Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

the race for the 4th place instead is a mess once again.
as expected, palermo lost against catania. i knew we would have lost this one... but i didn't expect us to play so bad honestly...oh well that's the first bad performance ever since rossi took over, so i'm not gonna complain.
Would you stop worrying already, as far as I'm concerned Palermo have got this one in the bag, wrapped up, and ready to go home. You might as well stop watching now and tune back in next season. Inter fans on the other hand...

there's an interesting note about the udinese-juve match. in 1996 a legendary udinese-juve game was played. that match too ended with a 3-0 win for udinese. zaccheroni was there too, but on the other side. he was udinese coach those days... a young creative coach, regarded by many as an innovator. that game has an historic importance because it was the first game zaccheroni displayed his famous, typical 3-4-3 formation. that formation will soon become a cornerstone in football.... Van Gaal was coaching barcelona those days.... he watched that match and was so astonished by the brilliance of that tactical display, he wanted to talk with zaccheroni to learn his system..... van gaal will become a famous for "his" 3-4-3.... much more famous (and praised) than the man who actually invented that system and tought him how to display it.
Wow, did not know that. I remember that Udinese, with Bierhoff and Amoroso, Giannichedda (but who was his midfield partner??). Ironically, Juventus won the scudetto that season :RANT: But they were tough side then, mentally at least.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Yeah Urbino's probably the nicest small/medium town in Italy, yet hardly anyone from outside the region goes there.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Yeah Urbino's probably the nicest small/medium town in Italy, yet hardly anyone from outside the region goes there.
u say that coz u've never been in small villages like cefalù, san vito lo capo, favignana or panarea (and that's just in sicily :COOL: ).

urbino is a wonderful little town, probably the nicest in umbria, but i really wouldn't say it's the nicest in italy... portofino (liguria), positano (campania) and cefalù (sicilia) are much more beautiful.... and there are also some very nice small towns in tuscany...
all in all, if there's something italy doesn't lack of, it's nice small towns :))
beboq said:
so seeing Mourinho in a different light allows you to have a different complex opinion toward him then I get it... Yeah I bet Mourinho took a leaf note of Herrera. He created a love/hate relationship hate him but you love to have him around. That`s my opinion that England has of him
yep. the difference is england also rates him as a coach, whily italy doesn't.
i think both are wrong (i mean italy and england). england hugely overrates him (some time ago i read an article about the 10 best managers in british leagues history... mourinho was there..... WHILE CHAPMAN WASN'T!!! :CONFUSE: ).
us italians instead tend to underestimate him (me included probably.... or at least i used to). he's not a top class coach, that's for sure.... but he's not even as bad as some of us italians might think :))
leo said:
Not "almost", but "more". According to math he played 3x38 matches + 23 matches (near 2/3 of another seeason) Legend.
yeah, but the usually a top class player season is about 50 matches (including champions league, domestic cups and national team matches).
anyway it's still a crazy achievement. legend indeed :WORSHIP:
rfu said:
Would you stop worrying already, as far as I'm concerned Palermo have got this one in the bag, wrapped up, and ready to go home. You might as well stop watching now and tune back in next season. Inter fans on the other hand...
mate we have 3 teams chasing us... and they're all within 3 points! samp has exactly the same points we have, and this napoli is fucking scary! and even though juve is definitely the less dangerous team of the lot, we're still talking about a top team, used to face with this kind of end season races.... and, as bad as they are, they still need just 1 single win to reach the 4th spot. i'd say that's enough reason to be worried.
besides u also have to consider this palermo team is extremely young and unexperienced (kjaer is 20, pastore is 19, hernandez is 19, sirigu is 22, bertolo is 23, nocerino is 25, cavani is 23. that's one of the youngest teams in serie a).
rfu said:
Wow, did not know that. I remember that Udinese, with Bierhoff and Amoroso, Giannichedda (but who was his midfield partner??).
giannichedda was a starter, while for his partner, there was a huge rotation between locatelli, cappioli and a very young appiah).
from that udinese-juve game on, udinese won all the games till the end of the season! that's how impressive and revolutionary zac's system was.
zaccheroni has been for van gaal what zeman has been for wenger. the difference is, while wenger is a class act and never had a problem in admitting he had a master, a teacher.... van gaal was always quite reluctant in admitting that formation wasn't really "his creature".... he only let it slip away once.... that sucker :TD:
gasperini's 3-4-3 is also insipired to zac's system, as gaspa himself admitted.... and when u consider that gasperini's genoa has played some of the most attractive football in europe in the last 2 seasons, it kinda gives u an idea of how big zaccheroni's innovation was.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

This Napoli is truly a great side. Once they found the right coach with the right mentality they just clicked. For me, right now, they and Fiorentina are best to represent in Europe. They have what it takes. Plus, I would like to see a CL game played in Naples.

