Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

well thanks for info mate as i said i dont saw match just saw red cards and goals from livescore so dont thought that red was from player in bench so looks incredible to score 2 goals in the last

but i understand Palermo is doing some wrongs in last matchs and i understand fans are disapointet special today from 2-0 to draw in the last 2-2 ...

yeah great win when we have Di Michele in field its diferent Lecce he give power to team amazing Lecce on last 2 matchs thought Lecce beat one strong Udinese and now also Sampdoria away so i hope we continua like this and we stay in serie a so next season when i will be there i can follow them on serie a LOL

whats about Ibra ? he just back at field and he take red again LOL
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Palermo 2-0 up against 10 men and still conceding a draw?
If i was Zamparini, i would sack Rossi...
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

yup, lecce ultras are indeed a lovely bunch.... actually it's not just about the football fans... the leccesi are all very nice people. :))
Gerd said:
Palermo 2-0 up against 10 men and still conceding a draw?
If i was Zamparini, i would sack Rossi...
one of the reasons why zamparini called rossi back was because he's desperately trying to regain some trust from the fans.. so he's definitely not gonna fire him any time sooner (keep in mind rossi's contract expires in june). zampa even promised he's not gonna speak to the media till the end of the season (i wonder hom many weeks he will resist without breaking this promise).

as for sparks' book about verona, it's been on my "books to buy list" for quite a while now (pretty much since the first time u told me about that book). it's actually quite funny, i've read a lot of parks, but i still didn't read his one book related to italian football.
anyway i really like the guy. he represents an endangered species: a curious english journalist. english journalists today are becoming a bit like italian politicians: a joke.... but those very few proper curious and unpretentious english journalists are still on a class of their own.
he's written some very beautiful pieces for the new yorker and the new york review over italian litterature. he's also a very good translator of italian litterature. i heard he even translated machiavelli's "il principe", wich is imo an absolutely impossible feat.
thank u for reminding me about his book on verona's fans. i'm gonna get it as soon as i finish my current readings. :))
Pipa said:
Napoli are rolling
indeed they are. i really didn't expect such concistancy from them. this napoli team is quite unusual. i mean the tipycal italian midclass team has 2 specific features: high quality football and unconsistancy. it's always been like this in the last few years. just look at palermo, or udinese,or samp or lazio or genoa or even napoli itself (till last season).

this year's napoli instead is different. their football isn't exactly as beautiful to watch as, say, palermo's or udinese's or last season napoli's..... i'm not saying they're bad, but u're certainly never gonna see any of those jaw-dropping schemes and plays u can expect from the likes of palermo or udinese.
what they do have instead is consistancy.... i mean top club-like consistancy.
whenever they enter the pitch, they have that top club mentality, that composure.... even when they're loosing, they never give up (the game vs lazio was a clear example of that). i got to say i'm impressed :))
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

i think as well, that´s why i would love them to win the title, just as neutral supporter, obviously also for Hamsik but again, i like how they play, and Cavani...amazing player, also other, they work pretty well as team..and De Sanctis is top goalkeeper!! to add the fanatic fans + amazing president...they can stay high for longer i hope :)
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

"perfect timing" is the answer u're looking for stef.
cristiano ronaldo is invited from milano's public attorney to testify in one of the several trials against berlusca (the so called "rubygate"), and all of a sudden, berlusconi shows interest in the portuguese.... like i said, perfect timing.
i wouldn't hold my breath waiting for ronaldo stef..... but on the other side, i have the feeling mr. ronaldo won't show up in an italian court any time soon. LOL! what a pathetic piece of shit... as if that could possibly save him from an inevitable guilty verdict.
Pipa said:
i think as well, that´s why i would love them to win the title, just as neutral supporter, obviously also for Hamsik but again, i like how they play, and Cavani...amazing player, also other, they work pretty well as team..and De Sanctis is top goalkeeper!! to add the fanatic fans + amazing president...they can stay high for longer i hope
yup, it's just impossible not to like the napoletani :))
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

There's no chance he'll leave Real, and plus, I don't want a player like him at Milan.

