Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I heard Darmian had a good match. Is he featuring this season?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

It's quite sad what's going on with Samp. I genuinely thought the Cassano-Pazzini attack was going to be like Mancini-Vialli. They really had a project going, but it all fell apart.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Wonder if this is a turning point in the season for Juve. Matri, inevitably, scored against his old club.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

well he scored pretty much against every team in the last 2 seasons, so it was quite predictable. this kid is one to follow very closely. 18 millions are definitely too much for him right now, like zeem pointed out (especially when u think pazzini moved to inter for pretty much the same money)..... but truth to be told, there aren't many better forwards than this guy in serie a right now.... and if he just keeps doing what he's been doing for the last 2 seasons in cagliari, well he'll be well worth those 18 millions!!!

as for this match being juventus' season turning point, to be honest it's not like juve that this horrible season so far.... infact they had a brilliant season up until jannuary (wich was a terrible month for them)... but then again del neri's teams always have troubles in jannuary..... it's probably down to his athletic preparation schedule, just as it happens with zeman and guidolin (who for the first time in his carreer instead, had an amazing jannuary with udinese).

some very nice game this week end. inter-roma was so much fun!! and how about lecce-palermo!!!! lecce played much better than us in the first half (btw very nice team this lecce!!!).... but our second half was an ode to football! miccoli, pastore, hernandez and illicic :WORSHIP:
i'm also very glad to see hernandez back on the pitch. he missed pretty much the entire season so far coz of his injuries...... but yesterday he was finally back and suddenly reminded us why we sold cavani this summer (to hand the starting spot to this gem of a player).
@Zeem: yeah mate darmian had one hell of a game against inter. he came in early as balzaretti got injured and was absolutely awesome.... but it was just 1 single game..... and as amazing as he was last week against inter, he's been nothing more than average in every other game he played this season, so we shouldn't really get too excited about this kid.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Ben, what happened with Miccoli? I heard he got subbed off at half-time because he was so distraught at scoring against his boyhood club.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

playing against lecce is always a very intense feeling for fabrizio, but (at least according to what rossi said after the match), miccoli was just too tired after playing so many consecutive matches in such a short time :))
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

playing against lecce is always a very intense feeling for fabrizio,

Good to read things like that in a world where professional football players too often talk about "the club of their dreams" (cfr. Torres).
I understand that they are in it for the money and if i could earn more i would not hesitate to change club myself (provided i would be a half decent football player of course), but all the talk about "the club of my heart" "or my childhood club"...makes me a litle bit's not very intelligent to say that (but then again most football players have other qualities than intelligence).
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Yeah I even heard his armband at Palermo has the Lecce colors. Might need to check into that but Miccoli is a real class act. About the money thing, Miccoli rejected a triple wage, maybe even more, transfer a year ago to stay.

And is it true Zamparini critisized Rossi's substitutions and called them lucky? wtf is wrong with this guy.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

yeah fabrizio really is a nice guy (although he looks like a chav :P ). also the captain armband thing is true, as u can see here.

he asked if he could have lecce colors on his armband and the club said ok.
there's a very nice relationship between lecce and palermo, as both clubs and supporters groups are "gemellati" (stef what's the proper english translation for "gemellaggio"? and also is there something similar to a gemellaggio between english clubs supporters?).
Zeem said:
And is it true Zamparini critisized Rossi's substitutions and called them lucky? wtf is wrong with this guy.
oh boy :DOH: i haven't heard that, but honestly it wouldn't surprise me if he actually had said something this stupid.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

gemellagio: some sort of officially sealed bond between people or organisations. In Belgium this happens with villages. A village in Belgium has a "gemellagio" (in French: jumelage) with foreign villages in other European countries... (would "brotherhood" be a good English translation?).
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

In case you missed it, here is Amauri's goal:

YouTube - Parma - Fiorentina 1-0 GOL ROVESCIATA AMAURI

I tell you this guy is really motivated to prove his worth for Juve. He had a great match. He scored from that kick, had exactly another one that was close, and hit the post with a header, basically what he has done in 2 years at Juve. :D

And huge international match today. These frendlies seem boring to me but the names called up are too good to miss and this is a big test for the Azzuri.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

For cities the phrase is twinned or twin towns / sister cities, it was big in the 70s and 80s but has fizzled out now.

