Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

That's what people were frustrated about, but the thing about Ancelotti's Milan was that it was so hard to break down. Very rare for them to lose by more than a goal, or to lose easily at all. In the last 2 years, we can easily look like losing a game 2-0, 3-0, as if we have no spine. I prefer to have a strong body rather than a strong attack. United are an example of a team that's hard to break down, and look at how consistent they are in terms of preventing losses.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Yes but most of the time United are boring to watch...of course they are the most brilliant counter attacking team since years (maybe ever) but i prefer style over success, which make me a very odd person of course.
Maybe under Sacchi Milan have set down a bench mark that is impossible to live up to: Gullit, Van Basten, Rijkaard, Donadoni, Maldini and that fantastic libero (could you believe it? I forgot his name, the best CB ever after Scirea).
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

United is just the same as Juventus (before 2006) or Mancini's Inter. They do not always play 'beautiful' football, they just win.

But beauty is in the eye of beholder. I love how Juventus and United play but not that Mancini's Inter :-D
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Man Utd played some of the best football in the world during 2006-08. It's a lot more functional these days, I'll agree but you still see glimpses of it, although mainly at Old Trafford.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

personally i think that a well played counter attack strategy can produce very entertaining football. the single most impressive football display i saw in the last 5 years was that 1-0 win man utd got in roma. that was absolutely breathetaking football imo. :WORSHIP: but obviously that depends by our personal tastes.

as for milan, i don't think we should ever use sacchi's milan as a term of comparison. that would be just not fair, as that team was something unique in the history of football.
having said that, Gerd, ancelotti's milan was one of the most beautiful teams to watch over the last 20 years.
however also that milan would be an unfair term of comparison. this milan is a newbie compared to that amazing machine. plus that team had world class players IN THEIR PRIME in pretty much every role (cafu, maldini, nesta, stam, seedorf, pirlo, gattuso, rui costa, kakà, shevchenko, inzaghi), and was coached by one of the very best coaches out there such ancelotti.

this milan is a newborn, it's a mix of aging stars and young hungry players... and it's a mix that has been doing wonders this season. it's obviously no match for ancelotti's milan, but let's give allegri time to build his squad.
gerd said:
A player like Yepes would never be in the first team (or on the bench) in a strong Milan team...The fact that they now miss Ambrosini says it all to me.
ambrosini is a very underrated player mate, and sadly he has been for most of his carreer. he represents for milan what fletcher represents for man utd. theese kind of players might look less flashy then some other stars, but they still are a main asset into a well balanced team.

as for yepes, i don't know if he's underrated, or if he's just having an amazing great form span. but one thing is for sure, ever since he joined milan he turned into a completely different player. his standard performances have been nothing short than awesome... infact that silly sliding tackle he made on lennon was the first time i saw "the old yepes" ever since he was bought by milan.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Ambrosini and Tacchinardi. Both of them are vastly underrated by almost everyone.

Their national team caps also show that.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

You also have to remember that Yepes was free, and was signed as a backup of the backup defenders.

Ben, what I fear most is that we won't establish an identity. We haven't had a real one all season, and if we don't develop one, I really doubt we can become competitive. I think we need a new leader, Ambrosini is often the one, but he's injured and isn't getting younger. Pato is supposed to be this player to spearhead our attack, but it's just not happening right now and I fear for his future.

Man, I really miss Kaka, he was one of the best players I'd ever seen at Milan. He completely changed the way things worked and was taking Serie A by storm until his injuries.

Anyway, as you might've observed over the years, I'm a very pessimistic person. I always expect the worst. But you're right, we are a new team Ben. When Ancelotti took over, he signed players like Pirlo and Seedorf when they weren't that big or just normal players. It took us 1-2 years to become a strong team that ended up winning the CL at Old Trafford.

Gerd - Ambrosini is extremely underrated. I have no idea how he rarely made the Italy squad, but players like Gattuso and Mauri were getting the call ahead of him. Ambrosini is humble and a very clean player who basically accepted his role as a fringe player for most of his career, and is now the people's captain. He's sort of like De Rossi in terms of passion, but a much nicer guy. I bet if he had played against spurs, he'd have been yelling at the players to wake up.

I also disagree about United. I see many resemblances to Milan, and I like this style of play. For me, quality and attractive football is like a science - you work hard to achieve it by planning it. United works as a system, so they achieve their goal - to win. This is what they're paid for and is what makes fans happy. I think Barcelona is the exception to the rule with their style of play and actual achievements.

