Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

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Re: Serie A Thread

We can't forget our man Giuseppe Rossi. Every goal of his was important for Parma's survival, and every goal was nice:

not only important. all his goal were also extremely beautiful. got to say this guy really surprised me. i had no idea he was that good. moreover he confirmed himself this season at vilareal. he scored 11 goals in 22 matches (and he didn't play for the whole 90 minutes every time).
wich means that, despite his injury, his goals-per-minutes average is exactly the same of Ruud van nistelrooy!

it was really a stupid move by sir alex ferguson, selling him.... but definitely it was good for giuseppe.:))

talking about aquilani, Ste, that goal against palermo was sweet (:(() but if i should pick just 1 play to describe aquilani's season, i'd rather choose the first touch rabona against milan.

this play is just ridiculous. it takes to be completely crazy to even just think to try such a risky play in a match against milan.... in san siro... in your first season as a regular starter for your team...... simply unbelievable.
the the pass is so accurate and the movement of his legs is so damn fast that it almost looks like a normal pass, not a rabona.

Dom said:
Well yes actually, if you consider the teams above Palermo. The mid-table quality is very close anyway, just a few poitns from 12 to 8th place.
yep. that's a good point ;))

@ Stef: i just realised that i picked a roma goal against milan, while u picked a roma goal against palermo.. :LOL:
no harm intended bro :beer::))
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Re: Serie A Thread

That pass was flawless...

and he did it with his "weak" foot (the left one) :))
simply crazy

damn lucky bastards romanisti! :-pp
2 world class players and an upcoming world class player born in their own city in the same generation. :))
Re: Serie A Thread

and he did it with his "weak" foot (the left one) :))
simply crazy

damn lucky bastards romanisti! :-pp
2 world class players and an upcoming world class player born in their own city in the same generation. :))

Hope you mean Totti, De Rossi and Aquilani :-pp

Most importantly, Roma have a world class coach, Spalleti.
Re: Serie A Thread

not only important. all his goal were also extremely beautiful. got to say this guy really surprised me. i had no idea he was that good. moreover he confirmed himself this season at vilareal. he scored 11 goals in 22 matches (and he didn't play for the whole 90 minutes every time).
wich means that, despite his injury, his goals-per-minutes average is exactly the same of Ruud van nistelrooy!

it was really a stupid move by sir alex ferguson, selling him.... but definitely it was good for giuseppe.:))

talking about aquilani, Ste, that goal against palermo was sweet (:(() but if i should pick just 1 play to describe aquilani's season, i'd rather choose the first touch rabona against milan.

this play is just ridiculous. it takes to be completely crazy to even just think to try such a risky play in a match against milan.... in san siro... in your first season as a regular starter for your team...... simply unbelievable.
the the pass is so accurate and the movement of his legs is so damn fast that it almost looks like a normal pass, not a rabona.

yep. that's a good point ;))

@ Stef: i just realised that i picked a roma goal against milan, while u picked a roma goal against palermo.. :LOL:
no harm intended bro :beer::))

Yep but it wasn't as if he didn't know his qualities. its just we already have Rooney and Tevez who are similar type strikers and he wouldn't have got enough playing time with us. Also alot of the fans (including me) were sad to see him go and majority of us would have wanted him to stay even SAF said it was hard to sell him yet as its already been stated that we if would want to can sign him whenever we wan t apparently for 15M i think so if he turns out to be that good you may still see him back with us ;)
Re: Serie A Thread

you actually had a good point here mate ;))
except for the "rebuying thing", coz, of course, vilareal would never sell giuseppe for less money than they spent for buying him. So rebuying giuseppe would bring a capital-loss in man utd's budget, wich would definitely make this a "loosing move" (financially).

besides i was a bit shallow defining ferguson's move "stupid". he probably didn't have any choice, coz, probably it was giuseppe himself the one who asked to leave (after his fantastic exploit in parma last season, he probably wanted to go somewhere he could get more playtime).....
and when a player asks to leave, the club usually doesn't have anything to do but satisfying his desires (contracts don't mean almost anything in football world).

to sum up then, i stand corrected ;)):))

Abhishek said:
Hope you mean Totti, De Rossi and Aquilani
of course :))

Abhishek said:
Most importantly, Roma have a world class coach, Spalleti.
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Re: Serie A Thread

Roma captain Francesco Totti could be out for six months after tests showed torn ligaments in his right knee, the game between Livorno finished 1-1.

This may have ended Roma's title ambitions but they have had a wonderful campaign nevertheless.
Re: Serie A Thread

Good. I personally cringe when people call Mancini world class :-pp

He does sometimes show flashes of world class brilliance, so it is a shame that he isn't more consistent.

Roma captain Francesco Totti could be out for six months after tests showed torn ligaments in his right knee, the game between Livorno finished 1-1.

This may have ended Roma's title ambitions but they have had a wonderful campaign nevertheless.

Yep, I think Roma have played some of the best football in Europe this season. I will particularly remember how they dissected Real Madrid in the CL as well as the fact they did the double over AC Milan in some style.
Re: Serie A Thread

Roma captain Francesco Totti could be out for six months after tests showed torn ligaments in his right knee, the game between Livorno finished 1-1.

This may have ended Roma's title ambitions but they have had a wonderful campaign nevertheless.


Roma have EVERYTHING to be proud of :applaud:

A great Champions League campaign, challenging for the title throughout the season, without spending much money, and along with this, playing the best football in Europe.

