Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread

and they could have been 1200 euros if hamburger would have won..... damn duisburg! :MAD:

talking about the best 11..... may i pick also 1 backup for each role? coz he's damn tough to choose just 1 player.

-------------------------------di natale----------------cassano or del piero
-------------------------------(mutu)-------------------(camoranesi or quagliarella)

----------------------------montolivo--------cambiasso-------de rossi


and this would be my rookies\youngguns picks



------dossena-----------------------------cannavaro jr.--------domizzi-------------------mesto

i picked dossena and vargas for the left back position..... but it's really hard to keep de silvestri, radu and kolarov out :anx:

and maybe borriello should take cruz's spot as amauri's backup.

what about your picks, Dom? :))

I have a lot of the same names(although abit more juve- flavoured :-pp). Though I think Quagliarella, Chivu and Maggio are questionable choises. But why didn't you pick any goalie?

My team would be something like this.

Maicon - Zapata - Juan - Chiellini
Camo - De Rossi - Cambiasso - Mutu
-------Boriello - Del Piero

Comotto - Ujfalusi - Samuel - Vargas
-- Zanetti - Zanetti - Montolivo
-- Cassano - Amauri - Di Natale
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Re: Serie A Thread

-----------Julio Cesar-------
--Montolivo---Sissoko---De Rossi-
--Amauri--Borriello--Di Natale(Cassano)

Sissoko only had half a season but for me he has been oustanding throughout his short career with Juve. He is just a physical monster.

Special mentions:
Del Piero
Paloschi (not worthy of a team of the year slot cos he played so little, but this kid showed us that hes got talent and determination in 3 or 4 games)
Favalli - hes our only gem this year. Hes old and no one considers him, but he got the job done this year. He was consistent and showed how experience does a lot.
Both Zanettis. When Inter play poor, Javier is always their saviour and is consistent. Hes got heart, something rare for Inter.
Balotelli (I fear for him though, hes obviously talented but I think he might get a little arrogant and may not reach his potential.)

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Re: Serie A Thread

I was considering Sissoko too, but he's only been in Serie A since February so thought it may have been a little unfair. Inler is a good call.
Re: Serie A Thread

Don said:
But why didn't you pick any goalie?
i knew i was forgetting something..:LOL:
well, it's not really hard to pick one..... Gigi is probably the most constant world class player in history... i can't honestly remember another player, in any role, who held the "world's best" role for so many years.
nontheless a mention should go to julio cesar (what an immense keeper he became!), fontana, frey (he was fantastic yesterday), amelia and sereni. i do also like doni a lot.

maggio has been outstanding this season, Dom. imo he definitely deserves a mention.
and quagliarella too had another very good season... at the beginning he wasn't that great, but afterall that's pretty normal, as he changed team, city, coach, gaming system, etc...

but at this point of the season, i think we can say he he confirmed himself, after the last fantastic season in genova.

inler too is a very good call. i actually was tempted to pick him instead of halfredsson.

i can't believe we all forgot about pandev! :BLINK:

sissoko, radu, balotelli, and probably many others i'm forgetting now, could also deserve a mention. but as u guys pointed out, they didn't play enough to truly rate them yet.

Sabac Red said:
where the hell have sampdoria come from?
..... :THINK:


jokes apart, the equation is pretty simple. a very good team, with some fantastic players in every role (talking about the serie a best formation, palombo and volpi could be there too), an AMAZING coach (mazzarri and beretta deserve the golden bench award for what they did this season, imo), a great team director, a clever owner..... mix all theese factors and the result is sampdoria.

the race for the 4th place will be fantastic, especially if u take a look at the upcoming matches! :))
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Re: Serie A Thread

I know we were after Foggia in Jan 2007 Abhi, but we were snubbed by Calgiari, but I think they said come back next year and we might think about it.
Re: Serie A Thread

No idea about him, but just got rumors off RAWK.

