Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

That's thrue..i forgot that.
But explained that, it seems that Italian team couldn't care less about the Euro League. I don't understand that.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I think we also have a fitness/training regime that differs from other leagues. We struggle, even the big teams, to cope withe 3 competitions, whereas Spanish, English and German teams are competing in up to 5.

Again, I think a lot of our problems in Europe are down to mentality and culture, subsequently leading to a lack of confidence in our own style. If Udinese, Roma and Napoli were playing in Europe without being so nervous and feeling like they are automatically inferior, the world would be able to see how beautiful and free-flowing they play. We need more managers like Spalletti, Mazzari, Ancelotti and Zeman who can get a team to really feel important and unified.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Yes van Gaal is most certainly very good with youngsters, Gerd, that's true.

He also made a star out of many youngsters in his AZ days. Your Belgian Moussa Dembele being just one.

Thomas Kraft is the name of the young Bayern GK you meant and it's still not certain whether he'll keep his place. There's rumours that Manuel Neuer might become BAyern's new #1 at end of season. Either he'll go there or Man Utd I think. But we'll save that for Bundesliga thread discussion.

As for Italian teams in CL, I don't know what Mourinho said in that video because I don't understand it but I agree with what Milanista is saying about the self-belief. In fact that's where Italian teams could use more Mourinhos. For all the tactical knowledge of the managers, you need somebody who makes the team feel THEY are invincible, THEY are great! THEY are the best. This is what Mourinho does to his teams that self-believe as a unit but also each individual player. Some may call it arrogance, some may call it fake confidence, either way, it works. If you EXPECT things to go will, and you EXPECT to win matches, then more often that not, you will.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

:BOP: Marco Marco Marco Di Vaioooooooooo!!! :BOP:

Still got it! Hunting old club where I thought he never really got a fair and proper extended chance after big move from Parma back when he was in his peak.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Alexis Sanchez...

Just speechless, I feel sorry for Palermo as they have a great team and a great coach. But Udinese were just brilliant today.

Did anyone else see Amauri as well? great to see him score again!
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

They wanted to comeback? It's possible.

Delio Rossi's taking a long look at the pitch at the end of the game. What do you think? Can Zamparini wait till the end of the season?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I think Rossi will get sacked any time soon now. His rant with Zamp was about defending... Palermo have lost 3 in a row and have conceded 10 goals...
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

They wanted to comeback? It's possible.

Delio Rossi's taking a long look at the pitch at the end of the game. What do you think? Can Zamparini wait till the end of the season?

sorry, I meant the attack of udinese of course, my fault. :)
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season


I couldn't believe the result! I checked it on 3 sources just to make sure it really happened! :SHOCK:

Ben, I hope you didn't go to the stadium for this game? :P
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Im really looking forward for lo zios next apparition here. Hope he recovers well from the eventual dehydration problems after this afternoons game. lol

(who am i to talk, juve lost.. :()
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Man.. I gotta see the highlights for this! :LOL:

Was there a red-card or two at least? Because I can't see how you lose 7-0 11 vs. 11 :P

Worst result for Palermo in a long time!!
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Apparently here's what an outraged Zamparini said after the loss:

"Rossi has a one per cent chance of staying on the bench, you can bet on that,"

"The team has been completely destroyed. He ruined my Palermo. Rossi has destroyed this squad.

"I asked the coach to fix the defence and he did not do it. Instead, he took off Ezequiel Munoz, who is the best player in the back line. We cannot play like this.

"I'll think it over tonight and at most tomorrow morning, but I am seriously considering handing the side to the youth team coach.

"I should've kicked Rossi out at Christmas."


He ruined my Palermo! :LOL: that says it all! This guy is the most unprofessional president EVER! To talk about current coach and such a great one like that publicly!

Delio Rossi deserves better. This will be Zamparini s loss not the other way around.

And unfortunately its poor Palermo fans like Ben who will suffer. :(
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

7-0, oh damn :P Palermo has suffered quite the collapse in recent months, from 4th place contenders to 3 losses in a row to a 7-0 hammering :LOL: Poor Rossi. Poor Zamparini :P Blame Di Natale, Sanchez and Guidolin. And that 3-5-2 formation, it deserves a closer, more indepth look I think. since adopting udinese have just steamrolled their way through... speaking on tactics, here's an interesting read I happened upon the other day...

How to Stop Nullify Palermo and their strange 4-3-2-1... Here are some important facts about Palermo.

