Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

you right, of course we need to ban all players who had these reactions. I wish Criscito's red card will be a start for a new rule. We all remember Totti's 3-time "fu** you" against Rosetti, where he got only a yellow: in this case you right, ALL must have the same punishment

Yeah it's like the Eduardo dive situation. If UEFA had said over the summer that they plan to stamp out diving and would use video evidence and issue retrospective bans etc then fine.. but they chose one incident and then even admitted they wouldn't be investigating any others and it was a one off!!! This is just plain stupid and unfair. But that's not to say diving is fine, just like insulting referees.... both should be eradicated but in a level and fair way.
here in Italy we already banned Zalayeta, Iliev and Adriano for's time to "extend" our rule to UEFA competitions too. IMO Eduardo cheated and he deserved to be punished.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

you right, of course we need to ban all players who had these reactions. I wish Criscito's red card will be a start for a new rule. We all remember Totti's 3-time "fu** you" against Rosetti, where he got only a yellow: in this case you right, ALL must have the same punishment

yes, that's something we could do, Leo. and as i said before that would probably solve the problem.... it would probably compromise an entire season, coz the players wouldn't change their attitude until the 5th 6th red card, and that means that AT LEAST 5 or 6 matches would be compromised, because of an insult. but if u think the result is worth the trouble, well yes, that might be a good measure.

but are we sure this would also be a "fair measure"? 2 thousands years ago, Cicerone (u english guys might know him as "cicero"), the most famous lawyer in history, said "summum ius, summa iniuria". i'm gonna translate it for those of u (english or italians) who don't speak ancient latin. Cicerone meant to say that the most rigid and strict application of a fair rule can bring the most unfair consequences. that because even if the fact wich implies the application of the law is always the same, the circumstances of each specific case might be different.
and that's why we leave such a large margin of discretion to our referees. because rules must be adapted to each specific situation (and the correct application of the rule isn't always the smartest play neither the fairest decision); therefore we gotta leave the ref a margin of appreciation, so he can judge whether he should or not apply the rule.

that totti situation u brought in gives me the perfect example. let's try to compare it with what criscito did. bot of them said f**k u to the ref.... they should face the same punishment.... but are u sure that would be fair? let's remember what brought totti to insult the ref.

the beginning of the last season... roma was facing one of his most tragic moments in the last 20 years. they couldn't win a game to save their lives, they were totally lost, and they were in the middle of their longest loosing streak in their history.
the pressure was unbearable for the players. our english friends here can't even imagine what i'm talking about, but i'm sure u can. totti and his teammates couldn't get out of their homes, not even to buy a newspaper... u can't go out (ever!) u can't watch tv, and for God's sake, don't even think to turn the radio on, as that would be a suicide! u can just sleep, eat and go to the clubhouse for training session.... hoping sunday u'll win and this situation will finally end.
sunday arrives, and 15 mins to the final whistle, u're not winning the game.... another week of hell is ahead of u.
but suddenly totti get a clean scoring chance... it's pretty much like a penalty, as there's nobody between him and the goalkeeper... he prepares for the shoot and all of a sudden the ref pops out of nowhere and puts himself right on totti's shooting trajectory.....
scoring chance wasted, just a few minutes to the final whistle, and u're already thinking what is expecting u... other 7 days of hell before having another chance to put an end to roma's crisis.
the ref asks sorry, but of course u don't even listen to him... u're so mad u would byte his head off, so who cares about apologises. so, since biting his head off might have serious consequences, u do the next best thing: u say to him a big, fat, loud "vaffanculo" ("f**k you").
he was rude and unpolite, no doubt about it.... but can u really blame him? do u think this is the same as saying fuck u to the ref coz he didn't see someone making a foul on u (like criscito did)?

that's why leaving a margin of discretion to the ref is usually the smart play. of course that also leaves an opening for the (bad) situation Giampaolo mentioned sunday ("top players like totti or gattuso usually get a softer treatment by refs, speaking of insults").