And what about Behrami, Ben? How has he been doing? Another player we've been linked with (looks like Rafa has his scouts in Italy).
Re: Serie A Thread

FAO: Abhi - MOMO is the boss & I'm glad we signed him instead of Javier Mascerano, I have trully eaten my words from a few months ago:DD
Re: Serie A Thread

FAO: Abhi - MOMO is the boss & I'm glad we signed him instead of Javier Mascerano, I have trully eaten my words from a few months ago:DD

Mate if you think Momo is boss, Mascherano is BOSSER :-pp

The fans will absolutely love him. He'll give everything for the team. He is a machine. I knew Serie A would be great for Momo. He's boss.
Re: Serie A Thread

Mash suits the Prem and Momo suits Serie A.

Basically Momo can sit deeper and has time on the ball to pass. When he has time to compose himself he is actually a decent passer.
Re: Serie A Thread

Momo's passing is still his weakest aspect though. It's the rest of his game, that makes him such a gem(although in the recent games he had some nice dribbles and an amazing cross as well). The guy's indestructible. He's already a fan favourite. Look at the ovation he gets at the end of this video:
Re: Serie A Thread

we still didn't see enough to express a fair opinion about sissoko, nontheless his impact has been really impressive.
from what i saw, he's definitely a pretty unusual central midfielder for serie a.
here in italy the 90% of the defensive midfielders are also good\very good passers.
people like zanetti, donadel, migliaccio, brighi, budel, conti, cigarini, codrea, coppola, dessena, edusei, barone, gargano, mutarelli, palombo, parravicini... all theese guys are much closer to pizarro than to sissoko, talking about their passing game.

here in italy to define theese players we use the word "metodista". the "metodista" is a defensive midfielder, who has not the vision of a playmaker (like corini, ledesma, pirlo, liverani, volpi, etc..) but who still plays with his "head up". they don't look at the ball, they look at their teammates, when they got the ball.
they're not good enough to "create" football, but they can give "order", "structure", "geometry", "method" to the team.

the pure "british style" defensive midfielders (like gattuso, brocchi, blasi, pazienza) are quite a few here in italy.

sissoko is definitely one of them. he plays looking at the ball; as soon as he gets the ball he moves foward, or looks for a simple short horizontal pass.

nontheless, as i said before, his "presence" is fantastic, and up until now he almost gave the feeling he can hold the midfield just by himself.

theoretically he shouldn't be cut out for serie a, but we have to admit he has been fantastic so far (while players like tiago and almiron who theoretically should perfectly fit this league, were quite disappointing).

mascherano instead is a pure "metodista".... a hell of a metodista, and i think he would definitely fit in any leaugue in europe.:))

Abhi said:
And what about Behrami, Ben? How has he been doing? Another player we've been linked with (looks like Rafa has his scouts in Italy).

one of the most important men in rafa's personal staff is an italian scout (i can't remember his name now, but i saw him quite a few times in television). this man follows rafa since his valencia days.

about behrami, i honestly like him a lot. in the last 1 and a half season he hasn't been that great, but this is mostly due to the fact that, since oddo's departure, behrami played almost always off role. rossi placed him as a right back almost always, and from that position he wasn't able to truly show his abilities.
nontheless, anytime rossi lined him up in his proper position (like in the roma derby) he has been outstanding.
he might not be a star, but still he's a damn good player.
it looks like he will leave next summer. the negotiations for his contract renewal are not promising. he asks too much money and lazio can't afford to keep all its best assets (pandev, rocchi, siviglia, ledesma, de silvestri), so i guess they will sell him next summer, to avoid loosing him on a free transfer.

Adonis said:
Stupid tackle by Bonera, after all the praise we were giving him on here aswell.
that was really an horrible tackle.