I have a feeling these will be our 3 'big' signings: Taiwo (free), Ganso (£15m-£20m) and Mexes (free).
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

3 great signings those would be and considering two are top class but free, it'd be a nice summer!

As for Napoli, yeah I'm impressed too and with Cavani as well. I thought he was good before but not this good and nothing special before this season. Definitely in great form now though and playing with so much confidence.

And yeah that match against Lazio was a classic and showed just how far Napoli have come and their mentality. Though Lazio should've had a draw and had a good goal disallowed if I recall correctly. Lazio deserved something from that terrific match.

p.s. Whatever the hell happened to Morimoto?! lol what a flop he's become!
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Speaking of Napoli, I saw this posted somewhere and thought it was funny. Napoli's first 11's salary compared to Ibra's.

Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Zlatan gets $12M salary per year? WTF?! How's that possible?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

great pic and great napoli love teams like this that with a bit money are in top , its just one ibrahimoshit that take like all theyr team incredible this are team that need to be proud with ;)
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Cavani only 1.8 mill is amazing. How much was he on at Palermo? Could be half of that.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

yeah it´s increble but also you have to remember he is or was great shirt selling machine, he is famous and sometimes some players have better marketing value for teams than what they actually do on pitch...

Fernando Torres was sold to chelsea for very much money, but he was Liverpools face, his kit was most selled in whole premier league, and around world..he was their star..sometimes it´s more about what players is worth as symbol...

If United sold Rooney to City for example.. they would lose milions in shirt sale, and other products...that is not small money..
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Cavani only 1.8 mill is amazing. How much was he on at Palermo? Could be half of that.

it was actually less than half. his wage in palermo was around 750k if i remember well.
no one underpays players like we do :SMUG:... infact this could well be our motto:
palermo, making arsene wenger look like abramovich, since 1900 :P

Pipa has a point about ibra's marketing value being way higher than cavani anyhow.... besides, it's still waaay to early to even propose such a comparison. Like Sina says, consistency is the true measure of a world class player. let's see how cavani will do in the next 2 seasons, and maybe then we will be able to express an appropriate judgement.

i got to say, just like Sina, i was very surprised by cavani's performances this year. i always knew he could score more than he used to in palermo (because here in palermo he was asked to do so much more than just wander in the box), but i didn't really expect him to score so much more.

anyway, the qualiity is clearely there, but let's wait before calling him a top player. he's clearely on a roll right now, he's in a great shape, he's in the zone and each great performance increases his confidence even more. using pes terms, we might say he's having a "red arrow" year (are there still the "form arrows" in pes?)..... let's see how he will handle himself, once his form and confidence will get back to normal.
i'm not jinxing it obviously. i would love him to become a world class player and i would love if napoli would actually win the scudetto (sorry stef, zeem and ale, but half my heart belongs to napoli).
PLF said:
p.s. Whatever the hell happened to Morimoto?! lol what a flop he's become!
yeah, what's happened to the kid. i haven't even heard of him in quite a while!
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Have you seen Napoli's last 7 games? :SHOCK: If they end up winning the league, they would have 100% deserved it.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

And if we do, I credit Allegri for creating his own system! I see it as a difficult task to get players like Seedorf and Gattuso to play like they're 27.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Seedorf just woke up a couple of weeks back and has been just amazing. He desperately wants to stay it seems. It is surely going to be hard to let him leave but I think our management should sacrifice a couple of players out. Sad day when I see one of Seedorf,Pirlo,Ambrosini,Nesta,Inzaghi,and Gattuso leave. They are all gonna be handled in the same summer strangely. That was a two time CL winning squad right there.

it was actually less than half. his wage in palermo was around 750k if i remember well.
no one underpays players like we do :SMUG:... infact this could well be our motto:
palermo, making arsene wenger look like abramovich, since 1900 :P

Check this out. Flavio Roma last year used to take more than Cavani and Pastore. Still makes more than Pastore I think. Injustice! :LOL: Seems you pulled a great comeback victory yesterday against Roma. Get ready for the Cup then. Allegri is on fire!
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

the regular starter in palermo's lineup who gets least money still makes twice the money i make.... now how's THAT for injustice!!! and that's just coz this is his first professional contract... wait just a few months and next season he'll be making 5 times the money i earn. our society's priorities are so messed up.