1. They play a narrow strata(formation with no wingers) 4-3-2-1
2. miccoli likes to drift deep
3. They have great attacking fullbacks(cassani&balzaretti both lead the team in assist)
4. They use 2 trequatistas (illic and pastore)
5. They use 3 ball winners in midfield( good defensively not so much the other way around)
6. They are a counter attacking team

Now we know this information how do we stop Palermo? Formation of choice: 4-2-2-2

How to stifle there counter attack

This is how i would nullify the 4-3-2-1 with the 4-2-2-2 and its quite simple actually. (i will explain how the formations match up and why a high pressing and narrow 4-2-2-2 will beat a 4-3-2-1)
When defending against their counter keep a high line, press high up the pitch, and narrow your width. Explanation This is because palermos formation is really narrow they are naturally forced to play through the middle, because they have no permanent wide players. By pushing up and narrowing my width i have just reduced the space in the middle. When they are trying to attack they will try to go down the middle but they wont have any room to attack down there.

The only way palermo can generate width to get out of thier own half would to have miccoli,illic, or pastore drift into wide areas. This wont be a problem though. Remember you are using a 4-2-2-2 this means you have 4 players back at all times. 2 center backs and 2 defensive midfielders. Even if 2 of palermos 3 attackers did drift wide it wouldnt be a problem because your 2 dms can just drift wide to cover that space. By using the 4-2-2-2 you leave palermo with a 3v4 disadvantage ever time they want to counter attack.

Even though by pinning palermo in their own half with a high line and pressing you should be able to shut down palermos fullbacks well. (Think about it what can a fb do when faced with a high line. He can either pass long, ((we've establish that to be ineffective due to palermos lack of wide outlets and the fact that hitting a long ball down the middle is very hard especially with most teams having the standard 6ft cb who can easily deal with balls in the air)) or he can try dribbling foward and breaking your high defensive line, which really wont happen unless your up against maicon or dani alves)

to deal with the 3 in the middle. When we are defending one of our strikers in the 4-2-2-2 will drop onto palermos deepest midfielders. Than your 2 dms will close down the remaining 2 palermo center midfielders.
Basically we have just completely ruined palermos 2v5 advantage in central midfield! Brilliant lol

Inter adopted the 4-3-2-1 vs Bayern, wasnt able to watch them closely but it seemed that both Stanko and Sniper were rendered ineffective and our fullbacks were busied with Robben and Ribery. I wondered how Palermo made such good use of the formation earlier on the season because the only available width came from the fullbacks (Cassani and Balzaretti) and that could very easily be exploited on a quick counter provided you have a good enough attack/wingers. Also Bacimovic has always been a bit of a liability for me. He does a decent enough covering job, and spread passes well enough although across rather than vertical, but his tackling is shoddy. He's not Muntari bad :PIG: Anyway Udinese have really impressed me, with the type of football they brandish, they're deserving of an even higher place on the table.

Seeing Juve lose in such a manner (to Bologna) infuriates me to no end, Inter have no business losing to such a side, even a draw wouldn't suffice. We've never really dominated Juve as we should've or as we have done Roma. I think they go into derby games with a tougher mental approach than we do. Damn, if only Cordoba were a few feet taller :LOL: Well, at least they're in their rightful place below us on the table.

Now for Milan-Napoli, for obvious reasons I'm routing for Napoli. Is Santacroce back? I swear I saw him vs Catania or did I imagine that? For you neutrals, keep an eye on Paolo Cannavaro, he's doing his thing at the back, shutting suckas down, tough competitor, very impressive, deserves more attention IMO. By the way has Mascara got a game yet? How Catania badly need him.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

this is gonna be the beginning of the final act of this drama. the last nail on zamparini's coffin. he managed to turn everyone against him. not just the ultras but also common fans. the entire city doesn't want him here anymore. the press is litterally making him the laughing stock of serie a. and now even the players are publicly blaming him.
zampa is, by all means, alone now. the general reaction of palermo fans to his "rossi ruined MY palermo" statement leaves no room for misunderstandings and could be epitomised by the words of the leader of one of palermo's ultras groups:
"this is the last straw. as long as this will remain HIS palermo, like zamparini said, it won't be OURS palermo. this ownership has now fatally lost our support. and this is not going to change until he will step back, find a buyer to sell the club and put us out of this misery. he treated the club like his personal toy, he delegitimezed the coach, he put on the players' shoulders a huge ammount of heat and pressure.
he criticised our team manager Walter Sabatini so heavily that, out of frustration, he decided to resign. he undermined our players' confidence. he deprived the coach of any authority whatsoever in the dressing room..... and when the fans begged him to show some common sense and self restrain, he dismissed em and insulted em.
he is the only responsible for this situation. and after putting up with his dramas for years, even palermo fans had enough of him. it's time for him to walk away. maurizio zamparini is not wellcome here anymore and this city doesn't want his name to be associated to this club anymore

i expect to see an half empty stadium from next week till the end of the season.... and that's just because many seasonal ticket holders don't want to waste their money, having already payed. and from next season on, i think palermo stadium will be deserted. that until the club has a new owner (wich realistically won't take less than 1 year).
as for me, i'm definitely not going to the stadium from now on (despite being a seasonal ticket holder).