Mourinho's Inter was actually quite 'boring' to watch, but you had to admire the way the players were working as a unit - it was like a huge machine.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Ambrosini and Tacchinardi. Both of them are vastly underrated by almost everyone.
yep, tacchinardi is another very good call. i would also add cristiano zanetti to that list.

stef, i'm surprised to hear u say u haven't spotted a specific identity in allegri's milan. coz actually i saw something very different from the past years milan, and i consider this allegri's biggest achievement so far.
allegri completely dropped the berlusconian "all guns blazing" approach to give balance to the team. the point is that balance relied mostly on boateng's position on the pitch.... and when he got injured allegri couldn't display his football anymore.

to be honest i'm extremely confident on milan's future, based on what allegri did in his first 6 months as milan coach.

cheer up mate.... afterall how long has been since milan was a serious scudetto contender? u should be delighted by what milan is doing this season :))
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

It was a 2-0 win, Ben. :D

Still though, losing at the San Siro, to a side like Spurs and a manager like Redknapp who has a reputation for being tactically ineffective, is a pretty sad moment in Milan's recent history. Along with Roma's car crash at home to Shakthar, I've lost any credibility I had in defending Serie A. :P

I guess Allegri's inexperience finally caught up with him.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

It was a 2-0 win, Ben. :D

oups :P

anyway italian superior defending school has become a myth today (pretty much like italian team's defensive approach).
till the mid 90's italian defenders were indeed the very best beacuse our school was the best (to be more precise, we actually had a school of defending, unlike others).

but zonal marking changed that. for about 5 years (from 90 to 95) we still manatained our superiority coz our old defense coaches were still working.... but slowly they all retired and the new generation of "teachers" was just not on par with our reputation.

today kids aren't taught how to defend anymore. they're taught how to coordinate their movements, but the real core of defending (man marking) died when the last great teachers of man marking retired. no one teaches how to mark today.
when u compare midclass teams or lowclass teams, italian players still have an edge over english, spanish and german..... but when u consider top class teams and top class cbs, italians don't deserve anymore that superior reputation they had in the past.

however i'll repeat myself... it's was just 1 game and it doesn't really prove anything. i mean italy played on the same level with germany just a few days ago in one of the most sacred temples of german football. an untested team of kids (some of em were playing their 1st\2nd game for italy ever) keeeping up with one of the best national teams out what, should we say that now italy is on par with germany, all of a sudden? that would be preposterous, of course.

as for roma, they have all the excuses in the world, when u think what they're going through... i mean we're talking about a club which has no owner at all!! the players don't even know who to talk with for their contract negotiations.
when u think how bad liverpool did in the first half of the season when a change of ownership was on sight.... that was nothing compared to what roma players are facing right now. roma will keep sinking until the negotiations between unicredit and the upcoming new onwer will be over.... wich should happen in the next month.

good post stef :))
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I have to jump to Ambrosini's defense too! Terrific player! Better than Gattuso yet far less reputable world-wide. People in Milan and many in Italy know his worth but because of Gennaro's involvement in Italian NT, around the world, he's a far bigger name than Massimo but it shouldn't have been that way.

Not that this is a proper comparison anyway because their roles are somewhat different and Gattuso was AMAZING in his prime and one of my fav players.

I do agree that Tacchnicardi and C. Zanetti are generally under-rated as well but I also have to say that for me, Ambrosini is definitely better than both of them!

As for Yepes, he was one of my fav defenders back in his prime when he was playing in Nantes in Ligue 1. He then moved to PSG and had some tough times as well as some good ones before coming to Italy. I like the guy a lot, full of passion, great in the air and for a guy who's very old now and a backup, he's still doing well.

And I don't even think the MISTAKE against Lennon was that big a 'mistake', I mean sure, he messed up but even if he hadn't put the slide tackle, Milan were more or less screwed the moment they lost the ball on a counter-attack to Aaron Lennon like that on the break-away! Nesta himself probably couldn't have done much more either nor any other defender in the world, at that point, you were up against it.

Yepes is 5 years or so past his prime but still a good defender.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Roma deserve a better keeper.

And anyone notice when Pato scored the goal and Ibra came to congratulate, he ran away from him. Allegri needs to end this and I can't help feel Pato is the victim here. He doesn't deserve to be on the bench like that. I hope this isn't some kind of plan to sell him in the summer.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Roma deserve a better keeper.

