Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Talking about the transfer market, Lazio are going to be a real threat next season. They are getting stronger and stronger.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

i see. so u already know the place i've been there a few years ago and i absolutely loved it. plus the leccesi and the gallipolini are absolutely adorable people (but i guess i don't need to tell u that since your girl is from there)
hope everything goes smoothly with your visa mate. italian red tape is absolutely unbearable and, most of the times, needlessly complicated.

yeah mate i know place , and also ppl are really lovely and near you always for any help

however today i take visa and as i dont buy ticket yet im looking to be there untill 30 august , now i just have to pray that 1st match for Lecce will be at home !

ah mate i dont know if u saw but fans are doing protest for keep chevanton at Via Del Mare . i hope situation dont go more bad as it is , without president players moving away will be a real test next season for Lecce !
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Talking about the transfer market, Lazio are going to be a real threat next season. They are getting stronger and stronger.

yup. their putting together a very good squad. my only concerns are about klose and cissè. but then again, it appears klose was extremely motivated to try this italian experience..... and we all know a motivated klose can be a nightmare for every defensive line.
valon said:
ah mate i dont know if u saw but fans are doing protest for keep chevanton at Via Del Mare . i hope situation dont go more bad as it is , without president players moving away will be a real test next season for Lecce !
yeah i heard about that. what's the situation in lecce anyway. i hear the semeraro family wants to call it a day and sell the club (wich is a shame as they did great things for lecce).... but is there any possible buyer waiting at the window?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

yeah i heard about that. what's the situation in lecce anyway. i hear the semeraro family wants to call it a day and sell the club (wich is a shame as they did great things for lecce).... but is there any possible buyer waiting at the window?

yeah the Sameraro family already leave the club , but yet no one its interest to buy it thats really shame , club is "living" with money that they won as a team that com from Serie B to Serie A and its saved so they get about 30 milion , so now we have to pay players and all things with that money

also those players leave Lecce rosati, fabiano,gustavo,donati,sch​iavi, vives, jeda, chevanton
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Ben Lecce get Moris Carrozzieri

i dont really know his quality , can u give me a bit about him ?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Yup Muslera = 14 mill+Cana and they got Marchetti. Could have got some few extra millions if they waited till after the Copa. :D

I rate Muslera highly between the sticks but when he leaves them, he can be a disaster.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

He's a weird goalie. Makes mistakes, and is kinda short for a GK and sorta skinny too but amazing reflexes!

Thing is though, for a GK, he's still very young he now has a lot of experience having played in World Cup, Copa America, Serie A, he's getting better and better and gaining more and more confidence which is key. When I first saw him a few years ago, I had no hopes for him and thought he's very mediocre and was surprised Lazio are gonna trust in him as their new #1. Seemed like another Carrizo (bad move) to me. But I've been proven wrong.

He's a good goalie now and can get better. He'll never be anything special probably but he's good now. I like watching him play.

Yeah I don't think move to Galatasaray was best one for him either. :( Let's see how it works out, hopefully he'll fit in....
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

so muslera was part of the cana deal? cana + 14 millions for muslera is a great move by lazio... especially since they paid just about 5 millions for marchetti (who imo has much more room for improvement than muslera himself).

i agree with u on muslera, sina. i also thought i was going to be another carrizo, but he really improved a lot :))
valon said:
Ben Lecce get Moris Carrozzieri

i dont really know his quality , can u give me a bit about him ?
it's not easy to talk about carrozieri right now, valon, as he just came back from that 2 years ban due to cocaine.
we still can't tell how such a long absence effected him. what i can say is that he was a very good cb till 2 years ago. despite his "bulky" looks he had great reflexes and a very good timing on the tackles. he was on the verge of being called by italy's national team when he got suspended. we're not talking about a top class cb, but certainly a very good one
his best asset however is his leadership skill. and that alone makes him a terrific signing for lecce (wheter he will deliver on the pitch or not).
it's gonna be interesting to see how he will perform in lecce this season. however i reckon this is going to turn out to be a very good signing by lecce (as Gerd said).
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

t's not easy to talk about carrozieri right now, valon, as he just came back from that 2 years ban due to cocaine.
we still can't tell how such a long absence effected him. what i can say is that he was a very good cb till 2 years ago. despite his "bulky" looks he had great reflexes and a very good timing on the tackles. he was on the verge of being called by italy's national team when he got suspended. we're not talking about a top class cb, but certainly a very good one
his best asset however is his leadership skill. and that alone makes him a terrific signing for lecce (wheter he will deliver on the pitch or not).
it's gonna be interesting to see how he will perform in lecce this season. however i reckon this is going to turn out to be a very good signing by lecce (as Gerd said).