I don't know of any similar alliances with football fans of different big clubs in England, only really some teams fans hate other clubs less than a major rival. e.g. Arsenal "hate" Fulham less than they hate Tottenham.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I don't know of any similar alliances with football fans of different big clubs in England, only really some teams fans hate other clubs less than a major rival. e.g. Arsenal "hate" Fulham less than they hate Tottenham.

well a gemellaggio is the opposite of a rivalry. when 2 clubs supporters group decide to make a "gemellaggio", it's almost as if they were establishing a treaty of friendship.
as a result of that, whenever those 2 teams meet each others, the "home team" fans wellcome the away team fans with their chants and their banners. and a friendly scarf exchange is a must when 2 gemellati clubs play each others.
it's really a nice, warm and "weirdly" friendly atmoshpere. palermo is gemellato with lecce... napoli is gemellata with genoa instead. another funny thing is that theese gemellaggi also create some diagonal relationships as side effects. for instance, bari supporters can't stand palermo fans, because palermo fans are gemellati with their hated rivals from lecce :P it's part of serie a's folklore.
zeem said:
And huge international match today. These frendlies seem boring to me but the names called up are too good to miss and this is a big test for the Azzuri.
what the f**k!!! we're playing against germany tonight!! i just discovered it after reading your post... i didn't even know there was an international break this week.
and according to il corriere dello sport, we're about to line up a ranocchia-bonucci cb couple..... WOW, are they going to rape us! such a new, young, untested and unexperienced cb couple against germany.... i almost feel for those 2 kids :P

anyway it should be a good one. germany always plays at its best against us, and for us this will be a very good test against a team wich, despite being just a little older than ours, is already much more experienced. this is the kind of teams u wanna play against, if u wanna work on a new project and improve.
i can't help but feeling this is gonna hurt though :P
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

WOW! that was unexpected! :DD
if that's a sign of things to come, i'd say we're on the right track! :))
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

thoughts on Italy-Germany Lo Zio :) The inclusion of Motta (should he really be deployed in front of the defence?), what is the best midfield partnership for italy? What formation should Prandelli opt to use? Bonucci and Ranocchia as the new defence partnership, Chellini on the left, the Cassano-Pazzini partnership, the ineffectual Montolivo (too inconsistent?) and Mauri (does he have enough quality to play at this level)?

By the way, anyone watching Agazzi of Cagliari? No wonder Marchetti has dropped off the face of the earth :LOL:
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

By the way, anyone watching Agazzi of Cagliari? No wonder Marchetti has dropped off the face of the earth :LOL:

I think he'll be the next Sirigu.

Guys - random question - who's your favourite current Serie A manager? (Not allowed to say your club manager)

I think mine has to be Mazzarri. I love his rants on TV, especially when he was at Reggina and Sampdoria. I remember he once had a go at Ilaria D'Amico. I think he completely fits Napoli because he's got a strong personality that completely represents Napoli's passion and style. Hope Napoli go far with him.

Honorary mention is Mario Berretta because for every team he manages, before a game with Milan, he shows his true colours and always praises us :LOL: Even if we win with a dodgy goal, he'll praise us :LOL:
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

yeah i like mazzarri too. nice guy, and a very good coach. my favourite though (other than rossi, of course) would be guidolin. he's truly a great coach and he's doing an amazing job at udine this season. :))

as for italy's game i was very very surprised. a bunch of kids playing against germany in germany's most epic stadium... the stadium where germany only lost once (and we all remember which team beated them in that stadium :COOL: )... u wouldn't expect such composure, such coolness, such striking personality.
ranocchia was absolutely fantastic. he looked like an experienced veteran. i obviously was well aware the kid is a fantastic talent, but i honestly didn't expect such personality from a youngster at his second match ever with italy's national team.... in a game against germany..... in germany!

this is exactly what we needed. some fresh blood, young players with hunger and balls! actually germany is the perfect example of what i'm talking about. what makes them a great team is their personality, their self-confidence.
it's less about talent than it is about confidence and awareness. mind u, i'm not saying germany hasn't talented players... that would be ridiculous.... but they're one of the very best national teams out there today, and yet, when u compare em to the other great national teams (say spain, brazil or argentina), well there is an evident gap in terms of talent and technique and skill.
and like i already said last summer (when germany was on fire and italy was sinking down), when it comes to pure talent and skill, italy too has something more than germany.... actually when it comes to pure talent only spain and argentina have something more than italy.... but then again pure talent is nothing without personality.... that's where germany stands out... and that's what we've been missing for a while (ever since 2006 id's say).
we don't need any more quality... what we needed was gutsy players capable of showing their talent on the big stage.