so, all in all, it's a tough call, as there are good reasons to leave the situation as it is right now... aswell as there are good reasons to follow your suggestion.
as u certainly realised i'm not saying your idea isn't a good one. i'm just saying "it will solve this issue, but it will cause a different problem" ;)

gotta run now, next time, i'll spend a few words about the diving issue, as i believe it's a completely different situation, wich can't be addressed with the same instruments (red cards or retroactive bans).:))
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

ok, so, diving. diving is a completely different thing from insulting the referee. Leo's solution (red cards or retroactive bans) could definitely work with swearing.... actually u don't even need retroactive bans (wich is a good thing, as that would be a terrible solution), because insults are very easy to spot for the ref during the game. when u insult somebody, u want that somebody to hear u, so u just say it, out loud, and there's no room for interpretations :DD

but when u dive, u try to make sure the ref DOESN'T notice it. u actually look for the contact and try to make your fall as credible as it can get. now that brings a very heavy consequence.

very often the ref won't be able to notice and punish the dive pronto. this means that other people will have to look at the videos after the game, analyze it and spot the divings attempts.
that would be tragic.
by allowing somebody (the national federations, FIFA, eufa, whoever) to "operate" on a match wich already ended, u open Pandora's box.

even nowadays we witness an enourmous "arguments-ratio" around football matches. there are tv programs which show replays and slow motions, with idiots spending hours analising the plays to discuss about fouls and divings.
it's silly, appalling, and it can also be dangerous as by putting the ref's mistake under the spotlight, u put a lot of pressure on the refs and a lot of "heat" on the fans.
however it's still nothing more than pointless arguments, and they can't effect the result of the match or any others people's decisions..... because there won't be any other decisions. the game is over, there's nothing left to do, so let's just argue like idiots on those things and then let's move on.

but what if the ref calls could be overturned with retrospective decisions. what kind of effect, what kind of pressure those silly shows and the pubblic opinion would have on those on charge of deciding..... what kind of pressure fans could apply by causing troubles (or just by threatening the pubblic opinion with troubles).
here u are. football matches wouldn't be lasting 90 minutes anymore... they would last for weeks... as people all around the nations and the globe would still be talking about questionable calls... but those wouldn't be just pointless words anymore, as they could have an effect on those who have to take a decision.

there's a reason why every law system in the world provides a limited number of appeal. once the supreme court (USA), or the corte di cassazione (italy) or the high court of justice (UK) takes his decision, there's no turning back; no matter what they decide, u got to accept it. and even if they take the wrong decision, u can't try any other appeals.
and u know why? because justice is not the only interest in game. stability is another important interest, that u have to balance with justice.
u can't let situations pending for too much time, coz this can effect other situations, and coz this may have a dangerous impact on pubblic opinion.

and that's exactly the reason why retroactive bans are ALWAYS a disgraceful decision.

besides diving attempts aren't as easy to spot as insults to the ref, as i said earlier. and we got proves of this every week on tv shows. 5, 6, 10 so called "experts" can't reach an agreeement on a single play "that was a foul! - no way that was a clear diving! - u're wrong i tell ya, u're not looking at it from the right angle!"

so what gives u the idea that fifa people or uefa people or FA people or whoever can take an unquestionable decision we will all agree with??

i've been watching that foul on grosso in the italia-australia game (world cup 2006) for years now, and i still can't make up my mind.... i look at it from an angle and it seems a blatant dive... then i look at it from a reverse angle camera, and it looks a foul...

so what shall we do in theese cases? and mind u, that play was the key to italy's victory, so, by questioning the foul, you're also questioning the result (there's no other way to say that)... wich means that a wrong call can make all the difference in the world.