Palermo deserve it the most this season and most probably need it the most again to keep the players. The are playing some sexy football and competing with any team big team. As you said, they are an inexperienced side. If they finish fourth, if i'm not wrong they need to pass the qualifying rounds to go to the group stages which will be a challenge if they face a big team which sometimes happens. I don't know if they get the 35 million if they don't go to the group stages.

Sadly, this fight for 4'th place will not exist next year. So what a way to wrap it. :)

Also I need to put a word on this. Jason made an great presentation on Pastore and Jovetic. If you are interested an want to check it out. No need to be a stats master it is more of a discussion on abilities and weaknesses. Really impresive work by him.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Napoli will be killed by facing two competitions seriously.
whoever gets the 4th spot will have a disgraceful season next year. napoli, samp and palermo don't have the depth to face 2 competitions.... and most important, we're not used to it, hence we will literally crack.
it's kinda sad actually. right now palermo delivers some of the best football in europe. watching us is pretty much like watching "a little barcelona". but lots of people outside italy don't get to see us... and when they will see us in champions league next season (hoping we'll make it), they'll see a completely different team and think "so is that what is all about? it doesn't look anything special to me!"
zeem said:
I don't know if they get the 35 million if they don't go to the group stages.
sadly no :(
zeem said:
Also I need to put a word on this. Jason made an great presentation on Pastore and Jovetic. If you are interested an want to check it out. No need to be a stats master it is more of a discussion on abilities and weaknesses. Really impresive work by him.
nice! but i gotta go now. as soon as i get some free time at home, i'll be sure to take a look at it.
btw where the hell is jason! haven't seen him around here for a while! :))
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

whoever gets the 4th spot will have a disgraceful season next year. napoli, samp and palermo don't have the depth to face 2 competitions.... and most important, we're not used to it, hence we will literally crack.
it's kinda sad actually. right now palermo delivers some of the best football in europe. watching us is pretty much like watching "a little barcelona". but lots of people outside italy don't get to see us... and when they will see us in champions league next season (hoping we'll make it), they'll see a completely different team and think "so is that what is all about? it doesn't look anything special to me!"

But 4th place will 'save' Juve! So just let it slip :P.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

But 4th place will 'save' Juve! So just let it slip :P.
quite the opposite actually. the best thing that could happen to juve right now would be to end this season with a disgrafeful 7th or 8th place (which might well happen). this way john elkann will HAVE to step up and rebuild the whole management board from scratch.
if u get the champions league spot instead, elkann might leave everything as it is right now.... and that would be the real tragedy, as it would bring juve to have another horrible season next year.

as u can see, palermo is doing you a favour. so back off and and don't try to catch up...... pleeease! :D
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

I see your point and dont disagree with it. I think the same pitfalls exist if we end in 7th though. Also we could use the money from CL. We've overspent the past seasons. Massive changes are needed either way. Yet I feel Elkann will keep the distance from the management.

Not making the CL is another step towards our new place as midtable team!..
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

I have a bad feeling about Maradonna, Argentina and Messi.
The fact that people are claiming that Messi already is the best player of all times could be a serious handicap for Argentina. There could well be some kind of "jealousy" involved...Maradonna feeling threatened as best player ever (which he never was, that's Pele) by Messi and doing some guerilla thing.
Winning a world cup would give Messi an even higher status.
I think it's pretty much possible that Maradonna will have a somewhat schizophrenic attitude towards Argentina and the WC.
I don't really trust Maradonna as a person.

no, just no

Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

I see your point and dont disagree with it. I think the same pitfalls exist if we end in 7th though. Also we could use the money from CL. We've overspent the past seasons. Massive changes are needed either way. Yet I feel Elkann will keep the distance from the management.

Not making the CL is another step towards our new place as midtable team!..

yeah, but what's the point in getting CL money if u spend it like u did in the past 2 years... if there's anything the last 2 transfer windows showed us, is that the less money u hand to secco, the better it is!

in the last 2 seasons juve has kept swapping defensive midfielders just for the sake of wasting money. Secco sent nocerino to palermo for only 5 millions (thanks btw :P ).... and (in the same transfer window) bought poulsen for 12! then, one year after, he sent zanetti to firenze for 2 millions, and got melo for 25 :SHOCK:
2 seasons ago u had zanetti and nocerino. an amazing (yet fragile) metodista and very good young and promising mediano, with lots of brains and also a pretty educated foot.
2 years after, u find yourself with 30 millions less ([12 - 5] + [20 - 2])..... and u didn't even fill a hole in the roster, as this players swap left u with 2 defensive midfielders (wich is exactly what u had before those 4 market operations).... that's just ridiculous!

