Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Completely agree with the penalty. I think the sending off (i.e. both yellow cards) was justified.
say whuuut!! how the hell did you reach that conclusion :CONFUSE:

Speaking of that merda rocchi...





when he's not sending off intersti he's doing this...


Could it be...


I'm tempted to say that yesterday's result is a good thing for Serie A
yeah, the we havent had a champion outside of the big 3 since Roma in 2001. Napoli are certainly deserving but not last night.

Oi Ben, what's that you said about Gasp not being a one formation coach? wasn't so much the formation but the football he tried to institute. Moratti and Branca are largely to blame for hiring him in the first place but upon seeing that he wouldn't be given the sorts of players he needs why not go to the tested and proven 4-3-1-2?? This is his career, you think he's get another coaching job? And no way will he get to coach a big side with that type of rigid approach to football. In this day and age, top managers win, not play good football, they win, they play the cards they're dealt, and they fucking win. Only then can you start asking for players who fit your system. Gasp really disappointed me here. I wanted him to succeed, take inter into a new era with his brand of football but he stubbornly stuck to his 3-4-3 when it had no hope of succeeding. None. Instead trying to revolutionize, why not baby steps... play 4-3-1-2, earn the players trust, get used to the demands of a top team, and then, 1-2 seasons later go back to your football. Instead we see Cambiasso in the 2nd half vs Novara go, "fuck this" and tell the defence to revert back to a back 4 :SHOCK: :P The beast that is inter. Only we can go from treble winners to losing 4 of our first 6 games...
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I think you misunderstood me.
I completely agree with the fact stated in this thread that it wasn't a penalty...the foul was outside the box very clearly...
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

You are trying to prove your point by red cards to Ibrahimovic and Lucio? :LOL: But yeah that Del Piero penalty was soo wrong.

Seems Lucio switched back to his Bayern days.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Watched last nights game, good game it was despite the sending off
been watching quite a bit of serie a again really enjoying it.

And yes it would be great to see Napoli challenge or to win the title,
in recent years there's been a variety of title winners in the french &
German leagues which has been a good for the life of the league.

These title wins has come down to teams spending years building and developing players rather than spending they're way to the title like the big clubs. As we've seen from Napoli year after year just slowly building
the team the the right players and keeping to a certain system.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

This year Napoli is my favourite team in the CL (well Genk are, but they will be over the moon if they finish third in their group), i hope they can be as good asSpurs last year and maybe progress a litle bit further.
I think Napoli were great against Man City. I haven't seen yesterday's match against Villareal, i watched Bayern-City. I was enormously impressed by Bayern Munchen...Napoli's matches against Bayern will be the real test for this Napoli team.

Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Not sure what the fuss is over the officiating during the Inter game, I thought the ref was exceptional.

& re la signora :-)

Excellent performance, mainly because of Conte's tactics. *Whilst the widemen didn't necessarily impact massively as individuals, their presence killed any width Milan had, and allowed the Juventus midfield to pull their midfield apart through the middle.

Marchisio had an excellent game, and is at last in the role I've always seem as his best. *His link-up play with Vucinic was consistently good, and he deserved the 2 goals, even if there was an element of luck to both of them.

The only frustrating element is the confirmation that Chiellini is the best centre back and the best left back at the club. *We need to clone him.

Forza Juve
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

very impressive display from juve indeed. vucinic can be quite unconsistant at times... but man, when he's in the right mood he's absolutely magnificent!!
i'm also glad for marchisio.... he got a lot of undeserved criticisms over the last 2 seasons imo.:))

nice to see u back in here sabac. it's been a while!
Oi Ben, what's that you said about Gasp not being a one formation coach? ..... .....why not go to the tested and proven 4-3-1-2??
u asking me if i changed my mind about gasperini being a versatile coach? no, i still mantain that opinion.... infact that isn't even an opinion really, it's a fact proved by stats... according to an article i read about 2 weeks ago, no coach in serie a has displayed more different formations than gasperini over the last 5 years. last season alone, he displayed a 4 men defensive line in 14 matches...... so much for a stubborn "one formation coach", huh?
those 4 official matches gasperini coached at inter are statistically irrilevant, when compared to his entire carreer..... and even in his short time at inter he has tried different solutions (he's also tried a 4 men defensive line, didn't he?).