as for milan's senators, each player's situation is a bit different imo.
nesta said he's not gonna retire, so he's definitely playing for milan next season (who in his right mind would get rid of nesta??) he's probably gonna get a little less money, but i'm sure he'll stay. same goes for seedorf. he just got to understand he can't be a regular starter anymore. and that's the tricky part. i think it will be a lot easier to persuade seedorf to cut his wage than it will be to persuade him he can't be a starter in this team no longer... anyway he's gonna stay imo. seedorf in a good day is still a world class player, and he loves milan so much he will certainly come to terms with his hunger for playtime.

as for pirlo, just thinking of getting rid of him is quite simply madness. he's the most talented player in your roster (and that includes cassano and ibra),the only central midfielder with educated foot milan has.... without pirlo u guys would be screwed.
besides why would milan get rid of pirlo? because his wage his high?.... hell yeah, he is one of the greatests regista on the planet, of course his wage is high.... have u ever heard of a world class player, playing for a top club for a modest wage?
the question here is not if pirlo's wage is too high... the real question is, does milan want (or does milan can afford) a player like pirlo? because u see, if money is the issue, then u can get rid of pirlo... but then u don't have to look for a replacement...because a replacement for pirlo would cost milan exactly the same wage of pirlo (plus the transfer fee).

world class players ask world class wages, there's no changing that.
this obesssion for young players is going a bit too far imo today.... what's more important, being young or being good? yeah players like cigarini or mordic or montolivo are younger, but as young as they are, they still are not on pirlo's level (and we don't know if they'll ever reach pirlo's level). maybe someday they'll be able to do what pirlo does..... but by then they will ask for a the same wage pirlo gets, so....

besides what the fu*k! pirlo is still 31 FFS! 31 is not old, especially for a regista.

as for wednesday's coppa italia game... that is gonna be some match imo :))
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Ben, I think the issue is how Pirlo will fit in our new way of playing. We are a much faster team in terms of build up. Right now we play with players who are quick on the ball. Van Bommel, Gattuso, Flamini and Boateng are very intense players that use physical strength to run the midfield, allowing players like Robinho and Seedorf to do what they want. Seedorf is doing so great because Van Bommel and Gattuso are running the back so well.

When Pirlo is back, it means we lose a lot of speed and defensive cover, and also, even though his feet are made of gold, the last thing we need is to play this deep-lying regista style of football again.... we've won 3-0 in most games where the regista was Boateng and Seedorf setting up fast attacking plays.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

yup, i understand what u mean here, and that certainly is a good point, but u just can't always play the same football, regardless which team u're playing against. u need options, and since pirlo is your only regista, without him u wouldn't have any options at all.

i can certainly understand how happy u must be about milan's new identity and football... it sure must be a breathe of fresh air after how milan played in the last few seasons..... and i certainly agree with u on this, allegri has done an amazing job and it would be wrong to get back to milan's previous football....
but this new more direct passing game can't work against every opponent in every possible situation.

this new milan's gameplan can work like a charm against a team wich likes to build up plays and doesn't rely on counters (like, say cesena or parma), or against team which tend to press high up the pitch on the ball carrier (like napoli)... or against a very propositive and offensive team like palermo, which tends to leave few men in its own midfield.....

but there are a whole lot of tactical situations this new "direct passing style and high paced" milan would struggle with.
u play this game against a team which has no urge to dictate the tempo and build up plays and u're just not gonnna do well..... u play this game against a well composed team, wich doesn't push a lot and covers well, and u're not gonna find your way to the opposite box... u play this game against a team wich has no urge to score, and u're never gonna score aswell. let's make a few practical examples.
genoa milan 1-1
milan lazio 0-0
milan bari 1-1
palermo milan 1-0
tottenham milan 0-0
all theese games had one thing in common: pirlo wasn't playing.... and in each of theese games milan struggled to score because its midfielders just lacked the vision, the creativity and the foot to break the opponent's coverage. u see my point?