this season that fool spent 63 millions! (between diego, melo, grosso, paolucci, caceres and candreva)... and he didn't even sign the only 2 players juve really needed (a left winger and a regista)! that's just crazy. and when ranieri (a coach whose main specialization is precisely raising teams and who has more years of experience in football than the entire juve management put together) told juve they were making some crazy mistakes, they thought it was a good idea to fire him, rather than listening to him!

so i'd say if loosing CL money is what it takes to get rid of theese fools (blanc and secco) so be it.
next season u might find youself with less money, but don't worry, people like marotta or marino could raise a world class team with less than half of the money u wasted this season alone.
a proper management. that's what u need to get back on top. and that's much more important than money, as secco proved us in several occasions.

juve is not a midtable club and it will never be. yeah u're facing some serious problems, but so is liverpoool.... and i don't think anyone would define liverpool a midtable club.
actually your situation is even more justifiable than liverpool's one, as liverpool didn't have to deal with a complete rebuilding after a relegation (plus, liverpool doesn't have to deal with such contenders).
u just need the right management. the sooner u get it, the sooner u'll be back where juve belongs.
in the meanwhile, palermo will be more than pleased to "keep your place warm" for u :P ....
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Cefalú's nice but when I was there it was the middle of summer and almost too hot to go out except very late in the afternoon or morning, I took a boat back to Palermo from there late in the afternoon and the boat trip was pretty nice, reminded me of holidays in the Crimea for some reason.

I thought Urbino was in Le Marche, but they might have re-done the boundaries since I was last there. The thing is, it's up in the hills and so while it's warm it never gets blisteringly hot there, plus all the anchient buildings are always cool in summer without having to have air conditioning - I guess they built them better years ago.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Cefalú's nice but when I was there it was the middle of summer and almost too hot to go out except very late in the afternoon or morning.

i sure know what u mean mate! summer in sicily can be a nightmare if u don't like hot temperatures (+ 30 celsius degrees) and i'm one of those people.
i have a beachhouse in cefalu but i never go there in july\august. during the day it's always 30/32 degrees and during the evening the temperature goes down but it gets almost as humid as miami.... actually our summer wheater is pretty much the same u can find in florida (just a little less humid and a lot less rain). there's an upside about spending summer here though: girls in bikini 24\7. :D
the best period to come in here is from march to june. right now for example is perfect (25 degrees).
plus in summer u can't even enjoy cefalu at its best, as there are tourists just about everwhere. and what really drives me crazy is that tourists (from germany, japan, england, usa) don't seem to suffer the heat at all, those lucky bastards!
I thought Urbino was in Le Marche, but they might have re-done the boundaries since I was last there
LOL! my bad. i was thinking marche, but for some reason i wrote umbria :P
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

i sure know what u mean mate! summer in sicily can be a nightmare if u don't like hot temperatures (+ 30 celsius degrees) and i'm one of those people.
i have a beachhouse in cefalu but i never go there in july\august. during the day it's always 30/32 degrees and during the evening the temperature goes down but it gets almost as humid as miami.... actually our summer wheater is pretty much the same u can find in florida (just a little less humid and a lot less rain). there's an upside about spending summer here though: girls in bikini 24\7. :D
the best period to come in here is from march to june. right now for example is perfect (25 degrees).
plus in summer u can't even enjoy cefalu at its best, as there are tourists just about everwhere. and what really drives me crazy is that tourists (from germany, japan, england, usa) don't seem to suffer the heat at all, those lucky bastards!

LOL! my bad. i was thinking marche, but for some reason i wrote umbria :P

I have never been to a place so humid as Central to South Florida...Even Santo Domingo is no where near as humid as they call Santo Domingo El calor de caribe :LOL: I think Florida is humid due to 1st being a peninsula w/ 1 ocean breeze and 2nd so many lakes. Everyone wants waterfront property so they dig holes and make more lakes more mosquito then dirt.I know Italy is a peninsula too but are there lots of lakes there, btw I have 2 pairs of dress shoes and 10 pairs of sandles :LOL:
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

being a peninsula or an island (as sicily) isn't that bad. sure the sea raises the humidity ratio, but the sea breeze usually sweeps away most of it. the problem is when u have the sea on one side and mountains on the other, as in this case the mountains create a wall and disallow the sea breeze to clean the air from humidity. that's cefalu's case, as u can see in this picture.

miami's humidity instead has a different cause: those damn everglades. those wetlands are so big, they act like some sort of "humidity generator factory"..... and not just for a single city (miami) but for the entire region. and no ocean breeeze could possibly nullify the huge impact the everglades have in terms of humidity. that's why i said cefalu's wheater is almost as tough to bear as maimi's one.
that means that, while in cefalu, according to the wind direction, u can have from 30% to 70% of humidity and just during july\august (during the rest of the year the wheater is just nice, with no humidity whatsoever), in miami u get from 65% to 90% humidity in every season. plus the temperature in miami is slightly hotter than sicily (say 4/5 celsius degrees).
so long story short, if u're coming from miami, then cefalu's wheater will be just great for u (as u're used to bear worse conditions).... but if u're coming from just about any other town in italy, then cefalu's heat and the humidity will wear u out..... unless u're one of those people who like warm temperatures and subtropical climate.
anyhow back to football now. cska-inter tonight. i got a feeling this might turn out to be tougher than expected, but i'll be rooting for the nerazzurri tonite :))
too bad the game is at 6 pm (italian time). i'm gonna be at work.... oh well, at least i'll have no excuses to miss the barca-arsenal game :))
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