actually let's try to use this situation as an example. italy and france; the world cup finalists. france reached the final thanks to henry's dive against portugal. that's pretty evident. so applying this policy henry should have been banned (and france victory should have been questioned too).
what about italy then? there was a very questionable key moment in italy's path too (grosso's penalty against australia).
assuming we would ban henry (as there's no doubts that was a dive) what should we do with grosso???
coz if u don't do the same to grosso and that was a dive, then u're causing a big discrimination here, wich might well have an effect on the whole tournament.
but if u do ban him, and that turns out to be a real foul, then u're discriminating italy.

and it's not just that. if fifa would consider both of them diving attempts, then both the players should be banned..... but just the players... the results wouldn't be questioned at all....
so what kind of message would fifa send us? italy and france reached the final thanks to referee's mistakes.... they shouldn't be there.... we banned the players but didn't touch the result.
but if what grosso and henry did was unfair and "officially labelled as wrong" by fifa.... how can the result be fair? how can we punish the players and let the teams get away with the consequence of those unfair acts?

retroactive decisions over matches which are already finished can bring potentially disastrous consequences on the competitions themselves.
this is NOT a solution.

diving is a social issue; a cultural issue. and as any other social issue, we can't fight it with repression, but with education. we have to make diving socially unacceptable.. it's not as easy as banning players, but it's the only good solution.

so, long story short, not only eduardo's ban was a ridiculous mistake..... but the original purpose that moved fifa itself was ridiculously wrong.... as u don't eradicate divings by banning players once the match is over.

criscito's situation instead is different. insults to the refs are extremely easy to spot for the ref. there's no need to take retroactive decisions, and there's no chance of discrimiation as the ref can easily identify each and every insult... and he definitely can't mistake an insult for something else :P

that thing we did last season with zalayeta, iliev and adriano, leo, that shows very clearely how stupid this idea is..., 3 bans in an entire season.... u think they were the only players who dived last season? u think we won't see any divings this season, just because of those bans? no way.
have the fans booeing their own players every time the dive.... THAT'll teach em! much better than a ban. ;))
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

have the fans booeing their own players every time the dive.... THAT'll teach em! much better than a ban. ;))

that's simply impossible. lot of fans wants only a thing: victory. (a clear example is Roma fans who now wants Rosella's head, but some years ago they loved them, you already wrote something about it)

IMO you will never see fans going against a our player, but I agree with you: it will be a better solution, but IMO impossible :(
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

sadly leo, u're right. i wouldn't say it's absolutely impossible, but it's so unlikely to happen that it's almost impossible indeed.

thing is that's the only way, as retroactive bans aren't going to solve the problem.... and would actually create more and even bigger problems.

lil off topic:
today i asked a friend about the word "fanboy".... and i was simply shocked by what i was told...... people having arguments over a videogame?!?! Jesus, and i thought the ultras were stupid :CONFUSE:
please guys tell me none of u is involved into this! :P
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

i have the feeling this is gonna be a tough season for both roma and ranieri :(

Abhi said:
Ben, what did you think of Inter's performace/strategy against Barca?

can't really express myself on the tactical plot of the game, as i had guests to attend to, so i couldn't really focus on the match....
but the performance was not bad at all. for the first half inter was in confortable control of the match... then in the second half, barcelona started his show, with a great network of short passes and inter didn't see the ball anymore.

i think it's pretty established that this season barcelona has something more than all the other top teams in europe (inter included).... but i really liked the confidence inter showed... i haven't seen inter playing with this spirit (in champions league) in years.

i have the feeling that, if seriously stressed, barca's defence can crack more easily than it might seem. puyol and abidal left many holes wich could have been fatal to barca, but maicon wasn't in his usual form, so he didn't really take advantage of it.

samuel was simply outstanding. immense performance, even for his world class standards. lucio too was pretty good (and that's his first decent performance so far with inter's shirt... or at least the first decent display i saw).