just think of giovinco. that was his first game ever with the azzurra shirt. he comes in in a tricky moment, when we're 1-1 with germany in dortmund..... he enters the pitch right when we were about to kick a free kick.... and he had the balls to come in and say "hey, i'll take this free kick"... now that's what i'm talking about!!!

and an even better example is the montolivo-aquilani comparison. montolivo has absolutely nothing to envy to aquilani in terms of talent, technique and skill.... but he's a pussy! he's been a ghost for the whole match.... then aquilani comes in and our game completely changed.

that's what we needed. players who aren't just technically gifted, but who are also not afraid to make a bold move and and put their talent to good use. balotelli, cassano, rossi, de rossi, balzaretti, borriello, pazzini, cassani.... theese are the players we needed (and also the ones we should have sent to south africa, but that's a different story).

as for the formation we should play, rfu, i don't know, there are plenty of possible options. prandelli said that this is just the first step and that his goal is to display a 3 men offensive setup (wich seems reasonable, given we have way too many good options upfront line up only 2 players forwards)... let's not forget balotelli is injured and he's gonna be a big part of this project.

as for chiellini on the left, i wasn't really pleased with his performance... i mean, he controlled muller pretty well, but offensively, players like balzaretti and criscito can offer soo much more than him. afterall chiellini was lined up on the left only coz balzaretti is injured.

regarding motta, he didn't play bad, but it was nothing special. anyway i would NEVER pick thiago motta ahead of palombo.... never! not even if thiago motta was actually italian.....
i also hope that, after this performance, we won't ever see montolivo in an azzura shirt again. i'm sick of this spineless sissy... afterall pirlo still remains the most important player in this team (even more than the sidebacks, than de rossi, than all those young forwards).

anyhow, let's not get carried away. this is just a first step in a very long process. prandelli has already done a miracle by making such a change in only a few months, but like prandelli himself said, it's not like we're suddenly as good as germany.
the result only tells half the story. single matches are never a reliable source for judgements.... and in a hypothetical international league, this germany team would end the season way above us.... wich btw is absolutely normal, as they're an already well oiled machine, while we're just getting started.

but after this match, we can certainly say that theese kids definitely have what it takes to wear the azzurra shirt. and that's a great start. :))
oh and btw, u just gotta love prandelli!! :WORSHIP::WORSHIP::WORSHIP:
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Its bound to happen now. I don't know who will replace him though.

I watched the second half of the Fiorentina-Palermo game. Huge impact by Ljajic and Palermo where a bit unlucky. And where the hell is Jovetic? Nobody is bringing him up anymore.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Ballardini maybe ? I hope for Palermo's sake they keep Rossi, but it seems the Chairman in Palermo just wants a placid "yes man" - in which case Ballardini would be perfect, at Lazio he never went against Lotito at all. At least Reja had a bit of clout and stopped Lotito from forcing Ledesma into doing a Pandev style move.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

LOL! that would be impossible though. he's too high profile for a small club like palermo (we couldn't afford his economical requests)..... and at the same time he's nowhere near as good as rossi.

edmundo, don't judge ballardini only by his lazio experience. he's not a "yes man".... infact he resigned in palermo precisely because he couldn't stand zamparini anymore.

btw rossi isn't gonna leave until the end of the season. his cotnract expires in june and i can't see him wanting to renew it (nevermind what zamparini want, rossi is gonna be the one to dump zamparini, not the other way round).
there are some rumours gasperini might take the job in palermo next season (wich would also explain why we're signing so many cbs).
although i do like gasperini a lot, he still remains a promising young coach, who might become what delio rossi already is: a top class coach. and that alone would make such a coach change a step back
no to mention the fact that moving from rossi to gasperini would also mean having to change formation and system once again (gasperini plays a 3 men defensive line) and throwing away all the great work rossi has done here.
and then we also have to consider the most important aspect. yeah from rossi to gasperini wouldn't be THAT bad.... but how long would it last? how long till gasperini aswell will get sick of zamparini's moronic comments.

i gotta be honest, i'm extremely disappointed in zamparini. the man has become italy's laughing stock and for the first time ever since he bought the club, i'm starting to believe we would be better off without him.
he's a great president and, despite his comments, his results prove he actually knows football much better than some might think, but he want stop complaining and bitching everytime we lose a game, undermining his coaches authority and, ultimately, consuming all their patience and bringing them to resign (or not renew the contract). and that makes it impossible to build a long term project here in palermo.

