Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Interesing point in the capacity. I was watching Auxerre-Milan which was held in Auxerre this week and the stadium capacity was just 25,000. I then found out that the city only had a population of 45,000. If half the people showed up that would be an achievement.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

yeah, but percentages can be deceptive. i mean bringing at the stadium the 10% of a total population of 700 thousands people is far more impressive than bringing the 80% of a 50 thousands people city.
also keep in mind that torino has 2 clubs and that obviously effect the attendance...
just to make an example, genoa and fiorentina have pretty much the same average attendance (27 thousands fans), even if firenze's population is almost half of genova's population..... but while fiorentina is the only firenze football club, genova has 2 clubs (genoa and samp).

some great matches this week
sampdoria-milan and juve-fiorentina today
lazio-catania, udinese-napoli and palermo-roma tomorrow

palermo-roma might turn out to be a goal fest. palermo has the field advantage.... plus we had the entire week to prepare this match, while roma had only 3 days.... yet roma is on fire lately...... and both teams are very offensive-oriented....i feel this is gonna be one hell of a match :))
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

here in Cosenza we are ganja addicted and we're proud of it :SMUG:
haha fantastic. my mate was in the san siro last season and he said everyone was just passing out joints like crazy....

Something I landed on recently and why i wasn't bothered when Ibra and mario left the club:

I would gladly hand over every single one of our trophies for all of our players to show this kind of emotion.... well maybe not all :P
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season


Who's this host and what's he saying at beginning part? He seems to be talking to him quite aggressively but I mean in a good way not in 'actual' aggressive way lol.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I would gladly hand over every single one of our trophies for all of our players to show this kind of emotion.... well maybe not all :P
and i would gladly renounce to the usual palermo players' tearful goodbye conferences for a scudetto...... do we have a deal? :P

Sina, the host is Piero Chiambretti. he likes to play the "flamboyant" role, but that's just an act, it's the dress he "wears" on scene. he's actually a very composed man and a brilliant mind.
he's having some success in italy as a tv host and showman. i find his show a little too self-referential and kitsch, but then again, i'm not the best person to judge tv-shows as i'm not much of a tv watcher.... afterall his show is probably a lot less cheesy and kitsch than most of the junk\trash programs in tv today.

palermo won yesterday and we're now just 1 point behind napoli and juve (wich are 3rd and 4th), i have only one hearing to attend today, i've already prepared what will probably turn out to be one of the coolest closing arguments in palermo's court history...... and then i'm completely free for the rest of the day...... and just to make things even better, after having some pretty lousy wheater in the last 3 days, today there's a nice sunny day, 21 celsius degrees and a mild breeze from south (wich is the ideal condition for a nice sail in palermo).

.....i am a happy man today :))
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

While it's freezing in temperatures above minus 4 degree Celsius for the rest of the week...and i feel miserable and sick but have something very important at work...
But apart from that i'm as happy as you are with Palermo's victory, Ben.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Ben, i have a question concerning Micoli.
Yesterday Plaermo and Micoli were highly praised the Football weekly podcast of the Guardian.
Paolo Bandini and James Richardson both pondered the thought that Micoli should have a chance in the Sqaudra Azzuri. They said that he is the next Lucarelli, an excellent player who never got a decent chance in the national team and this for reasons that have nothing to do with football.
Lucarelli because he is a communist.
And Miccoli because he once had a fight with Lippi's son, they even praised him for this...what's the story behind all this. This intrigues me.

PS: Lots of praise for Pastore, Illicic and the whole Palermo team...they said Palermo plays astonishing football...
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

They do Gerd. You should watch them if you get a chance. Amazing stuff!

Like guys said a few pages back as well, a big part of this is that in Balzaretti and Cassani, they not only have the two arguably best Italian full-backs right now but two of the best in the world and yet incredibly under-rated especially by those outside Italy of course some of whom haven't even heard of these two astonishingly enough!

Palermo plays great football and Pastore and Ilicic the players further forward and dazzling with dribbling skills often get the credit which they deserve but a LOT of it has to do with the over-lapping energetic, athletic yet tactically brilliant full-backs they possess.
p.s. Not that anybody is comparing, but while I like Miccoli and as good as he is and as useful as he can be, I think even Ben will agree, Toto Di Natale >>> Fabrizio.