i think this team would do much better with chivu in the centre (paired with samuel) and santon on the left. and mourinho must find a place for balotelli in the formation as every time he plays he completely changes the shape of the team... inter needs balotelli coz he can offer that "sparkle" they need. nowadays every team that faces inter knows that the biggest threats they have to care about are maicon and snejder. having balotelli in the starting 11 would offer inter another option and would also make the job easier for maicon and snejder.

and lining up lucio along with samuel is just a shame imo. let alone his mistakes, by lining up lucio, mourinho puts chivu on the left (and it's a shame to waste chivu on the left) and santon on the bench. chivu MUST play in the centre and santon MUST play on the left... that kid is just too good not to be a regular starter (especially since they sold maxwell).

however this inter is still a work in progress... 5 new players in the starting 11 (motta, lucio, milito snejder and eto'o) make this team completely different from last season, so it will take some time to see what they can do.... sure they're up to a great start. this was just their 4th or 5th official match... and they were facing barcelona, wich isn't just the best team in europe nowadays, but it's also a team which didn't make drastic changes in the summer. most of the blaugranas have been playing together for years now, they know each others so well they could play blindfolded.....
... and yet, this "new" inter was able to keep up with em pretty well... so, like i said, not bad at all. :))

some very nice games this week. parma-palermo, roma-fiorentina and catania-lazio should interesting...
and napoli-udinese is probably gonna be as great as that genoa-napoli match last week..... i'm really looking foward to it :))
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

zio,i completely agree with you about inter except for chivu: i think that using him on the left was a good decision by that position he limited Messi and Alves,that are the "asse portante"(i don't know how to translate it in english,sorry) of Barça's attack.
The rumanian know what to do in both side and centre and i don't think that Santon could be better than him in such a match
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

:THINK: actually u're right gigi. i didn't consider that, and after reading your post, mourinho's decision perfectly makes sense. :))

then again, by making my santon-chivu-balotelli objection, i wasn't referring specifically to this match. so, even if, for the reason u mentioned, this defensive setup was indeed a good call for the barca match, generally speaking, i still believe inter's ideal defensive line should have chivu on the centre and santon on the left ;)

sure having a defensive line formed by 2 left-footed cbs isn't the smartest play, but samuel and chivu are just so good it almost doesn't matter.:))
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Ben, a question on behalf of my 6 year old son, how is Eto'o doing ?
He was gutted when Eto'o (his favourite player) left Barcelona (his favourite team) for Inter. He cried hot tears...

Now he has an Inter jersey with Eto'o's name on it and he says he has two favourite teams.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

i have the feeling this is gonna be a tough season for both roma and ranieri :(
Indeed. I hear the Roma players haven't even been paid since April :CONFUSE:

but the performance was not bad at all. for the first half inter was in confortable control of the match... then in the second half, barcelona started his show, with a great network of short passes and inter didn't see the ball anymore.

i think it's pretty established that this season barcelona has something more than all the other top teams in europe (inter included).... but i really liked the confidence inter showed... i haven't seen inter playing with this spirit (in champions league) in years.
Bit surprised by this, I was expecting Zio to bash Inter's performance, everyone else has. I definitely think we put in a good display in the first half, keeping the ball well and managing Barca's attacks comfortably. But as time wore on and our midfield tired, Xavi and Toure took control of the match and the rest of the game was basically played in our half. Note if Barca had a more capable striker :LOL: they could've easily scored at least two. It's interesting watching Ibra with Barca, he's surrounded by bigger stars that when he doesn't get the pass he wants when he wants, he doesn't complain or act annoyed :LOL: And it's evident he isn't suited to Barca's passing and movement game, he's hardly involved in the build up play and he doesn't make off-the-ball runs like Eto'o would... Anyway, as lo zio pointed out, Inter is still a work in progress, with 5 new players in the starting line up, there's still plenty to do, but we're getting there.

