PES 5 Beta previews

Re: PES 5 Beta preview (first post updated!)

ruffneckc said:
Then again, maybe PLF and others who score free kicks like the way you say you do play on 3 stars-makes sense that way. Placing a FK in the top-corner with speed (which I can do) and having a keeper still get to it on 5 and 6 star difficulty is unrealistic and frustrating. WE9, hopefully, improves on this.
Indeedy do.

That's what I was trying to say in my previous post.
Re: PES 5 Beta preview (first post updated!)

ruffneckc said:
Then again, maybe PLF and others who score free kicks like the way you say you do play on 3 stars-makes sense that way. Placing a FK in the top-corner with speed (which I can do) and having a keeper still get to it on 5 and 6 star difficulty is unrealistic and frustrating. WE9, hopefully, improves on this.
Trust me. I'm sure we all play on 6* difficulty.
I practice freekicks all the time and there are times when everything went perfect yet it still didnt go in.
Re: PES 5 Beta preview (first post updated!)

I dont claim to be the master at them, far from it. But I do know that when I dont score, its usually down to something I didn't quite do right, maybe I didn't swerve it enough, maybe I took too much power off it, whatever happens I still feel I can improve on it (unless I score of course).
I know that the keepers can get to a lot of free kicks that are 28-33m now, when they used to not be able to. That is a bit annoying, but I still dont find it hopeless.
I think that when I talk about free kicks I dont even think about the keeper first, I think of the methods used to score them and the difficulty thats in them to get a good eye for free kicks. Even when taking a free, I never think of the keeper, I just think of the place I'm gonna put the ball. Maybe if they made the keepers a bit more realistic for longer distances it would be better, but hopefully they dont do the opposite and make the execution of a free kick simpler. :(
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Re: PES 5 Beta preview (first post updated!)

What about the Second Top and Wing Back players ??
Have u seen real differences in their behavior compare to an OMF and ab SB..
Re: PES 5 Beta preview (first post updated!)

just tell me one thing please, have they improved the headers when heading to score. does it actually go on target and have enough power.
Re: PES 5 Beta preview (first post updated!)

Hey in the mag scans we where given one of them says that there will be some swedish clubs in the game with licens but have it been said anywhere that there also would be other scandinavien countrys in the game?????
Re: PES 5 Beta preview (first post updated!)

ruffneckc said:
Then again, maybe PLF and others who score free kicks like the way you say you do play on 3 stars-makes sense that way. Placing a FK in the top-corner with speed (which I can do) and having a keeper still get to it on 5 and 6 star difficulty is unrealistic and frustrating. WE9, hopefully, improves on this.
Hmm... no don't just assume stuff man. I play on 5* and 6* and switch between them as I'm still not sure which is quite harder as it seems 5* is sometimes because it pressure you less and leaves less holes in its defence.

Anyways like Dar and Mattster said, freekicks should be HARD to score. Even with likes of Beckham think of how many FK he's taken this last 2 years and how many he's scored. Now I know there are better freekickers in the world than Beckham best two probably are Marcos Assunacao and Juninho Pernambucano but still many regard Beckham as a great FK taker and so his conversion ratio will tell you that FK are scored way less than most of you WANT it to be.

Much like Matt I don't want to pick up the pad and score a FK in my first WE9 game. I want to score 1 or 2 in my first 20 tries in WE9 max.

P.s. I do score many with those who have shot power/accuracy/FK/curling of around 80 mark and agree with Dar when he says you have to KNOW your player as each have their own learning curve it seems.

By the way there are some FK in real life that no matter how perfect/close to the post and powerful you put you SEE still SAVED!!!!!! and also some LESS than perfect FK kinda even to the MIDDLE of net more than corners and still score and i've had both happen several times to me in games like in real life which is why I like it.

So yes to answer your question I have some PERFECT FK saved and some less than perfect go in depending on keeper, my kicker and 100 other factors that are present in real life as well and that's why I like it.