oh i didnt know this story ! thanks for info mate , so its kind of Mutu player , i mean this susspends this kind of carer , however i hope for good performance from him , we (Lecce) really need CB so im hoping on this guy !

Lecce get on loan Rodney Strasser from AC Milan .

also Lecce have Cacia a player that fans hate and was always on loan so now they have him and they are looking chance to change him with Bianchi (Torino) or Maccarone (Sampdoria)

however i dont understand Politic of team to leave players like Munari and Vives (2nd captain)

this season I think all our game will "start" from Piatti (for me he and Di Michele are player with more technique in Lecce team )
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Well it appears that 14+Cana was media BS. Apparently, Lazio got Cana for 5mill and sold Muslera for 6.5mill according to this website.
i see. still pretty good business by lazio. they replaced muslera with marchetti and made a 1.5 millions net profit from the 2 operations. and cana is definitely worthy those 5 millions.
valon said:
oh i didnt know this story ! thanks for info mate , so its kind of Mutu player , i mean this susspends this kind of carer , however i hope for good performance from him , we (Lecce) really need CB so im hoping on this guy !
well mutu was a true top class player, while carrozzieri is just a very good player, but yeah, they both compromised their carreers with dumb decisions.

moris is quite a nice guy. we met at the 442 (a pub in palermo, owned by the leader of an ultras group) a few years ago and he invited me and a friend of mine to his table (he spent something like 500 euros in less than 3 hours that night... all in champagne and prosecco). he's not exactly the brightest mind i've ever met (not that i expected him to be particularly quick-witted :P ), but he's a very easy going and funny fellow.
i remember he was litterally surrounded by a bunch of stunning girls and my girlfriend was mad at me for accepting his invite :P
i also remember he looked massive! and i really mean it! he's even bigger than he looks on tv. i'm just a couple of centimeters shorter than him and i've been swimming for 12 years, so i'm quite a "big guy" myself, but i felt like a midget next to him :P

anyway, speaking of mutu, what a squad cesena is building!!! mutu, eder, rossi, comotto :CONFUSE: they already did a great job on the market last season, but this season they're really breaking the piggy bank! i'm impressed!!

on another topic, since zamparini is having a hard time getting the permits from palermo's city council to build the new stadium, just to kill the time he approved a new project, wich is even better than the previous (wich was already very intriguing).
anyway this is now our new official project for the stadium.
Nuovo Stadio Palermo 2011@@AMEPARAM@@offsite=true&lang=en-us&page_show_url=%2Fphotos%2Fmediagol%2Fsets%2F72157627199330116%2Fshow%2F&page_show_back_url=%2Fphotos%2Fmediagol%2Fsets%2F72157627199330116%2F&set_id=72157627199330116&jump_to=@@AMEPARAM@@en-us@@AMEPARAM@@%2Fphotos%2Fmediagol%2Fsets%2F72157627199330116%2Fshow%2F&page_show_back_url=%2Fphotos%2Fmediagol%2Fsets%2F72157627199330116%2F&set_id=72157627199330116&jump_to=
now the question is: will we ever get those damn authorizations to build it???
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Looks great Ben.
How is Commoto developing? It seems as he stagnated last season, or am i wrong?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Hey Ben, hope you're having a good summer. Anyways, earlier in this thread you described Gasperini's football in this post:

gasperini's football is very high paced, it's bold, it's based on possession and quick passing game...... and this really doesn't sound like inter. that's why i said a lot will depend on moratti's approach. if moratti will suppport gasperini and get him the players he asks, then i can see gaspa having on inter the same impact allegri had on milan..... otherwise it will be impossible for gasperini to do his magic without more quality and pace at midfield and along the flanks (gaspa's football relies a lot on the wingbacks).