And anyone notice when Pato scored the goal and Ibra came to congratulate, he ran away from him.
Allegri needs to end this and I can't help feel Pato is the victim here. He doesn't deserve to be on the bench like that. I hope this isn't some kind of plan to sell him in the summer.

hahahaha.... anyone got a clip of this?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I just read that daniele de rossi is a fascist and sympathizes with forza nuova. is this true?
yeah i heard that rumour too years ago, but i have no idea if that's true or not.... and i don't think we will ever know either, because, in italy, being a fascist is something that u want to keep secret... u certainly don't want anyone to know that, if u care about your image and dignity.
you see, outing yourself as a forza nuova sympathizer in italy is pretty much like outing yourself as a paedophile; nobody in his mind would do that, especially a vip like a football player. that would be a reputation-killer. so even if daniele actually were a fascist and a forza nuova sympathizer, he would never say that in public (wich is why i wrote we'll never know for sure). i really hope those rumours are just bullshits.

speaking of roma, i guess yesterday they hit rock bottom. i can't see them sinking any lower than that. ranieri is obviously not to blame..... and to be honest, i can't even blame the players that much...... those fools at unicredit thought a football club was like any other company and they didn't realise they had to find a buyer and close the deal as soon as possible..... this is the inevitable consequence of the bank's mistakes.
having said that, i think that stepping aside was the right thing to do, so respect to ranieri for proving yet another time in his carreer what a true gentleman he is :WORSHIP:
afterall he also made some pretty serious tactical mistakes over the last few weeks, as caressa pointed out yesterday on tv.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

What's wrong with Palermo Ben?
It seems they are in a bad spell at the moment, are there any obvious reasons (Zamparini?)?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

yes, indeed there are some reasons. we're missing both our starting sidebacks and that has a huge impact on our football. people always praise our talented midfielders and offensive players, such as nocerino, pastore, ilicic, miccoli and hernandez, but balzaretti and cassani are just as important as them... actually from a tactical point of view, i'd say they're even more important than the others. and obviously having both of them out for injury, with such a thin squad as ours, becomes a major issue.

sathurday rossi tried a new formation to cope with our problems on the sides. he displayed a 3-4-3.... but one of our wingbacks was a first-time starter (the young garcia) and the other one was nocerino... so u can clearely imagine how that effected our performance.
anyway during the first half we were playing pretty decently....but in the second half garcia (who like i said was playing for the first time in his carreer as a starter) got sent off (for 2 deserved yellow cards). at that point bologna came out strong and with one man less we couldn't contain them anymore.
credit to bologna though. that's a very good team.

however we're still in a pretty confortable position in the table, and theese "ups and downs" are something normal for a midclass club and shouldn't worry that much.....
but obviously when your president is a monumental drama queen (who complains after each and every loss as if we just lost a champions league final), even theese normal ups and downs become something mroe serious.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Roma deserve a better keeper.

And anyone notice when Pato scored the goal and Ibra came to congratulate, he ran away from him. Allegri needs to end this and I can't help feel Pato is the victim here. He doesn't deserve to be on the bench like that. I hope this isn't some kind of plan to sell him in the summer.

Nah don't see it myself, think he scored and was going off and then turned to go to the bench, he put his hand up to liker apologise or say "Don't come near I got my celebration in mind".

Don't think it was anything against Zlatan myself.

Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

yeah i don't see much into that vid either. anyway just a few words about the gattuso incident. rino - 5 matches suspension. flamini - just a yellow card. jordan - not even a word of reproach.
is it me or there's something deeply wrong in this? i mean since when instigation and reaction get different treatement? let's not even mention the most basic law principles, let's just stick to football. 2006 WC final, materazzi provokes zidane, zidane reacts, both get the exact same punishment.

i find what happened very disturbing. because what happened between jordan and gattuso is even worse than what happened between materazzi and zidane. we all know today that materazzi never really insulted zidane.... what he told zizou is just a common vulgar napoletan joke, something absolutely not insulting... and zidane knew it aswell, as he knows italian.... but then again he was tired, frustrated for the result and the pain on his shoulder... he just lost his coolness (wich is understandable) and then blamed it on materazzi, who is a perfect scapegoat (and that's when zidane became pathetic).
anyway if i say "'a soreta" to stef, he's probably gonna start laughing, as he knows that isn't an italian insult to his sister but a napoletano joke..... but if i call him "fottuto bastardo italiano" ("fucking italian bastard")... well i don't think he will be laughing at all.
moreover, what happened in the wc final was something that involved 2 players... and that makes all the difference in the world. the adrenaline that comes with the performance, the frustration that comes with the result, the tiredness that clouds your judgement... theese are all factors to take into account when 2 players have a feud on the pitch.