Sabac red said:
And then we saw the a bit of great skill
from Vucinic.
yep. and did u see the goal he scored 2 weeks ago?
sweet! :))
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Re: Serie A Thread

one of the most important men in rafa's personal staff is an italian scout (i can't remember his name now, but i saw him quite a few times in television). this man follows rafa since his valencia days.

about behrami, i honestly like him a lot. in the last 1 and a half season he hasn't been that great, but this is mostly due to the fact that, since oddo's departure, behrami played almost always off role. rossi placed him as a right back almost always, and from that position he wasn't able to truly show his abilities.
nontheless, anytime rossi lined him up in his proper position (like in the roma derby) he has been outstanding.
he might not be a star, but still he's a damn good player.
it looks like he will leave next summer. the negotiations for his contract renewal are not promising. he asks too much money and lazio can't afford to keep all its best assets (pandev, rocchi, siviglia, ledesma, de silvestri), so i guess they will sell him next summer, to avoid loosing him on a free transfer.

Mauro Pederzoli might be the name you are looking for.
Re: Serie A Thread

Italy is looking very promising for the future. We have so many young guns that are showing potential this season. Giovinco, Acquafresca, Balotelli, Paloschi, Marchisio, Marzoratti etc. List just goes on.
Re: Serie A Thread

Yeah, youtube is filled with Giovinco videos. The player just keeps giving so much material to make video's off :D.

Can't wait to see him play in the black and white maglia next season.
Re: Serie A Thread

Miccoli wasn't nearly as promising. Conte said it best. Miccoli is a player, but guys like Zidane and Del Piero are footballers.

Miccoli is where he should be right now. :-pp
Re: Serie A Thread

Miccoli wasn't nearly as promising. Conte said it best. Miccoli is a player, but guys like Zidane and Del Piero are footballers.

Miccoli is where he should be right now. :-pp

do u remember Dom, when, a few months ago we were talking about why fabrizio was treated so badly by juventus?... well, now we now why.

Fabrizio Miccoli paid an high price for doing what a few people had the courage to do here in italy: defying Luciano moggi and his gang.

u might think fabrizio is just trying to blame the moggis for what happened to him. But fabrizio is the 23rd player who told exactly the same story to the italian magistrate Luca Palamara (who is guiding the criminal trial against the moggis and the GEA).

amoruso, baiocco, grabbi, and many other players told the same story. they were "advised" to fire their own agents and to join "the gea family", moggi told them their carreer would have been "easier"....
most of the players said ok, but some of them didn't (amoruso, grabbi, miccoli and many others). when they refused alessandro and luciano moggi began to threaten them. they said "if u won't change your agent and hire the gea then u won't play football anymore, your carreer in italy will end..... "
and it's a very worryngly coincidence that all those players who had the courage to say "no" actually faced exactly those troubles moggi threatened.

i can't wait the trial to end..coz i really can't wait to see those 2 bastards (father and son) in jail.

on the other side, i have be thankful to them, coz thanks to them, now i can watch an amazing football player showing his pure class at the renzo barbera stadium every week.:DD

moving to less disgusting subjects, fabrizio miccoli is a fantastic player, and we all know it. we all saw, through the years, what he can do with a ball, we all read about ronaldinho asking rijkaard (after a juve-barcelona friendly match, played a couple of years ago) "who is that footballing genious"... we all know he could easily be playing in top clubs like real madrid, milan, inter, man utd, , etc... coz he's really on the same level of some of their fowards.

is he as good as del piero?... i guess not. but how many players in europe are as good or better than alex? honestly a few.. And however Don, u can't deny it, he's very close to him, talking about technique.

giovinco honestly seems to be following roberto baggio's footsteps, rather than del piero's ones, so yes, he is more promising than miccoli was...... but miccoli already kept his promise...while sebastian has still everything to prove.

p.s. i know it's crazy to compare sebastian to such a legendary player like baggio, and i'm not the kind of football fan who usually exalts promising young guns, attracted by the general hype..... but let's face it, they speak the same language on the pitch, i watched giovinco a lot this season and honestly it's almost scarying what a huge resemblace there is between his movements, his tendencies, his features and roberto's ones.

of course this doesn't mean anything. sebastian might turn into a flop, into a good player, into a fantastic player like miccoli or into a world class player like alex.

but what he showed us this season is more than a "miccoli wannabe" player, it's even more than a "del piero wannabe" player.... i mean, look at that video i posted, look at his goal last week, look at his last 3 performances with italy under 21 team....that's not what del piero does, neither cassano or totti.... that's what roberto used to do :))
Re: Serie A Thread

Yeah, I heard about Moggi extorting Miccoli. And yes, it's pretty disgusting.

