Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

It can be done. Rui Costa being the link ofcourse. Money can be available. A lot of high wage players will be going or getting cheaper contracts.

Strangely why is the press linking him to Milan a lot rather than Chelsea,Real, and others?

As for the striker, Matri seems a serious option but I'd hate seeing him on the bench a lot.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Donadoni in charge of Cagliari now.

I wouldn't wanna work for Celino but Roberto will take this chance at this stage.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Donadoni in charge of Cagliari now.

I wouldn't wanna work for Celino but Roberto will take this chance at this stage.
indeed. besides, although working for cellino must be horrible (almost as painful as working for zamparini), cagliari is an extremely talented team wich has terrribly underperformed under bisoli.... so chances are (unless roberto screws up big time) this appointment will give donadoni a chance to revitalise his carreer. :))
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Who doesn't like a ginger Italian? There's like 3 of them. :P

@Ben, I agree.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

IMO (and from what i heard) Balotelli's reaction was also very composed and mature for a guy who is supposed to be problematic.

Good proposal from the Gazetta...
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

It's very sad that there are some idiots who travel over to another country just to boo him and make these racial slurs.

Why did the Juventus fans start all this racist trouble specifically with Balotelli a few years ago? I think there have been other similar players for the Italian national team (Matteo Ferrari and Fabio Liverani both played for the Italian national team in the last decade but I dont remember there being so many problems for them either internationally or in Serie A).
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Because the fact is I don't think these fans are intending to be racist towards him (even if they come across as racists) They just hate Balotelli as Juve fans at the time because of his shitty attitude and what he did to Grygera that game where we drew 1-1 and he scored. Some fans as always take things to far and then the whole group of fans get accused.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

It's very sad that there are some idiots who travel over to another country just to boo him and make these racial slurs.

Why did the Juventus fans start all this racist trouble specifically with Balotelli a few years ago? I think there have been other similar players for the Italian national team (Matteo Ferrari and Fabio Liverani both played for the Italian national team in the last decade but I dont remember there being so many problems for them either internationally or in Serie A).

Not that this should make any difference or would justify racism by any means, but out of curiosity, aren't Fabio Liverani and Matteo Ferrari actually half-Italian ethnically?

Where as Mario is full 100% black (Ghanaian) from what I understand (hence the very dark skin as well unlike Fabio for example) and only has Italian name because he was adopted by Italian parents and raised there, where as the other two actually have Italian blood.

Again, not that this should matter AT ALL but I think that is one difference between those 2 and Balotelli as one example.

A better example I think is someone like Christian Manfredini. Didn't he also have 1 or 2 caps for Italy? He also got jeered a couple times though I think and had one or two problems with racist fans in some parts of Italy while playing for Chievo, Lazio, etc.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Not that this should make any difference or would justify racism by any means, but out of curiosity, aren't Fabio Liverani and Matteo Ferrari actually half-Italian ethnically?

Where as Mario is full 100% black (Ghanaian) from what I understand (hence the very dark skin as well unlike Fabio for example) and only has Italian name because he was adopted by Italian parents and raised there, where as the other two actually have Italian blood.

I think they each have one Italian parent and one North African, I think Ferrari was born in North Africa and Liverani in Italy. But for these "fans" it's just about "Italian Blood" then Ledesma and Amauri got Italian citizenship through their wives, so how come the "fans" didnt target them ?

Can it really be just his skin colour ? It seems so backward for fans of a modern democratic nation, in this modern age, to subject an Italian player, playing for their own nation just because of his skin.

A better example I think is someone like Christian Manfredini. Didn't he also have 1 or 2 caps for Italy? He also got jeered a couple times though I think and had one or two problems with racist fans in some parts of Italy while playing for Chievo, Lazio, etc.

If it's Manfredini of Lazio, I'm pretty sure he played for the Ivory Coast when the Bosnian (Halilhozic ?) was their manager, I don't think he played for Italy ? Is there another Manfredini maybe?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

No it's the same one and you're right, he never actually played for Italy. Came close to a call up once or twice I think tho never anything serious but ultimately it was his birth nation Ivory Coast that he actually represented a couple times. Anyway, I always thought he was a very mediocre player personally.

Nonetheless, he's had some problems with racism as well throughout this career and life in Italy and he's about as Italian as a guy with no Italian blood can get as well. Poor Mario even more so!

About Ferrari, yeah I don't know where his dad is from but he was born in Algeria if I recall correctly. I wonder if that means he's half Arab. I was under impression he's half-black just like Liverani, so I doubt their non-Italian half can be from a country like Morocco or Algeria, Tunisia, etc. Anybody know?

EDIT: p.s. Guys, what the hell happened to Perugia!!!!?! I just found out about the demise of this club!!!