So can you tell us more about this coach and his tactics? Feel free to bombard us with a wall of text, I don't care.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Really bad game yesterday. I had a memory of Del Neri during that game. Deep defence line, huge amounts of space between the midfield and the attack and only Krasic to make the transitions, 2 strikers sitting on the shoulder of the last defender always getting caught offside and not helping once building up play, terrible ball possession and constant use of long balls to attack.. I seriously hope this was just this game because if this is how we're going to play this season i won't give Conte more then 3/4 months until he is fired.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Really bad game yesterday. I had a memory of Del Neri during that game. Deep defence line, huge amounts of space between the midfield and the attack and only Krasic to make the transitions, 2 strikers sitting on the shoulder of the last defender always getting caught offside and not helping once building up play, terrible ball possession and constant use of long balls to attack.. I seriously hope this was just this game because if this is how we're going to play this season i won't give Conte more then 3/4 months until he is fired.
sorry to hear that neo. i gotta say i know nothing about conte's football, but this supposed 4-2-4 sounds like a disaster waiting to happen..... let's hope i'm wrong as usual :P
tc811 said:
So can you tell us more about this coach and his tactics? Feel free to bombard us with a wall of text, I don't care.
it is extremely difficult to talk about gasperini's tactics, as the man is as tactically versatile as it gets. although he's mastered the 3-4-3 formation, his 3-4-3 is impossible to properly label or describe, as it changes shape on a weekly basis (accordingly to his opponent).
so u might think "ok, so he's one of those tactic gurus who don't have a very own football but always adapt to their opponents".... but even that wouldn't be correct, as he's not a "thinker" a la ranieri. gasperini has his own football infact, a very recognizable idea of football. but he manages to apply his idea of football to different tactical setups.
his trademark 3-4-3 is like a chamaleon, who mantains his basic shape, yet continuously changes his appearance to adapt to different circumstances.
there are some poor coaches, who can't actually change "the shape of their teams" even though they constantly try to make tactical changes to the formation. gasperini can achieve the opposite: line up 2 completely different teams (basic patterns, schemes, off the ball tendencies), even without actually changing the shape of the formation.

take this article for instance..
now what schianchi says here is correct. gasperini's football flows mostly along the sidelines..... at least that's the impression u get on a first glance... but if u dig deeper, u can notice that the 2 central midfielders are actually just as important as his wingers. he doesn't work with pure registas, but doesn't even like to work with pure destroyers at midfield.
his central midfielders are both metodistas. they do a lot of hard work, providing filter at midfield and supporting the wingers.... but they also have very educated foot and great timing for their runs in the box. hard workers, sure, but with decent vision, above average passing, and who aren't afraid to take some risks and venture forward.
infact, to back up what i'm saying with some empirical data, the most prolific assistmen in his genoa weren't the very offensive wingbacks, neither the wingers themselves. gasperini's genoa's best assists providers were juric and milanetto; the central midfielders. the 2 most underrated players in that genoa team.

that's why i used the chamaleon metaphore. it's impossible to properly describe gasperini's football. he's not tied to a specific formation.... and even when u look at the bigger picture and start thinking about "his football" and not just about "his formation", u still can't properly figure him out, as there are no constants in his football and everything is a variable.
although people say his football revolves mainly around the flanks, the cornerstone in his tactic setup is the CM position...
although people remarks how "high paced" is his football, his real trademark is not the high pace, but the change of the tempo during the game (from a high tempo, to a normal tempo, then to a crazy "veideogame-like" highest tempo).
altough people stress how important are the wingers in his game, what really makes his 3 men upfront setup unique is the CF's tactical approach (unlike every other coach who displays a 3 men offfensive setup, gasperini always has his CF playing with his eyes to the goal - and that's one of the most interesting aspects in his 3-4-3).