Anyway, I really liked Miccoli as a player. I always used to hope he would succeed for us, but I think he just falls short a level. He's in line with the Di Michele's of the world, very good players, but not in league with the Del Piero's. Although the Del Piero's of this world are of course very few :).

Talking about Giovinco, i've rarely seen a player as talented as he is. If he does not succeed, i'll never make any predictions about talents ever again. His style is quite similar to Baggio yes, but Del Piero at Giovinco's age was out of this world. The Del Piero of Giovinco's age was a vital figure in juve's CL triumph.... Who knows Giovinco might do the same next season..
Re: Serie A Thread

do u remember Dom, when, a few months ago we were talking about why fabrizio was treated so badly by juventus?... well, now we now why.

Fabrizio Miccoli paid an high price for doing what a few people had the courage to do here in italy: defying Luciano moggi and his gang.

u might think fabrizio is just trying to blame the moggis for what happened to him. But fabrizio is the 23rd player who told exactly the same story to the italian magistrate Luca Palamara (who is guiding the criminal trial against the moggis and the GEA).

amoruso, baiocco, grabbi, and many other players told the same story. they were "advised" to fire their own agents and to join "the gea family", moggi told them their carreer would have been "easier"....
most of the players said ok, but some of them didn't (amoruso, grabbi, miccoli and many others). when they refused alessandro and luciano moggi began to threaten them. they said "if u won't change your agent and hire the gea then u won't play football anymore, your carreer in italy will end..... "
and it's a very worryngly coincidence that all those players who had the courage to say "no" actually faced exactly those troubles moggi threatened.

i can't wait the trial to end..coz i really can't wait to see those 2 bastards (father and son) in jail.

on the other side, i have be thankful to them, coz thanks to them, now i can watch an amazing football player showing his pure class at the renzo barbera stadium every week.:DD

moving to less disgusting subjects, fabrizio miccoli is a fantastic player, and we all know it. we all saw, through the years, what he can do with a ball, we all read about ronaldinho asking rijkaard (after a juve-barcelona friendly match, played a couple of years ago) "who is that footballing genious"... we all know he could easily be playing in top clubs like real madrid, milan, inter, man utd, , etc... coz he's really on the same level of some of their fowards.

is he as good as del piero?... i guess not. but how many players in europe are as good or better than alex? honestly a few.. And however Don, u can't deny it, he's very close to him, talking about technique.

giovinco honestly seems to be following roberto baggio's footsteps, rather than del piero's ones, so yes, he is more promising than miccoli was...... but miccoli already kept his promise...while sebastian has still everything to prove.

p.s. i know it's crazy to compare sebastian to such a legendary player like baggio, and i'm not the kind of football fan who usually exalts promising young guns, attracted by the general hype..... but let's face it, they speak the same language on the pitch, i watched giovinco a lot this season and honestly it's almost scarying what a huge resemblace there is between his movements, his tendencies, his features and roberto's ones.

of course this doesn't mean anything. sebastian might turn into a flop, into a good player, into a fantastic player like miccoli or into a world class player like alex.

but what he showed us this season is more than a "miccoli wannabe" player, it's even more than a "del piero wannabe" player.... i mean, look at that video i posted, look at his goal last week, look at his last 3 performances with italy under 21 team....that's not what del piero does, neither cassano or totti.... that's what roberto used to do :))
yes the times i have seen this man play, i always felt he could break the game wide open like the great ones can.. .sad some asshole mafia fucker had to ruin his career.
Re: Serie A Thread

Yeah, I heard about Moggi extorting Miccoli. And yes, it's pretty disgusting.