I was there some years ago, the exact beach on that picture! In August(Or was it july..?)! It was amazing.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Finally, nice to see Leonardo standing up for the managment to get some transfers this summer. They might of thought he will be their dog, which might mean he may leave also.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

I have a funny feeling that CSKA will eliminate Inter. That would be a bad thing for Italian football, but i think CSKA have a pretty good team.

I like their Japanese AMF/FW.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Yeah, Keitsue Honda, he's a decent player I think he was at Wenlo (a Dutch club) for a few years and just signed for CSKA. They will need big games from him and also Alan Dzagoev, as Milos Krasic and Yevgeni Aldonin (two experienced players) are both out due to accumulations of yellow cards.

I think Inter will edge it tonight but it will be very close and there might even be extra time. CSKA are a compact side and they are hard to break down, but they will need to score and as the game goes on this will create openings for Inter.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Muntari Injured Sneijder. :LOL:

I think CSKA will give Inter a hard time. They won't be an easy team to face, and maybe even Russia itself will give them a bonus.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Tsk tsk, you should know better than to doubt Inter :D

And now we have to deal with an in form Messi, one of the greatest to ever do it :ANX: And how shitty is it that we have 3 HOME 1st legs at home and Barca 3 HOME 2nd legs :CONFUSE:
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

I was there some years ago, the exact beach on that picture! In August(Or was it july..?)! It was amazing.
3 guys from different countries, chatting on an english forum, who have been in the same small village. that's quite a coincidence! :))
rfu said:
Tsk tsk, you should know better than to doubt Inter :D
fair enough :))
rfu said:
And now we have to deal with an in form Messi
oh no please, enough talking about messi. Jesus, the whole world is going nuts about this guy. don't get me wrong, he's unbelievably good, absolutely amazing... but good Lord it's not like he plays alone, for crying out loud. i'm not surprised by the fans reaction... it's always been like that. it's a natural tendency for fans to turn a collective effort into an individual action, coz they feel the urge to find a hero, and heroes are always alone, individualists.
what drives me nuts is the pundits reaction.... the italian post-match analisys yesterday looked like an "english post-match analisys" or a "spanish post-match analisys". not a single word about the match, not a single word about arsenal good moves and mistakes; not a single word about barcelona. not a single word about xavi, who yesterday came out with probably one of the greatests performances in his carreer... (wich is something when u consider how ridiculously good is the average xavi's performance). xavi has been as important as messi to barca yesterday, but i can honestly say i haven't heard anyone mentioning him. it's was all "messimessimessimessi".
i watched the game at my father's house, and he said something as true as sad "why are u so surprised? don't u remember when pirlo actually had a team playing around him? did anyone use to talk about pirlo? no. it was all about kakà".

so please, at least in here, let's talk about barcelona and the upcoming champions league matchup against inter, not about a single player.
and on this concern rfu, replying to that question u asked me a few days ago (how do u beat barca?), i think arsenal just gave us a lot of material to work with. :))
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Murphy's law: when i have doubts about Inter they progress easily...good for Italy.

About Xavi: you're damn right Ben, he was outstanding yesterday.

About Messi: although he was the decisive factor, i've seen him play better matches. He had something (to me) uncharacteristically. Yesterday his passing was not that well, or should i say that he preferred to go solo more often. Can you criticize him when he has scored 4 goals that way? I guess not...but it's the first time i see this (granted, i only see him in Europe, scarcely in la Liga). Football is a team sport and the Messi i saw yesterday was less a team player than usual. (Maybe because Barcelona had lots of injured first team players?).

About the Messi-mania: it's the first time ever i'm attracted to a superstar. The reason: he has no superstar behaviour...Messi is like the guy next door who happens to be a good football player, but is in the first place the guy next door. Look at his reaction after one of his goals in the first half: he was clearly over the moon (and a litle bit amazed) that he had scored such a good goal... I like him as a player, but i even like him more for the image he has as a person (and yes i haven't the faintstest idea what sort of a person he is..). No Ferrari's and high profile (blonde glamourous) girl firends for Messi...

I hope he stays the the guy next door.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

No one will say Song had him quiet on the 1st leg , Song slowed him down at the Emirates ,but Messi can only play whats in-front of him. Inter have experience(confidence) and a inside guy (eto`) :LOL:
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