the palermitani will litterally force zamparini to sell now. it's obviously gonna take some time to find a buyer and negotiate a deal, but believe me, this is what's going to happen. zamparini already realised he's completely cornered. yesterday during the whole game the fans were signing chants against him. after the game, miccoli (who wasn't playing because of an injury) publicly attacked him. and he also pointed out that, being the captain, he wasn't just speaking for himself, but on behalf of the entire squad.

i'm just glad i wasn't at the stadium yesterday (btw Sina, do u remember that thing we were talking about a few weeks ago? well, mission fucking accomplished! :COOL: i did it just yesterday, while palermo was collapsing under udinese's attacks).

rfu, i wouldn't really bother looking for tactical explanation of yesterday's disaster. u can explain a 0-2 loss with wrong tactics. but a 0-7 loss, at home, against a team wich is on your same level... with 2 red carded players. there's only one explanation for this: the players didn't enter the pitch. it was a mental collapse, wich has nothing to do with tactics...... beside i don't really agree with that article u posted. we are definitely not a narrowed team... infact one of palermo's main tactical features is our spread formation and our tendency to use the pitch in all its width.
just to mention a few other wrong assumptions in that article, ilicic is not a trequartista, we don't play counter attacking football and our formation is not a 4-3-2-1.

don't take yesterday's game as an example. cassani is injured, balzaretti was forced to play despite not having recovered from his injury, beacuse his backup (garcia) was suspended.
as a matter of fact we had darmian playing on the right and andelkovic playing as a cb; in case u don't know andelkovic is the backup of the backup of the starter.... there's munoz, then there's goian and the 3rd pick is andelkovic (who is a new signing with only 6 matches with palermo under his belt and even less as a starter).

i also disagree about bacinovic. he's a very good prospect and has done great so far this season. but don't forget that, like many of his teammates, he's just a youngster (21 yo) who is having his first taste of serie a (that's his first season in palermo).
zamparini has vomited so much shit on his own team over the last 2 months that even already established and mature top class players would have cracked under the pressure.... nevermind a bunch of teenagers (i'd like to remind palermo is the 2nd youngest team in europe after rennes).
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Well said!

I hope that happens and am now excited since you're so confident, it will.

Zamparini has done a lot of great things for the club in the past and is a big reason for why they are where they are now and millions of people outside Italy including me and others here are talking about this team.

But all of that is in the past and in recent months and years, he's become an obstacle, an impediment for further success if anything. This team can't get any further with a temperamental eccentric idiot like him as a president.

It's time for him to LEAVE!! I'm joining the protests!! :RANT:
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

If this defeat makes Zamparini leave earlier, then Palermo can consider it a victory...
I hope other Palermitani will do the same thing as Ben (and in 2012 we will see lots of babies born in Palermo...and this not meant to stereotyping Italians, but men...)
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

i'm not quite there Gerd.... but arrangements will be made :P

yeah Sina it's definitely gonna happen... but it's not something that will happen very soon. i guess at least 6 months to push zamparini to find a buyer, and then at least a season to find a potential buyer and close a deal.

also consider that finding a buyer for a small serie a club like palermo is quite difficult.
our visibility is close to zero outside italy, and also our catchment area in italy is pretty small (1 millions fans), compared to other midclass clubs (napoli for instance has 4 millions supporters only in italy).
the figures, the visibility (wich translates to marketing potential) and the fact that (like every other italian club) we don't have a stadium of our own yet.... theese factors sure don't make palermo an appealing investment to a foreign buyer. a tough 1 year and a half awaits palermo supporters imo.

anyway milan-napoli is about to start... this should be interesting :)) honestly i'd be surprised to see napoli winning this one. they lined up several starters in the villareal match thursday (and they sure didn't save their enegergies inb that match!) and lavezzi won't play....
but then again, i also didn't expect udinese to rape us in our home, so what do i know :P
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Hey Ben, how many coaches has Zamparini changed in his time at Palermo? I read a number that was insane and I'm not gonna say it cause it may be exxagerated.