Anyway, I really liked Miccoli as a player. I always used to hope he would succeed for us, but I think he just falls short a level. He's in line with the Di Michele's of the world, very good players, but not in league with the Del Piero's. Although the Del Piero's of this world are of course very few :).

Talking about Giovinco, i've rarely seen a player as talented as he is. If he does not succeed, i'll never make any predictions about talents ever again. His style is quite similar to Baggio yes, but Del Piero at Giovinco's age was out of this world. The Del Piero of Giovinco's age was a vital figure in juve's CL triumph.... Who knows Giovinco might do the same next season..

Problem i see with Giovinco is his size. Hes not necessarily buff like Maradona, Di Natale etc. But then again hes doing crazy things with a relegation battling side.
Re: Serie A Thread

Problem i see with Giovinco is his size. Hes not necessarily buff like Maradona, Di Natale etc. But then again hes doing crazy things with a relegation battling side.

Giovinco answered this best himself.

Re: Serie A Thread

Dom said:
Anyway, I really liked Miccoli as a player. I always used to hope he would succeed for us, but I think he just falls short a level. He's in line with the Di Michele's of the world, very good players, but not in league with the Del Piero's. Although the Del Piero's of this world are of course very few .

u see mate, that's the point. the di micheles of this world are not just "very good players". the guanas are very good players, the zaccardos are very good players, the brescianos are very good players. di michele (and miccoli) are something more.
could u name more than 6 liga's supporting strikers better than david? more than 5 premiership supporting strikers better than david?

the di micheles, the miccolis, the di natales of this world, they might not be world class players, but damn, they're really close to them.

yes the times i have seen this man play, i always felt he could break the game wide open like the great ones can.. .sad some asshole mafia fucker had to ruin his career.

yep. it's not that bad anyway. every week he plays with players like barzagli, fontana, zaccardo, simplicio, bresciano, balzaretti, amauri (the chemistry between him and amauri is something fantastic).........

shit, can u believe such an awesome team is just 10th in serie a! :((

oh well, still better than torino and parma, 2 teams full of quality players who are fighting the relegation battle:DD

to our english serie a followers; i don't know how good is the serie a tv coverage, but if u get the chance to watch empoli, cagliari, torino, catania, don't snub them. they're not as bad as the table says...... and they're not as their english and spanish counterparts.
actually cagliari might be considered the best team in serie a in the last few weeks. they're definitely playing the most beautiful football, and they're also making lots of points. If we'd consider just the second part of the season (from jannuary on), wich means just the 2nd leg matches, the table would look like this.
roma ---- 29
samp ---- 27
inter --- 26
juve ---- 24
milan --- 24
cagliari- 22
fiorentina- 22
lazio --- 21
siena --- 21
genoa --- 20
palermo - 17
torino -- 17
atalanta- 16
empoli -- 14
parma --- 13
reggina - 13
catania - 10
livorno - 7

Dom said:
Talking about Giovinco, i've rarely seen a player as talented as he is. If he does not succeed, i'll never make any predictions about talents ever again. His style is quite similar to Baggio yes, but Del Piero at Giovinco's age was out of this world. The Del Piero of Giovinco's age was a vital figure in juve's CL triumph.... Who knows Giovinco might do the same next season..

never make predictions about young players mate. it's absolutely impossible to predict what a talented guy will turn into. bad companies, bad relationships with a coach, carreer-destroyng injuries (like the one del piero faced)... there are too many variables.... also the momey and the hype can destroy a weak personality (did anyone say cassano?).

infact i'm not saying giovinco will become the next del piero or (even better) the next baggio.... it would be ridiculous. this is his just first season.