Di Natale is in a class above Miccoli but Fabrizio is still a very good player.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Gerd said:
Paolo Bandini and James Richardson both pondered the thought that Micoli should have a chance in the Sqaudra Azzuri. They said that he is the next Lucarelli, an excellent player who never got a decent chance in the national team and this for reasons that have nothing to do with football.
Lucarelli because he is a communist.
And Miccoli because he once had a fight with Lippi's son, they even praised him for this...what's the story behind all this. This intrigues me.
truth is there's no hidden story behind this.
lucarelli loves to say he was discriminated for his political views..... but that's bullshit. fascists are isolated in this country.... communist most certainly aren't..... i had this conversation with ernestito some time ago. the perception of fascism and communism in italy is very different from what it is in countries like england, france, russia, usa, spain and germany.
u see communism isn't really seen as "something bad" in italy. it must be said, our communism conception is kinda different from the russian one (the italian ideal of communism doesn't entail the proletariat dictatorship... let's say that italian communism is more of a "pumped up\more extreme version of socialism").
Communists aren't seen as "bad people" here in italy... not even by their opposers.... the worse opinion u might hear about a communist from an italian is that "they're naive people, who believe in an utopic world that will never come". and that's really the worse comment about communists u might hear from an italian (fascists, on the other side, are considered like a stepped down version of the devil himself).

so no, communists aren't discriminated in italy... at all. they are just too many to be discriminated anyway.... italian communist like to play the "minority card", they like to play the role of the little kid pushed around by the bully..... but that's just bullshit.
the communists average result at the elections over the last 10 years is an impressive 5%. compare that with the the extreme right average electoral results over the same period (0.4%), and the result is that the average ratio in italy is 1 fascist every 10 communists.....
but while the fascists always act as if they were more powerful, influential and representative than they really are, the communists always play the minority\cry baby\dscriminated role.

lucarelli didn't become a starter in italy's national team because we had better players...... there's no doubt lucarelli was a great player in his prime..... but the truth is, vieri (first) and toni (later) were just better options than him.

and as for miccoli he never had a fight with lippi's son (at least i've never heard of that). i think bandini and richardson were referring to miccoli's refusal to dump his agent and join Gea (lippi's son was in Gea, aswell as moggi's son).... if that was what they were referring to, then miccoli had a fight with moggi, not with lippi's son (that's a great story, btw).

infact miccoli himself always said there were no problems between him and lippi. that he always had a good relationship with lippi (also during his period at juventus) and that it was moggi the one who kicked him out of juve.

i agree that miccoli is a fantastic player, but to be honest, we have many great players in that role, so it's kinda hard to make it to the national team if u're an italian supporting striker.

i mean, look at di natale, he's an amazing player aswell... and yet, he only made it to the national team very late in his carreer......
PLF said:
Like guys said a few pages back as well, a big part of this is that in Balzaretti and Cassani, they not only have the two arguably best Italian full-backs right now but two of the best in the world and yet incredibly under-rated especially by those outside Italy of course some of whom haven't even heard of these two astonishingly enough!
i couldn't agree more :))
PLF said:
Not that anybody is comparing, but while I like Miccoli and as good as he is and as useful as he can be, I think even Ben will agree, Toto Di Natale >>> Fabrizio.

Di Natale is in a class above Miccoli but Fabrizio is still a very good player.
if by "class" u mean technique, i actually think they're pretty much on par.... i mean both miccoli and di natale can do whatever they want with a ball. and both are decisive players with great personality, leadership skills, and gutsyness.

but speaking of the national team, i agree with u; di natale is a better option than miccoli.
in a national team competition u can only bring 23 players.... so versatility becomes a key asset. it's extremely important to have players who can deliver in different roles, who can offer u many tactical options.
miccoli is a fantastic supporting striker, but that is his only role. he did play as a cf sometimes, but that's definitely not his main role.
di natale, on the other side, is unbelievably versatile. he is (like miccoli) a supporting striker. but u can also line him up as a winger and he will deliver just as well as he does in his proper role.
and last season, marino lined him up as a CF.... wich seemed to me very weird for a player like di natale..... and yet di natale proved me wrong, delivering one great performance after another all season long.
as a result of that di natale, even playing off position, managed to become serie a cannoniere (top scorer). he did better than any other cf in italy.

so i don't know about their class, but i'm sure di natale is more "complete" and versatile than miccoli, as he can play in any offensive role. and that's a pretty good reason to prefere him for the national team.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I think Di Natale peaked a little too late in his career, much like Dario Hubner. Anyone remember this Miccoli goal?