Wasn't too long ago they were playing in Serie A and having some good players/performances too. I remember when a young Miccoli was sent on loan there from Juve and starting to show people what things he's capable of. Tedesco also played there I think.....
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Wasn't too long ago they were playing in Serie A and having some good players/performances too. I remember when a young Miccoli was sent on loan there from Juve and starting to show people what things he's capable of. Tedesco also played there I think.....
Dude, you remember Tedesco :LOL: feels like a half century ago. What's happened to Perugia then?

But for these "fans" it's just about "Italian Blood" then Ledesma and Amauri got Italian citizenship through their wives, so how come the "fans" didnt target them ?
They targeted Ledesma also that game I heard.

Another injury, this time Coutinho....


And Rivas is back in the squad



Lord help us all :PIG:
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Chivu is injured as well. Take the primavera to the Club World Cup. :D

And why isn't the Benitez calling Suazo? To think we gave up Matri for the chance to sign him.

Anyone watch the games yesterday. The Milan game was soo boring. Milan scored and stopped playing with the help of Abbiati. Roma-Udinese was much better. I didn't watch the whole game but Menez was awesome.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

It was going to take something "special" to break Inter's stranglehold on the title. :P
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Still find it amazing that Milan is on top though, they look so 'beatable'..

Anyone up for some best 11's of Serie A so far?


Trouble thinking of the most outstanding goalie though..

Lichtsteiner Nesta Dias Balzaretti
Ledesma Melo
Krasic Hernanes Pastore

Probably forgot a lot of gems; hence whats yours?
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Trouble thinking of the most outstanding goalie though..

Lichtsteiner Nesta Dias Balzaretti
Ledesma Melo
Krasic Hernanes Pastore

No inter players


Surprised you have no Milan or Roma players. Maybe Thiago Silva, Julio Sergio or Pizarro. I don't rate Melo at all, but a partnership with Ledesma could work. But IMO Aquilani and Ledesma. And maybe Mauri somewhere in there.

Has anyone been watching Mutu of late? How's he been doing?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Melo is a good shout, he's improved immensely. Looks to have regained his confidence under Delneri, although I'd probably slightly prefer Aquaman.

I'd probably take out one of the midfielders and put Eto'o up front alongside Cavani. He's been the only impressive thing about Inter so far.

He's got Nesta in there, who was a Milan player the last time I checked, rfU. :P
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Can it really be just his skin colour ? It seems so backward for fans of a modern democratic nation, in this modern age, to subject an Italian player, playing for their own nation just because of his skin.
oh come on!! a modern nation???? in this modern age???? what does that even mean!!!! seriously what does that mean! is france a modern nation? or maybe england? or netherlands or usa or spain or russia??? aren't there any racists in those countries?
u really believe that american or german, spanish or english people are more tolerant than italians? if that's what u actually think, may i ask u where have u lived in the last 10 years? haven't u noticed what's going on in germany? did u hear merkel's speech about the failure of the integration process in germany?... did u read Thilo Sarrazin's "masterpiece" Deutschland schafft sich ab and his very "modern" and "democratic" beliefs? (like when he says turks immigrants and muslim immigrants are going to lower the average q.i. of the german population)...... have u noticed the direction that france and spain took, speaking of immigration policy? did u hear what happened in lincolnshire (england) last year, when some british workers felt "outraged" by the fact that some italian people were working at lindsey?

i gotta be honest with u guys, i'm really concerned by the double standards people all over the world has when it comes to italy. and i'm serious here. why every xenophobic incident that happens in any other european or american state is seen only as an isolated episode, while when it happens in italy it's always a symptom of a national issue?

and it's not just about common people either. even international authorities seems to have a very weird approach to this matter. the EU has been blaming italy's immigration policy very often over the last few years.... how the hell is that possible, since our immigration policy is actually MUCH more tolerant than the french or the spanish one? why they blame italy and they don't say a thing about spain and ceuta border fence? are they blind? how can they not know that italian ships every month go all around the mediterranean sea, saving from certain death those hundreds of african illegal immigrants packed in small boats who try to reach malta or spain shores. we don't just host and provide medical assistance to the immigrants who come in italy... we even go rescuing those who are refused by spain. and WE are the intolerant racists??? a few months back the guardian issued a vitriolic article about italian immigration policy.... just the day after the malta incident!!!! (if u don't know what the malta incident was about, google it and i'm sure u'll find out something about it)..... that's beyond ridiculous.

and then, on the other side, u have a few dozens italians booeing black players in some stadia....... and that becomes enough to say italy (a 64 millions people country) has a racism problem??? how is that even possible!!! how can people jump to such a ridiculous conclusion and overlook "small details" like the fact that the italian ultranationalist party pretty much died for lack of votes?!?! why this crazy double standards?

anyhow i'm tired of writing about this topic, so i'm just gonna say one last thing...... it should be pretty obvious, but apparently it isn't, so i'm gonna make it clear.
the only reason why u don't see such episodes in german or british stadia is because german and british stadia are well under control. if u do something wrong in a german or in an english stadium, chances are u won't be allowed to enter into a stadium anymore.
in italy instead u can do pretty much everything inside a stadium (and in the surroundings of a stadium) and get away with it. and since football matches are a great stage in terms of visibility, lots of very bad people and proper criminals actually USE football events to "send a message" and gain some leverage (against the club itself or the federation or the city board).
but to assume that a few hundreds thugs (manoeuvred by some criminal organizations) actually represent the entire population of a country is just laughable.