Well done Spalletti! He's taking Roma places!
Re: Serie A Thread

Good. I personally cringe when people call Mancini world class :-pp

mancini is an extremely talented player.... but europe is full of extremely talented players.... talent is just one of the factors that make u a top class player... there are many other "features" required to be considered "world class", and honestly mancini doesn't have those features.
still a damn good player though.

btw abhi, what i meant to say is that the roma fans are lucky because those 3 players (totti, de rossi and aquilani) probably won't ever leave the club. and mancini wasn't born in roma :-pp

concerning roma's achievements, i absolutely agree with all of u guys. what roma did in the last 3 years is simply amazing. reaching champions league quarter finals 2 times in a row, keeping themselves just 1 little step behind a terrific team like inter..... this is some feat.

they're growing and u can clearely notice it by watching at the gap with inter. last season, at this point of the season, inter was leading serie a with a gap of about 15 points between them and roma.... look at the table now! :))

and if we consider their financial situation too, then their achievements get magnified even more (they were risking bankruptcy just 3 years ago... and look at them now!).

did any of u watched fioretina - palermo yesterday? what a beautiful match it was!!! :))
Re: Serie A Thread

Awesome game by Milan, although yet again the back line was extremely shaky throughout.

Kaka hat-trick, class finish by Pato and a tap-in by Inzaghi - a complete performane ;)
Re: Serie A Thread

Great cross by Gourcuff to Pato. Pato's shot that lead to Pippo's tap in was nice too. Seedorf also had a strong game I thought. Nesta was our best defender.
Re: Serie A Thread

your luca toni in german :

8 goals in the last 10 days... 35 goals in the whole season (38 matches).....
... this man is just in a league of his own.

and the craziest thing is that this is not really an impressive result, considering his past seasons.

i just hope he won't be too tired this summer. :DD

still talking about bombers.....
acquafresca!!! :w00t:
Re: Serie A Thread

toni scores:

20 times in 27 Bundesliga matches
5 times in 4 DFB Pokal matches
10 times in 10 Uefa Cup matches
5 times in 6 euro2008 qualification matches

we've got 5 Bundesliga matches and maybee 3 uefa cup matches left... :)
Re: Serie A Thread

toni scores:

20 times in 27 Bundesliga matches
5 times in 4 DFB Pokal matches
10 times in 10 Uefa Cup matches
5 times in 6 euro2008 qualification matches

we've got 5 Bundesliga matches and maybee 3 uefa cup matches left... :)

so my data were wrong.
it's actually 40 goals in 47 matches!!:SHOCK:
as i said before.... in a league of his own.

Milanista said:
Frey stopped you from scoring. DAMN YOU PALERMO!!!!

yep he's really becoming one of the greatest keepers in europe. yesterday too he was amazing...
i guess a 1-1 would have been a fair result, but that's football.
nice match though. finally palermo is playing some good football, lately..... better late than never.

i guess every milan and samp supporter was rooting for the rosanero yesterday :LOL:

Milanista said:
Kahn said he was one of the best strikes hes ever seen in Bayern!

he's actually one of the greatest strikers ever seen..... in europe. :))
Re: Serie A Thread

Why the shock? 40 goals is easy for GOD :-pp
Now that I think about it, if Luca is actually God, given that palermo got rid of him for just 12 fucking million euros.... this should mean that mr. Zamparini is actually..... Judas Iscariot!!! :anx:

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Re: Serie A Thread

Now that I think about it, if Luca is actually God, given that palermo got rid of him for just 12 fucking million euros.... this should mean that mr. Zamparini is actually..... Judas Iscariot!!! :anx:


Actually, Zamparini is CLUELESS.

Don't tell anyone though :-$
Re: Serie A Thread

Don't tell anyone though :-$

well, i guess it's a bit too late, now. i mean, i don't think there's anybody in europe who still doesn't know zampa is quite an idiot.

however, still thinking about my previous post, if luca is God and Zampa is Judas, given that the absolute majority of the rosanero (palermo supporters) consider luca as a traitor, this mean that we palermitani are all..... jewish!!!

now this is seriously getting weird :-pp :anx:
Re: Serie A Thread

Losing Santana was big too. That man, for me, is one of the best dribblers in Italy. I can't think of anyone apart from Pato, Cassano and possibly Del Piero.

Too bad his gems arent in this video. The last goal they show is nice.

One of my favourite moments was Palermo 3-2 Inter 2 years ago. Santana was DESTROYING Inter's defense and beat 2 men to cross it in for Makinwa. Corini scored an amazing goal that game too. Here it is... his run down the wing and cross... i remember Javier was all over the place because he coudlnt keep up with Santana!!!::
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Re: Serie A Thread

Losing Santana was big too. That man, for me, is one of the best dribblers in Italy. I can't think of anyone apart from Pato, Cassano and possibly Del Piero.

yeah com' on shoot again! keep hitting me where it hurts the most!
who's next? who's gonna mention corini or bovo or barone?

if u don't wanna have mercy upon zamparini (and i can easily agree with u on this), at least have mercy upon me! :-pp

Milanista said:
One of my favourite moments was Palermo 3-2 Inter 2 years ago

yeah, i remember that match, Ste. we were winning 3-0 till the 85th minute...... what a glorious day!

aah, the old days! :((
mariano gonzalez was another big asset in that palermo, and still talking about that palermo-inter match, he was great that day!
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Re: Serie A Thread

ben, Palermo also beat Juve with Brienza's palonetto that season. Reached 5th spot!

yeah i almost forgot ciccio brienza, who scored about 7 fantastic goals (and 4 assists) for reggina, since we sold him in jannuary!

well gentlemen, if u'll excuse me, now i guess i'll go get a pill of cyanide.... :((


wich language is this???
"eugenio coriniego"? :LOL:
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