YouTube - 2004-10-24 - Udinese-Fiorentina 2-2 - Miccoli Si Alza La Palla E Tira Al Volo

There's one I can't find but Miccoli scored a screamer back with Perugia against Milan and Perugia went on to win 1-0. Their team in those years consisted of players like: Rapajc, Nakata, Bothroyd, Giunti, Gautieri, Negri, Olive, Baiocco, Miccoli, G.Tedesco and Fresi, Alenichev, Amoruso and MAZZANTINI (funniest GK in the world... like a Marco Storari)....
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Thanks Ben...
And about Perugia, wasn't Khadaffi's son playing for that particular Perugia team Stef (although he was merely a bench warmer at the time)? They had this crazy president who did stupid things with his Korean player after he scored against Italy at the 2002 WC...if i'm not mistaken. This chair man also wanted to have a woman in his team, but i don't think he actually transferred a woman player.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I think he got the doping ban when "playing" for another club (i'm thinking about Juventus, but that could be would be ironic if that was the case however...).
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Well Galliani just admitted interest in Balotelli. :D I think it is kinda offensive for City. He hasn't played full 3 matches there yet and we will never meet the price they paid. Some say Dinho might be included in the deal. Hope it goes though. We can sort out his attitude. Look, we made Robinho happy but I'll give him a year before he gets bored and starts making trouble.

There are reports Milan might go for Maccarone to replace Inzaghi. I read he wants to fight for his place but with Miccoli and the new guys, he doesn't have a chance. And how did Juve end up scoring more than Palermo?
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

They do Gerd. You should watch them if you get a chance. Amazing stuff!

Like guys said a few pages back as well, a big part of this is that in Balzaretti and Cassani, they not only have the two arguably best Italian full-backs right now but two of the best in the world and yet incredibly under-rated especially by those outside Italy of course some of whom haven't even heard of these two astonishingly enough!

Palermo plays great football and Pastore and Ilicic the players further forward and dazzling with dribbling skills often get the credit which they deserve but a LOT of it has to do with the over-lapping energetic, athletic yet tactically brilliant full-backs they possess.
p.s. Not that anybody is comparing, but while I like Miccoli and as good as he is and as useful as he can be, I think even Ben will agree, Toto Di Natale >>> Fabrizio.

Di Natale is in a class above Miccoli but Fabrizio is still a very good player.

Too bad Di Natale doesnt have the mentality to match his skills.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Well Galliani just admitted interest in Balotelli. :D I think it is kinda offensive for City. He hasn't played full 3 matches there yet and we will never meet the price they paid. Some say Dinho might be included in the deal. Hope it goes though. We can sort out his attitude. Look, we made Robinho happy but I'll give him a year before he gets bored and starts making trouble.

There are reports Milan might go for Maccarone to replace Inzaghi. I read he wants to fight for his place but with Miccoli and the new guys, he doesn't have a chance. And how did Juve end up scoring more than Palermo?

If Balotelli is the same player I saw yesterday I'd take 20, thank you.
He has a cocky attitude but damn he knows what to do with the ball and he creates magic every now and then.
Kinda reminds me of Cantona to be fair, I don't understand why Inter fans seem to hate him so much. Is it really because of the attitude or because he admitted he was an AC Milan fan?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I think he'll end up at Milan, I think it's a bad decision for him to return to Italy, he's better of without the extra spotlight he'll get there. he should wait until he's older and more mature
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I think he'll end up at Milan, I think it's a bad decision for him to return to Italy, he's better of without the extra spotlight he'll get there. he should wait until he's older and more mature
yeah, i agree with u. an experience abroad is always a good call at his age. and for him especially, i think a couple of years in england would do wonders for his attitude.