really the only constant i can single out in his football is the 3 men upfront lineup. and actually, speaking of this, that's one of the most peculiar aspects of gasperini. all the coaches in the world (all of them) build their teams from the backline. in football, the defensive line is usually what defines the shape, the tactic and the formation of a team. and that's why coaches (even the so called offensive-oriented coaches, like wenger, delio rossi or zeman) always start building their teams from the backline on.
gasperini does the exact opposite; he begins from the offensive setup, and then adjusts the midfield and the defensive line accordingly. now, the only coach i can think of, who has ever tried this approach on tactic-building is van gaal (and even van gaal only did this during his ajax days).

oh, and there's another constant in gasperini's football. no matter what formation or tactical approach he picks, his football is always most entertaining to watch.... and extremely tiring to perform. he's a very demanding coach, but his players always seem to enjoy themselves playing his football.... even if he litterally wears them out :))
gerd said:
How is Commoto developing? It seems as he stagnated last season, or am i wrong?
you're not wrong, mate. at this point of his carreer we can safely say comotto hasn't really fulfilled his real potential... and he's probably past his peak now..... still he's a very good and reliable player for a club like cesena :))
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Nice post as usual Ben.

Very informative and fun to read.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

i'm always happy when i can be helpful :))

so, stefano, zeem, milan fans, with aquilani moving to fiorentina, montolivo seems to be on his way to milano.... how do u guys see such a move?

speaking of fiorentina, a few days ago, i was talking with a friend about corvino. my friend was telling me "u see what's going on in firenze? they seem to be losing several players and corvino has been awfully quiet so far.... who knows maybe he's losing it".
i told my friend i wasn't buying it. corvino said he wanted to decrease the wage bill of 20 millions (wich is why he's letting montolivo, donadel, d'agostino and frey leave), so he must have a plan for those 20 millions he's gonna save. i told my friend "never trust that son of a b***... when u see him quiet, that's when he's probably up to something big".

little i did know... in a few days corvino snatches lazzari from cagliari and gets aquilani on a free loan! with an option for just 10 millions euros!!! and (as if that wasn't already a steal), he managed to persuade alberto to cut his wage!!! :WORSHIP:
that bastard.... he could sell a bible to a jihadist... and buy it back the next day at half the price :COOL:
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

That and I heard Liverpool might end up paying 20% of his wages.
What a great signing for Fiorentina. Corvino always said last year was a transition year and they are on now. I still smell a Cassano move or even loan if Milan end up with Pastore or Ganso to help his NT chances.

Montolivo is good at the reported fee. I'd welcome any player who could add creativity to the midfield. Maybe he'll step up his game after all.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Ben very interesting posts ;)

i want to ask u what u think about Pajtim Kasami movment from Palermo to Fulham .... love the guy cant understand why palermo leave him to go , young and strong guy Kasami .....
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Montolivo is good at the reported fee. I'd welcome any player who could add creativity to the midfield. Maybe he'll step up his game after all.

Not sure if I'm happy with us handing over Paloschi as part of the deal though.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

With all respect for Atalanta, I think Moralez deserved a better team.

Regarding Juve, well, they can't go nowhere but up! Recent years have been all but glorious, the Calciopoli scandal is still affecting the whole Juve structure, they couldn't bounce back since then. I gotta say they were awful against Sporting and Conte tactics seemed to be Ciro Ferrara carbon copy. Hope they get better this season. :)

Fiore to snap Aquilani? Gosh did I read correctly?! :SHOCK: That's an AMAZING transfer for them. Man, I used to see that team flying so high with a certain maestro in the command. :D

By the way, amazing stadium project Ben. I hope it to go through any time soon. :TU:
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Great post about Gasperini Ben...and thanks for the answer about Commoto...
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Not sure if I'm happy with us handing over Paloschi as part of the deal though.

I wouldn't mind that. Chances Paloschi becoming a regular at Milan anytime soon are almost zero.

Silvestre almost a Palermo player Ben after being linked with Liverpool and Juve recently. Now how good is that?!
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Not good, Silvestre is a bad defender...

guys im a bit confuset are u talking about Mikaël Silvestre ? EX United Defender ? i thought he already leave football lol hes about 34 years old and not "stabil" player , defenitly bad transfer !
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

No not that Silvestre. No f'n way. Matías Silvestre from Catania. He is 26 and a pretty great defender.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

haha ok man thanks for info , I thought that Silvestre :)

btw i think gerd thought same as me :P
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