one last thing edmundo (btw sorry for this rant, i'm not trying to have a go at u... u just gave me a chance to get something off my chest... and as u probably already realised, i feel very strongly about this), u say how can this happen "in this modern age"........
allow me to tell u, history does NOT march in a straight line towards progress and evolution.... it goes in circles. 100 years from now there will still be ignorant and racist people.... and not just in italy.

on a different note...
ilicic didn't score in his last 2 games..... i was starting to get worried! :P
btw rfu, u were right about cesena! what a wonderful team!!!
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

James Richardson in one of the recent Football Weekly podcasts made the point of how football and politics are very closely linked in Italy and that certain right-wing groups use football to broadcast their political view-points.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

oh come on!! a modern nation???? in this modern age???? what does that even mean!!!! seriously what does that mean! is france a modern nation? or maybe england? or netherlands or usa or spain or russia??? aren't there any racists in those countries?

Of course there are big problems with racism in these countries, in some ways the racism in some of these places is more institutionalised than Italy. By that I mean it's probably a lot harder for, say an Uzbek to get a job and have a career in Moscow and not be harrased by the police, than it is for an African to get a job in Milan or Rome.

What I meant by modern democracy is that Italy doesn't have a torrid recent past (e.g. South African apartheid, country collapse like USSR / Yug). Italy has been a stable* democratic country for 2-3 generations. In Italy there are no massivly devisive figures like Chris Hani, Julius Malena, PW Botha in South Africa. This makes it very hard to understand why there are such indicents with Balotelli, why do certain fans keep chanting bile like "You can't be Italian and Black" ? It's not like Italy is massivly split in terms of race, why do people get these ideas ?

*Maybe some people will say that Italy during the anni di piombo wasnt "stable", but I dont think it's comparable to the problems in South Africa in the 1980s/90s or USSR in the 1990s.

u really believe that american or german, spanish or english people are more tolerant than italians?

Individually and in wider society I'm sure they're all very tolerant, but the Balotelli incidents have highlighted that there is a brewing issue of it in Italian football. For instance I would be very shocked if American fans started making racist comments at US National team games at Jozy Alitdore because he was of Haitian parents, and again I would be shocked if German fans made noises at Cacau or Gerald Asamoah during a German national team match. And I don't think it's a matter of well policed stadiums in this case - I don't think the notion of booing these players because of their skin would even enter an American or German fans head.

Actually in terms of England this sort of thing was a significant problem back in the late 1980s, John Barnes used to get regular booing (and worse) at international games. But the English F.A. did lots of campaigns against racism and it's not the problem it once was. For instance I have never heard such things happen to players like Walcott or Defoe.

i gotta be honest with u guys, i'm really concerned by the double standards people all over the world has when it comes to italy. and i'm serious here. why every xenophobic incident that happens in any other european or american state is seen only as an isolated episode, while when it happens in italy it's always a symptom of a national issue?

I'm not saying its a symptom of wider racism in Italy, but it shows a sizable problem exists in the context of Italian national team support. None of this behaviour casts Italy in a good light. Many millions of fans (from other countries as well as Italy) will watch the Italian team and when they see such things directed to Balotelli it shows a poor image. What will a kid watching the Italy v Romania game on a tv in Pusan, Joburg, Cairo, L.A. etc think when he hears these noises directed at Balotelli? Someone who is unfamiliar with Italy might assume it's a manifestation of a bigger problem.

and then, on the other side, u have a few dozens italians booeing black players in some stadia....... and that becomes enough to say italy (a 64 millions people country) has a racism problem??? how is that even possible!!! how can people jump to such a ridiculous conclusion and overlook "small details" like the fact that the italian ultranationalist party pretty much died for lack of votes?!?! why this crazy double standards?

I agree that on a national political level Italy is not a very racist country. But I'm sorry I think it's an underestimation to say "a few dozen in some stadia". This has been going on towards Balotelli for two years now, even when Juventus were playing Lazio in a Coppa Italia semi final in Turin the home fans were giving massive anti Balotelli chants, Inter weren't even playing at that match. Actually debating the size is of little consequence, even if it's "just a handfull" it's clearly enough to be heard on tv or by other fans in the stadium. It can't just be written of as a flash in the pan and they need to stop it from happening.

The ironic thing is Italy and Italian football had actually made steps to reduce racism at the stadiums. Stuff like the Zoro incident and Lazio fans treatment of Aaron Winter seemed to be a thing of the past. For instance Lazio had players like Dabo and now Diakate and Cavanda without the same problems. Sadly all this hard work is in danger of being ruined as no-one has put a stop to the Balotelli incidents.
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