but that doesn't apply to jordan. nothing could possibly cloud his judgement when he decided to pick on gattuso for an entire half of football. there was no adrenaline involved as he wasn't playing on the pitch.... no frustration either, as his team was doing much better than milan...... a 60 years old man picking on a player as if he was a 14 years old bully, deliberately insulting an opponent to force his reaction.
seriously am i the only one who finds this disgusting? i mean gennaro is half as old as jordan.... infact he could well be jordan's son... he reacted to a reiterated provokation and he had all the adrenaline that comes with 90 minutes of champions league football...... and yet not only he apologised right after the match.... he said he was ashamed by his loss of coolness.
that pathetic scumbag, on the other side, hasn't apologised or shown any sign of remorse for insulting the captain of the opposite team and calling him "fucking italian bastard".

and another very disturbing thing is tottenham's approach to this situation. the club always "steps in" in theese situations. milan, for instance, came out with a statement that they will give up to their right to appeal against this sentence. it's from little things like this that u can measure the class of a club. that was milan's way to apologise and to pubblicly blame gattuso's actions (of course gattuso was also fined by milan).
not only tottenham didn't come out with a pubblic statement, reproaching their own employee's behaviour.... their coach even said to the press "gattuso has always been a good guy. i don't know what pushed him to act this way". LOL, seriously?? u don't know? for crying out loud, jordan was about 1 meter away from u when he was screaming verbal abuse.... at least show some dignity and shut the fuck up!"

and the funniest thing of them all is that in all this tourbillon, nobody cares about flamini's criminal tackle over corluka. that was a potential carreer ender! a deliberate foul, an extremely dangerous foul...... a lot more dangerous than a gentle push with a hand or a fake headbutt. and yet nobody seems to be interested in that.
if flamini would have done that in serie a game, he would have got a 3 matches ban and the first page on every football newspaper the day after.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I want to react.
Before my reaction: i consider myself a fan of Spurs. That does not mean that i always agree with them. I don't like Redknapp.
I know that Jordan systhematically does this in each and every match and even some more knowledeable fans ask themselves what other things Jordan does.
I think Jordan should be punished aswell.

But 5 matches is not too harsh considering what Rino much sympathy as i have for Gattuso.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

yeah, gattuso's punishment sounds pretty fair to me aswell. i mean, regardless the circumstances and the provocations, his reaction was absolutely unacceptable.... even more so when u consider he was also wearing the captain armband.

what i don't accept is this double standard: if u punish gattuso's reaction, then u can't let jordan get away with it. i really don't like the way uefa addressed this situation.
and i also can't push away the very disturbing feeling that if an italian assistant coach would have done what jordan did, he would have NOT gotten away with it (but that's just a feeling of mine, of course).

in the end there's a lesson for gattuso here. next time, either keep your cool and stay classy, or just go chuck norris on that scumbag's face and bite his head off. :P
that fake headbutt gesture was just stupid... it didn't hurt jordan and it damaged gattuso. if jordan's nose would be broken now, maybe he'd think twice before doing that again and next time he would consider the possible consequences of his actions before insulting an opponent.
i know this is a horrible thing to say.... but then again, what else would u expect from an uncivilized italian mafioso like me :D

stef, as for the shit english media have vomited over milan in the last few days, just don't bother. they don't deserve to be taken seriously, therefore u shouldn't feel insulted by their cheap shots.
if anything i find their sheer ignorance and their ludicrous nationalism quite hilarious.
the only thing that bothers me is that theese people make a living out of the shit they write.... but then again, u can't blame them for this. u can't blame martin samuel (for instance) for writing such grotesque, self-indulgent and chauvinistic shit, coz that's just his nature.... and u can't even blame his editor, because if he keeps paying martin samuel, then it means martin samuel's shit "sells". (little question guys: is the third person present tense of the verbe to sell, sells?)
eventually the only people u should hold in comtempt are the ones who actually buy those papers, because samuel is just giveng them what they want..... but then again, are theese people really worth your attention?
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I must say that all these things would spoil and eventual qualification for me...Redknapp is such a bastard of a person.

And by the way; i'm far from sure that Spurs will actually qualify.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

nah, what happened between gattuso and jordan has nothing to do with what tottenham players did on the pitch. and any spurs fan should be nothing but proud of his team's performance.
sure that wasn't the usual milan we get to see, but that still should take nothing away from the spurs. they showed great personality in such an important stadium... against such an opponent.... infact if spurs will go through the next round, i think i'll be rooting for them in champions league :))
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