i think this team would do much better with chivu in the centre (paired with samuel) and santon on the left. and mourinho must find a place for balotelli in the formation as every time he plays he completely changes the shape of the team... inter needs balotelli coz he can offer that "sparkle" they need.
Chivu had a great game vs Barca (and vs France a week earlier, this time as a CB) but he has those moments where he completely loses focus and lets things go by him. Versus Lazio in the Supercoppa when Rocchi breezed by him for example. I really don't trust him as he is unreliable and his work rate is not consistent. That said, he's better than most, but not good enough to start ahead of what we have already. Also he can't head the ball for some reason :RANT: Regarding Super Mario, if Mourinho were to start him, where and how would he play him? He's better coming off the bench and we don't want to risk burn-out, he's still only 19 and he will get plenty of opportunities once Eto'o leaves in January and in the coming years (Milito doesn't have long left, he's already 30). Problem with Santon he's only good when sticks to the left back position and doesn't forage forward to join the attack. IMO he can't both attack and defend in equal measure quite yet, but then it depends on who we're playing. If it were Barca, and he was assigned to Messi then Oh Lord... it would be a long 90 minutes, especially with Muntari playing so awful.

some very nice games this week. parma-palermo, roma-fiorentina and catania-lazio should interesting...
and napoli-udinese is probably gonna be as great as that genoa-napoli match last week..... i'm really looking foward to it :))
Seems like there's a good game every week. Last Sunday it was Genoa-Napoli now Napoli-Udinese i'm sure will be an exciting one, especially with Napoli already under so much pressure.

Ben, a question on behalf of my 6 year old son, how is Eto'o doing ?
He was gutted when Eto'o (his favourite player) left Barcelona (his favourite team) for Inter. He cried hot tears...

Now he has an Inter jersey with Eto'o's name on it and he says he has two favourite teams.
Good man. I was thinking of buying an Eto'o jersey myself. He's not only settled well on the pitch (3 goals in 5 games, tracking back, making runs, holdig up the ball, linking up well with Milito and Sneijder, giving a thumbs for every bad pass directed his way, always postive and smiling throughout) but off the pitch also. He's a key man in the dressing room, working with Balotelli, giving him advice and motivation. He's an unofficial leader of the team, instead of giving his team mates the evil eye and complaining like Ibra, he encourages them. It's early days yet, but he looks to be a great addition to our squad and already he's a very important player (I should also add he's our highest paid player, so he better prove himself or else :RANT: :APPLAUD:)
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Sorry for such a brief response after being absent for so long .... but I agree about Eto'o. I knew that the next team he'd move to would really gain a gem of a striker. His past record is extremely impressive and his determination is crazy - he knew Barca didn't want him yet he still scored many goals and tried really hard. I think he is a better addition to the squad than Ibra was/is.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

rfu said:
Indeed. I hear the Roma players haven't even been paid since April

ouch! bad news if that's true.. it would also explain a lot of things about what happened to roma in the last 2 months.

rfu said:
Bit surprised by this, I was expecting Zio to bash Inter's performance, everyone else has
why should i, mate? i'm no hater. i like inter as any other team. i'm not a big fan of moratti, but that has nothing to do with inter of course (i also can't stand berlusconi, but that sure doesn't mean i don't like milan).
as for ibra's performance, the guy needs some time. he's pretty much the only new addition in that amazing clockwork barca is. i agree eto'ò was more useful than ibra... and i also agree ibra could never play eto'o's role better than eto'ò himself.... but we're still talking about a world class player who is extremely versatile, so i'm sure he'll eventually find the way to interpretate "his role" in barcelona.

rfu said:
Chivu had a great game vs Barca (and vs France a week earlier, this time as a CB) but he has those moments where he completely loses focus and lets things go by him. Versus Lazio in the Supercoppa when Rocchi breezed by him for example. I really don't trust him as he is unreliable and his work rate is not consistent. That said, he's better than most, but not good enough to start ahead of what we have already
man, rocchi has "breezed" several world class defenders in his carreer ;) i'm a bit surprised by your post anyhow, as i never found him unreliable (and sure, compared to lucio, he's more reliable than a swiss clock imo :P ).
btw it seems to me that u'd rather leave lucio in his place on the centre and chivu on the left, am i right?