as for your second point (gasperini being to blame for going back to the 3 men defensive line in his last match), i used to agree with u.... till a couple of weeks ago. infact that was the one thing i was holding gasperini responsible for.... i know moratti and branca aren't giving u what u need to play your football, i know this team is completely exhausted and without motivations..... but at least don't make things even worse by displaying a 3 men defensive setup man! the players look clearely confused and out of position!.... just go with what they know and then take it from there.
that's your point rfu, right? well that was my opinion too..... but then ranieri took over. he got back to a 4 men defensive line and... surprise, things aren't really changed at all. yeah u can see a little improvement from the players in terms of commitment (but that's the least u should expect, after their horrid performances costed their previous coach the job).... but speaking of tactics... even with the 4 men defensive line, the players still look confused and out of position....
bottom line, in 3 matches ranieri's 4 men defensive line conceded 6 goals... that's an average of 2 goals conceded per match.
so at this point we can definitely say gasperini was right! it was not a tactical problem. the real issue was not the defensive setup and the 3 men line, as the 4 men defensive setup is not doing any better.

of course we couldn't tell that before. we're not insider, we're not professional coaches and we don't get to see the players training every day. so the only way for us to find out that gasperini's 3 men defensive line was not the issue... was to see this team playing (and failing to delivery) with a 4 men defensive line.
but gasperini didn't need to see that. he already knew that. he's a professional coach, and, working everyday with inter players, he had a very clear perspective of the situation.
so since he knew the team would have disappointed with any defensive setup, he probably thought "what the hell, if i gotta go down, i'm gonna go down playing MY football (or at least trying to)" can u blame him for that? i can't.
rfu said:
you think he's get another coaching job? And no way will he get to coach a big side with that type of rigid approach to football.
of course he's gonna get another job. gasperini is a fantastic coach and this inter debacle is moratti's responsability... is branca's responsability.... any club owner in italy can see that, so there's no doubt the general consensus around gasperini hasn't changed at all. and like i said a few lines above, he's not stubborn, nor he has a rigid approach. stats don't lie here and u won't find a coach in serie a who has displayed more different formations than him.
there's no doubt he'll get another job.... will he get another chance at a top club? who knows... but that has nothing to do with his skills as a coach. being hired by top clubs usually doesn't tell anything about your ability as a coach, because most top club owners have very little understanding of football (small clubs and midclass clubs owners are much more experts usually)... and that can be said about every top club, in every league.... think of man city owners, liverpool owners, abramovich, andrea agnelli.. do u think they have any real football knowledge?
leonardo is by far the worst coach i've seen in serie a in the last few years (he could easily be compared with an average english coach and that really says it all)... and yet in a very short carreer (3 years) he got 2 coaching jobs in 2 different top clubs...... while coaches like delio rossi, beretta, giampaolo, ballardini, mazzarri, baldini (who had much longer and more succesful carreers) never got a call from a top club.... i'd say that speaks volumes about how much top club owners know football and football coaches.
rfu said:
In this day and age, top managers win, not play good football, they win, they play the cards they're dealt, and they fucking win. Only then can you start asking for players who fit your system.
i'm afraid mate that's just not true. coaches never just eat what's on their plate. they always ask for the ingredients they think they need.... and when the owners don't provide them those ingredients, they tend to complain... a lot (just to stick to ex-inter coaches, think of benitez, last season.... or mourinho's late months at chelsea).
coaches always ask for some players, (unless, by a huge coincidence, the players they find at their new club are exactly those players they think they need), and rightfully so. afterall their jobs are always on the line, so they obviously wanna be put in the best conditions to deliver (and keep that job).

and also your second statement is not correct ("first u win then u can ask for the players u want"). again this is not how it works. benitez won some pretty prestigious trophies in his carreer, and yet he was given nothing by moratti last season. absolutely nothing.
then in jannuary leonardo steps in. unlike benitez, leonardo has never won anything in his carreer... and yet he was given every player he asked for, no matter how expensive it was to sign them.

the truth is, as a coach, u don't have to earn your president's trust.... it was that very same president who chose u... he was the one who picked u, so now it's his obligation to put u in the best conditions to do your job.
of course u might say "yeah but moratti wasn't really excited by gasperini... it was more of a branca's decision".... and that's probably true.... but it doesn't change the fact that moratti is the club owner and the president... it's his signature on the contracts... this is moratti's club, not branca's club. so he's responsible for signing gasperini. moratti knew gasperini's signature is a high tempo football, he knew gasperini needs dynamic players with enough quality to keep the ball on the ground and at least 2 wingers. moratti also knew inter had none of those... and yet he decided not to commit himself (financially) to gasperini's project.
well this was the obvious result of moratti's mistakes. and that's exactly what he deserves.

u don't have to "win first", in order to deserve the players u need to play your football. hell, u can't even play your football without the players u need, how are u supposed to prove yourself (nevermind winning).