besides, while i perfectly understand why any milan fan would love to have mario in his team (well actually any fan in the world would love to have such a player in his team), i just can't see man city selling him..... i mean why would they do that? he's just arrived in england.... he still didn't have time to settle, he just recovered from an injury.... he's played only 6 matches (and not all of them as a starter either).... and yet, in those 6 appearances he already scored 5 goals....
even if mancini would be sacked, i can't really see how a club could possibly want to sell balotelli..... players like balotelli get sold only when THEY decide it's time to move somewhere else.
Hey there said:
I don't understand why Inter fans seem to hate him so much. Is it really because of the attitude or because he admitted he was an AC Milan fan?
his attitude, both on and off the pitch, can be very very irritating and annoying. his time at inter was clearely over..... and even though they probably sold one of the greatests forwards of the next 20 years, and most likely the best offensive player in his entire generation, i do understand why inter decided to let him go.
Zeem said:
There are reports Milan might go for Maccarone to replace Inzaghi. I read he wants to fight for his place but with Miccoli and the new guys, he doesn't have a chance. And how did Juve end up scoring more than Palermo?
yeah maccarone won't have too much playtime here in palermo.... but i got to say he's really improved in the last 2 years. i'd love to keep him in palermo.... but with pastore, ilicic, pinilla, miccoli and hernandez... we clearely have too many players upfront (for our needs i mean)...... and even though any comparison with a LEGEND like pippo would be a blasphemy, i reckon i would be a good call as a backup at milan.
abou said:
Didn't Gaddafi's son receive a doping ban without ever playing for Perugia?
oh yeah, what a legend! :LOL: the man became serie a's laughing stock.... in 2 years in perugia he played 1 single match.... and after that single match he failed a doping test and was found positive for nandrolone.....
1 single match in 2 years, and he still needed a stamina booster??! come on!!! how can u be tired after warming the bench for 2 consecutive years :LOL:
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

lo zio do you think Palermo have 'deliberately' not made that much of an effort in the Europa League to focus on obtaining a CL spot ?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

What happened yesterday was a disaster. Bundesliga will surely pass Serie A now. Now one of Juve,Inter,Milan, and Roma will have to do without the CL money and what comes with it and other teams can dream about it.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Stankovic injured


Coutinho called up for the olympics, gone till Feb....


Inter's 2010/11 season so far...

What happened yesterday was a disaster. Bundesliga will surely pass Serie A now. Now one of Juve,Inter,Milan, and Roma will have to do without the CL money and what comes with it and other teams can dream about it.

It's just pathetic... and I'm not just waking up to the fact because Inter may end up 4th at seasons end, but I've been saying this for months. But this is just embarrassing. No italian side made it out of the group stage... of the EUROPA CUP :LOL:

Whatever. That's fine. Lets see Palermo or Napoli reach 3rd to get that UCL spot. Will never happen. Serie A has really screwed itself here. Watch and see. I don't understand why it is so difficult to take a couple of serie b players on loan to enlarge your squad. Palermo went about it the right way with Maccarone and Pinilla. If only they had got a decent CB and full backs.

Anyway, good news is serie a just got that harder, especially for those of us still in Europe. Can't wait till May 2011, it won't be pretty.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

oh my... please tell me u didn't read my last post on this topic.....tell me u missed it... coz if u did read what i wrote and u still think any palermo\samp\genoa\napoli\udinese\lazio\fiorentina fan would consider this as an embarassment, as something pathetic... then that means i'm really poor at explaining myself in english....
hoping that's not the case, and that u just missed that post i'll link it here.

italian midclass clubs don't care about europa league!!!!
italian midclass clubs don't care about the 4th spot in champions league either!!!!

why would we care about that?? that 4th spot is not ours to take... let's face it, this is serie a, not bundi. in this league there are 4 clubs who are just richer, stronger and more resourceful..... inter, milan, juventus and roma.

the only reason why italian midclass clubs looked like they could have a shot at that 4th place in the last few years is because of calciopoli and milan's new financial strategies. this is a fact, there's just no denying it.
and this situation is also gonna change very soon. juventus is gonna be a top club in just a couple of years... and as for milan, once some heavy and expensive contracts will expire (in the next 12 months) berlusconi's daughter will allow his father to splash big money again.
and in 1 year roma will have a new owner who will be able to splash money on big signings too.
long story short, in 2 years tops, serie a will be back to normal.... and no matter how good the midclass clubs will be, the top clubs will inevitably do better and grab the first 4 spots.

so do u really think midclass clubs would commit themselves to such a useless competition like europa league (actually "useless" doesn't cut it... useless is something that doesn't bring u anything good.... while europa league does something worse than that... it drains money from our balance sheets and compromise our season)..... and for what? to give the top 4 the chance to compete in champions league??!!!..... yeah sure, keep dreaming! palermo looks after palermo.... and so does firoentina and napoli and all the other midclass clubs.... we don't care about "your" 4th spot".

this is your problem (by "your" i mean "top class clubs problem")
we didn't lose that 4th spot in CL... u lost it (calciopoli and berlusconi's daghter are the only ones to blame for that).
we are not going to solve your problems. we don't have the resources to do that. so just get on with it.

u wanna know what would really be pathetic? to get our balance sheets on the red just to be competitive in a competition wich is worth NOTHING!!!! to disrupt our small dressing rooms harmony just to give the top clubs another spot in champion league!! that would be pathetic!!!