what rossi has done here is absolutely amazing. he built an amazing team, truly one of the most entertaining in europe. this is officially the second youngest team in europe, just after rennes, as u can see here
and yet this bunch of kids became serious champions league contenders in one of the most competitive leagues in europe. we aren't just one of the most entertaining teams to watch in europe... we're consistant, we're actually unbelievably consistant when u think of how young and unexperiencd this team is.. last season we missed the 4th spot just at the very end of the season (and that 5th spot still remains an amazing achievement)... right now we're just 4 points behind the 4th spot.... over the last 2 years we've been kicking the crap out of all the top teams in europe.... both in home and away matches..... and now this idiot is going to destroy the amazing miracle this young team is.
if rossi leaves this summer, i'm not gonna renew my seasonal ticket.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

He was a great coach at Lazio (Rossi) taking the team of average-ish players into the Champions League. This team (in 06/07 and 07/08 had a mixture of older players (Mutarelli, Cribari, Zauri, Sviglia, Peruzzi) and younger players (Mudingayi, Behrami, Pandev, Ledesma) but few real stand out stars. (Yes Pandev and Ledesma became stars over time, but there was no Hérnan Crespo, Vieri, Claudio Lopez, Nesta etc like in the 6-7 years before). It only really went wrong for Rossi when they didnt replace Peruzzi properly. Carizzo came in but didn't have a passport clearance (backroom staff thought he had a EU passport) so stayed at River, they ended up putting Muslera in to early and he had some shockers, then they ended up playing Marco Balotta who was 43 years old and playing in the Champions League - 6 older than Peruzzi who he replaced, and onyl 12 weeks younger than Ballardini (the coach).
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I'm not sure Ben, I'd see Gasperini as a step behind. He's a good manager, but Rossi knows his stuff. To go to the next level, I think Palermo need to look up a little bit more. How awesome would it be if Spalletti quite Zenit in the summer and went to Palermo?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

yeah edmundo, he did a great job in lazio too.... and in also in lecce (before signing with lazio). infact he's been constantly amazing wherever he coached (wich is quite impressive for a coach).

stef, i would consider gasperini a step back aswell... infact i wrote it....
although i do like gasperini a lot, he still remains a promising young coach, who might become what delio rossi already is: a top class coach. and that alone would make such a coach change a step back
but in any case.... gasperini, rossi, spalletti... whoever the coach is, the most important thing to work on a project is stability. and with zamparini stability is an utopia.
like rossi said just a few weeks ago "it takes years to build a project around a football team..... but it takes only 1 single day to destroy that project and throw everything away". :((
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I totally understand your frustration Ben! :RANT:

Zamparini is about to ruin a very good thing!! and that bothers me even as a neutral and NOT a fan of Palermo.

This guy just wants to be involved TOO much in everything and especially in the media. Just shut your mouth, and sit aside and do your job silently. Let the coach do his! :RANT:
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

yep. several palermo ultras groups and some commmon fans wrote an open letter to zamparini. i'm not gonna translate its entire content in here as it would be too long, but the main points are:

- stop criticising your own coach in public. if u have any complaints to do, talk with Rossi in private.

- what the hell are u complaining about anyway! the team is doing great. we're fighting with clubs like juve, roma, udinese for a champions league spot.... what more do u expect the team to do? winning the scudetto??? well in that case u should stop selling our best assets after only 2\3 years.
u can't sell kjaer and then complain about our defence. last season we had 2 top class cbs. this season we have 1 top class cb and a 19 years old kid who is having his first taste of european football. besides munoz is doing wonders and u can't criticize him for 1 single mistake.

- our club has annual incomes for 60 millions euros... that is half of the profits napoli make (nevermind clubs like fiorentina, roma, inter or milan). so u shouldn't be angry coz we let inter make a great comeback. if anything u should be proud we were beating inter 2-0 in milan till half time.

- this is a team full of youngesters, all the players wages add up to 22 millions euros per year, wich is pretty much the same ammount of money barcelona's cbs (alone) get. yet this team's football is pretty much as entertaining as barcelona's football.
if u really expect palermo to attack like guardiola's barcelona and to defend like trapattoni's juventus, then u're simply out of your mind. get a grip and just be grateful for the amazing show u get to watch every week. what rossi is doing is already a miracle.
me in the previous post said:
over the last 2 years we've been kicking the crap out of all the top teams in europe....
i obviously meant to write "in italy". :P
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Well f'n said!!

I hope somebody beats the crap out of Zamparini one of these days! :RANT:

Nothing serious but enough for him to get a rude awakening!
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