so i guess i gotta disagree with u here man. i really don't think u have any reason to be disappointed in gasperini. u should be disappointed in the people who run this club.
gasperini found himself in a very ugly situation, paying for other people's mistakes and having to deal with the frustration that comes with having your first (and maybe only) chance at a top club and not being able to deliver because your president and the general manager are 2 apocalyptic idiots.......
and yet he handled this situation (and all the heat that came from it) with such class and style. :WORSHIP:
if anything i respect gasperini even more than i did before.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Ah congrats to Juve on a great win against Milan. Even last year the game was very tough on Milan but now Juve look soo much better. As expected, Pirlo is having a huge hand in taking the team to the next level. Juve don't say they are after the Scudetto, but they know they can take it this year. Their depth is impressive.

Milan are totally lost right now. Injuries upfront and maybe our oldest midfield to date. Ambro,MvB,Seedorf?!What!!! And we are still using Bonera. How did Galliani and Allegri think they could rely on van Bommel all season long? He's 35 ffs. The summer signings still to make an effect. Gazzetta already calling Nocerino a flop which is laughable btw and Aquilani is not being used at all as a starter, sometimes not as a sub. I hope Milan aren't trying to keep him below the game limit set by Liverpool on the contract. I hate these clauses. And then Ibra says he lost passion to play football. Great!!
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Marchisio was a beast. Against Milan he was more influential then Pirlo. Everyone's eyes were on Andrea, and Vidal even if he wasn't making a great exhibition (he didn't, missed a lot of passes and had some out of tempo tackles) was doing well in terms of positioning and defending his zone. Then Marchisio, as i have been saying for the past 3 years, had the liberty and finally the set up in midfield to unleash his true self and completely ripped Milans midfield. What a huge stfu for the Juventuz forum tards.

Btw that "Big Team Conte defence" (that eventually prandelly used against Serbia) was quite the key for our success. Chiellini is monster when he is playing big games, no news in that, but seeing him completely raping Boateng was a great sensation. Bonucci and Barzagli had great games as well. Lichtsteiner didn't attack much and was solid defending, i liked his reading of the game.

But the cherry on top was really Conte. I was happy at home after that win but he was ecstatic with the game and the result. I had never before seen such a reaction from a manager. He was probably happier (judging from his reaction) then 70% of the bianconeros in the stadium. Priceless.

Can't wait for our next game.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Really? Do you think Chievo v Juventus will be a great game ? I think it will be pretty dull. For me the best weekends games are, Roma-Lazio, and then Milan-Palermo, after those two there is a bit of gap. One of the four other teams you support is also playing at almost exactly the same time as the Chievo-Juventus match, Arsenal-Sunderland. If I had the choice I think I would watch that match instead of the Chievo-Juventus match, since Arsenal and Sunderland are very much under pressure and neither team can afford to lose that game.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Neo's a Juve fan, so he's obviously gonna want to watch his team play, even if there are other games that will probably be better for the neutral to watch.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

He's also an Arsenal fan and a Benfica fan too. It must be a nightmare for him this weekend. Arsenal-Sunderland clashes with Chievo-Juventus, and Barcelona-Santander is more or less the same time as BieraMar-Benfica, he'll only be able to watch 50% of his teams this weekend. You know, UEFA should really do something about these clashes.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

But the cherry on top was really Conte. I was happy at home after that win but he was ecstatic with the game and the result. I had never before seen such a reaction from a manager. He was probably happier (judging from his reaction) then 70% of the bianconeros in the stadium. Priceless.

Check out Diego Simeone when he was at Catania last year :APPLAUD:

For every Catania goal, he'd run to the end of the field and grass dive as if he had won the WC. He had no connection to the club, the team was already safe, and even after his team was winning 2-0 or 3-0. I love those kinds of managers.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Really? Do you think Chievo v Juventus will be a great game ? I think it will be pretty dull. For me the best weekends games are, Roma-Lazio, and then Milan-Palermo, after those two there is a bit of gap. One of the four other teams you support is also playing at almost exactly the same time as the Chievo-Juventus match, Arsenal-Sunderland. If I had the choice I think I would watch that match instead of the Chievo-Juventus match, since Arsenal and Sunderland are very much under pressure and neither team can afford to lose that game.

Chievo is with Cagliari and Atalanta as, imo, the teams to always fear. They are underdogs and everyone always expect them to fail. I never see that happen and when Juve play them i always get the creeps because i know, even tough its an "easier" match in theory, its never easy and if they get a goal they can be so annoying.