now, if we were talking about SIGNING a world class regista, spending a fortune on a transfer fee, just to guarrantee u more versatility, then i would agree, it would be a waste of money....... but we're not talking about signing a player, we're talking about holding a player u already have.
besides keep in mind that letting pirlo leave milan would also mean giving a chance to a contender (a european or an italian top club) to improve its squad. and u certainly don't want that.

something similar happened in palermo too this season. we got ourselves a young and very promising midfielder in bacinovic, who is younger and much more of an athlete than liverani (tbf, even i am much more of an athlete than liverani :P ).
liverani has also been cursed with injuries this season, so he kinda lost his spot in the starting formation to bacinovic.
then, last week, against cesena, liverani showed up in the starting formation again, against a team wich was very focused in coverage and didn't leave any gap......
... and when liverani came up with this unbelievable pass to balzaretti.....
we all suddenly remembered what it means to have a regista like him in your team. liverani is old (and i mean really old, not "pirlo old"), he's way slower than bacinovic or pirlo or any other biped on earth, and his defending is pretty poor, compared to bacinovic.... but there are certain moments when having a player like liverani can make the difference betweeng having a chance to get to the opponent's box or not.... no one other than a great regista could have even just thought of making that pass to balzaretti :))
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I am heavily against this letting go of Pirlo thing. This thing about him being slow and not fitting into Milan's system anymore has been going on since Ancelotti's last year at Milan. Almost two years now and every summer Chelsea showed huge interest in him. Yet we kept him and losing him for free doesn't make sense.

The other thing is the teams he might leave to. I think Roma and Juventus will be the teams to get him especially if Ancelotti ends up taking over Roma then Pirlo will certainly join him. A free ferrari to our rivals. The confusing part is Pirlo will have to take a pay cut to join one of those teams, especially Juve.

Now about Milan, the team has found huge balance in the presence of van Bommel. He doesn't waste time, passes quickly, and is a great leader commanding the midfield and Allegri is liking that. He even called him a perfect defensive midfielder. I don't know if he can be fielded with Pirlo at the same time. It would be great if Allegri can make it happen but I doubt van Bommel will lose his place until the end of the season so Pirlo might look to leave.

Another thing is that it is reported Milan are close to the Brazilian Ganso in a 30 mill deal(:SHOCK:). Braida is in Brazil right now. Ganso is a pure trequartista. I haven't seen him play but from what I heard, even from Galliani, he is as close as you can get to Zidane. Anyway, the reported fee alone shows a lot. If the deal goes through, it will be very hard for Allegri to field him,Pirlo,Boateng,and van Bommel is the same midfield. It is not the wage thing, Pirlo himself might decide to go elsewhere.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Well, in February I wrote in Brasileirão Thread an analysis about Ganso. I don't know if looked at it but here's the note (you didn't ask me either if you real wanted to see that :LOL:) In my opinion is more like a Riquelme.

Paulo Henrique 'Ganso' is THE new Brazilian genius. I guess you're tired of seeing Neymar getting all the headlines and the spotlight. Neymar is a showman. Ganso is a 'Maestro', not the same type of 'Maestro' you used to see at San Siro with the #10 shirt but with such an outstanding ability and confidence.

Technically he is amazing, the passing ability is tremendous and tactically he is perfect (great positioning I must say). The main weakness (and he has to train it a lot if he wants to play in Europe at the big stage) is the tempo, I mean, he’s very slow when making the last pass. He goes into the attack and “stops” (let’s say, decreases the rhythm) to see who’s available to put the ball. In Brazil, the pace is very slow so he has no problems but in Europe is another story.

A Portuguese football expert calls Paulo Henrique as the "new Riquelme". I my opinion he can turn in a much better player than the Argentinian.

I believe he will fit very well in your team. AC Milan needs a truly 'Trequartista', how I miss Rui Costa old times.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I will be so excited to see Ganso play in a Milan shirt. I'm not so sure about the Zidane comparison, but you can see the similarities in his instant control and passing range. He is just so fun to watch; you know he's going to do something brilliant as soon as the ball magnetizes to his magic left foot.
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