the only thing i'm saying is that i've heard about this guy since he was 16; "the little genious real madrid and barca fought for, the best juventus primavera player in the last 10 years, the kid who was so good he used to play with guys 2, 3 years olders than him", and stuff like that.

but u know, every season the press talks about the new superhyped young star (even though spanish and english press is much worse than us, talking about this "hype factor").
So i watched him playing against palermo. after the match i was thinking "ok, he probably just played the match of his life". after the match barzagli said it was a nightmare trying to mark him. he said sebastian dribbled him about 5 times, each time with a different movement "it will take years to learn to stop this guy" (his words).

then i watched him again and he played exactly the same way. so i watched empoli playing again, and again and again. i guess i watched something like 8 empoli matches and 3 italy under 21 matches this season, and he always played on the same level.
so, i'm not gonna tell u he will become a legend or a great player, or just a good player... i don't know. the only thing i can say is that it was amazing watching this guy playing football this season. :))

Don said:
His style is quite similar to Baggio yes, but Del Piero at Giovinco's age was out of this world.
that's true, and i remember it. but del piero has always been a supporting striker. while giovinco is a "fantasista" (like baggio or like the old totti, the real totti). but he's very different from totti and terrifyingly similar to baggio.
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Re: Serie A Thread

u see mate, that's the point. the di micheles of this world are not just "very good players". the guanas are very good players, the zaccardos are very good players, the brescianos are very good players. di michele (and miccoli) are something more.
could u name more than 6 liga's supporting strikers better than david? more than 5 premiership supporting strikers better than david?

the di micheles, the miccolis, the di natales of this world, they might not be world class players, but damn, they're really close to them.

No I can not name so many, but then we are talking about Serie A and we know Serie A's the best. :DD

yep. it's not that bad anyway. every week he plays with players like barzagli, fontana, zaccardo, simplicio, bresciano, balzaretti, amauri (the chemistry between him and amauri is something fantastic).........

shit, can u believe such an awesome team is just 10th in serie a! :((

Well yes actually, if you consider the teams above Palermo. The mid-table quality is very close anyway, just a few poitns from 12 to 8th place.

never make predictions about young players mate. it's absolutely impossible to predict what a talented guy will turn into. bad companies, bad relationships with a coach, carreer-destroyng injuries (like the one del piero faced)... there are too many variables.... also the momey and the hype can destroy a weak personality (did anyone say cassano?).

infact i'm not saying giovinco will become the next del piero or (even better) the next baggio.... it would be ridiculous. this is his just first season.

the only thing i'm saying is that i've heard about this guy since he was 16; "the little genious real madrid and barca fought for, the best juventus primavera player in the last 10 years, the kid who was so good he used to play with guys 2, 3 years olders than him", and stuff like that.

but u know, every season the press talks about the new superhyped young star (even though spanish and english press is much worse than us, talking about this "hype factor").

So i watched him playing against palermo. after the match i was thinking "ok, he probably just played the match of his life". after the match barzagli said it was a nightmare trying to mark him. he said sebastian dribbled him about 5 times, each time with a different movement "it will take years to learn to stop this guy" (his words0.

then i watched him again and he played exactly the same way. so i watched empoli playing again, and again and again. i guess i watched something like 8 empoli matches and 3 italy under 21 matches this season, and he always played on the same level.
so, i'm not gonna tell u he will become a legend or a great player, or just a good player... i don't know. the only thing i can say is that it was amazing watching this guy playing football this season. :))

that's true, and i remember it. but del piero has always been a supporting striker. while giovinco is a "fantasista" (like baggio or like the old totti, the real totti). but he's very different from totti and terrifyingly similar to baggio.

I know, I know it's impossible to predict his future. It's just that he's so damn promising. Like you, everytime I watched him(and I watched him a lot!) i've been awe.

@Milanista, still can't see the pic?

It's a picture of Giovinco's celebration, where he challenges those who think his size is a limit.
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