About Arsenal, im not a supporter, i just sympathize with their youth system and they had probably my role model of youth when i played football. Titi. I don't watch them constantly the same way i watch Barça, Juve or Benfica i just want them to do well and if there is a great game on i cheer for them, but against any of the others they are undoubtedly my 4th team.

He's also an Arsenal fan and a Benfica fan too. It must be a nightmare for him this weekend. Arsenal-Sunderland clashes with Chievo-Juventus, and Barcelona-Santander is more or less the same time as BieraMar-Benfica, he'll only be able to watch 50% of his teams this weekend. You know, UEFA should really do something about these clashes.

I will have time for all of them.

16:00 Chievo v Juve + Barcelona v Racing (i will watch this simultaneously in different windows)
20:15 Beira Mar v Benfica

Arsenal i will follow in livescore and some friends will tell me if it is going for them.

Or UEFA should do something against fans, who support that many teams :P

No1 is obliged to support one team only. I feel attached to Barcelonas system and philosophy so i support them; I am a Lampião for as long as i remember myself and a bianconero because i love their history and because our of nowhere i started reading more and more about them and get to know how brilliant and wonderful their past is.
I like them all equally, and if i have to burn some RAM having 2 games at the same time i will do it. If any1 likes one club only its their choice, i like 3 (1 is probably the best team in the world (Pep <3), the other two have been between good and bad, specially Juve that has been dreadful to watch for the past 3 years. Yet i still support all of them. But that's me.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

No way could he support Arsenal the way he was slanting off The Arsenal after the Barca match. Insulting RVP calling Arsenal everything under the sun .Then, starting having a go at the fellow gooners in the thread. No way... very confusing, well , not for me!

I never understood the supporting more than one. I`m flirting w/ Napoli ,but I`m married to Arsenal. Some like to kiss n not tell I get it. To say you`re married to the lot seem strange imo . I wonder do you feel gutted when your TEAMS lose or you just know Barca won`t lose. So, everything is fine...not a bad idea actually :LOL:
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

The real question is what will happen when Juve meet Barca, or Barca met Benfica? Who will he support? I guess he's probably too young to remember it, but Barca played Benfica back in 2006, in the CL Quarter Finals. I was actually at the Benfica home game, but I wonder who he would support if it was to happen again? Also in 2003 Juventus played Barca in the quarter final, again this must have been a tough decision for him. There are a few people on this forum who support Juventus and Barcelona (Ronaldo_23 is another example), they must struggle when such a dilemma occurs.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

that was the semi, round before it was Barca v Juventus, think it went to extra time Davids was sent off but Zalayeta scored
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

No way could he support Arsenal the way he was slanting off The Arsenal after the Barca match. Insulting RVP calling Arsenal everything under the sun .Then, starting having a go at the fellow gooners in the thread. No way... very confusing, well , not for me!

I never understood the supporting more than one. I`m flirting w/ Napoli ,but I`m married to Arsenal. Some like to kiss n not tell I get it. To say you`re married to the lot seem strange imo . I wonder do you feel gutted when your TEAMS lose or you just know Barca won`t lose. So, everything is fine...not a bad idea actually :LOL:

Lol Nice one. First of all, before the fan neo, im a logic person. I wasn't insulting anyone, you saying i was insulting the club is hilarious but lets move on. I was indeed in favour of the refs decision on sending off RvP for that stupid shot after the whistle. It could have happened with Juve, Barcelona or Benfica i would still support the ref because that's what a logical person would do. He had a yellow, he shots the ball after the linesman sees he's offside, he gets the second yellow and subsequent red. Whats there to criticize? Following the rules? I was, at the time, trying to get you to see the situation logically instead of seeing it as an Arsenal fan. That doesn't make you more Gunner then me, just because i supported a decision that hurt the team at that time, doesn't mean i hate the club. That's ridiculous to say.

About the rest, i thought my last post made it clear but i will say it again: I am a Benfiquista for as long as i remember myself, that's my club and i always want them to succeed. Barça and Juve are just teams that i really care and love, i always try to know all i can about them and see their games, but if they play together im rooting for a draw. Against benfica its a different story and nothing else matters but the red shirt.

The real question is what will happen when Juve meet Barca, or Barca met Benfica? Who will he support? I guess he's probably too young to remember it, but Barca played Benfica back in 2006, in the CL Quarter Finals. I was actually at the Benfica home game, but I wonder who he would support if it was to happen again? Also in 2003 Juventus played Barca in the quarter final, again this must have been a tough decision for him. There are a few people on this forum who support Juventus and Barcelona (Ronaldo_23 is another example), they must struggle when such a dilemma occurs.