Adonis might have a point about wrong-footing the keeper though ;)
Re: PES 5 Beta preview (first post updated!)

Please don't roll your eyes at me Thomas :D There are actually OVER!!! 70 new celebrations ;) Look

Re: PES 5 Beta preview (first post updated!)

No need to hope man, it's there in black and white ;)
Re: PES 5 Beta preview (first post updated!)

B-Freak said:
Hey in the mag scans we where given one of them says that there will be some swedish clubs in the game with licens but have it been said anywhere that there also would be other scandinavien countrys in the game?????

about scandinavian club i have no idea, just speculation that there will be some swedish clubs, but thats only speculations,

an about scandinavian countries i am pretty sure that all scandinavian countries if you count in Iceland as a scandinavian country (it´s a norther country) , Norway, Sweden , and denmark will of course be in, but im not sure about Finland and Iceland.

And i think it´s very very very good of konami to put in all those new asian countries !!! becuse it´s make the game so much more intresting for all the pepole of the world, you know football/soccer is a worldwide sport, and there are new national teams growing up all the time .
for example, Ukraine = are almost in the worldcup for the first time ever,they leading one the hardest qualification group in europe (my opinion) (denmark,grecce,and turkey will fight for the second place)
Baharin,uzbekistan,Kuwait are very good and one of those three teams will play a game aganist the fourth central/north american team of a place in world cup, in africa Ivory coast are very impressive and Togo are playing
very good to,

to make a real qualification in asia is a step in the right direction Konami ! maybe in the future we have all continents qulification, that would be so cool !

Bye !

I forgot to mention on thing !!

Sweden will win world cup in Germany
Re: PES 5 Beta preview (first post updated!)

Henke said:
but im not sure about Finland and Iceland.

No doubt that Finland will be included, they have been that since many versions ago, would surprise me if they was removed.

Henke said:
I forgot to mention on thing !!
Sweden will win world cup in Germany

Agree and hope that too ;)
Re: PES 5 Beta preview (first post updated!)

Henke said:
about scandinavian club i have no idea, just speculation that there will be some swedish clubs, but thats only speculations,

an about scandinavian countries i am pretty sure that all scandinavian countries if you count in Iceland as a scandinavian country (it´s a norther country) , Norway, Sweden , and denmark will of course be in, but im not sure about Finland and Iceland.

And i think it´s very very very good of konami to put in all those new asian countries !!! becuse it´s make the game so much more intresting for all the pepole of the world, you know football/soccer is a worldwide sport, and there are new national teams growing up all the time .
for example, Ukraine = are almost in the worldcup for the first time ever,they leading one the hardest qualification group in europe (my opinion) (denmark,grecce,and turkey will fight for the second place)
Baharin,uzbekistan,Kuwait are very good and one of those three teams will play a game aganist the fourth central/north american team of a place in world cup, in africa Ivory coast are very impressive and Togo are playing
very good to,

to make a real qualification in asia is a step in the right direction Konami ! maybe in the future we have all continents qulification, that would be so cool !

Bye !

I forgot to mention on thing !!

Sweden will win world cup in Germany
You've made a good impression on me with that post 8)

Finland will be in of course though as they were in previous version and there'd be no reason to take them out. As for the Swedish club in my opinion its probably going to be Malmo which is not an unknown by any means and where the legend called Zlatan was built but we'll have to wait and see!
Re: PES 5 Beta preview (first post updated!)

law_lei said:
What about the Second Top and Wing Back players ??
Have u seen real differences in their behavior compare to an OMF and ab SB..
Jide says he didnt notice anything so far but he can only play online so he hasnt played enough.
Re: PES 5 Beta preview (first post updated!)

Ash is a legend! Thanks man, appreciate it! :) I had missed the dragback and turn.
Re: PES 5 Beta preview (first post updated!)

I'm sure we'll get plenty more, when Jide wakes up. ;)
Re: PES 5 Beta preview (first post updated!)

How much more is there to see?
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