this is not about signing 2 or 3 more players, like u said..... u don't line up 2 or 3 players in an europa league match..... this is about signing an entire "b team" !!!!
and not just signing any player from serie b..... u say we did it with pinilla... but the truth is pinilla doesn't represent the average serie b quality..... players like pinilla are gems....
and there's more. pinilla is not a backup. he doesn't see himself as a backup. infact he isn't. pinilla (or any other player as good as him) WOULD NEVER ACCEPT TO BE A BACKUP IN A CLUB LIKE PALERMO!!!!! theese players might accept to be backups in milan or inter or juve or other top clubs.... but that's because over there they would get higher wages.... and also because of the bigger prestige of those clubs....

u make it sound so easy.... "just sign a few more good players"... because u assume directing a club like palermo is just like directing a top club..... that's wrong. there are so many challenges u have to face as a midclass team director... challenges and problems a top club fan isn't even aware of.

we can't afford to have a b team. we can't sign good players and have them as "europa league beackups", as the players themselves wouldn't want to.... (and would cause us problems).
the only players we can sign as backups are the likes of goian or kasami.... and if u think u can face teams like cska or sparta praga with them and have a chance to win, well u're wrong mate.

i understand why u don't realise how much problems europa league gives us... u're a top club fan, your club isn't used to deal with theese problems..... but if u can't realise it even after i explained it to u, then i really have no arguments left to show u what a pain in the ass europa league is for us.:((
albiceleste said:
lo zio do you think Palermo have 'deliberately' not made that much of an effort in the Europa League to focus on obtaining a CL spot ?
well, "deliberately" is a bit of a stretch. i mean no coach or club owner would ever tell his players "let's try and lose theese europe league matches, so we can get out of it as soon as possible"..... even though both of them (the owner and the coach) would prefere not to play in europa league.

the thing is, if u enter the pitch for an europa league match and your main concern is not to win the match but to save your energies, then u're not gonna win, even if u're facing a much weaker team (like, say, lausanne, who plays in swiss 2nd division). :))
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I understand you from an Italian point of view Ben, but seen in a European perspective the attitude of Palermo and other Italian clubs does not make any sense.
Compared to for example AA Gent (who still have a chance to progress in the EL and the only Belgian club still competitive on 3 fronts), Palermo is a very rich club. Gent does not have a b team either...
Belgian clubs consider it an honour to have an half decent run in the EL...there is an air of cynicism in the reasoning of these Italian clubs that i find a pity. And to continue with my example: AA Gent is a club without debts who is currently building a new stadium and who are specialized in finding good unknown foreign players (most recently Bryan Ruiz who now plays for Twente). In short a club not unlike Palermo...
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

it's not about cynism, mate. there are a lot of clubs in other leagues who take europa league in big consideration..... but those clubs don't play in serie a. to get a 5th or a 6th spot in serie a (wich, btw, is worth more money than winning an europa league final) u have to play at your best for the entire season and u have to face better opponents than gent usually does.
i'm sure europa league is for Gent (aswell as it is for many other clubs in europe) an important scenario.... but that's because, with all due respect for belgian league, europa league gives them a bigger stage than their domestic league.... and probably also provides them more money than their domestic league.
that doesn't apply to italian teams. serie a gets much more visibility than europa league, and a good placement is serie a is worth much more money than a glorious europa league campaign.

u can clearely see the situation is very, very different. Gent has good reasons to care about europa league. palermo, juve, samp, fiorentina, lazio, udinese, genoa, napoli, they don't. i'm sure if we would be playing in belgian league, we would value europa league much more than we do....
and in that post i linked before, i also explained why other clubs (eastern europeans, portuguese or germans) put much more effort than we do in europa league.

we can talk all we want about sportmanship, respecting the competition and fair play.
but the truth is, football is about money as much as it is about sport. for years we had stupid club owners, who used to spend more than they could just to chase glory.... and we all know where this approach brought us.
now we have clever club owners. before splashing their money they take a closer look and ask themselves if the game is worth the candle. we should thank them, not call them cynic.... and infact we do thank them, as the midclass clubs fans are 100% with their club owners on this topic.

... and before saying italian clubs don't respect europa league, we should probably ask ourselves does UEFA respects this competition? does uefa cares about europa league and the clubs who play in it?
..... just read that post i linked above..... the answer to those questions is pretty obvious.
and if uefa itself (aswell as the sponsors and tv broadcasters) doesn't care about this competition, then why on earth should we???
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