Answer is up there. And im not "young", i remember watching that game against Barcelona. I knew it wasn't going to be easy for benfica so i was kind of a "neutral" and was there just to see a great game.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

So, if there is a Champions League group as follows:


(Which isn't totally beyond the realms of possibilities - Barca are top seeds at the moment; assuming they qualify for the CL again Arsenal could well slip to second seeds; Benfica are just in the second seeds this year, but they were near the bottom of the second seed groups and could be 3rd seeds next year; Juventus havent been in the CL that much over the last few years, in the ranking page they are between Man City and Twente, so like Napoli, if they get into the CL they could be low down the seeds).

Which teams would you want to finish 1st and 2nd? Which teams would you want to finish 3rd (Europa League)? And which team would you want to finish last ?

I can't help but think you're missing a team from German club football? Given the teams you support, Bayern would be a perfect fit (very well marketed, always buying players, a lot of history, fans from all over the world) and it would give you 4 more Champions Leagues as well.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

So, if there is a Champions League group as follows:


(Which isn't totally beyond the realms of possibilities - Barca are top seeds at the moment; assuming they qualify for the CL again Arsenal could well slip to second seeds; Benfica are just in the second seeds this year, but they were near the bottom of the second seed groups and could be 3rd seeds next year; Juventus havent been in the CL that much over the last few years, in the ranking page they are between Man City and Twente, so like Napoli, if they get into the CL they could be low down the seeds).

Which teams would you want to finish 1st and 2nd? Which teams would you want to finish 3rd (Europa League)? And which team would you want to finish last ?

I can't help but think you're missing a team from German club football? Given the teams you support, Bayern would be a perfect fit (very well marketed, always buying players, a lot of history, fans from all over the world) and it would give you 4 more Champions Leagues as well.

Your really not getting it are you? Ive said it twice and im not a broken record, so if you want to keep asking the same questions i recommend you taking some interpretation lessons because if even after those 2 posts you can't answer those questions you sir are in need to be schooled. Kthanxbay
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

You're right, I'm unfamiliar with someone supporting 4 teams (or call it 3 and a half). It's an alien concept, so do go ahead and provide the education. I read the post above where you said you watched Barca - Juve and were "rooting for a draw", but this doesnt really work since in that match was a knockout game and so could not have been a draw.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I got lots of favourite teams: Genk (i would support them against any of the other teams), Spurs, Palermo, Atalanta, Atletico Madrid, Lille, Montpellier...

On top of that there are dozens of clubs i really like...i think rationally speaking the notion of supporting one particular club is utter nonsense..i do like teams.

I love the current Barcelona squad (and generally like the club, this is a bad example)
I loved Sacchi's Milan but after that i never quite liked them...
I loved Cruiff's and Van Gaal's Ajax but nowadays i want Twente to be champions...
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

But if Palermo and Atalanta were say in the final of the Coppa Italia/going for the last Champions League spot/going for relegation, who would you want to win ? Ditto Montpellier/Lille? At some point (well at least twice this season) those clubs will play each other the Italian teams played on week two. Most of the other teams you've listed are unlikely to meet each other in active competition, maybe there is an outside chance of Spurs/Lille/Atletico meeting in a CL group stage, but they've only made the CL 1/2/3 times and are not regular participants. There is a chance (again slim) that they could meet in the Europa League but neither Spurs nor Palermo have taken it serioulsy when they've qualified, it's almost in effect a series of friendlies for both clubs.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

If Atalanta plays Palermo, i will enjoy the match and may the best team win...
Yesterday i watched Germany-Belgium. This was Belgium's last chance to go to the EC 2012 and obviously i wanted Belgium to win. They got hammered by Germany (3-1) and i thoroughly enjoyed Germany's performance with 3 great goals...i had a very enjoyable match.

Before all i'm a football fan...and after that i call myself a fan of other clubs. Most fans will say i'm not a true fan...but i couldn't care less.

As a Spurs fan i'm very fond of Arsenal. I think football rivalries are ridiculous.
Oh and this year i want Napoli to win Serie A and wouldn't mind if they beat both Atalanta and Palermo. Come to think of it, i also am quite fond of Genoa too...

Oh and of course Castel di Sangro...
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Yeah you are being too extreme edmundo! Some people enjoy football in general without supporting a certain team to death.

I only support Milan but I really like other sports like tennis,F1,basketball and boxing and support a bunch of players or teams in each sport. Sometimes I get torn up in a match when two of my favourites are playing and it actually makes it more enjoyable and interesting. Now imagine football that gives you a much bigger variety and styles of tactics and teams. And neo did say his number one team is Benfica. :P
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