Anyway, nice game Milan-Napoli till now. Jankulovski rolling back the years.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Rossi's press conference was quite sad - the man was in tears and the fans were chanting his name. He clearly loved Palermo as a city, as a fanbase and as a team.... but someone couldn't take it. Very classy guy. Now lets hope Juve don't take him and ruin him.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

what an outstanding class act. he took a flight back to palermo today, precisely to hold this press conference. and he did it only to say thanks to the fans and the people in palermo.

after the udinese game, the entire stadium was abviously booeing the players for that shameful performance (to be precise the fans were in italy we don't "boo", we whistle to show our disapproval to the players). anyway as soon as the match ended the players were heading back to the dressing room, when rossi stopped them.
he told them that walking away like that was disrespectful towards the fans.
apparently he litterally told em, while pointing his finger at the curva " u see that? u hear that? this is what u earned with this performance out there today. and i'm not letting u walk away from your responsibilities like that. now u head back on the pitch, go right in front of the curva and go get what u deserved with your performance today. take responsibility".

that's why the players went back in front of the curva to take their fair share of booes.
and since rossi considered himself as responsible as the players for that poor show, a few seconds later he joined the players in front of the curva too. taking his share of booes was his way to apologise to the fans and ultras for the players' performance.

but since the fans didn't consider him responsible for that horrible performance AT ALL, as soon as he joined the players in front of the curva, they stopped booeing and started applauding him.
the team had just lost 0-7, the fans and the ultras were obviously outraged for such a shameful lack of effort..... and yet, as soon as they saw him standing in front of them, they gave him a standing ovation..... all of em!

he felt he didn't deserve such a manifestation of love, so today he decided to take a plane back to palermo, just to held this press conference and say thank u to palermo fans.
he didn't say a word about zamparini. despite being asked from the journalists how does it feel about zamparini's attacks, criticism and insults, he refused to say a bad word about him, because (his words during the press conference) ".....this is not how i handle theese situations. i already said what i had to say, directly to the people i had to say it. i don't send messages via media, as i believe this is an unappropriate and unclassy way to sort this situations".

now u guys follow serie a from abroad, most of u don't speak italian, and even those who speak italian probably haven't had a chance to hear delio rossi's interviews and press conferences over the last few years.... so u couldn't possibly know what a fantastic human being he is (i'm not talking about the professional\coaching aspect here... i'm talking of him as a Man).
i won't even bother trying to tell u what a great man he is, because honestly i think that the ultras reaction sunday, defines him more than any other story could possibly do. thousands of ultras (who aren't exactly the most classy and civilised among fans usually.... or at least in most cities), ultras disappointed and outraged for such a shameful effort...... yet they could bring themselves to boo him. they actually showed him their gratitude with a standing ovation.

this is the effect delio rossi has on the people who get in touch with him!
God, am i gonna miss him! :((

that flamboyant, narcisist idiot of zamparini should feel proud to have had a chance in his life to associate his name to such a man as delio rossi. i know i would.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Ben, I think Guidolin told the players to basically stop attacking after the 5th or 6th goal. Di Natale also stopped celebrating as he knew that it was getting quite harsh on Palermo.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

yep at halftime guidolin told his players to slow down a bit. a 0-5 was an already more than confortable lead and since palermo players were simply "not in the mental condition to play football", it was unappropriate to keep banging us.
sadly palermo players were so much "not in the mental condition to play" that even in the second half udinese kept scoring without even trying to. it's insane, i know.
Hey Ben, how many coaches has Zamparini changed in his time at Palermo? I read a number that was insane and I'm not gonna say it cause it may be exxagerated.
i just checked on the internet, as they're just too many to remember them all. here u go;
glerean - arrigoni - sonetti - baldini - guidolin - del neri - papadopulo - guidolin (again!) - gobbo - guidolin(3rd time!) - colantuono - guidolin (4th time!) - colantuono (2nd time) - ballardini - zenga - rossi.
that's 16 coaches in 9 years. Cosmi will be our 17th coach.

and hear this: zampa said he hired cosmi coz he's similar to guidolin, and that's the kind of coach he thinks palermo needs right now.
now leaving aside the fact that guidolin and cosmi have absolutely nothing in common, i find it hilarious that zamparini said he's looking for a "guidolin-kinda coach", considering he actually already fired guidolin himself.... 4 times.
this man is a joke.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Hahha yeah, this guy is just f'n insane! I sincerely hope he IS forced to leave Palermo even if it takes a year or more but somehow I'm not as optimistic. :/

Wish I could see a video of the fans starting to applaud Rossi as soon as he appeared in front of players and stop the whistling at end of game? Any links Ben?
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