as for balotelli, u're right, finding a place for him in the starting formation isn't easy at all... i get headache just to think about it. however the game is worth the candle, imo. balotelli is the kind of player who likes to put his "role rival" (the opponent's left back or right back) on his target and go looking for 1 on 1 situations.... this is the kind of players u need, especially in champions league matches, as they can break the balance of the game and create numeric advantage situations (wich is extremely important). u already have maicon doing this job.... thing is the opponents already know it, so they tend to provide a very strong coverage over their own left flank.
but u can't double more than 2 markings at the same time, so having both balotelli and maicon in the starting formation would be great for inter.
i admit it would be a tough challenge to put balotelli in the starting formation without compromising the balance of the team.... but having 3 monsters like cambiasso, zanetti and motta i think they can cope.
as for the age factor, i usually agree with not putting too much pressure on youngsters's shoulders... and having them gradually getting more and more playtime.... afterall that's the italian way. but balotelli is different... he has so much personality (actually if he has a problem that is having too much personality :P ) he can handle the pressure. i'm actually starting to believe that giving him more responsaibilities is the best way to keep him quiet (that's what mancini used to do and balotelli never caused any troubles during mancini's era).

rfu said:
Problem with Santon he's only good when sticks to the left back position and doesn't forage forward to join the attack. IMO he can't both attack and defend in equal measure quite yet, but then it depends on who we're playing. If it were Barca, and he was assigned to Messi then Oh Lord... it would be a long 90 minutes, especially with Muntari playing so awful.

i disagree with that mate. i think i has the skill to defend and to attack (and boy, he sure has the personality and the confidence to do it!!). the thing is he's still too lightweight to properly handle the entire flank just by himself. afterall he's just 18 and his phisique still has to grow a lot.
edit: oops, i just noticed u wrote he can't both attack and defend in equal measure quite yet..... wich makes me understand u probably share my view. :))

as for the barca match, as i said earlier, i didn't thought about the offensive threats coming from barca's right side, so yes, probably lining up chivu as a starter was a good call.
anyhow don't underestimate the kid. messi is a world class player, but if i remember well, last season ronaldo had a very tough day trying to go past him ;)

rfu said:
Seems like there's a good game every week.
it's more like 3 good game (at least) every week and 1 great game ;)

Gerd, concerning eto'o's performances so far... i'll just let eto'o speak for himself...
YouTube - Inter - Parma Gol Eto'o
that was just last week :WORSHIP::WORSHIP::WORSHIP::WORSHIP:

he already scored 2 goals in his first 3 matches with inter. and given his amazing curriculum, i believe he might keep this ratio.

world class player, great professional attitude inside and outside the pitch.... and after hearing his interviews, i can tell he must be a very nice person too.

stef, it's been a while!
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Defensively Inter were the man. Lucio had a decent performance and Samuel was a beast. He was flying to get each ball and gave Barca defense one hell of a tough time. As for Chivu, well he might not be as good attacking as Santon but defensivley he is much more solid. He gave Messi a real hard time. Messi had trouble getting past him and had to pass the ball back to Xavi in the center. He gave Inter the plus needed to stop the attacking trio in Barca and I think it would have been a different result if Santon started. But it is really sad to see him benched. When he entered did he play as a left midfielder?

