italy people can vote by not going to Belgium vote is compulsory...we can't protest by not going to vote. So lots of Belgians give what we call a 'protest vote' and lots of them voted for this party with racist views but this does not necessarily means that they are racist. Anyway this racist party is imploding totally.
Now there is another party who gets protest votes in Flanders. NVA is the equivalent of Lega Nord: they want a secession with an independent republic of Flanders. That party had 30% of the votes. Does this means that 30% of the Flemish people want independence? No, the university of Leuven did some scientific research and it turns out that 85% of the people who voted for that party oppose a republic of Flanders and don't want to get rid of Beglium.

I forgot that vote is not compulsive in Italy...i'm sorry.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

oh no mate, u didn't make any mistake. u just have a different opinion, that's it ;) and actually the "need to vote anyway" point is an interesting one.

in italy too we had the so called "protest vote". that's how berlusconi got in charge here. many moderate liberals "trespassed" and voted for berlusconi coz they were sick of the italian left party immobility. but not voting at all is also an alternative in theese cases.
Gerd said:
Now there is another party who gets protest votes in Flanders. NVA is the equivalent of Lega Nord: they want a secession with an independent republic of Flanders. That party had 30% of the votes. Does this means that 30% of the Flemish people want independence? No, the university of Leuven did some scientific research and it turns out that 85% of the people who voted for that party oppose a republic of Flanders and don't want to get rid of Beglium.
and that's another good point. i also believe that many people who vote for lega nord don't really care about a federalist reform.

but u see, one thing is voting for a secessionist party, and another thing is voting for a party whose political platform is entirely based on intolerance and racism.

while i can believe that a non secessionist could vote for a secessionist party, i just can't imagine how a non racist person could possibly vote for a xenophobic party.
but like i said, that's just my opinion and i might well be completely wrong on this :))

however, like i expected palermo lost against udinese.
did i already tell u guys i fu***ing hate europa league?!?! :RANT:
btw inter - samp is about to begin... this should be a good one! at least unless samp too got the "europa league syndrome".
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Hahaha what a dive!!

The look on his face right after the got the PK says it all! :LOL:
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Hey Ben, slightly off topic but I noticed James Horncastle (journalist for four-four-two magazine and some others) has the same avatar as you on his twitter feed. I'm not familiar with him so don't know if he's decent or not but he seems to like Italian football and especially Zeman. :)
sorry buddy, i forgot to reply u yesterday. i can't really comment on horncastle, as i only read a few of his articles... so stefano's opinion is definitely more reliable than mine.
however from those few articles i read, i tend to agree with stef.. he seems to know what he talks about :))
zeem said:
I heard Darmian played? Guessing he was a disaster?
yep... an epic disaster! :DD

pretty nice match yesterday.... but i expected it to be much more fun, to be honest...... still have high expectations on napoli-milan tonite.

that coutinho keeps impressing.... he has a lot to learn, of course, but the talent is there.... a lot of talent!
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

the leader of the dutch Pvv compared the Koran to Hitler's mein Kampf!!!!! do u think a non racist man would ever get to the point to give his vote to that bastard? that's absolutely impossible.

It's very possible. In fact i'd say somewhat of a majority of his voters are non facist.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

pretty nice match yesterday.... but i expected it to be much more fun, to be honest...... still have high expectations on napoli-milan tonite.
yeah well pazienza just go thimself sent off fcks sake. its laughable who technically inferior napoli and looks like Cavani is back to his worst-Palermo moments, just god-awful. Yeah inter game was frustrating. Samp are capable of better, i don't like it when they sit back and keep it compact like that. Yet they did well enough. Volta as the CB :CONFUSE: But this should have been a 3pt game for us. Oh well, so long as we're still in the running :))

:LOL: Il Nose misses another glorious 1v1 :P

that coutinho keeps impressing.... he has a lot to learn, of course, but the talent is there.... a lot of talent!
Forget the talent, but the progress... its just wow! can't think of a player who has done so well to adjust, coming from such a low-level league and so quick :SHOCK: astounding talent but needs to be nurtured in the right way. He should be coming off the bench, not starting games.
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