As for attack, Inter had a good first half but the second one there was no attack. I remember seeing Eto'o on the half way line trying to dribble and failing. Sure the new trio needs time especially Sneijder. I am really waiting to see how this trio will work in the CL cause when you play with 2 striker up ahead you expect them to go wide and this might be hard for them taking into consideration they used to be strikers and the center of attention at their teams. I remember Ancelotti playing with 2 strikers in Serie A and then switching to Xmas tree in CL. That is why I am afraid if Pato gets injured and end up seeing Ronaldinho behind Huntelaar and Borriello. I think it wwould be a disaster since both have no sense of dribbling unlike Milito and Eto'o.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Diamanti just scored on his debut for West Ham. He's not been in the game much so far and the goal was a penalty.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Diamanti just scored on his debut for West Ham. He's not been in the game much so far and the goal was a penalty.

that's gonna hurt ernestito :ANX:

anyhow diamanti might be gone, but boy, that candreva is really something special. i can see why everybody was raving about him so much.

btw am i the only one who is starting to believe buffon is not human? Jesus, the things he's done in the last 2 weeks are just above human limits. tonite especially he was even more unreal than last week :SHOCK:
lucarelli was funny. appearently, after one of those ridiculous saves, he screamed to gigi "damn it! that's not possible! U are not possible!" :LOL:
it must have been quite frustrating indeed
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

that's gonna hurt ernestito :ANX:

anyhow diamanti might be gone, but boy, that candreva is really something special. i can see why everybody was raving about him so much.

btw am i the only one who is starting to believe buffon is not human? Jesus, the things he's done in the last 2 weeks are just above human limits. tonite especially he was even more unreal than last week :SHOCK:
lucarelli was funny. appearently, after one of those ridiculous saves, he screamed to gigi "damn it! that's not possible! U are not possible!" :LOL:
it must have been quite frustrating indeed

I was so happy to see Buffon make those super saves he use to always do. He struggled last season but that was also because of the terrible defense. I think both Grosso and Grygera had a very good game. At the beginning I was quite agitated by Camoranesi but he later redeemed himself with some fantastic movement and assists.

But how about that boy Marchisio... :COOL:
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

btw am i the only one who is starting to believe buffon is not human? Jesus, the things he's done in the last 2 weeks are just above human limits. tonite especially he was even more unreal than last week :SHOCK:


I can't believe Italians didn't give him this nickname!!
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

I think Leo's Milan is slowly growing. He's managing to get something out of half a team.

Storari - 8
Favalli - 6.5
Abate - 7
Nesta- 7 - Thank the lord for this human being.

Gattuso - 5.5
Ambrosini - 7
Seedorf - 7.5
Pirlo - 6

Pato - 6
Huntelaar - 6.5
Inzaghi - 6 - Ate a goal

Leonardo - 7
We dominated and played well, but we just CAN'T score goals.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Is Gazzetta right? Is there a real possibility of Cassano playing in the Nazionale? Don't if Lippi's ego would cope..
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Cassano is just getting better every match in every aspect from when he joined Samp... every human being should feel obliged to call him up. It just depends if it's about Lippi not being convinced or other issues... which would probably not change :)

Oh boy, I loved Marchisio. Didn't have a great opinion of him 'till now, but also didn't watch Juve a lot lately :( the goal itself didn't count much, I've just seen him ALWAYS running, and keeping focus 'till the end of the match. Of course I should praise Buffon even more, but I'll let it pass by :P

Though, I'd really like to see Giovinco do one of his great performances... I miss them really much.

Anyone, I'd like to hear your impressions on a few VERY promising (imho) youngsters (I'll pass on on Santon and Candreva which are already quite renown): Guido Marilungo, Silvano Raggio Garibaldi, Stephan El Shaarawi, Lorenzo Ariaudo, Vincenzo Fiorillo, Cristian Pasquato, Fabio Sciacca.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Fiorillo has been very unlucky when he starts. His last few games were full of mistakes that have costed Samp stupid goals. Marilungo was very promising and even scored a bunch last season ... if I'm not mistaken he also scored a hat trick towards the end too.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Oh, I wasn't talking about what they did in Serie A... I wanted to share impressions on them :P I feel they will very likely all become next stars in football. Well, maybe not all of them, but some will ;)
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